ScorpioDarkArachnoid8's Profile

Joined: Feb 08, 2019

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Overall Rating

Another amazing issue. I like the team-up idea. And the camaraderie between Carol and her half-sister.

This was a good issue. And fleshes out Quoi's motive for the invasion.

This one really hits it out of the park.


The effects of the war is felt here. You can read it if you want to have a fun reading time.

This was really effective. It kinda fleshes out how fragile the alliance is and how Captain America and gang is dead-set on saving people. The artwork could've been better.

A great story arc came to an end. The artwork was okay and the pacing was good to keep invested and also understand what's going on.

It is fast-paced but fun. The emotions could've been toned down other than that I'm excited for the next.

An amazing issue with a splendid artwork and Wolverine just gets meatier by day.

This was really good, the art was really grim and dark. The plot was simple yet solid.

This issue was amazing. Broiling tensions and the Outlawed effects were felt here. Return of an old enemy. I'm excited for the next issue.

This issue was a little slow but it is justified. It is setting up a new arc and also closing out some. I liked how they dealt with hatred here. Magik looks splendid and Glob was heartfelt.

This issue was amazing. The panels are so colourful yet beautifully contrasts of what is going on in it. Harley Quinn was badass. The whole interaction between Batman and Alfred, the voice in his head, was heartfelt.

This was really new yet not that new. It still takes some from the previous arc and molds a new story. Thompson did a great job and the artwork was top-notch.

This issue really questions if you either like the truth or a lie. I really liked the horrific artwork with a story that really has depth if you dig deep enough.

We're close to the finale as things are heating up. The story is going smoothly and pretty well-paced. Excited at how it'll end. The Thing shined in this issue as well Black Panther. R.I.P. Chadwick, you'll be missed.

It's a good issue although the addition of Hordeculture wasn't to my liking. The strife between the Genosha mutant zombies and The Cotati was well done. Magik is amazing in this issue.

Tom Taylor knows how to spin an excellent tale from ordinary events. The amazing artwork also works.

This was amazing. Although Robin was being a D, he was still not wrong. The art was amazing and the plot was good. I just hoped Batman would have greater involvement.

A great arc. I dig its art and the characters involved, also the situations happening. It will be really interesting to know that if it's all illusion or real, because there's a creeping vibe.

Really amazing. The dark atmosphere, the excellent artwork partnered with a simple yet solid plot. This issue is a bop.

A good tie-in to the Joker War which leads to the previous issue of Nightwing. It's from Red Hood's view and I liked it. The art was A class.

This issue was really fun and had a good twist at the end. I dig the art style and characters in it.

It surely shows the impact of the Joker's War, and the artwork and simple storyline is good. All in all you can read it.

This was one hell of an epic issue. High emotions and great artwork enamored with a good storyline. The ending was the cherry.

The shock ending and the question of was it the right decision keeps on swaying around in this issue. The artwork is amazing and it was good end of a well done arc.

It is really getting interesting. Chaos is going to boil, I can feel it. The tension is there in this well-written issue. It's amazing how Spencer made Sins-Eater shine in this issue.

It's filled with sluggish pace but Barbara holds her own. The twist at the end is intriguing.

It's a simple plot done well. Nothing complicated. It's played safe but seeing Superman and Batman working through the consequences of the DC world is really a breath of fresh or should I say grimy air.

2020 iWolverine #1 Aug 27, 2020

It really has nothing to do with the 2020 Iron Man event going on. But you can get it for a little fun and good artwork. Still recommend that you steer clear if you think that it's a proper tie-in.

The only downfall might be it's slow and sluggish pace and complicated layers. Other than that, it's good.

It has still something desire for... But an attractive artwork, and the cameo of Tony Stark really sets you up for what is about to happen. Aero is my one of my favorite female superhero so yeah this review is a lil biased.

Captain Marvel (2019) #18 Aug 26, 2020
Empyre: Avengers #0 Aug 26, 2020
Empyre: Fantastic Four #0 Aug 26, 2020
Empyre #1 Aug 26, 2020
Empyre #2 Aug 26, 2020
Empyre #3 Aug 26, 2020
Empyre #4 Aug 26, 2020
Empyre: Avengers #1 Aug 26, 2020
Empyre: Captain America #1 Aug 26, 2020
Empyre: X-Men #1 Aug 26, 2020

This was all-out fun than anything. I love how Wolverine and Spider-Man are added to it since #21. It really has something to be desired for, I don't have any complaints.

Lords Of Empyre: Emperor Hulkling #1 Aug 26, 2020

It really deepens the tone it is set on and how war can affect both sides. I like the distinction between Mantis and her son. And a clear fact that, Swordsman's delusional mind affected Quoi.

X-Men (2019) #10 Aug 26, 2020

I was hoping Batman would be set free of this torture but... Sigh. And what is this Child Batman? But no complain given, because execution, the artwork is quite great. The story though feels ridiculous but is rather great. I'm still excited for the next issues.

Tensions run high on this issue. The Sanctuary nightmare is still not over and it pulls out another victim known as Gotham Girl, who's now the antagonist on this one. Batman and Flash crossover is going well, the tension is palpable between them. The story is simple and though the art looks awesome, it doesn't save the rather compulsive story. But our heroes, in this case, Batman is one to do mistake. Thus making him human.

This Batman issue, the series as a whole, looks great, feels haunting and you just get chills by simply thinking of the issues that are to come. The ambience is done excellent. The Grim Knight and The Batman Who Laughs are spine-chilling.

Peeking into Jon Kent's life without his father to overshadow is a treat. Clark and Lois craving interest in their kid's life is great. It shows that they too can be like a normal family. Jor-El though, could use some cheer up. The story seems pretty simple but it's picking up layers as you go.

Not that exciting or intense. But it does its part. Creating a world which invokes fear. The characters are a little off. Mother Blood is a worthy villain but you have seen this type of villain archetype already.

DC hits a home run with this one. Charming, Quirky, Close to the teen world. The artwork is done well. You have to get your hands on it.

Not the best, but good in parts. The art style is off and is not that impressive. The story is a tad confusing but still keeps you on edge. Kraven should have been more fierce. Peter's exceptional love May is done well.

This New Avengers are unconventional and was unexpected for me. It was much fun, especially where Hulk intimidates the others, Rocket's antics, Hawkeye's swag, and many more. The story is a deep turn shining light on some of our Greek gods in a fictional way. It's amazing to say the least.

No matter who you are, it's heartbreaking to see our favourite heroes cry. Wonder Woman crying is just devastating, it made me feel devastated. But there is so much going in the now, that you might forget about it. Humans chaining up goddesses is a great metaphor if you can see it. Jesus Merino's artwork is up to notch. It compliments Wilson's above par story, which is in turn, hard to swallow and will put lump in your throat at the end.

Carnero, thank you for making the best looking Carol Danvers. She looks like a dream, acts with a strength and her grace is awesome. The villain is and could be a representation of how women were seen at those days, maybe even now. The story is getting a lot amazing. And put in my two all-time favourite women of Marvel, Captain Marvel and Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew), this might be my most favourite comic issue I've read so far this week.

The X-Men, Hawkeye, Wolverine teams up with Mysterio!? Hmm... This is interesting. Sign me up. But can you feel the foreboding mystery that this all might be Mysterio's illusion. Might be. The art though could use some work, but it doesn't take away the excitement of the story.

A great touch of teen perplexes are given. The story is thick and well-versed in this issue. I'm looking forward to Riri's adventures.

A great 5 years anniversary celebrated well. The story is kept short and relatable in places, and the artwork is done excellent. I think the phrase "Too many cooks spoils the broth" is overrated. Lastly, thanks for celebrating the love of friendship.

Not the best but seeing Gwen struggling with the aftermath of the Spider-Geddon, school, being a superhero... Is kind of heartfelt. It makes them human. Although, I could have used a greater villain than John Jameson. And when did superhero started to reveal their identities.

Heartwarming it is. The Father-son equation was messed up but thanks to the writer for the "I'm proud of you, son" trope. Loki is all up to his games. All-in-all this issue greater than fair but lesser than excellent

The right amount of mystery in this comics keeps you on your feet. Although you might know what has happened, the writers keeps you excited for what is about to come.

It's fun, it's tense and packed with cool moments. The ending to the comic surely packs big surprises ahead.

This is one of the best I've read so far. Miles's and Brawn's wish will have a backdraw. You're just too horrified how it will be.

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