BoosterFett's Profile

Joined: Jun 07, 2019

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Heroes In Crisis #9

Jun 7, 2019

So this was a thing that didn't happen. Or it did? The narrative by Tom King was convoluted and complicated yet completely simply to follow. The deconstruction of Wally West would be interesting to watch, if it didn't completely come out of left field to sell some comics. And the main reason I bought into this series, Booster Gold, was a complete let down. Do you even understand who these characters are, Mr. King? Booster has made a lot of progress, both emotionally and as a hero, over the time since his stint in the weekly 52 series and Booster Gold Volume 2, yet here in this series he is relegated to a moron again. While I loved the Bwa-ha-ha days, even there Booster showed more character development than Tom King would even care to consider. I'm sure he only read 2 issues and watched his appearances on Justice League Action. Even forgetting about Booster for a minute, Tom King glosses over the whole story he was trying to tell and nothing really gets accomplished. To me, it was a waste of Clay Mann's beautiful artwork and the time it took to read it.

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