vivek's Profile

Joined: Dec 01, 2020

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Batman / Catwoman (2020) #1 Dec 1, 2020
Catwoman (2018) #25 Dec 11, 2020
Catwoman (2018) #26 Dec 11, 2020
Catwoman (2018) #27 Dec 11, 2020

Ram V's Catwoman run is one of the best ongoing title now. it was a great (not as the previous as trying to connect future state) issue but the overall was good. Father Valley look interesting with poison ivy scene in the final and built-up march issue. looking forward to the next issue which I look likes also feature Riddler.

Catwoman (2018) #31 May 18, 2021
Catwoman (2018) #34 Aug 18, 2021
Catwoman (2018) Annual: 2021 Jul 1, 2021
Future State (2021): Swamp Thing #1 Jan 5, 2021

I know this book was going to be amazing because I have following through Ram V's Catwoman Run, but I was not prepared for the fusion of Ram V and otto Schmidt, it was just amazing. it was one hell of a train robbery, I was surprised, shocked at every turn. by far my favourite future state book along with swamp thing and both were by Ram V at one point Selina talks about batman to Chesire, but Ram V focuses on the story rather than Selina being obsessed with the death of batman, which was a good move.

Ram V is on Fire, he gave two best Future State title Catwoman and Swamp thing, this whole was stunning, wish I could give a spoiler, just amazing and the ending was a bit heart-touching and hopeful, I really wish it was 6 issue mini-series this would have been great. I am really looking forward to his Swamp thing Series from March.

This issue was great, well almost anything Ram put out there is turn out to be great. A better version of Selina after bruce Death is shown than King, Ram's Selina wants to continue Bruce's Legacy and want to be a hero like him (while tom king turn Selina into a murderer after bruce's death) this issue has a lot of great moment and Action Sequence Ram give every character a moment to shine whether its onomatopoeia, Cheshire cat, strays or Talia or Batman and Art were just on next level and some of the better BatCat moment I have seen in quite a long time.

Hawkman (2018) #1 Dec 11, 2020
Hawkman (2018) #2 Dec 11, 2020
Hawkman (2018) #3 Dec 11, 2020
Hawkman (2018) #4 Dec 11, 2020
Hawkman (2018) #5 Dec 11, 2020
Hawkman (2018) #6 Dec 11, 2020
Hawkman (2018) #7 Dec 11, 2020
Hawkman (2018) #8 Dec 11, 2020
Hawkman (2018) #9 Dec 11, 2020
Hawkman (2018) #10 Dec 11, 2020
Hawkman (2018) #11 Dec 11, 2020
Hawkman (2018) #12 Dec 11, 2020
Hawkman (2018) #13 Dec 11, 2020
Hawkman (2018) #14 Dec 11, 2020
Hawkman (2018) #15 Dec 11, 2020
Hawkman (2018) #16 Dec 11, 2020
Hawkman (2018) #17 Dec 11, 2020
Hawkman (2018) #18 Dec 11, 2020
Catwoman (2018) #29 Mar 16, 2021

Finally, after a couple of issues of Catwoman without Catwoman, we get to see her again. And I hope after Fear State is over we get to see the new team of Clayface, croc, Cheshire, knockout, firefly team lead by Catwoman. Also, I feel like art, where Selia and Valley fought, was drawn in a hurry.

Swamp Thing (2021) #1 Jul 21, 2021
Swamp Thing (2021) #3 Jul 21, 2021
Swamp Thing (2021) #4 Jul 21, 2021

even though it takes a pause from the main story, I want to see the progress of the story but it was good, and the main story will continue from the next issue. It was a character-driven story where Catwoman's Past was explained characters like Shoe,maggie. Catwoman did not appear in this issue though. but does not mean it was bad.

9.5 for the Ram V story which is great especially issue 25,26,27,28 and issue 14,15 is good too. 8.5 for Sean murphy story (issue 23,24) 7.5 for PAULA SEVENBERGEN story (issue 22) I would highly recommend reading it especially for Ram V's run

Ok, I am not much in WW comic so I was not expecting much, but this completely surprises me, I like this version of WW, this book was fun and exciting,art was amazing totally loved this issue.

Swamp Thing (2021) #2 Jul 21, 2021

I liked most every part, I have no problem understanding the timeline like others, except the portrayal of Selina which I did not like at all.

WOW, this is the better Nightwing Content I have seen in quite a long time. I like that Nightwing is Leader of Resistance and we got to see resistance too. And the team-up between Batman and Nightwing was fun too.

Future State (2021): Wonder Woman #2 Feb 3, 2021

initially, I did not think would be excited about this. After reading this, I will look forward to the future comic that DC has to offer.

Swamp Thing (2021) #5 Jul 21, 2021
Batman / Catwoman (2020) #3 Feb 18, 2021
Future State (2021): Nightwing #1 Jan 20, 2021
Batman (2016) #106 Mar 4, 2021

I would have given this issue 8.5 if the art were clear.

Batman (2016) #104 Dec 1, 2020

why was she crying? did she finally get fucked by Bruce and could not forget it?

now what black Adam is a good guy and shazam is a bad guy.

Nightwing (2016) #76 Dec 15, 2020
Nightwing (2016) #77 Dec 15, 2020
Batman (2016) #105 Dec 15, 2020
Nightwing (2016) #82 Jul 20, 2021

1) Art is not for me, although better than the previous issue. 2) Story, so this issue tells me this, that magistrate is Dumb that he hire crazy people like Harley(who will probably(100 %) betray them) to use her intelligence to catch criminals. Even though if the magistrate has to hire then other better-qualified (likes of Hugo Strange and Jeremiah Arkham) do not exist, how did the magistrate manage to rule Gotham?

Punchline (2020) #1 Dec 17, 2020

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