pakistanireviewer's Profile

Joined: Jan 30, 2022

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Incredible Hulk (1999) #4 Jun 27, 2022
Incredible Hulk (1999) #6 Jun 28, 2022

I am not familiar with these characters. This is why, this issue was so, so, so much boring for me! why does it exists??

average. Was here for the hulk. But he just showed up in the last page.

I haven't seen, this horrible art, in ANY MARVEL COMIC! I'm not making this up. The art is truly horrible. Cap's shield throw, iron man's eyes, Misty and paladin's fight and the faces,, Every panel was just Horrible. The artist doesn't even know how to sink the art with the situation in the story. Although the storyline was good, but execution does matter.

The artstyle is much better than the last issue but the story, Ufff! I seriously don't know what's the problem with this comic. If the story's good then the art is bad, and if the art is good, Then there has to be bad story!

Incredible Hulk (2011) #5 Jun 27, 2022
Incredible Hulk (2011) #6 Jun 27, 2022

Why does humbug always has a bad fate? No one was ever good to him in H4H and he was killed by Shang I don't know when he was revived but in this issue. He's gain showed as the bad guy. Show the guy some respect. Now coming at the art which was fantastic! All the panels are well drawn especially the Venom ones.

Venom: Lethal Protector (2022) #2 Jun 15, 2022

It's just plain boring. I don't find any aspect to it that interesting. Previous issue had the badass Korg moments but this issue stands above some flashy panels which do not cover up for the boring writing.

Overall a little fun, and a useless issue.

As always, the writing was mediocore but the art was good in the second half. But I jut don't get anymore invested in that mystery. Why was it there? Why did it existed. That one boring mystery didn't contributed ANY GOOD in this world!

This issue was MUCH better than the last. Still nothing great. I was not that interested in those back stories. I didn't understand that kid with the hoody. What was his problem? He left his parents saying this the last time they'll meet. Overall a bad but better than the last issue.

Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #4 Apr 24, 2022
Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #7 Apr 24, 2022

After reading it's WWH tie-ins I thought out, why don't give it a read from the start. And here I am with it's first issue review. It was a fun experience but the art,, ugh. It's so cheap looking, disgusting and BAD. This type of artstyle makes it clear how much the artist cared about the comic. The artist would be like: Just a team of young jerks playing around, What's the big deal? After the art, we now come to the concept and story. It's a simple concept of low tier heroes wo are getting payed. Nothin great, nothing new. Readers have read the same thing in 90's heroes for hire. As for the characters, they're as simple as the concept/story. All in all, a fun read. Nothing ground-breaking.

Incredible Hulk (1999) #3 Jun 27, 2022
Incredible Hulk (1999) #5 Jun 27, 2022
Incredible Hulk (2011) #2 Jun 25, 2022
Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #2 Apr 24, 2022
Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #3 Apr 24, 2022
Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #6 Apr 24, 2022

A good issue with okayish humor but shold have been more serious. for example, the scene where peter and spidey are becoming ONE again. Should have been more dramatic. Seemed like Ryan was trying hard to make it dramatic but Nick's humorously written lines just wouldn't let him. Now talking about the art, the colors were fantastic. Character designs were sometimes, not that good, but, OKAYISH. Overall: a good but not great issue.

I Just read it for John's amazing art. And here he's also doing great! The colors are bright and colorful which suits a Spider-man comic. The end was a shock and a disappointment for many. Not for me because I have very little experience in Spidey comics. So MJ dumping is new for me and a good twist.

good start. I was impressed.

A breath in fresh air after those horrible past issues. Well written and well drawn. It was average.

Heroes for Hire (2006) #5 Jun 3, 2022

So this issue was pointless. We see Shang and Tarantula getting along but nothing else significant happened in this issue. Just a little laughs here and there.

When I read WWH event tie-ins of this comic series, I thought to give this a shot from the start and when I started reading it, I was confused with HUMBUG. Considering what he was in WWH tie-ins. He was it's polar opposites in the first issues of H4H and now, finally I know what happened to him.

An interesting team of new and young heroes.

Heroes for Hire (2006) #14 Jun 1, 2022

good but not great. why is it so overrated!?

Incredible Hulk (1999) #1 Jun 27, 2022
Incredible Hulk (1999) #2 Jun 27, 2022
Incredible Hulk (2011) #4 Jun 25, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #8 Jun 12, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #19 Jun 20, 2022

Now I started reading it for the hulk and I'm not an Iron Man fan so couldn't quite enjoy this. Even the Hulkbuster vs Iron Man fight was poorly drawn. Well I can't ignore the AWESOME HULK CHARACTER DESIGN!

I just read it after the enjoyable WWH tie-in issue because I liked it. This was the reason I couldn't understand who were those characters? What is going on? But even then, I liked it. Will definetly read this comic from the start.

The issue started out not that interesting but got enjoyable after a few pages. I am really liking the artstyle. The writing's strong and gives a really good cliffhanger to boost the excitement for the next issue. Most pages have a panel at the end which gets th readers excited. Another well written issue.

The first half was well written and well drawn. I really enjoyed it, until I read the second half. Why was it there? I just couldn't understand why was it created. There's a common thinking in the mind of people from west that,, you know, those common STEREOTYPES which aren't true at all! There's a guy from india who at gun point says to johny not to perform any stunts in their conyon. If they showed this on the modern time, Then people from india would be enraged but since in the 1970's there weren't many comicbook in readers readers in india so they showed it. This was the thing I didn't like in the second half and it's itself a boring second half.

Ms. Marvel (2014) #3 Jun 8, 2022

The korg moments, hulk vs ironman fight, those were good. The rest is just BORING. but you can read it for some badass korg moments.

The writing's getting good but the artsyle is so bad.

Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #1 Apr 24, 2022

started getting on track after some boring issues. the last panels were great.

Finally some good art and the plot was as always good.

Heroes for Hire (2006) #7 Jun 5, 2022

A really love the artstyle is amazing!

This is my second time reading these H4H event tie-ins to WWH and on the first time I didn't read the second half but in the second half I did. The second story is way too much boring and am glad it ended. If taking about our main story, then it's pretty good.

Hulk (2021) #2 Jun 3, 2022

A really good issue with alot of action and creative speech bubbles.

A fun issue

Incredible Hulk (2011) #1 Jun 25, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #5 Jun 9, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #13 Jun 12, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #18 Jun 12, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #20 Jun 13, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #21 Jun 13, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #24 Jun 13, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #25 Jun 13, 2022

The art's good. I really like Hulk's character design in this issue. Fits in with the tone of this issue. Now I'm no Antman fan. Was just following the event.

Amazingly written origin! I have become a fan of this legend from now on. It knows how to make audience feel for Johny Blaze. We feel sympathetic for him. It succeeds to make us care for him, the trauma, the pain and agony he suffers, FELT real to me! How can I forget the art? It's fantastic. The colors are like an of the old Marvel comic from 60's or 70's but the detailing on the art caught my attention. Sometimes the art creeped me out. Definetly my favorite marvel origin issue.

good writing.

World War Hulk: Front Line #6 Jun 13, 2022

Cover art's good. I mean hulk's face, It's great! The issue is enjoyable for the it's action. I feel like Maccy shouldn't have treated hulk like that. He was at first talking to him calmly but still. What he was saying was wrong. He was saying downright NO to hulk in response to every thing hulk said which will obviously piss him off!

Civil War II #0 Apr 26, 2022

great. electra explaining matt to get him in controll was great!

the whole issue was action packed. throughout the issue I was entertained but those action scenes had no value to me. It's because first of all I'm no ghost rider fan. In fact, this issue was an introduction to me of Johny blaze. The second, It wasn't the thing I was looking for. I was looking for the world breaker, which appeared at last. Now this is how you hype a hulk fan!

I am enjoying this team of young street-level heroes.

Never imagined a fun loving comic like this will end in this type of a heart wrenching and amazingly written way. It had drama and a little bit traumatizing an sad panels like humbug's death. I am looking forward to watch these heroes together more.

Hulk (2008) #1 Aug 24, 2022
Hulk (2021) #3 Aug 20, 2022

What an issue. Pathetically long but so good. Loved Wolverine and Bruce's convo at the end.

Incredible Hulk (1999) #9 Jun 28, 2022
Incredible Hulk (1999) #10 Jul 5, 2022
Incredible Hulk (1999) #11 Jul 5, 2022

a good issue man. I don't like the face of the hulk in the cover but still the whole issue's good. starting to hate Leonard. He's a jerk.

Incredible Hulk (2011) #3 Jun 25, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #2 Jun 8, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #6 Jun 12, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #7 Jun 12, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #11 Jun 12, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #17 Jun 12, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #22 Jun 13, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #26 Jun 13, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #29 Jun 13, 2022

Correct representation of Pakistani culture. Really good art.

Superman (2016) #11 Jun 4, 2022

Good art . Good writing.

Finally, some hulk action! Was starving for it since the first issue. I AM NOT INTERESTED IN THESE SHITY CHARACTERS! I want the HULK! And this issue gives us that. I loved the strategy and about that end,,, It was good but predictible. I mean, I guess, Hulk has a healing factor. I am predicting that his healing factor would keep him alive.

Loved hulk's characterization. My heart felt so much relief and I got so much happy at that: I'm sorry about your boy. I just love Hulk.

World War Hulk: X-Men #2 Apr 25, 2022

A great fight in the end with an amazing artstyle! I really liked it. The whole action's good but it's no GREAT type of an issue, but deffinetly a GOOD one.

This issue was a fun read. I really enjoyed the coordination between those heroes and we knew How OP some of the characters. That girl was killing Elloe and that boy knocked out korg. A must read because of it's fun loving nature but not essential to the core WWH story.

great action! I enjoyed every single panel of the issue because it was very well drawn. Hulk's dark green color was awesome! But the end was kinda frustrating for me. It raised the question in my mind that who would've won the battle between the real ghost rider and World breaker hulk but that never happened. I don't know a thing about Ghost rider that who this guy is. But if he was capable of destroying the hulk, this issue shouldn't have ever happened. Why would you show a character who can defeat the hulk and then showing that he doesn't wanna fight. It's clearly plot armor.

Giant Size Hulk (2006) #1 Aug 20, 2022

The start of this issue was good. Then it became boring. Until the highlight of this issue. When it again became interesting. HULK VS HERCULES! The art was fantastic and reading a fight between these two is itself a plessure.

Another amazing issue of the incredible hulk comic book. The art's good as always. The writing is also good.

Injustice: Gods Among Us #1 Jun 8, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #10 Jun 12, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #12 Jun 12, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #14 Jun 12, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #15 Jun 12, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #23 Jun 13, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #27 Jun 13, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #28 Jun 13, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #30 Jun 18, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #31 Jun 18, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #33 Jun 18, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #34 Jun 20, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #36 Jun 20, 2022

People indicating it one of the best WWH tie-in issues. I would say, the rest were also not that bad. I liked The incredible hulk #106-107, Ghost rider #12-13, WWH: x-men and more. This was an addition to those enjoyable WWH issues.

Ms. Marvel (2014) #2 Jun 8, 2022

This issue was amazing! Ariel's artsyle was great and the final fight was just awesome!

the colors were old looking but cool. I really like Jennifer supporting his cousin. I was shocked to see that some Warbound is talking to hulk calmly and arguing with him. You know it's shocking cuz it's hulk and I haven't read planet hulk storyline so don't really know those characters hulk is listening to but it makes me happy that hulk is not tearing them apart but talking to them calmly lie Heroim.

What an amazing issue! What can be more shocking than a celestial armor? Hulk has always been my favorite hero and I really like when he gets the respect, care or importance. This is the reason why I loved WWH event in which our beloved green goliath was like aa KING, PEOPLE FEARED HIM! In this issue, watching Tony scream for the Hulk not to go to the portal or he'll die, reading that made me feel how tony cared for him. Sorry for forgetting the biggest highlight of this issue. ART! GORGEOUS! The color for hulk was so good looking and all the action was even more great! So much excited for the next issue. Gonna read soon.

Injustice: Gods Among Us #3 Jun 9, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #4 Jun 9, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #16 Jun 12, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #32 Jun 18, 2022
Injustice: Gods Among Us #35 Jun 20, 2022
Superman (2016) #10 Jun 4, 2022

The colors were a little bit bad. wouldn't it be better if the monster who fought the heroes was yellow or brown instead of dark pink? well the colors aside, we have more and more amazingly written lines. the speech bubbles of tony and reed fighting in the arena were painful. I'm loving it! weaker than the last issue but still enjoyable.

THIS WAS EPIC! I was beyond excited while reading this issue! Just who doesn't want to see debate between Rick Jones and Amadeus Cho? The action was also so amazingly drawn. On some panels I thought that it exceeds John Romita Jr's drawing in terms to quality. I loved the action, The team work of Amadeus, Angel, Hercules and Namora. I really liked the panels where hulk pushes everyone away and says: It's not about me kid. It was because The army was shooting misiles towards the hulk and hulk just saved them. And how can I forget the panel of Amadeus saving War bounds with his big brain!? I wanna talk about every panel here but I just have to read the next chapter because that creepy ending has got me excited.

A good start. The end where hulk stands above iron man is great! I love Rosita's artstyle. The way hulk is shown is absolutely badass!

Really liking it.

absolutely amazing! ross is badass to fight the hulk being a punny human. He gave a good fight, but lost. Obviously he's the world breaker and ross can't just beat him up with his Adamantium bullets. The dailouges are well written. A treat for HULK fans.

World War Hulk #5 Apr 12, 2022



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