Salut's Profile

Joined: Aug 10, 2022

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #12 Mar 28, 2023
Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #13 Mar 28, 2023

Between this and the DCeased conclusion (the OG was fine), Taylor's Elseworlds have gotten pretty terrible. What an absolutetly spineless, terrible series. This is probably one of the most generic Elseworld stories in quite some time, Taylor is ripping himself *and* other JL stories (like the animated JL opening) only in medieval cosplay. Which would be so bad if the characters weren't at their most generic, if the villains were more interesting than the msot regurgitated JL baddies, if we hadn't spend 9 issues setting up a conflict just to toss it aside for the most clichéd "we must put aside our differences to fight a common threat" third act plot, if dialogue weren't terrible...

Detective Comics (2016) #1069 Mar 28, 2023
Detective Comics (2016) #1070 Mar 28, 2023
Stargirl: The Lost Children #3 Mar 28, 2023
Unstoppable Doom Patrol (2023) #1 Mar 28, 2023
Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #11 Feb 3, 2023
Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #9 Feb 3, 2023
Detective Comics (2016) #1068 Feb 3, 2023
Scarlet Witch (2023) #2 Feb 3, 2023
Detective Comics (2016) #1067 Dec 27, 2022

This book doesn't quite know what it wants to be anymore and the use of the DC Universe as its backdrop already feels somewhat stale (and this is jsut the second arc). David's arc feels quite rushed, almost immediately after we've met him and we're given a very barebones motivation for his anger, Joekr comes in and he's revealed to be an established character that hated the Joker. Feels too cheap.

Stargirl: The Lost Children #2 Dec 25, 2022
Detective Comics (2016) Annual: 2022 Nov 29, 2022
Human Target (2021) #8 Nov 29, 2022
Human Target (2021) #9 Nov 29, 2022
Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #8 Nov 17, 2022
Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #9 Nov 16, 2022
Flash (2016) #788 Nov 16, 2022
DCeased: War of the Undead Gods #2 Oct 7, 2022
Detective Comics (2016) #1062 Aug 25, 2022

After a very strong first issue, the writing here felt considerably more pedestrian. The story seems to be heading into a somewhat more "normal" and predictable (and much less interesting) direction and the aesthetic elements feel also very forced. What happened? The first issue seemed to be juggling its different elements so well, but in here it's like they don't mesh at all and the gothic elements are here "just because".

This issue fell very short of expectations because it discarded the story that was being built up until this moment. Instead of an interesting clash between Superman, who was supposedly much more powerful and this dangerous from all the time he was in the sun and his son, we see the problem being solved without any kind of difficult and the narration still has the gall to try to pretend something exciting is happening. This wouldn't be a problem if the rest of the series hadn't presented the zombie Superman as a formidable threat waiting to happen. You can't just ignore such an important plot point (that the readership is invested in, IT WAS EVEN THE CLIMAX OF THE FIRST SERIES!) because it destroys the trust in your story and lets me think you're playing with "anything goes" rules. Beyond that, the choices for the zombies aren't very itneresting either. SUre "Zombie Gods" is the thing that sounds cool on paper, but in practice they don't behave much different from other superpowered zombies in this series, with the minus that our characters don't have a personal connection to any of them.

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