Kevin Rossi's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Watch Reviews: 256
8.1Avg. Review Rating

Batman/Superman: Worlds Finest #31 contains the same level of excitement and fun as many of its previous issues. Mark Waid continues to show that he always has something up his sleeve and trusts whatever creative team is on the book. Worlds Finest is easily one of the best books on shelves today.

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John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America has been an absolute blast and dream come true for readers. Spurrier and Campbell have reached near perfection as a follow-up to their first Hellblazer series. Every issue has delivered on all fronts and John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America #9 is no different. The series has rode the line of feeling completely contemporary while already feeling like a classic.

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Overall, Batman and Robin #13 stuck the landing for what Joshua Williamson set out to accomplish. This arc in particular found a fine balance between fun action and more serious concepts like trauma and closure. Juan Ferreyra did a lot of the heavy lifting for readers, and it just goes to show the trust Williamson put in Ferreyra because another artist on this arc might have been less effective.

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Absolute Power #3 is a masterclass in action and pacing thanks to Waid and Moras chemistry as a creative team. This issue is nearly nonstop in action and keeps raising the stakes page after page. This issue has maintained the exciting momentum that the previous two issues started and is leading readers to a fantastic climax in the next issue. It will be interesting to see how Absolute Power leads into DCs next big projects.

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Batman/Superman: Worlds Finest #30 takes on the interesting challenge of depicting the first adventure of the Trinity. With so many actual years of history with these characters, it is a nearly impossible task to please everyone, but Waid and company do an excellent job. This issue packs in the elements that readers expect out of the Trinity without overreaching. In the end, this is a fun one-off adventure that doesnt rewrite history or change continuity. Fans of this series will have a blast with this issue and wish it was stretched out to two or more issues just so they can spend some more time with the Trinity.

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Batman and Robin #12 is a special issue and surely a highlight of the series. Williamson has put so much care into this series and it will be a shame to see him leave, but he also set the stage for many more great issues focusing on Batman and Robin. With this issue in particular, even if readers havent been following this series, the parts with Alfred and Damian are worth it.

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This is an incredibly exciting time in the DC Universe and Mark Waid and Dan Mora continue to be an unstoppable force of creative brilliance. The addition of both Alejandro Sanchez and Ariana Maher elevates the writing and art to really sell the idea that this is the start of something big.

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John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America just keeps getting better and better. Issue #7 checks all of the boxes of what makes a good Hellblazer book and then some. This was a dialogue-heavy issue with a lot of moving pieces but between the pacing, visuals, and lettering, there isnt a wasted inch of this book. Now an eleven-issue series, John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America is just about as good as it gets in comics.

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Batman/Superman: Worlds Finest #29 is a solid end to this arc that sticks the landing. It seems that Mora and Bonvillain will not be on the book for the foreseeable future, so this also reads as an excellent sendoff for the two artists. Their work has been nothing short of outstanding thus far but this issue easily is a 10 out of 10 for art and coloring. With a new arc on the way with a new artist, there is a lot to look forward to. The end of this issue hints at Wonder Woman appearing in the next arc, and one cant go wrong with Wonder Woman, Batman, and Superman written by Mark Waid.

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Batman and Robin #11 is a breath of fresh air for this series and has the makings of a fun and memorable arc. It feels that the series has found its footing with this issue and it also marks a great time to jump in.

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Absolute Power #1 is a fantastic first issue to this event and efficiently sets the scene, reveals the stakes, and raises questions. Waid does many interesting things with the execution of Wallers plan and essentially makes every hero the most vulnerable they have been in years. There's plenty of action that one would expect from a big summer event, but it also covers some fascinating concepts that are happening in the real world at the same time.

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Overall, Absolute Power: Ground Zero #1 is an engaging and exciting introduction to Wallers plan and the Absolute Power event as a whole. The three sections in this issue give readers an excellent look at what to expect with the main title and tie-ins but also does an incredible job of depicting just how far Waller is willing to go.

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Overall, Batman/Superman: Worlds Finest #28 is a rollercoaster of an issue but thanks to Waids writing and the talent of the rest of the team, this issue hits all of the beats of a fantastic issue. Both Mora and Mercer wrangle the larger-than-life ideas into something understandable and followable with the help of Bonvillains stunning colors. Batman/Superman: Worlds Finest #28 has something for everyone and is a perfect example of why this is one of the best series currently on shelves.

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Batman and Robin #10 does an excellent job wrapping the current story up while not feeling rushed. Williamson has done a great job giving readers fun Batman and Robin stories while still revisiting elements from the Robin series. While all of the art in this issue is fantastic, the contrast between the two artists styles is quite distracting and at times feels like two different books. However, this issue leaves the series in a good place and readers should be excited for what Williamson is planning for the next arc.

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Overall, Wolverine #50 is a triumphant end to Percy's run and Wolverine in the Krakoa era. It is also a great example of Wolverine's versatility in storytelling.

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John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America #5 takes a bit of a detour from the main story but takes the time to remind readers of the major themes the series has been covering. An anthology issue can take a bit of steam out of the main story or seem forced as a way to give the creative team a break but here it feels like the opportunity to cover more ground in a meaningful way. Series like John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America dont come around often and this issue shouldnt be missed.

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Batman and Robin #9 is a fun read with exciting action and great art. Joshua Williamson continues to develop Damian well, and it seems like he's enjoying doing it. It's great to see Nikola ?imeija and Rex Lokus back. Tone-wise, both artistic duos are excellent at what they do. The series hasnt been hurt by not having a consistent creative team. Both ?imeija and Di Meo both capture essential feelings and styles required by the story that is unfolding.

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Overall, Sabretooth War has struggled with pacing issues. It has been hard to know what is important and what isnt without a clear voice guiding the narrative. Wolverine #49 leaves readers off where hopefully issue #50 will begin with Wolverine facing Sabretooth and Bad Seed. Hopefully, Benjamin Percy has something up his sleeve and can finish his run strong. The past few Wolverine events havent been the strongest despite being one of the longest-running series of this era.

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Wolverine #48 feels familiar with many of the previous issues in The Sabretooth War, with Wolverine and company preparing to face Sabretooth, but there are a lot of fun elements that make it worth it. She wasnt covered in the main review, but Lauras participation in this issue and the previous one have been a lot of fun and leaves the feeling that this event should have had the Wolverine Family front and center. There are two more issues to go, so there is still time.

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Overall, Batman/Superman: Worlds Finest #26 is a fun and boisterous issue that does an excellent job incorporating Imps to Worlds Finest. Mark Waid continues to knock it out of the park along with Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, and Steve Wands. This series hasnt disappointed yet and shows no signs of doing so anytime soon.

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John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America continues to knock it out of the park with issue #4. This series needs to be read whether it is now or when it is eventually collected, but preferably now. There needs to be more books like this on shelves, especially from the Big Two. Spurrier, Campbell, Bellaire, and Bidikar are doing important things with this series and readers need to take notice.

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Wolverine #46 has some of the best that "The Sabretooth War" has to offer. A lot has happened and been introduced since part one way back in Wolverine #41, but the big picture is starting to become clear as Wolverine and Sabretooth are finally face to face and Sabretooths plans are a little more clear.

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John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America #3 is an absolute must-read issue whether it is digital or physical. This series is exactly what DC Black Label was started for. Spurrier masterfully weaves themes from T.S. Eliots The Waste Land with the storied mythology from the pages of Hellblazer and Sandman. The work the creative team is doing here is simultaneously timeless and more relevant and important than ever.

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Wolverine #45 takes its time but by the end, Wolverine is finally on Krakoa face-to-face with Sabretooth. While it isnt quite what was expected, it does leave on a promising note. This issue marks the halfway point for the Sabretooth War, so there is still time to pay off on some promises and stick the landing.

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Batman and Robin #7 is a solid issue and seems to have found its footing in the last few issues. Williamson is putting a lot of effort into growing Damian as a character as well as the father/son relationship between Damian and Bruce.

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Overall, Wolverine #44 is a Wolverine-centric issue that delivers some fun action, and heavy moments and sets things up for the next issue in an interesting way. This issue also does a fairly good job explaining where we currently are storywise and is a great opportunity for readers to get caught up to speed whether they are new to the event or didnt follow along with the related titles the last few years.

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Now that readers have had the chance to read both The Six Fingers #1 and The One Hand #1 which was released earlier this month, they have a better idea of just what the creative teams are doing here. The Six Fingers #1 gives readers a different look at Neo Novena and of course a different look at The One Hand Killer. Overall, both series give readers a fascinating mystery and an interesting world worth checking out.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer - Dead in America #2 is packed with incredible dialogue and visuals and a climax that will have readers lingering on every panel to take it all in. It is only two issues into the series so this is a great time to jump in for readers that may have been waiting to read. The entire creative team is doing something wonderful and brilliantly takes the reader on a magical, horrifying, psychedelic trip.

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Overall, Batman/Superman: Worlds Finest #24 sticks the landing by concluding the Return to Kingdom Come arc. Mark Waid is having a blast with almost 25 issues under his belt and no sign of slowing down. His work with Dan Mora and Tamra Bonvillain is some of the best work to come out of DC in recent years with Batman/Superman: Worlds Finest being the best-looking book on shelves.

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Wolverine #43 takes a moment to catch its breath and expand on Sabretooths motives and thought process while setting up some interesting things, especially with The Exiles. Despite being nearly Wolverine-free, the flashbacks were a lot of fun and it gives the creative team a chance to set up whats to come. The issue ends with a literal treasure map, so Wolverine #44 should be a lot of fun.

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Batman and Robin #6 is an absolute blast to read with some fun action and fantastic art. Joshua Williamson continues to deliver great character development for Bruce and Damian and he seems to be having a blast doing so. Nikola ?imeija and Rex Lokus were such a great addition to the series and would be such a great fit moving forward, but it will be good to have Simone Di Meo back next issue.

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The One Hand #1 is a fantastic first issue from start to finish. The creative team is doing something great here and readers should be excited. Readers may notice that there is a companion series that will coincide with The One Hand. The Six Fingers will release later this month, written by Dan Watters and art by Sumit Kumar with Lee Loughridge, Aditya Bidikar, and Tom Muller continuing from The One Hand. Both writers are two of the best writers working in comics today, so this feels pretty special. Readers are in for something great.

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We are only two issues in but everything about Sabretooth War works so far. Issue #41 did an excellent job setting things up, especially the tone of the event, and issue #42 brought the action and violence to the next level. Huge Wolverine-based events are nothing new, but the inclusion of LaValle as half of the driving force behind the story ensures that this feels bigger than something like X Lives and Deaths of Wolverine. Regardless of where this goes, the creative team is pulling all the stops and giving us one of the best-looking Wolverine stories in a long time.

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Overall, all four stories in Batman / Superman: World's Finest 2024 Annual are a lot of fun and a great opportunity to flesh out the world. Readers are lucky to get more of this universe but the lack of the Mark Waid and Dan Mora pairing from the main series is missed and a major selling point. Content-wise, other than a small glimpse in IMPeriled and minor references, Batman / Superman: World's Finest 2024 Annual is Batman and Superman free. However, the lack of Batman and Superman does not take away from the fine quality of these stories. They were all incredibly enjoyable with fantastic art and a great opportunity to build this world up and out.

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Overall, Batman and Robin 2024 Annual is a natural extension of the great work Williamson has done on the series so far. Both Bruce and Damian are in the woods and far from the city, so in a way, they are out of their element. The art does a good job conveying this, but this creative team pairing is much better suited for stories involving these characters in costume and in the city. In the end, Bruce and Damians relationship comes first and shines which is exactly what Williamson is trying to do.

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While Miracleman: The Silver Age certainly feels like a triumph, the scattered release schedule diminished the grandness of it. The story of Miracleman and the world he has created is epic by definition, but maintaining momentum is so important when reading. To smoothly follow along, some readers had to go back and read previous issues to job their memory. The series is 100% a must-read but reading as one collection might be the best way to go to fully grasp what Gaiman and Buckingham are doing here.

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Batman/Superman: Worlds Finest #23 is a visual feast for readers and easily one of the best books on shelves today. Waid has treated the series like a love letter to Batman and Superman and shows that a love for the characters and their history informs great stories. The same can be said about the art. Mora and Bonvillain are an absolute dream team and putting out work that feels like what all superhero comics should strive for.

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While John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America is technically a continuation of Spurrier and Campbells run, this issue works as a fantastic debut for readers who may have missed the boat in 2019. Some elements carried over from the previous volumes but this new series works in ideas from the original Sandman run which adds a new layer to this current era. The creative team is giving readers something special. Bidikars lettering is fantastic and adds little touches that nail the nuances of Spurriers script while Bellaire brings Campbells art to new levels. While things might not be looking good for John, it is a great time to be a reader of John Constantine, Hellblazer.

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Wolverine #41 successfully kicks off Sabretooth War, the new ten-part event that will conclude in Wolverine #50. Books with creative teams of this size can sometimes suffer from pacing or consistency issues, but the entire creative team here has delivered something that feels completely well executed. Something else that is impressive is how much story there is in just 28 pages. Events of this size often start with a longer issue but the talent and synergy of the creative team collectively knocks it out of the park.

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From aquatic-based suits to Bruce in a polo and shorts carrying two stacks of pancakes, Williamson is doing an admirable and effective job adding dimension to Damian as a character by giving him a true childhood. The cherry on top is that it is Bruce that really wants it for his son. Readers that have been missing a book focusing on just the adventures of Batman and Robin are in for a treat with this series. Readers get exactly what's promised: Batman and Robin thanks to Williamson putting great care into the relationship between father and son.

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The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country - The Glass House #6 ties things up nicely so the series feels complete but it has laid the tracks for what comes next. Tynions pacing of the series has been fantastic and the inclusion of Dream in this issue was handled incredibly effectively. Lisandro Estherren and Patricio Delpeche delivered some of their best work of the series in this issue and continue to produce work that you just dont see a lot from DC anymore.

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Before we head into the New Year and a new arc for Wolverine, readers are treated with a team-up that will always be welcomed in Wolverine #40. The story is fun and delivers some great action moments but it does leave the reader wanting more.

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Batman/Superman: World's Finest #22 continues to be a delight to read and one of the best books on shelves today. Between Waids writing and the art from Mora and Bonvillain, there is something to love for all fans, new and old.

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Superman 78: The Metal Curtain #2 is a quick read due to a lot of action in the second half but it works as a great introduction between Superman and Metallo. So far the series has set up a solid conflict that works well in the context of the source material. Venditti and Guidry find a nice balance between paying homage to the cinematic universe and introducing fresh twists to bring it into the current landscape of comics.

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Sam Hamms direction for Batman 89 and now Batman 89: Echoes is rare in the sense that it doesnt feel like an outlet to show scrapped ideas if there was another film or two, and there now has been enough time passed for this series to do some interesting things building off of the collective Batman content across all mediums since 1989. It is fun to see a big swing with such an established property with ideas that generally wouldnt work on film but the possibilities are endless in comic book form.

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Batman and Robin #3 gives readers a good idea of what to expect out of this series as it puts some distance between it and Gotham War. By issue #3 readers will know if this series is for them. Williamson and Di Meo are doing something very fun here and the readers following along are in for a treat.

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Superman 78: The Metal Curtain is off to a great start with issue #1. The introduction of Metallo is a departure from previous versions but it feels appropriate to this universe. The design feels like something that viewers would have seen in the films from the late 70s and 80s.

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This new era of Wonder Woman is only on issue #2 but is off to a promising start. Tom King works best telling smaller, more focused, and personal stories and it has been some time since he has been constantly on a major ongoing series. Daniel Samperes art is a fantastic fit for the story that King is telling. So far, the series has picked up some momentum and the narrative is engaging and well-written.

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Dark Spaces: Dungeon #1 arrives just in time for Halloween, the spookiest time of the year. Scott Snyder and Hayden Sherman have created another engaging and thrilling installment to the Dark Spaces anthology. If horror fans are going to pick one book up this month, Dark Spaces: Dungeon #1 is the perfect choice, though it would be equally as terrifying and engaging any time of the year.

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Returning to this world sounds like it is an extremely ambitious undertaking but Batman/Superman: Worlds Finest #20 does such a great job introducing and returning to this world. It is such a treat to see Waid revisit Kingdom Come with such a solid and talented creative team. Everyone really seems to be on the same page. As of right now, it is unknown if this will change the way we read Kingdom Come. Will it feel like a hamfisted sequel or will this simply be a fun nod and visit to the incredible story? If this was inevitable, this is a great way to do it.

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Overall, this issue is action-packed and fun. It's exactly what you'd want out of a book with Cap and Wolverine teaming up. There is plenty of fun action from both characters and it feels connected to what currently is happening in the other books but also standalone enough for casual readers to pick up the issue and enjoy it based on the cover alone.

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Batman and Robin is starting to find its footing with issue #2 as it moves away from the events of the Gotham War in the other Bat-books. Williamson is putting a lot of effort into growing Damian as a character as well as the father/son relationship between Damian and Bruce.

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Miracleman: The Silver Age #6 is the heaviest issue yet that tackles some intense truths about Dicky Dauntless life. Though it is tough to get through, the writing and art are masterful, and together deliver some incredible storytelling.

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Batman/Superman: Worlds Finest #19 concludes a really fun arc that reveals Batman and Supermans first adventure. Waid is clearly having a blast writing this series which in turn gives its artists so much to work with.

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The tagline on the cover says An Exciting New Chapter Begins and Batman and Robin #1 is just that. Williamson and Di Meos new series strips away a lot of the baggage that Zdarksys Batman is currently carrying and focuses on what the title suggests: Batman and Robin and in turn, a father and his son.

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The Weapons of Vengeance gives readers exactly what they want out of a Wolverine and Ghost Rider crossover and then some but it is a shame it only lasted four issues. Because of this, it feels like there are a lot of great ideas crammed into a small space.

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Overall, The Riddler: Year One #6 feels like a conclusion to the story Dano wanted to tell, but part of it is because it ends right before the events of the film. The series as a whole was ambitious and it is obvious that a lot of care went into it from Paul Dano, Stevan Subic, and Clayton Cowles. However, the series could have benefited from being only three or four issues. Readers witness Nashtons descent into the character we see in the film, but things felt extremely drawn out due to the number of issues on top of issue #1 coming out almost a year ago in October 2022. The whole series was a big swing for DC Black Label and showed a lot of potential in the imprint.

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The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country - The Glass House #4 continues to be fantastic and horrifying. Tynion is masterfully laying down the pieces to an intriguing mystery. Though the story is progressing, there is the sense that the characters really are in the dark with everything. Dream being in the dark with the other characters even seems possible because of Tynions writing. Whatever comes next is going to be a complete surprise to everyone including the reader.

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Overall, Batman/Superman: Worlds Finest #18 is a lot of fun. Revisiting, or rewriting, the origin of how Batman and Superman met and teamed up isnt necessary but it is a lot of fun. Readers might notice the absence of Mora, but by now know Moore is an incredible addition and adds a fresh take to the series they love.

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Ghost Rider/Wolverine: Weapons of Vengeance #1 is a solid start to the Weapons of Vengeance story. It is surprising that it took this long for Wolverine and Ghost Rider to have an official event considering Percy is behind both books. With Geoff Shaws art on both series, this is a great opportunity to take Wolverine in a new direction after the Weapons of X story. Overall, this is a great time to jump into these characters. Percy has a good grasp of both Wolverine and Johnny and provides all of the necessary background needed to start jumping into Weapons of Vengence.

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Batman/Superman: Worlds Finest #17 moves quickly and fast-paced through pages and pages of absolute fun. This issue also ends with small previews of what is to come next: The untold origin of the Superman/Batman team and The return of Boy Thunder! Readers will be quick to spot Batman and Superman in their Kingdom Come-era suits. By now, Worlds Finest readers are well on board for what's to come but once again, it seems like this would be a great jumping-on point for new readers.

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Batman/Superman: Worlds Finest is sixteen issues in and shows no sign of diminishing returns. This is the penultimate issue of this arc, so readers are in for a treat for the next issue. This issue contained a lot of fun moments and still set things up for what should be an incredible climax to the arc. Plus, the number of iconic characters in this issue looking this spectacular is quite a feat and a testament to the creative teams talents and passion for the material.

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The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country - The Glass House #3 takes its time to collect itself and put all of the pieces in place for whatever comes next. With the appearance of Thessaly, issue #4 will certainly be exciting. While this issue sets everything up, it doesnt feel like a filler issue to make sure the reader gets up to speed. Tynions character development of the Corinthian continues to be the highlight of the series. Tynions development still feels organic to the character and not just for the purposes of the series.

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Overall, Batman/Superman: World's Finest #15 moves fast but Waids pacing paired with Moras art orchestrates it all perfectly. The series as a whole continues to be a versatile book for all readers with really no bad time to jump in.

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The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country - The Glass House #2 is looking to be a memorable entry to the Sandman Universe. The creative team masterfully blends terrifying and gorgeous elements, making it precisely what youd expect out of a book in this universe. If you're a fan of Sandman, do yourself a favor and pick up this issue. While youre at it, grab a copy of issue #1 if you havent.

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Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #7 is a satisfying conclusion to a series that all Batman fans should read. Silvestris art is worth the price of admission alone, but there are enough cool and fun parts of the story that should appeal to many. DC Black Label is the perfect place for this book. The prestige format is ideal for the art and a regular floppy wouldnt do it justice. Whether you are a longtime fan or a newcomer to the world of Gotham, this series offers a fresh and exciting take on the timeless hero that is sure to captivate and thrill audiences of all ages.

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Batman/Superman: Worlds Finest #14 continues with an arc that really does feel like a bridge between the lightheartedness of the silver age to now. Waids writing does all of the characters justice while the art brings everything up a notch. If you have been waiting for a good chance to jump in, now is a perfect time.

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The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country - The Glass House #1 boasts incredible art and an interesting premise. Though it is only issue #1, it appears that Tynion IV is well on his way to being the definitive writer for this era of The Sandman Universe.

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Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #6 is one of the weaker issues storywise but the action and art make up for it. The next issue is the finale, so if you have been following along all this time, finish it out next month. For others, this will read excellent as a trade and well worth the wait if you dont want to play catchup.

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Overall, Wolverine #32 moves fast and feels unpredictable despite already delivering on the simple concept of how much damage can Beast do with an army of Wolverine clones? The answer is a lot. Wolverine #32 is only the second issue of the Weapons of X arc, so it is still a perfect time to jump in.

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Overall, this issue stands out as one of the best of the series and there really hasnt been a bad issue yet. The creative team continues to provide some of its best work and it shows. The issue is worth buying because of its art alone, but the care that Waid puts into his writing doesnt alienate new readers or push away seasoned fans. This is a perfect book for readers of all ages. Batman/Superman: Worlds Finest is exactly what the title suggests: Worlds Finest.

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Overall, this issue had great pacing and some incredible imagery. This arc is looking like it is a great place to jump back in for new or returning readers. From what Wolverine #31 showed readers, anything could happen moving forward and it is clear that its going to be a blast to see.

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There is a lot to like about this issue. There are a few dated jokes and some pacing issues with dialogue, but this is easily the best-looking issue. Silvestri even makes The Joker look cool when hes wearing the weird stealth suit that Batman gave him. With two more issues to go, I would say it is absolutely worth sticking around until the end. I can already see that this will read excellently as a trade or hardcover.

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Overall, if this sheds some of the darkness from Damian then I am all for it. Its been awhile since weve had a Batman and Robin book, especially with Damians Robin. I would be over the moon if this creative team continued on to a book that drops the vs. and adds an and.

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There is a lot to like about The Riddler: Year One #3. The pacing and character development dont feel rushed even though a lot has happened in the first three issues. Stevan Subics art is worth the price of admission alone. This is such a stellar looking book and a fantastic companion to the movie.

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I had a blast reading Batman/Superman: Worlds Finest #12. Though it isnt essential to the main story of the series, I would say it is a must-read for readers. It is packed with gorgeous art and plenty of action and laughs. Batman/Superman: Worlds Finest #12 is easily one of my favorite issues of the series so far.

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If you have been following along, you really don't want to miss this issue. It acts both as a great payoff to the tension that have been rising while setting the scene for something bigger.

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Things are starting to become clearer in Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #4, but things are certainly getting messier. The bodycount is adding up and Batmans hands aren't clean, but its apparent that hell do whatever he has to in order to save Gordon. The title of the series feels so appropriate because the dynamic between Batman and Joker really is deadly.

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Batman/Superman: World's Finest #11 is a fantastic issue on all fronts and a strong conclusion to this arc! Mark Waid, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, and Steve Wands knocked it out of the park and created something really special and exciting. Batman/Superman: World's Finest was my favorite series of 2022, and I don't see that changing as we move into the new year and a new era of DC Comics.

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Wolverine #29 is an incredible issue on all fronts. I was extremely pleased to see the art really lean into the horror aspects of The Pit. It is unclear what will happen now that Wolverine is free from The Pit and potentially Beast, but what is clear is that the next issue will be a blast.

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After finishing Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #3, I am totally on board with the story Silvestri is telling and look forward to seeing how things unfold. If you have been reading since issue #1, Im sure that you are sticking around. If you havent started yet, there's plenty of time to get caught up before the next issue.

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This issue is fantastic and feels like a fresh step into the next phase of the series despite being written thirty years ago.

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The Riddler: Year One #2 is a must-read for fans of The Batman. Paul Dano, Stevan Subic, and Clayton Cowles give readers a compelling look at the Riddler before he decided to take all of Gotham City down. I am looking forward to seeing where this series goes.

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Batman/Superman: World's Finest #10 is an incredible book on all fronts and one of the best series of the year! All Batman and Superman fans wont want to miss this one! With the way this issue ended, I'm looking forward to seeing what the series has in store for next year.

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This issue really does just leave me with a lot of questions and Im looking forward to getting answers. For now, what we know is that Wolverine is in the pit and the pressure is on Beast.

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Though I initially wasn't completely sold,Batman vs. Robin #4 is a successful and enjoyable climax to this arc. The visuals are gorgeous and the issue delivers what the title suggests with a satisfying payoff. Now we just have to wait for the new year to see what is going to happen as the Earth enters into the Lazarus Planet!

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BATMAN & THE JOKER: THE DEADLY DUO #2 is shaping up to be a must-read #Batman and #Joker story. Silvestris vision and art feels right at home on the #DCBlackLabel format.

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Batman/Superman: Worlds Finest #9 gives readers a classic #Batman and #Superman adventure as they continue to mentor Boy Thunder and is easily one of the best-looking books on shelves!

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With BILLIONAIRE ISLAND: CULT OF DOGS #1, Mark Russell and Steve Pugh give readers a Vonnegutesque look at where we are and where we are heading.

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BATMAN VS. ROBIN #3 is action-packed and full of heavy emotions as Batman fights through his former wards and has to face a goodbye he wasnt prepared for!

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Meet the ALL-NEW, ALL-SAVAGE #WOLVERINE in WOLVERINE #27! Has Beast finally gone too far?

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The long-awaited Batman team-up book by Marc Silvestri is here! BATMAN & THE JOKER: THE DEADLY DUO #1 is stunning cover to cover and should not be missed! There is something here for all Batman fans.

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WOLVERINE #26 begins as a back-to-basics story but quickly takes a turn! The Beast Agenda starts here, but where will it end?

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THE RIDDLER: YEAR ONE #1 returns readers to the world of #TheBatman in a stunning series that feels like a natural companion to the film.

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With MIRACLEMAN: THE SILVER AGE #1 Gaiman and Buckingham continue the epic saga of Miracleman and ceaselessly add to its mythology. The Silver Age is here at last!

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BATMAN/SUPERMAN: WORLDS FINEST #8 continues to be one of the most fun books on shelves! Readers get a classic #Batman and #Superman adventure with modern touches!

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WOLVERINE #25 finds Wolverine racing through snowstorms to face Progenitor. Is he prepared for the answer he gets? Hes ready to fight, either way, bubs!

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BATMAN VS. ROBIN #2 is the perfect #Batman book for this time of year! With nods to classic #DCComics horror and exciting action, you wont want to miss this issue!

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THE SANDMAN UNIVERSE: NIGHTMARE COUNTRY #6 is spooky fun and acts as a successful bridge into the next arc and possibly into another series.

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FRANKENSTEIN: NEW WORLD #2 is well-written with stunning visuals and gives #Hellboy fans a look at the world they knew reborn through #Frankensteins eyes.

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BATMAN/SUPERMAN: WORLDS FINEST #7 continues to be a blast thanks to one of the worlds finest creative teams. This is a series you should be reading!

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BATMAN VS. ROBIN #1 is captivating from start to finish and will have readers eager for more. Is this the return of an old friend or is Batman in this fight against his son alone?

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BATMAN/SUPERMAN: WORLDS FINEST #6 is high-flying fun for #Batman and #Superman fans as #Robin solves a mystery in his element as a flying trapeze in the traveling circus!

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FRANKENSTEIN: NEW WORLD #1 returns to the world of #Hellboy after the fall of humanity where Frankenstein doesnt belong just as much as humans dont!

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BATMAN: ONE DARK KNIGHT #3 completes an ambitious and engaging series that every Batman fan should read immediately if they havent already! It already feels like a classic.

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Its a good week to be a Sandman fan! Readers can get a glimpse of #Corinthian ahead of @Netflix_Sandman in THE SANDMAN UNIVERSE: NIGHTMARE COUNTRY #4!

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BATMAN/SUPERMAN: WORLDS FINEST #5 concludes the first arc of a fantastic series. Readers will see why #Batman and #Superman really are the worlds finest at what they do!

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SUICIDE SQUAD: BLAZE #3 hits all the notes that make a great #SuicideSquad story but also sets the standard of what a #DCBlackLabel book should be. Whether you are keeping up with it now or waiting for the trade, make sure you finish the series and read this issue!

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Superman is missing! The Justice League is defeated! Now It is up to #Batman to save the world from new threats in BATMAN: FORTRESS #2!

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BLACK ADAM #1 takes the titular character in a new direction and introduces readers to the funny and charismatic Malik!

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WOLVERINE #22 packs in the action and fun youd expect from #Wolverine and #Deadpool but what are they getting into and how does it concern Krakoa and the C.I.A?

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Things are heating up in THE SANDMAN UNIVERSE: NIGHTMARE COUNTRY #3, and not just because Mr. Agony and Mr. Ecstasy are setting everything on fire.

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BATMAN: FORTRESS #1 doesnt break any new ground but it has all of the pieces that make a fun Batman story.

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The Shaolin Cowboy is back! SHAOLIN COWBOY: CRUEL TO BE KIN #1 is an excellent start to the new series packed with the incredible art and action you know and love. Amituofu!

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WOLVERINE #21 is filled with all of the action and humor youd expect out of a #Wolverine and #Deadpool adventure and then some!

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BATMAN/SUPERMAN: WORLDS FINEST #3 is fantastic fun with a creative team that lives up to the books name. Get your Batman and Superman fix all in one place!

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THE SANDMAN UNIVERSE: NIGHTMARE COUNTRY #2 balances gorgeous art and terrifying visuals. There is something here for all Sandman fans.

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The Frontiersman returns in FRONTIERSMAN: LOCK-UP SPECIAL! The one-shot checks in on our imprisoned hero and gives readers a nice taste of what's to come.

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If you are only going to read one book this week, make it ROGUES #2. Captain Cold and the Rogues have found Gorilla City, but now they need to stick to the plan!

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Is the Joker dead? THE JOKER #14 might not have the answer just yet, but we will soon find out! Will the relationship between Batman and Jim Gordon change forever?

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Batman and Superman fans will all find something to enjoy about BATMAN/SUPERMAN: WORLDS FINEST #2 as a new adventure unfolds!

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Deadpool joins the party in WOLVERINE #20! Crack open a can of Bub Lite, sit back, and enjoy the ride!

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Overall, The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country #1 looks like it is going to be a blast. James Tynion IV has left his mark on nearly everything hes worked on and I expect no different here. Plus, there are some stellar artists working on the series, including the always fantastic Simon Bowland, who has lettered several The Sandman Universe titles previously.

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APACHE DELIVERY SERVICE #4 brings the series to a close and Ernie some peace, or as close as you can get to peace in a warzone.

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Overall, The Last Book Youll Ever Read #7 is a solid issue in the series that brings tense, terrifying moments that aren't afraid to heat up. Though it may not actually be the last book you read, it will be one you dont want to put down.

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THE THING #6 concludes a series that every Marvel fan should be reading. Theres adventure, humor, a whole lot of clobbering, and at the end of the day, its simply a blast to read!

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X-MEN UNLIMITED: LATITUDE #1 gives readers the first four chapters of the hit X-MEN UNLIMITED INFINITY COMIC and to see #Wolverine be the best at what he does, bubs!

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X DEATHS OF WOLVERINE #5 is the epic climax to the biggest #Wolverine event ever! Wolverine might have stopped Moira, but this is just the beginning of the #DestinyOfX!

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Overall, X Lives of Wolverine #5 was a great finish to the series and an excellent transition to the events climax in X Deaths of Wolverine #5 next week. Everyone that worked on this issue was firing on all cylinders.

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APACHE DELIVERY SERVICE #3 asks the question: how far would you go for untold riches?

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X DEATHS OF WOLVERINE #4 raises the stakes as Moira arrives on Krakoa. Will #Wolverine be able to stop her? Either way, the end is coming, bubs!

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The Thing #5 is a clobbering good time and sets up a conclusion with a team-up that you would never expect! Clobber first, ask questions later!

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X DEATHS OF WOLVERINE #3 shows that there is more to Omega Wolverine than meets the eye and gives readers exactly what they want: more Wolverines!

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X LIVES OF WOLVERINE #3 raises the stakes for #Wolverine as he begins to realize his healing factor can only do so much! How long will he be able to keep this up?

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Darkness and death haunts the pages of Apache Delivery Service #2 as it picks up some speed and begins to break from familiar tropes!

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X DEATHS OF WOLVERINE #2 brings suspense and horror, forcing Moira to answer one question: What would you do to survive? Dont miss the biggest Wolverine event!

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The biggest #Wolverine event continues! X LIVES OF WOLVERINE #2 finds Wolverine at his most vulnerable and gives him the chance to correct a past mistake.

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FRONTIERSMAN #5 finishes its first arc strong sets the groundwork for an exciting future! This is a series to keep an eye on.

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X DEATHS OF WOLVERINE #1 captures a real sense of urgency and danger as Moira is hunted and new threats arrive on Krakoa. Whatever is next, its going to be big, bubs!

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X LIVES OF WOLVERINE #1 hits the ground running with claws out in the biggest event of Wolverines lifetime and thats saying something. Get ready, bub, as Benjamin Percy continues to cement his place as THE definitive Wolverine writer!

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Apache Delivery Service #1 explores racism, identity, and the horrors of the Vietnam War through the eyes of a Navajo soldier. There is gold to be found in the jungle but something sinister too.

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FRONTIERSMAN #4 introduces readers to another person from Frontiersmans past. What happens in the tree, stays in the tree!

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WOLVERINE #19 finds our favorite mutant at sea in a haunting meditation on life and death. This may be my favorite single issue of any series this year. As someone who reads mostly digital these days, I can say that I am marching to the store to buy a copy of this issue.

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Trover Saves the Universe #5 marks the end of a solid series that successfully captures the absurd fun of its source material!

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Frontiersman #3 blurs the line between friend and foe with an exciting and unique superhero experience with top-of-the-line worldbuilding!

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Wolverine #18 has beers on the beach, nonstop fun action, perfect pacing, and continues to show that Percys Wolverine is becoming the gold standard for the character!

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Is this the end of Leviathan as we know it? Checkmate #6 answers some questions but leaves more in its wake. If you've been following the series this long, might as well finish it.

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Justice League #69 moves quickly but sets up a fun arc with an insanely talented creative team plus a captivating look at Justice League Dark!

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Trover Saves The Universe #4 captures the hilarious fun of the video game while standing on its own two feet as a comic book!

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Frontiersman #2 takes an aging hero from the treetops to somewhere outside time and space and back. This is looking to be a series to keep an eye on.

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Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom finishes its run in spectacular fashion and is the perfect reminder that most heroes are human, and a mask should not erase that!

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Wolverine #17 sees the return of two old friends, though one might not be what it seems, and reminds readers there is still a world outside of Krakoa.

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Checkmate #5 keeps readers standing in the dark talking amongst themselves hoping for a Hail Mary pass to make sense of it all.

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No One Left to Fight II #1 hits the ground running and doesnt lose its footing in this high-octane return of the comic you always wanted!

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The Worst Dudes #5 concludes the raunchiest run in comics with an explosive climax and an ending so wholesome they should change the name to The Best Dudes!

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DC Horror Presents: The Conjuring: The Lover #5 ends with a splash and enough horror for all types of fans just in time for Halloween!

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Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom #5 is a must-read based on the art alone, but the writing is top tier and a masterful exploration of what it means to be Mister Miracle! Go get a copy wherever you get your comics!

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Wolverine #16 continues the quest for a Muramasa blade in an action-packed issue with an added bonus: a swashbuckling Wolverine!

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Checkmate #4 seems to be picking up momentum, but can it keep it up? The team is forced to take action, but is it Superman that will save the day?

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The Sandman Universe/Locke & Key: Hell & Gone #2 brings the Dreaming to Lovecraft, Massachusetts in a satisfying end to a crossover that feels so natural, you forget it's a crossover!

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Frontiersman #1 takes the familiar aging hero trope and adds an eco spin with an important message. Frontiersman is the hero this planet needs! I would recommend doing your part in saving the trees by picking up a digital copy, but whatever way you get comics, make sure you read this.

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Trover Saves The Universe #2 continues the hilarious adventure of Bo and Klover as they stumble their way into finding a killer and save their lives in the process!

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DC Horror Presents: The Conjuring: The Lover #4 aims to surprise and horrify readers with how far Jessica's nightmare can go. There's no coming back from this!

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The Worst Dudes #4 is a visual feast for the freaks and party animals. The series continues to prove that it is worthy of a warning label. Go get your dirty hands on a copy at your local comic book shop or wherever you get comics!

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Wolverine#15 is a well-paced and visually explosive issue that promises to get even better moving forward.

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Checkmate #3 has all the pieces to be an engaging spy thriller but somehow feels stagnant. Realizations may be coming, but will it be too little too late?

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Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom #4 is the highpoint of the series and brilliantly shows how to value a legacy character and honor what came before them! Go buy an issue wherever you get comics.

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Trover Saves the Universe #1 has all of the hilarious time and space fun that made the video game great translated brilliantly to the comic book medium.

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The Worst Dudes #3 is a rock and roll fever dream of everything your parents told you was bad as a kid. You better buckle up.

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There are happy endings and sweet dreams in The Dreaming: The Waking Hours #12 as the imaginative and gorgeous limited series comes to an end.

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DC Horror Presents: The Conjuring: The Lover #3 continues to scare the pants off of readers while demonstrating exactly what fans of the films and horror in general want in a comic.

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Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom #3 continues to dazzle with spectacular visuals and an intriguing story. The series is shaping up to be a highlight of the summer.

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Checkmate #2 begins to lineup some pieces, but is the game still worth playing?

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DC Horror Presents: The Conjuring: The Lover #2 is horror and suspense at its finest. If you are a fan of the films, this is an added bonus, but this series stands on its own as a great horror story.

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Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom #2 is a refreshing escape from the summer heat that tackles identity and fame in a fresh and relevant way. The series should be on everyone's radars this summer.

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The pandemic caused this story to lose some steam, but that might play into its favor. Once again fresh in readers' minds, a smaller team with more to prove could lead this to be a very interesting book. Bendis is known for his huge events, but shifting focus to a smaller team could show that Bendis doesnt need every major character in a story to be worth reading.

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The Dreaming: Waking Hours #11 is a gorgeous character-driven issue that continues to break ground for the Dreaming and exploring just what the Sandman Universe can do.

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Battle royales put you in the shoes of the character, but while some games are more story-based (mostly single-player games), battle royales are fast-paced and do not require an in-depth story to play. You play a match, win or lose, and repeat. Apex Legends: Overtime #1 aims to fill in some of the gaps of the world of Apex Legends, but gamers may be more eager to get back into matchmaking than picking up an issue.

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The Worst Dudes #1 is crazy and wild enough to give you space madness, and judging by this issue, that isnt a bad thing at all.

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The Conjuring: The Lover #1 feels much more than just a movie tie-in. While still acting as a prequel to the upcoming film, this issue stands on its own as an excellent collection of two great horror stories with an added bonus of some fun and classic mail-in "advertisements."

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Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom #1 is a great issue for both new and seasoned readers. With a talented creative team, I am looking forward to what can be accomplished with the character and the series. Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom should be on everyones reading lists this summer.

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Conan the Barbarian #19 has enough excitement and action to satisfy any reader. This new arc is a perfect opportunity to jump into the series and see what Conan does best: survive! Grab a copy wherever you get comic books.

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The Dreaming: Waking Hours #8 takes the reader off to see the wonderful land of Faerie, but it is apparent right away that we arent in Kansas anymore. G. Willow Wilson makes the supernatural feel natural in issue #8 accompanied by Nick Robles and Mat Lopes gorgeous visuals.

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The Dreaming: Waking Hours #7 has enough to please any reader of Sandman, whether they have read from the start or just getting started. G. Willow Wilson and Javier Rodriguez bridge the gap between the waking and sleeping worlds in spectacular fashion.

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The Dreaming: Waking Hours #6 is exactly what you want in a Sandman book. The best Sandman stories entangle the living world with the horrors of the unknown, and issue #6 is right on point.

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Ending things is hard to do, but Action Comics #1029 leaves you with a smile on your face. An incredible run comes to a close with a final issue that is exactly what you need for Christmas.

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Locke & Key / The Sandman Universe: Hell & Gone #0 is a nice and early Christmas gift and a perfect primer for the series. Fans of the Locke & Key comics and the Netflix series, as well as Sandman comics, will thoroughly this preview and have something to look forward to in the new year.

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Though John Constantine: Hellblazer has ended its run, it is safe to say readers will find themselves returning to it frequently. Simon Spurrier was the only possible person to wrangle what will for sure be a quintessential run out of this chaotic year.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #11 is a near-masterpiece that should not be missed. It just may be the most relevant book out right now. John is racing against the clock as he uncovers a secret society that will have you wishing it stayed a secret.

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Batman and the Outsiders #17 is a satisfying sendoff that doesnt feel like a setup of more to come. Despite this, it leaves plenty of opportunities for its characters to grow and move on beyond the Outsiders. This is bittersweet for Bruce Wayne, though maybe more bitter than sweet.

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Despite being the end of the series and certainly, the end of some characters, Justice League Odyssey #25 is a fun issue. It is almost a shame that Its ending, but its exciting to see whats to come.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #10 is a stunning issue on every level. Constantine is faced with his greatest and most destructive challenge: his future self. After this issue, nothing can be the same. The bottom line is this isnt a series you should read; it's a series you need to read.

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Blackwood: The Mourning After comes to a close with a climax that I will be thinking about for days. With incredible writing and stunning art, Evan Dorkin, Veronica Fish, and Andy Fish have put together a series worth rereading and worth waiting for what is next.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #8 (Spurrier, Campbell, Bellaire) is yet another incredible issue in this superb series. Spurrier is quite literally magic in this issue that gets better with each word while being accompanied by dreadfully terrifying yet gorgeous art.

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The Dreaming: Waking Hours #1 (Wilson, Robles, Lopes) takes the baton from Simon Spurrier in a magnificent stride. Wilsons writing feels right at home in The Dreaming and Sandman Universe. A great story with killer art, The Dreaming: Waking Hours should not be missed!

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Batman and the Outsiders #14 (Hill, Soy, Gandini) is a pleasant surprise in a series that seems to have had a slow start. Hill has several power dynamics going with Batman, Lady Shiva, and Black Lighting that could be extremely interesting, which just might be the spark the series needs.

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Action Comics #1023 (Bendis, Romita Jr., Janson, Anderson) is a fun issue with a couple of great moments that reminds you how well Bendis and Romita Jr. work together.

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Justice League Odyssey #22 is a fast-moving issue and a blast to read. It is pure space western fun and hits enough tropes that will please any science-fiction fan. Heres hoping this isnt the last we see of this Suzi Starr.

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The Question: The Deaths of Vic Sage #3 is worth reading just from the names on the cover, but it continues to be a gritty mystery that holds its own. The Question is on the case, but for now there are more questions than answers, but they are coming.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #7 (Spurrier, Campbell, Bellaire) brings Constantine to the docks to investigate some troubled waters, and it involves a mermaid. With an incredibly interesting story and brilliant art, this issue should not be missed.

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Batman and The Outsiders #13 shows an inkling of potential in an otherwise dull series. It is time for the Outsiders to leave Batman's shadow.

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Blackwood: The Mourning After #3 continues to be a blast to read and see with its vibrant yet dark visuals.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #6 (Spurrier, Campbell, Bellaire) is visually terrifying with writing so relevant that it is even scarier. Spurrier, Campbell, and Bellaire offer a great Constantine issue that is meant to be read this very moment.

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Revenge Of The Cosmic Ghost Rider #5 concludes a miniseries that is so action-packed that it will leave the readers ears ringing. Though issue #5 finishes the miniseries, it still packs the same exciting punch as the previous issues and leaves the reader right where they started, but in a good way.

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Action Comics #1022 (Bendis, Romita Jr., Miki, Anderson) continues to show how well Bendis and Romita Jr. work together. The dust is still settling since the previous issue, but a strange family reunion leaves Superman with more questions than answers.

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The Dreaming #20 marks the end of an incredible run by an even more incredible creative team. Daniel is back and the Dreaming is restored in this gorgeous and exciting issue that lives up to the Sandman name!

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Revenge of the Cosmic Ghost Rider #4 is a force to be reckoned with thanks to killer art that keeps up with the fast-paced and action packed story.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #5 offers stunning storybook-like visuals and writing so raunchy and British that youd think Spurrier is the magician himself.

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Lucifer #18 brings the hunt home and leaves the reader questioning which side Lucifer is on. This arc is a blast, so I suggest helping out your local comic book shop and getting a copy if you can.

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Action Comics #1021 is a crowded issue that concludes an arc that had already strayed away. A few fun action sequences save the issue, but not by much.

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Blackwood: The Mourning After #2 is a blast to read and perfectly balances reality in a magic setting. Dorkin's talent shines in his characters; the students don't feel like caricatures. The Fish's art is the frosting on the cake you can't get enough.

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The Dreaming #19 finally sees the Dreaming back in the hands of its inhabitants. With Lucien back, it is now time to confront Wan in an exciting issue that boasts gorgeous scenes that feel too big for a comic book. Go grab a copy at your local comic book shop or wherever you get your comics!

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Batman and the Outsiders #11 is a visually pleasing issue with some fun action but held back by some choppy dialogue. Though not the strongest issue in the series, it contains enough to keep the reader interested in what is to come.

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Justice League Odyssey #19 offers a well-balanced combination of seriousness and good ol' fashioned fun. There is enough mystery surrounding Epoch that leaves the reader with no idea what is coming next. Only time will tell. There are enough fun bits that make picking up an issue worth it. Head over to your local comic book shop or wherever you get comics.

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #4 begins a new arc in fresh clothes, that is until Constantine ruins them. In this visually gorgeous issue, Constantine meets Tommy Willowtree, who just might be everything he hates. Still, Willowtree needs Constantine's help, but Constantine might need Willowtree's more.

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Action Comics #1020 raises the stakes in the fight to save Metropolis in an issue driven by Romita Jr.'s art. With Superman down, everything seems to be going according to plan for Lex Luthor, but what happens when he's just part of Leviathan's? Grab a copy at your local comic book shop or wherever you get comics.

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Like any Bendis and Maleev book, Leviathan Dawn is an enjoyable book with great dialogue and stunning visuals. Though you can probably wait until Event Leviathan: Checkmate in April, Leviathan Dawn sets the scene and lets you meet the team before the action starts. Make this your weekend reading, and pick up a copy at your local comic book shop or wherever you get your comics.

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This was a great issue. I think the pacing of the writing was top-notch, and I was especially blown away by the art. Like always, Lucifer is the coolest character, but I am loving him being paired off with Beverly. I recommend picking up a copy of Lucifer #17 at your local comic book shop or wherever you get comics.

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I have had a blast reading this series, including Revenge of the Cosmic Ghost Rider #3. This issue has the perfect combination of heavy profound ideas mixed with good ol violent fun. If I were you I would pick up a copy at your local comic book shop or wherever you get your comics.

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Nothing really stands out in Batman and the Outsiders #10. Once the excitement starts the issue is over. If you are currently following the series then pick up a copy. If you have not been following then wait for a trade or the next issue.

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Blackwood: The Mourning After #1 is a solid start to this chapter. The visuals were absolutely gorgeous and engaging. The writing feels natural and relatable while still holding a supernatural feel. I absolutely recommend picking up an issue at your local comic book shop or wherever you get your comics.

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This issue had stellar writing and beautiful art. The Dreaming has been one of the only series that I reread the current issue a couple of times. I am a big fan and recommend picking up this issue at your local comic book shop or wherever you get your comics.

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I am new to Justice League Odyssey and new to a lot of these characters. Based on that, I liked this issue and Im rating it without prior knowledge of the entire run. The opening fight was really cool. Im really excited to see more of Eskaton and to see if they can take down Darkseid. The rest of the issue did not lose me after the excitement of the first few pages. The dialogue is well written and I really enjoyed the art. Overall, I had a lot of fun reading this issue and Id recommend checking out this series. If you have been following since the start, pick up this issue at your local comic book shop or wherever you get your comics.

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If you aren't already reading John Constantine: Hellblazer then you are completely missing out. Every issue this far has been an absolute blast. I am incredibly excited to see where Spurrier, Campbell, and Bellaire take it. You should already have this issue sitting on your coffee table, but if not, pick up a copy immediately at your local comic book shop or wherever you get your comics.

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Action Comics #1019 picks up on the momentum that the last few issues started. Everything seems to be coming together and I am looking forward to see how it all plays out. If you have been following the series this far then I recommend grabbing a copy at your local comic book shop or where ever you get your comics.

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I am thoroughly enjoying this story arc. It is exciting and easy to follow, which is ideal for readers looking to jump in. Pick up an issue at your local comic book shop or wherever you get your comics.

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I am interested to see where the series goes. The one big takeaway from issue #2 is that Vic now has his mission: kill the man with a thousand faces. Other than that the issue was just good ol wild west violence which is always fun. Pick up a copy at your local comic book shop or wherever you get your comics.

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The Dreaming #17 is a heartbreaking and suspenseful nail biter. A lot happens but nothing feels rushed or brushed over. This issue may be one of my favorites from the series. Pick this issue up at your local comic book shop or wherever you get comics.

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The highlight of this issue was Goodes origin story. It felt human and horrifying and learning how she became the Red Cloud this late in the game makes her that much more of a compelling character. Besides the first chunk of this issue, I do not think it is essential reading.

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Lucifer #14 and now Lucifer #15 have been highlights of the series for me. This issue continues to show that this will be an entertaining arc. It also works great as a standalone issue in case you missed #14. Regardless, I recommend you pick up both issues at your local comic book shop or wherever you get comics.

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With a reveal that doesnt feel cheap, The Dreaming #16 was a highlight of the series for me. There has been a lot of moving pieces and so far none of them have felt unnecessary. Well-written and beautifully illustrated, this issue feels fresh while still feeling connected to the original series. Pick up a copy at your local comic book store or wherever you get your comic books.

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Sandman Universe is quickly becoming one of the strongest series of titles in comics. Spurrier is at the top of his game with both The Dreaming and John Constantine: Hellblazer. Whether you are new to the series or a seasoned fan, this issue jumps right in without leaving anyone out. Pick up a copy at your local comic book shop or however you get your comics.

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I like both Bendis and Romita Jr.s take on Superman so it is nice to see it all in one place. If you are on the fence about picking up this issue then I would wait. If you need your Gorilla City fix that I would pick up immediately. Regardless, issue 1017 was a nice filler issue between Event Leviathans conclusion and Action Comics #1018.

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I thoroughly enjoyed Lucifer #14 from start to finish. I would suggest this issue to readers new to the series. It allows you to get a feel for the character without having to know everything that came before. Pick up a copy of Lucifer #14 at your local comic book store or however you get your comics!

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Even if you are not familiar with The Question, The Question: The Deaths of Vic Sage #1 is a great place to start. I think the book is worth picking up based just on the art. With a creative team this good, I know there are good things to come. Pick up The Question: The Deaths of Vic Sage at your local comic book shop or however you get comics.

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Like Cain, I love a mystery and I am excited to see where the mystery leads Matthew and the reader. Knowing this creative team I know it will be worth the wait and an incredible ride. Whether you are new to the Sandman Universe or not, I think The Dreaming #15 is worth picking up at your local comic book shop or whatever way you get comics.

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Besides having a great writer and artist, Event Leviathan #6 fell flat for me. There were too many characters and I cant even remember the first three issues. If you havent been following Event Leviathan since issue #1 then I suggest waiting for the trade to be released. In the entire six issue run there wasnt a standout issue, so reading them in one collection will probably work much better.

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John Constantine seems to be a perfect addition to The Sandman Universe. The Sandman Universe Presents Hellblazer one-shot sets up what is expected to be a great series with a classic character. With a great creative team, the one-shot is perfectly paced with great writing and art. New and old readers should have no problem with getting into the one-shot as well as the series starting in November.

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I am loving the dynamic between Naomi, Batman, and Superman. Superman and Batman feel like cool parents; Superman is the mother who only wants the best and Batman is the father who gets to have all of the fun. Bendis does a great job making Naomi feel youthful and not just telling us she is young. I am curious to see where Bendis takes the storyline, but I am definitely excited to see more of Naomi, Superman, and Batman together.

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Lucifer #13 felt extremely satisfying to me. The buildup to this issue completely paid off despite not being much action. Lucifer and Caliban's character development especially standout to me, most notably Lucifer whispering to his son as he passes away. I am really interested to see where issue #14 takes Lucifer after all of this. I am absolutely loving Lucifer and suggest readers pick up a copy.

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Skeptical at first, Bendis now has my complete attention with Event Leviathan #5. I am usually not a fan of big events because they never seem to make a real impact. Regardless, this event has been such a fun ride I am not worried about the impact it will make. If anything, I wish it could keep going. Pick this issue up at your local comic book shop or whatever way you get comics.

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I am excited to see what is to come with Naomi. It was fun to see Superman and Batman give some advice to the young hero, but I am not sure what happened in this issue. My only take away is that Batman wants Naomi to eat more eggs. If you are following Bendis Action Comics run then I would pick up this issue. For those new to Action Comics, this is not the issue to start.

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She Could Fly is a hidden gem in todays comic book world. It features brilliant writing and beautiful art and colors supplied by the talented Martin Morazzo and Miroslav Mrva respectively. The series contains something for all comic fans: horror, suspense, romance, and even a little flying. I greatly recommend picking up the first four issues to get caught up and then The Lost Pilot whether it is single issues, trades, or digital. This series should be missed by any comic book reader, and I am excited to see what comes next.

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Every issue of Event Leviathan increases my excitement. Bendis has me hooked and at this point, the ride is so good Im not worried about the payoff. Event Leviathan was essential summer reading and it looks like it will be for the fall too. Pick up a copy at your local comic shop or however you read comics.

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Bendis masterful writing is finally starting to reveal where the event of the summer is going but is he throwing us a curve ball? Action Comics and Event Leviathan have both kept my attention all summer. Though sometimes slow, Action Comics #1014 contains enough suspense and action to hold me over until the next issue. If you are following this run, grab a copy at your local comic shop.

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This issue was the turning point for me. It has a really intriguing story, an awesome cast, and some of the most exciting action scenes Ive seen in a long time. Go support your local comic book shop because you are going to want to hold this issue in your own hands.

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A powerful series reflecting our times, American Carnage comes to an end that feels premature but still carries weight. The open-endedness of the story may feel unsatisfactory to some, but in these times most things leave a lot to think about. I recommend not to miss this series. Grab any issues you can or wait for a trade to be released.

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I was worried the Leviathan story line would be stretched too thin across Action Comics and Event Leviathan, but Bendis continues to prove me wrong with each issue. Though, you're not missing much if you skip this issue. A quick summary or review (like this one) can get you up to speed.

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Bendis has masterfully put together an extremely complicated plot with a still growing cast of characters all within two issues. I am completely stoked to see what happens in issue #3. I wouldnt miss this issue or this event. Grab a copy wherever you get your books.

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A great story, stellar art, and a surprise appearance by our favorite Destiny Hunter running Leviathan. I wouldnt miss Bendis run on Action Comics or Event Leviathan.

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Im still eager to see what happens to Rick but Im hoping it all pays off. I am always excited when a new issue drops but Im starting to think it would be worth it to wait for the trade to be released.

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Event Leviathan kicks off in style leaving me wanting more. Go grab a copy at your local comic book shop as soon as you can.

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Definitely leaving me wanting more, Superman: Leviathan Rising Special lays the groundwork for what will surely be an exciting and memorable event. Leviathan is the most interesting villain introduced in a while, but will the mystery surrounding him have a satisfying pay-off?

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Though readers will be able to jump right into Event Leviathan, Leviathan Rising seems too good to pass up. Grab Action Comics #1007-1011 to prepare for a ride that will be one of the highlights of the summer.

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Though a promising start, Joe Golem: Occult Detective -- The Conjurers #1 may not satisfy casual and new readers of the series. I recommend waiting until #2 drops and picking up #1 with it.

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This issue is mostly filler and setting up for the next issue. That being said, the art and writing work so well together that it doesnt matter. American Carnage hasn't let me down yet.

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Reviews for the Week of...


