Batman #17

Event\Storyline: Death of the Family Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Jonathan Glapion, Greg Capullo Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 13, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 44 User Reviews: 55
8.9Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

This is it: The stunning conclusion to DEATH OF THE FAMILY!

  • 10
    IGN - Joey Esposito Feb 12, 2013

    Another stunning piece of work in this issue comes in a splash page that depicts Joker's unending adoration for the Dark Knight; it's haunting and strangely romantic in a way that only the Joker could manage. But even more than the horrifying detail that Capullo provides these pages, there's simply no denying the grace and apparent effortlessness with which he tells the story visually. Every single page in this chapter reads as though you're watching a movie; even when the action is slim " the first few pages is basically a bunch of people talking around a table " Capullo's work is dynamic and ridiculously expressive. With the aid of inker Jonathan Glapion and colorist FCO Plascencia, Batman #17 is one of the most vibrant, disturbing, and attractive comic books you're likely to see this year. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Therapy - MrComicBook Feb 15, 2013

    Batman #17 is going to be one of the best issues of the year. If you haven't been reading Death of the Family, go pick up the issue right away. The Bat-books know how to do an event. Read Full Review

  • 10
    The Pop Cultist - Josh Elliott Feb 13, 2013

    Batman #17 is a must have for your collection, and the collected Death of the Family will doubtless become mandatory reading for all fans of comics. Scott Snyder's work has jumped into the same conversation as Alan Moore's seminal The Killing Joke story in terms of Joker tales. This is one for the ages. Read Full Review

  • 10
    One Quest - Chris Cobb Feb 14, 2013

    For every amazing bit of story Scott Snyder has written, Greg Capullo has brought it to life. There are a ton of amazing artists out there, I'm not even going to start to name my favorite. But seriously the life and emotion that Capullo pours into this book month after month is incredible. I mentioned it before in a Batgirl issue, but the Joker alone is something that only he pulls off. This deranged, twisted, mutilated version of an already deranged, twisted, mutilated character takes someone who truly invested in his work. I could probably go on about this for a while so lets just cut it here and make things really simple. Go buy this book, if you have to skip something else you'd normal get to buy it do it and then buy a second copy and give it to a friend, a family member, or hell a complete stranger. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Hyper Geeky - mcknight57 Feb 13, 2013

    If you can't tell by now, this book is a 5/5. It would be a 7/5 if the numbering system allowed it. Though a few bits were enough to take me aback, this really is one of the best issues of a Batman book in years. The art and writing are all incredible. They don't miss a beat, as far as epic conclusions go. The last few pages are both depressing and heart-warming at the same time. It's a very thought-provoking book, especially for the characters. Issue 17 of Batman is perfection manifested. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicosity - Gavin Craig Feb 15, 2013

    And then go buy another. To ask for it back would simply be cruel. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Barron Network - R.Barron Feb 13, 2013

    Scott Snyder has written some amazing stories since he first hit the scene but nothing like this issue. I have to say Batman #17 is his best piece of work to date and nothing comes close. Batman# 17 is why I read and review comic books …this is a masterpiece that should be read by all Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Feb 13, 2013

    Focusing on just the story told in the pages of BATMAN, this is exactly the story I'd want with Batman and Joker. Joker has done some horrible things in the past but he plays on a different level compared to villains that are simply willing to kill. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Dark Knight News - Jeremy Feb 18, 2013

    I really cannot find much of anything negative to say about this issue. It was great. You should definitely pick it up. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Feb 13, 2013

    Truly functioning as "The Punchline" to "Death of the Family," this issue will be received like many jokes: some will get it right away, some will need it explained and others will walk away with little comprehension of it. For those who get it, who have been dialed in to the setup, the delivery from Snyder and Capullo in "Batman" #17 pays off with a grand and satisfying conclusion to an epic tale the Batman corner of the DC Universe. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Blue Raven Comics - Eric Scroggs Feb 13, 2013

    Batman #17 is a very satisfying finale all around. It's a masterfully told and beautifully rendered issue that will surprise you in unexpected ways and at unexpected times. Snyder and Capullo have, in essence, reinterpreted one of the best comic book villains of all time, while bringing about some long-lasting changes to Batman and his family. This issue gets a very well-earned 10/10. Snyder and Capullo should be very proud of what they've done. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Population Go - Population Go Staff Feb 15, 2013

    So another Bat-Epic is over and personally, I think that Death of the Family outdid the Court of Owls at every turn. Of the five issues, I deemed three of them worthy of full five/five ratings, and the other two were almost close. Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, and everyone else working on this series should be immensely proud of themselves and what they have accomplished here " what will likely be lauded as one of the best Batman/Joker stories ever written. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Gotham Spoilers - Gotham Spoilers Feb 13, 2013

    The I loves me a good Batman/Joker story, and despite whatever those comic fans who just love to hate stuff just to hate it, this was one of the best pure Batman and Joker stories we've gotten since Batman R.I.P. (Batman and Robin was entirely different, given it was mostly DickBats). Joker works best in high stakes situations like this, and I've got to say that with everything listed above, team Batman did not let me down, one bit. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Unleash The Fanboy - Zac Boone Feb 13, 2013

    Whoever writes the next Joker story has a lot to live up to. "Death of the Family" is possibly the definitive Joker tale of a generation, and has established an entirely new interpretation of one of the most interesting relationships in comics. The falling out from this story is also likely to have a huge effect on the bat books as we go forward, and it should be great fun to see those ripples spread. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Imagination Centre - John McCubbin Aug 5, 2013

    This was a brilliant end to a extraordinary story. It will be hard work to top this story but I wouldn't be at all surprised if Snyder manages to do it. I would highly recommend both this issue and the entire storyline which hasn't disappointed (at least not in this series). Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - Forrest C. Helvie Feb 13, 2012

    While it is arguable that no creative team will surpass The Killing Joke as the definitive contemporary Batman-Joker story, nor will many Batman creators be able to lessen the poignancy of the image of a defeated Batman cradling the dead Robin in his arms after arriving moments too late, it is clear Snyder and Capullo have carved out of a name for themselves in this tradition with "The Death in the Family" from the maniacal schemes to the lingering presence of the Clown Prince of Crime even after his departure. Read Full Review

  • 10 - Ben Silverio Feb 17, 2013

    The aftermath of 'Death of the Family' isn't something that's going to be resolved in a single issue. These effects could be long lasting, and that is something very rare in comics these days. The only thing left to say about it is bravo. Compliments of the chef. Scott Snyder's name should be among the modern era greats like Grant Morrison, Ed Brubaker, Neil Gaiman, Brian Michael Bendis, and the rest who have elevated the medium of comic books to more than cheesy puns and colorful 'Superfriends'-esque adventures. He deserves to be looked at as a creator who can take things to the next level because this story will be talked about for years to come right next to Joker stories like 'The Killing Joke', 'A Death in the Family', and the character's origin. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Following The Nerd - Christopher Williams Feb 15, 2013

    Overall this was one slam bang of an issue filled with tension from cover to cover. I thought it would be hard to top the Night of the Owls story arc, but when the Joker is involved and you have a guy like Snyder writing him you can only strike gold. The whole arc, though it moved slowly at first and had a few too many tie-ins, was one hell of an arc. I highly look forward to the Joker's return, again, and to where Snyder and company takes Batman next. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Booked - Jeff Hill Feb 14, 2013

    The one person who actually decides to talk to Bruce is Dick, the prodigal son, the original Boy Wonder. But Bruce jumps the gun and tells him that he doesnt have to come, so he just goes with it and neglects to even mention that hes right outside the gates of Wayne Manor. What did Joker tell each of the family members? And even though Snyder and Capullo didnt actually kill anyone (excluding all of the inmates, guards, cops, and politicians, of course), will this spell the end for the family? After all, the title of the storyline was not death in the family. It was the death of the family. Only time will tell, and I hope its this creative team that takes us down that dark and dangerous path once the Clown Prince of Crime makes his terrifying and inevitable return. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    J.DubComics - J.DubComics Feb 16, 2013

    I have not mentioned everything that happens in this issue in this review, and I have attempted to be as spoiler free as I can be. It is clear that there is going to be some major fallout between Bruce and the rest of the Bat family. I wonder just how long this will go on for? Also, what exactly have they been told by Joker about Batman? I am sure #18 will make things a bit more clear on that. It also looks like Joker will be making a return at some point in the future. How soon in the future is unclear at the minute, but I can guarantee that it will struggle to live up to this storyline. Will it be hailed as a classic in the future? Who knows. However, do I regard it as a classic Joker story? You are damn right that I do. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Feb 13, 2013

    "Death Of The Family" will go down as one of the best Joker stories in history. Snyder and Capullo should be thanked by anyone who loves Batman. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Feb 18, 2013

    I'm sure I speak for all comic book fans when I say that the sky's the limit for this creative team. If you do not read this mega event, then you are doing yourself a huge disservice. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Are Not Dead - Comics Are Not Dead Feb 15, 2013

    Batman #17 won't live up to your expectations if you thought it was some massive story that would change the Bat-Family forever. But it does change the Bat-Family forever in a way, as you will never see Batman in the same way again. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geeks Unleashed - Jo Lewis Feb 15, 2013

    On closer inspection, it's an issue which lives up to its early premise and ends 'not with a bang, but with a whimper'. But it is a whimper which will be heard long into the night. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Heretical Jargon - Heretic Feb 13, 2013

    With the exception of a fewdisappointingplot developments due to my own pre-conceived ideas, this book is absolutely fantastic! And even if this issue isn't as great as it could be, this ARC is without a doubt the best Batman story to come around in a VERY long time. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Feb 14, 2013

    But it's still a solid story by Scott Snyder with excellent art by Greg Capullo and Jonathan Glapion - certainly a cut above the "New 52" average. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    A Comic Book Blog - John Barringer Feb 14, 2013

    In the end I'm not sure it will go down as anything more than a good Joker story but I think most Batman fans enjoy a good Joker story, right? This creative team got the chance to play with the biggest Bat-villain of all time and the story was creepy, twisted, and revealed something warped about Batman that we didn't know about before. That's a win to me. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Feb 14, 2013

    Batman #17 was a phenomenal end to Scott Snyder and Greg Capullos Death of the Family epic. Snyder and Capullo had my attention from the beginning and never let go. This is one of the most engrossing Batman stories Ive read. I not only want to see where Batman goes from here but I want to know what Nightwing, Batgirl, Robin, Red Robin and Red Hood do now. Even though Joker lost he successfully left his mark on everyone related to Batman. The next issue of Batman cannot be released soon enough. I want to read Batman #18 now. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Den Of Geek! - Marc Buxton Feb 17, 2013

    Snyder's world is a dark one, filled with pain and corruption, but like "Court of Owls" showed, it's also a world filled with hope. This is the stuff legends are made of. This is the type of story that will inspire future Batman creators in the same ways Denny O'Neil, Alan Moore, Frank Miller, and yes, even Christopher Nolan did. "Death of the Family" is the type of story that takes Batman into previously unexplored places and redefines the Joker for the next generation of storytellers. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Graphic Policy - Brett Schenker Feb 15, 2013

    With art by Greg Capullo, it's not just the story that's the draw. The art is stunning as expected with small details and scenes that just make you linger on the page. It's an amazing pairing for the finale of what might be one of Batman's best battles yet with the Joker. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Modern Age Comics - Alexander Moser Feb 16, 2013

    It may not be the conclusion everyone wished for, but once it settles,I think everyone will come to enjoy Batman 17. I'm excited to see whatthe aftermath will be like in the future issues. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Feb 13, 2013

    So yeah, there were a few things here that definitely did bug me. But then, on the other hand, this comic was a blast to read. The pacing was great. Batman's plan of turning the tables on Joker at the end was inspired. There WAS a lot of good here. But still, there was just something missing... Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Feb 15, 2013

    A very fitting end to the Death of the Family story. The only flaws are those inherent in working within the confines of classic villains who must live to fight another day. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - JohnP Feb 12, 2013

    In the end, it is really hard to say where I rank this. My opinions on it are still evolving. I'm still mulling the possible meanings and future implications of what I've read and I'm sure I will be reading it many times more in the future. That alone says quite a bit about the issue. Whether fans love it or hate it - and this is already proving to be a divisive issue - fans are sure to be talking about this one for some time. If only to be part of the discussion, this is a must read. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Fanboy Buzz - TommyZimmer Feb 18, 2013

    Tommy Zimmer is an upcoming writer of short stories, comic books, journalism/media reviews, screenplays, and anything related to writing. On, you can view his latest work, and see what exciting things he is currently doing!! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Feb 16, 2013

    Batman is simply the best DC title on the stands and it has been this way since the reboot. This particular issue is just as good as all the rest. However, there are elements in the book that made it fall well short of brilliant, which is the category for many of Snyder's Batman issues. A good but not great ending to a very good crossover. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Read Comic Books - Corey Fryia Feb 13, 2013

    The finale to Death of the Family may not be perfect, but Batman #17 damn fine issue that deserves its fair share of praise. Snyder and Capullo continue to deliver some of the most entertaining Batman stories in recent history and Batman #17 is just another feather in the hat for this talented duo. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Feb 16, 2013

    The only real victim in all of this is Nightwing. He lost all of his new supporting cast and status quo for a story that ended up going nowhere for the character. Poor guy. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    AIPT - David Feb 13, 2013

    Artist Greg Capullo is probably one of the best artist working today. He's shown time and time again during his run on Batman that he can cram a lot of detail into a single panel. This is important not only because Snyder likes to fill his pages with dialogue, but also because of the new limit comics have by running only 20 pages. This issue ran 31 pages, but really it's more like 48 considering how great the art is composed and detailed. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Feb 13, 2013

    Expectations were simply too high for this book! Death of the Family is a good and very creepy Joker story with an unnecessary detail about Joker cutting off his face. It shouldn't have been sold to as anything more than that. Appreciate it for what it is. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Multiversity Comics - Zach Wilkerson Feb 14, 2013

    This final chapter of ‘Death of the Family,' while in a way accomplishing what it set out to do, will likely be seen as somewhat of a disappointment to all but the most devoted Snyder fans. However, Snyder does plant seeds for some pretty interesting possibilities later in his run. The next issue will likely bear the brunt of the emotional fall out for ‘Death of the Family,' which may in turn cast this issue in a new light. In the mean time, we're left with a gorgeous book that fails to capitalize on some really great ideas. Here's hoping that the upcoming stories featuring Harper Row and the Riddler fare better. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Grant McLaughlin Feb 17, 2013

    Admittedly, if you've been following the entire arc, it's unlikely that you'll skip out on the conclusion, but that doesn't mean it's terribly satisfying. It's unfortunate, considering how strong the rest of Death of the Family has been, but Snyder's story just doesn't keep up with the moody art from Capullo and Glapion. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Flip Geeks - Kyle Francisco Feb 12, 2013

    Hell, Hush was better than this, and that story wasn't even close to excellent. Read Full Review

  • 3.1
    Geek Smash - Michael Wais Feb 17, 2013

    Hopefully, later Joker storylines will involve more direct action on the parts of the characters and can move the plot of the Batman franchise into dark, entertaining and more fascinating territory. Unfortunately, this issue features The Joker at his most amateurish.It would be nice if Alan Moorewould come back to write The Joker at his most deranged, like inThe Killing Jokestoryline. Read Full Review

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