Batman #51

Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Greg Capullo, Danny Miki Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 27, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 30 User Reviews: 58
9.1Critic Rating
9.1User Rating

Batman has battled everything from the Court of Owls to Mr. Bloom to the Joker, but how does he handle a quiet night in Gotham City?

  • 10
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny Hughes May 2, 2016

    As a one-off dessert to the multitudes of main courses that Snyder and Capullo have served up over the last fives years, its perfect. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Nerdophiles - Jackson Adams May 3, 2016

    Batman #51 isn't just a clever issue, wittingly blending narration from the first issue to new content here, or a smart piece of storytelling, but it's a love letter to the spirit of collaboration in comics, both work between writers and artists but fans and creators. For readers who've been with this book since the first issue, it's a testament to one of DC's best characters and two iconic talents of the industry. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Dark Knight News - Ryan Lower Apr 28, 2016

    I'm sad to see this team leave. I have been reviewing this book on Dark Knight News since Death of the Family and have enjoyed it every month. The book has always been worth my money. I've even double dipped once the hardcover collections came out. But now we look ahead to the future. Capullo is working on a project with Mark Millar, while Snyder is taking on All-Star Batman this summer after DC's Rebirth. But can we see them reunite with our hero? Anything in Gotham is" possible. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge Apr 28, 2016

    Though DC as a whole is headed for a Rebirth, Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo can hold their head high after delivering a thematically rich finale to cap off a stellar run with the Dark Knight and his wonderful and terrible city of his birth. Read Full Review

  • 10
    AIPT - David Brooke Apr 27, 2016

    This is the very definition of who Batman is in every way. Bravo. Snyder and Capullo have managed to express both who Batman is, but more importantly why Batman is so damn great in every way. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Kabooooom - Brandon Griffin Apr 29, 2016

    Emotions aside, there is nothing I could find about this issue that wasn't exactly what it should have been. These two will likely work together again – it would be a travesty for them not to, and DC is in no position to change things that work. Their run on Batman is untouchable and will be remembered as one of the best eras for Batman comic books. As this issue serves as a thank you to Batman, Gotham, and all of us fans… let this review serve as a personal thank you to both Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo. Read Full Review

  • 10
    GWW - Casey Walsh Apr 27, 2016

    Batman #51 is the perfect end to the perfect Batman run. Snyder and Capullo send us off the same way they hooked us, with some great story telling and tremendous art. If there was ever a dynamic duo in comics, Snyder and Capullo are arguably it as they became the Dark Knight writers we deserved. If you have been reading Batman from the beginning then I don't have to tell you this is a must read issue. If you haven't read Batman from Snyder and Capullo, there is no better time to start than now and when you reach this final issue, hopefully you will feel the same way I did. I'm sad to see them go, but excited to see what comes next from both creators. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Multiversity Comics - Keith Dooley Apr 29, 2016

    "Batman" #51 is a perfect finale to Snyder and Capullo's first of hopefully many more runs with this character. It was heartbreaking, thrilling, mysterious, joyous, and many more adjectives too numerous to conjure in one review. This series was not only critically acclaimed, but it also touched many Bat-fanatics (like this reviewer) and readers who may have been new to the character. When a series can cause fierce devotion toward a writer and artist duo, then they must have succeeded in their artistic endeavor. Snyder and Capullo were not only a success, but cemented themselves in the hall of fame of Batman scribes. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Resources - Matt Little Apr 29, 2016

    Snyder and Capullo's run has impacted both Batman and the world at large, but they also had an impact on me. They made Batman larger than life, while still street-level and accessible, and came up with some of the most brilliant twists ever drawn up for the hero. In addition to creating iconic images and innovative designs that captured imaginations, they really, truly gave readers a predicate to the subject "Batman is" with every page. To me, Batman will always be this creative team. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Apr 27, 2016

    BATMAN #51 is the perfect ending to Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's run. There's a bittersweet feeling as you enjoy the issue, knowing it will all be over soon. The issue does help celebrate past five years, and that's a key thing to keep in mind. Nothing lasts forever, and we've had a helluva ride for fifty-one issues. At the same time, there's a feeling of new beginnings. Exploring what Gotham is and seeing various characters planning their next schemes reassures us the city's story is far from over. We owe the creative team a huge thanks for all the great times and issues they've given us. It will be exciting to see what they'll all give us next. Read Full Review

  • 9.9
    Major Spoilers - Wayne Hall Apr 29, 2016

    If you've been reading Batman as faithfully as I have, you'll find reward after reward in the pages inside. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Comicsverse - Sean Bartley May 3, 2016

    Where BATMAN #50 was the perfect ending to five years of storytelling, this issue is the perfect coda. The story itself is straightforward and fairly predictable, but this issue isn't meant to be a winding narrative. It's meant to serve as a farewell on the behalf of the creators to this world, these characters, and us. Many view what Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo accomplished with BATMAN as the definitive take on the character, and while that's a conversation for another day, what the two of them did together was rare. They built a great friendship, a series that managed to be fun, exciting, smart and fresh at almost every turn, and a run with a beloved character that will stand the test of time. Hats off to Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo. As for what Gotham is… well, Gotham is Batman. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Good Kind Of Geek - Nikki Yuan Apr 28, 2016

    It's really good to see Snyder and Capullo's run on Batman ends on such a high note. The strong optimistic note is a strange one to see in Batman, but it's great that after everything the hero been through, it's proven that Gotham is a place worth saving. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    CourtOfNerds - Benjamin Raven Apr 27, 2016

    Snyder and Capullo hit us right in the feels with good, old-fashioned story-telling to end their near five-year run on the series. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Batman-News - Brandon Mulholand Apr 27, 2016

    This is the best issue of Batman that I have read in over a year. I fully admit that SuperHeavy was an arduous undertaking for me, and I had no love for it. By the end of it, I was all for some fresh blood on Batman. But after reading this issue, I know that Scott is still more than capable of putting out absolutely superb Batman comics. I'm genuinely sad to see him go because, when he wants to, he really can write the hell out of the character. Seeing what he is capable of when he puts his mind to it, it's also sad that we couldn't have had more issues like this one throughout his run. In any case, good luck on All-Star Batman, Scott. And thanks for leaving us on a high note. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Nerds Unchained - Jeremy Radick Apr 28, 2016

    There's no denying we'll miss this team on this book, that Snyder and Capullo have defined Batman for the next few years, creating a high-water mark that will be hard to match. But as an ending, Batman #51 gives you everything you want from a farewell. Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 27, 2016

    It would be silly to expect anything less than greatness from the final chapter of Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's Batman saga. This issue ties up all remaining loose ends while creating a fitting sense of symmetry with the beginning of the run. It sports more terrific art from Capullo, Miki and Plascencia and offers a powerful meditation on the impact Batman has had on his city. What more could readers ask for? Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Doom Rocket - Jarrod Jones Apr 28, 2016

    There's a coincidental twist that comes towards the end of Batman #51 that nearly betrays all this goodwill with its nostalgia-tinged sentimentality. But a writer like Snyder has never been afraid of coincidences. He approaches them as he would anything else and applies this development to his story without incident. There's a lyricism that comes with this reveal, one that's used to bring us back around to issue #1 " a saga come full circle. It provides a comfortable closure that we never felt" not once " at the ends of Death of the Family,Zero Year or even Endgame. In saying goodbye to a top-notch run, Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo pay their respects to the readers that helped it to endure. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Apr 28, 2016

    Batman #51 hits all the right notes as it catches us up on what's going on in Gotham, while re-acclimating us to the Batman we've missed.  This is just a beautiful issue that relies on the narration to tell us a story about what Gotham is, while we follow Batman throughout the night and with great art and a story that offers up plenty of feels, this is definitely a issue that you won't want to miss. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck May 2, 2016

    Capullo's art has been excellent throughout, and this issue is another gold star on his report card - his layouts have been powerful, with great character designs throughout. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Outright Geekery - Leroy Dee Apr 29, 2016

    Snyder and Capullo had fun with their toys, but now it's time to put the toys back in the box before it's time to leave the playhouse. One could say this story is basically the equivalent of not doing any work at 4:30 right before you clock out at 5, but as much as this entire run has been going at such a breakneck pace, they're owed a day off just as much as Batman has. In fact it's probably my favorite single issue non-story arc of the entire run, because at its heart it's a love letter to the fans that have kept up with this series. I hope you comic fans understand and appreciate how special this run really was. This doesn't happen often in this industry. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Black Nerd Problems - Oz Longworth Apr 29, 2016

    This was an appropriate goodbye with more heart than action, deft and reacquainting us with the new Bruce Wayne and saying farewell to one of the most consistent Batman runs to date. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Joseph Apr 27, 2016

    I think it's best that a conclusion with a normal page count be more dialogue packed as this one was. Everything just felt like it came full circle and had somewhat of a sense of finality, while also leaving the door open for the Rebirth era. This truly was one of the most definitive runs in Batman's long history. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Apr 27, 2016

    Throughout the "New 52" run of Batman, there's been a recurring question of "what is Gotham?" And while Scott Snyder might argue that Gotham is its history, I might do him one better: Gotham is its creators. There have been dozens of writers, artists, letterers and editors toiling over Batman's 75-year career, but I can think of very few who have delved this deeply to flesh out Batman and the city that orbits around him than Snyder and Capullo. Runs like this aren't just rare, they're unheard of " and to have a run like this actually be good is even more unprecedented. This conclusion is less of a fast-paced finale and more of an epilogue, taking the scenic route through 51 issues of blockbuster storytelling. Over the past five years, Snyder and Capullo have gone through a herculean undertaking, mapping and building Gotham from the ground up. I can only imagine what it must feel like now they get to just sit back and enjoy the view. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Apr 28, 2016

    Batman #51 is a nice read and a solid “goodbye” issue from this departing creative team. Their stamp is firmly planted on this character, the rogues and the city of Gotham, and people are not going to forget the Snyder/Capullo run for a damn long time. Thank you, Greg & Scott (and Danny & FCO), that was one hell of a run. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    PopOptiq - Scott Cederlund May 11, 2016

    Batman #51 is a strong reminder of the mark that Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo have left on Gotham City and Batman himself. Through one night in the city as Batman races the clock to discover an unseen threat to Gotham, Snyder and Capullo are leading the reader through one last look at their version of Gotham, a city that has hidden its secrets from Batman throughout their run on the book. As the capstone to their run, Batman #51 looks back at everything that theyve accomplished over 50 issues while promising a future full of more stories. And thats what Gotham is; a city that for as many stories have been already told about it, there will always be stories to be told about it and its hero, Batman. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Apr 30, 2016

    The great Snyder/Capullo Batman run comes to an end with this issue, in a fitting little farewell story that touches on all the classic Batman elements, while looking fantastic. It's not exactly ground-breaking stuff, more like a well-earned victory lap. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Matthew Lloyd May 1, 2016

    This is someones one chance at telling a Batman story. It is the best of both worlds- a goodbye to Gotham for this creative team and a satisfying examination of what is essential about Batman. Its Batman and Gotham City and Commissioner Gordon and Alfred. Its all the possibilities for danger. As the journalist indicates, the city is changing. Batman is making a difference. Hes changing what was into what can be. And in that change, sometimes the city itself can make a difference, and when it looks darkest, sometimes Batman is not needed. This could also be someones first Batman story, and in that Snyder and Capullo communicate what a new reader needs to know about Batman. And if you can, track down Detective Comics#567 while youre at it. Read Full Review

  • 7.0 - John McCubbin Apr 28, 2016

    Batman #51 is a decent end to Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo‘s run on the comic, but at the same time it wasn't as spectacular as I hoped. What it did do, was give us a bold, symbolic take on Gotham and why Batman is such a crucial part to it's environment. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp May 4, 2016

    I don't know what Rebirth has in store for Batman going forward (other than adding a splash more blue to the Dark Knight's new costume), but I'm glad to close the book on the run that offered the Court of Owls, the Face-Off Joker, and Jim Batman as its most noteworthy accomplishments. Pass. Read Full Review

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