Green Lantern Annual #2

Writer: Robert Venditti Artist: Sean Chen Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 30, 2013 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 19 User Reviews: 10
7.8Critic Rating
6.8User Rating

Dont miss the stunning conclusion of Lights Out! Can Relic be defeated? Who lives? Who dies? The new status quo for the Lanterns is revealed here!

  • 9.6
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Nov 4, 2013

    I groused paying this much for an annual, but once I read it I was glad I picked it up. This really is the beginning of a new start for the Green Lantern Corps. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Oct 30, 2013

    The new Green Lantern team is exactly what this universe needed. Exciting, refreshing, and amazingly fun to read. I’m so excited for the future of the GLU! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Richard Gray Oct 30, 2013

    "Lights Out" is a textbook example of what an event should be: a mostly self-contained quest that not only ends on its own terms, but hints at the future. When Johns left the title, he laid out a road map for the ultimate fate of the characters he had crafted over the course of a decade. With "Lights Out," Venditti has ensured that his own name will become an important part of that history, indicating some major changes on the horizon for all the main players. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Oct 30, 2013

    Writer Robert Venditti orchestrates this final issue like a summer blockbuster. There's a huge space battle against Relic, some great quips between characters, and at one point Jruk goes crazy with his axe. And that's the best part of this issue: despite all of the craziness, Venditti manages to creates moments for both the main and supporting characters that remind you why you love them and why you are rooting for them to win over Relic. Yes, Relic's lines are a bit corny, and yes, his final moments are too explanatory for their own good, but I still enjoyed this finale to Lights Out thanks to the huge plot twists and excellent work on the hero characters. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Oct 30, 2013

    So the new creative teams have stretched their legs in the Lantern mythos, with a big crossover event, and they pulled it off.  So from what I've seen here, I'm really excited to see what each creative team will give us from their respective title.  This was a good annual, and it's nice to have a larger issue to have a final installment.  So go get this issue, and prepare for each Lantern title's individual adventures. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Alison Berry Nov 2, 2013

    Venditti said that this is the story he pitched to DC Editorial that got him the Green Lantern book. I think they made the right call. Im left with questions about the future of not just the Green Lantern Corps, but ring-slingers in general. For me, this beat the pants off of Rebirth because it takes nothing for granted. I cant ask for more out of my superhero storytelling. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Oct 30, 2013

    Lights Out came and shook up the Green Lantern universe quite a bit. We'll have to see how the repercussions affects everyone in the months to come. We do get to see some great moments with the different characters but there weren't as many big and crazy changes as you might expect. Sean Chen's art and Andrew Dalhouse's colors is a great way to end the story. Now is the time to pick up the pieces. If you don't read this, you will be missing out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Blog Of Oa - Myron Rumsey Oct 30, 2013

    In the end Green Lantern Annual #2 was a fine ending to Lights Out even if it didn't quite pack the emotional punch that the destruction of Oa and the Blue Lanterns did.  Venditti has put things in motion that spin out of the event to help shape the entire Lantern family of books.  Sean Chen's artwork looks great although I had some nervousness when I got to the title page and saw a goof up on the Green Lantern logo and Carol's star emblem changed, but those small concerns quickly disappeared with each passing panel.  Four out of five lanterns.   Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Derek Baker Nov 1, 2013

    From start to finish, Green Lantern Annual is a fascinating read and sets up a new status quo for the Lantern universe. There are not many $4.99 Annuals and Specials that seem worth the price, but this one is worth every penny. If this is the future of the Lanterns, count me in. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    One Quest - Chris Cobb Nov 1, 2013

    This final issue of Lights Out is a pretty hefty book and has a bit higher of a price, but a lot really goes on it, and there's some nice conclusions and cliffhangers left at the end. One thing I noticed was missing, and I'm a huge sucker for is that big hero moment. It was almost there, but just fell a little short and that was a bit of a disappointment. I suppose in the grand scheme of things, that's a minor problem. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Population Go - Chris Lemmerman Nov 5, 2013

    It's lights out for Lights Out, and everything really has changed. For the first big event in a series that has thrived on events since the Sinestro Corps War, the Green Lantern books could have done a lot worse than this one. Change is in place, characters are going in new and exciting directions, and best of all, we only have to wait until next week to find out the fate of the Corps going forward " even better. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Green Lantern Corps - iggy Oct 31, 2013

    Overall this issue was pretty fun and a solid conclusion to an interesting story. The art from beginning is top notch and hopefully Sean Chen returns for future issues in one of the Green Lantern books. It's going to be an fascinating time for our favorite Lanterns going forward. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Refueled - vashmcdash Nov 4, 2013

    Venditti proved that the Green Lantern series is in good hands after the departure of Geoff Johns. With great artwork, a lot of good twists, ending plot lines and opening interesting new ones, and making all the major Lantern shine this issue was a great end to a solid story arc. I see great things in the future for all four lantern books and if you're not venturing into space with the lanterns make sure you do so. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    Multiversity Comics - Zach Wilkerson Nov 1, 2013

    For all its faults, its hard not feel a sense of excitement after reading this issue. For all that it lacks in refinement and clout, it makes up for in gumption. Venditti has left “Green Lantern” open to a wide array of new story possibilities. Each book spinning out of the crossover bears a distinct new mission statement that is stronger than the one it had coming in, a huge success for any crossover. Venditti has done something I didn't think possible in such a short amount of time; he has successfully distanced himself from Johns' run. Some of the changes don't sit quite well with this reviewer, but you know what they say about breaking a few eggs. Regardless, Venditti and the rest of the Lantern creative teams deserve accolades for their willingness to forego convention in favor of new and interesting stories. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - kanchilr1 Oct 30, 2013

    This chapter is riddled with some annoying issues such as the dull art of Sean Chen and minor roadblocks for Venditti. The team is still melding the franchise in some new directions and securing a strong future in further stories with these characters. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Noah Sharma Oct 30, 2013

    Green Lantern Annual #2 doesn't live up to the rare pedigree that "Sinestro Corps War" or "Blackest Night" belong to, nor does it try to shock you the way that "War of the Green Lanterns" did, but it proves that this franchise can survive Johns' departure. Robert Venditti provides a satisfying conclusion to this event and lays the pipe for who knows how many stories down the line. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Nov 3, 2013

    The story wraps up with a few changes in the status quo - but not really. As always, it's the illusion of change - but what this series needs is some real change. It would be nice to see some stories about Hal Jordan the human, not the Hal who spends all his time on alien planets, surrounded by strange creatures. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Nerds On The Rocks - Josh Raj Oct 30, 2013

    Overall, Lights Out was a great story; the end could have been a bit better. The Kyle story going forward will be very interesting. The art was beautiful again, as it usually is with any Green Lantern book. The interesting end with Hal having a question mark after reciting the oath could really hurt the Green Lantern Corps if their leader does fully believe. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Nov 2, 2013

    As I predicted, this really all seems to be an excuse to remake the GL landscape how Vinditti wants. I'm comfortable with that. I think Vinditti and his team have been strong so far, and I'm eager to see what they can do when they're not buried in crossovers. Overall, Lights Out was generally good. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    the green death Oct 30, 2013

    Some interesting ideas thrown in a blender with a lot of shouting and posing. I just don't feel Vendetti quite gets these characters. I'm giving the GL books (except Soule's brilliant Red Lanterns and maybe New Guardians) one more month to win me over or else I drop them.

  • 5.5
    Mout May 11, 2024

    Bullshit arc

  • 4.0
    Criminology. May 29, 2021

    A really pretty bad end to a promising arc. At least here some interesting ideas are presented, that can be explored in the future(which is now past).That's a thing, that elevates the story a little bit. But overall the arc was mostly useless IMO. Just it's like the consequences are not existent within that arc. The death that occurs(not really a death) here is a proof of that and again it's like nothing happened. It's a horrible death and it happened out of nowhere. The build-up was not existent or not noticeable and I'm not even sure it was necessary, cos the story did not allude to that.

    Relic was an interesting villain, but again he was wasted and it's no wonder why he is not that well-remember. Also as far as I know the st more

  • 9.0
    kaulthelegend Jan 12, 2014

  • 8.0
    havok1977 Nov 8, 2013

  • 8.0
    EvilPenguin543 Nov 2, 2013

  • 7.5
    Redeadhood Feb 1, 2015

  • 7.0
    Nicetrylaoche Jun 13, 2019

  • 7.0
    Yippeekiyay Dec 7, 2015

  • 5.5
    VirusVenom Dec 11, 2022

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