ockedman's Profile

Joined: Jun 08, 2016 About Me: My favorite super-heroes are Green Lantern and Moon Knight. I hope they'll cross-over at some point.

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #24

By: Robert Venditti, Ethan Van Sciver
Released: Jul 12, 2017

"FRACTURES" part three! Secrets are out and battle lines are drawn. The partnership of the Green Lantern Corps and the Sinestro Corps begins to crumble before it explodes!

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ockedman reviewed Action Comics #983 Jul 12, 2017

This arc is definitely disappointing.

Action Comics #983

By: Dan Jurgens, Viktor Bogdanovic
Released: Jul 12, 2017

"REVENGE" part one! A beaten and battered Superman can barely hold his own against the revenge squad of his greatest foes-but hope rushes from the horizon as the Superman family arrives!

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ockedman rated Batman #26 Jul 5, 2017

Batman #26

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jul 5, 2017

"THE WAR OF JOKES AND RIDDLES" part two! The Riddler and The Joker escalate their bloody feud, and the villains of Gotham City are forced to choose sides or be caught in the crossfire! It's up to Batman to push himself to the limit and keep innocent citizens out of harm's way.

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ockedman reviewed Action Comics #982 Jun 29, 2017

This is finally what I was waiting for! The arc is rather long and not much happened before, but now the story gets epic.

Action Comics #982

By: Dan Jurgens, Jackson Herbert
Released: Jun 28, 2017

“REVENGE” part four! General Zod takes command as he leads Cyborg Superman, Eradicator, Mongul, Blanque and Metallo against Superman—but his real motives are yet to be revealed and may have far graver consequences for Superman than anyone imagines.

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Even if I love Hal Jordan more than any other super-hero, Guy Gardner has become my favorite character of the title. His characterization is awesome: he's both fun and super bad-ass. For me, his team-up with Arkillo is an excellent idea and it's really well-written. The story is becoming quite intriguing and I'm really looking forward to the next issues!

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #23

By: Robert Venditti, Ethan Van Sciver
Released: Jun 28, 2017

"FRACTURE" part two! As a Green Lantern stands accused and Hal Jordan rushes to his defense against the Sinestro Corps, Guy Gardner and his new partner Arkillo embark on a mission that, if successful, could stop both sides from killing each other.

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ockedman reviewed Batman #25 Jun 23, 2017

A really intriguing first part for this epic arc which seems a story never done before!

Batman #25

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 21, 2017

"The War of Jokes and Riddles" part one! Don't miss this extra-sized anniversary issue! In his own words, Bruce Wayne narrates a harrowing, never-before-told story of the Dark Knight's greatest failure...and the horrors it unleashed! In the spirit of YEAR ONE and THE LONG HALLOWEEN, prepare to see a side of Batman you've never seen before-get in on...

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I was really waiting for this arc, because important things would finally happen. In this first part, the story slowly begins and it isn't so interesting. I hope that the next issues will bring some major modifications for the multiple characters.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #22

By: Robert Venditti, Ethan Van Sciver
Released: Jun 14, 2017

"FRACTURE" part one! A rash decision during a routine hunt for outlaw Sinestro Corps members leads to a confrontation that shakes the foundation of the fragile working relationship between the Green Lanterns and the Sinestro Corps. Can Hal Jordan pull the truth into the light and keep the peace?

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I didn't expect much for this issue but I enormously enjoyed it. This cross-over seemed at the beginning improbable but it's finally well-done and meaningful. It's a parody of the Silver Age's comic-books' tone, and it's really fun. Bugs Bunny's writing is excellent, with his typical but effective humor. The art is a perfect mix between the 60s super-hero stories and the Looney Tunes' style. Howev more

DC / Looney Tunes: Legion of Super Heroes/Bugs Bunny #1

By: Sam Humphries, Scott Hanna
Released: Jun 14, 2017

The Legion of Super-Heroes always thought they had taken their inspiration from the 21st Century's Superboy. But when they try to bring that hero into their future time, the team discovers to their surprise the caped champion isn't who-or even what-they expected! And the bonus Looney Tunes backup story features DC characters with story and art by J...

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I was really waiting for this issue because Martian Manhunter is one of my favorite super-heroes and I've always been a fan of Marvin. Finally, this one-shot is totally empty and the story is practically nonexistent. There are some rather reflections about J'onn's role though, but it could have been even more interesting. This issue is just a fun and simple cross-over between two famous martians, more

DC / Looney Tunes: Martian Manhunter/Marvin the Martian #1

By: Steve Orlando, Jerome K. Moore
Released: Jun 14, 2017

Martian Manhunter tries to halt Marvin the Martian's determination for world domination. J'onn is conflicted with his own Martian identity as he attempts to stop the hapless, determined Marvin from blowing Earth to bits in order to gain a clear view of Venus. And the bonus Looney Tunes backup story features DC characters written by Jim Fanning with...

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ockedman reviewed Action Comics #981 Jun 17, 2017

I was quite excited for the cross-over with the Suicide Squad but it finally didn't happen. We already know where the story is heading, and the cliff-hanger is really ridiculous in my opinion. However, the arc is still rather promising and I hope that it'll get better.

Action Comics #981

By: Dan Jurgens, Jackson Herbert
Released: Jun 14, 2017

"REVENGE" part three! Superman races to save the Suicide Squad from General Zod, Cyborg Superman and Eradicator. Can the Man of Steel escape the Black Vault and stop the carnage before Harley, Deadshot and the rest of Task Force X are forced to make a final stand?

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Kitaru reviewed Batman #24 Jun 7, 2017

A very deep and introspective issue of Batman that I feel may not be for everyone one. It sets up a storyline that that people will either like or very much dislike, but I think either way it will be memorable.

Batman #24

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jun 7, 2017

"Aftermath"! Gotham City is at peace...but a war is coming. Armed with the terrifying knowledge gained from the mysterious button, Batman prepares for the coming storm by making a proposition to one of his enemies-one that will change everything for the Dark Knight and his allies!

ockedman reviewed Batman #24 Jun 7, 2017

Batman's portrayal in this series is masterful and really interesting. Tom King is definitely building a big story with major consequences and I have a great feeling about it!

Batman #24

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jun 7, 2017

"Aftermath"! Gotham City is at peace...but a war is coming. Armed with the terrifying knowledge gained from the mysterious button, Batman prepares for the coming storm by making a proposition to one of his enemies-one that will change everything for the Dark Knight and his allies!

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thecomiccookebook reviewed Batman #24 Jun 7, 2017

Another solid issue. A great character study on why Batman does what he does.

Batman #24

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jun 7, 2017

"Aftermath"! Gotham City is at peace...but a war is coming. Armed with the terrifying knowledge gained from the mysterious button, Batman prepares for the coming storm by making a proposition to one of his enemies-one that will change everything for the Dark Knight and his allies!

ockedman reviewed Action Comics #980 Jun 1, 2017

Not much happens in the issue and the cliff-hanger doesn't interest me. For the moment, I'm quite concerned about the arc, because it can be epic and really enjoyable, or too classic without any surprises in it.

Action Comics #980

By: Dan Jurgens, Patrick Zircher
Released: May 24, 2017

"REVENGE" part two! Both Superman and the Revenge Squad must traverse the deadly Black Vault in a race against time to reach General Zod! Amanda Waller's secret Kryptonian weapon reveals himself to the world, but Cyborg Superman and Eradicator move in to recruit him. Tying directly into the events of this month's Suicide Squad issues-and no matter ...

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A rather disappointing issue, because the final is extremely quick and the problem is too easily resolved. Also, Krona's gauntlet which has acquired a conscious is a weak villain. However, the final revelation is quite interesting, even if it was rather predictable and I hope that we'll see Sarko again in the future. I'm excited for the next arc, because things will really move on!

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #21

By: Robert Venditti, V Kenneth Marion
Released: May 24, 2017

PRISM OF TIME finale! To stop Sarko and save the future of the Green Lantern Corps, a Lantern must die-but can a returning Green Lantern find a way to save a life instead of taking one?

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ockedman reviewed Moon Knight #14 Jun 1, 2017

The only word I could use to describe this issue is "beautiful". Marc’s last speech is emotive and the character is finally happy with his life. He’s considerably evolved in the series: it was his death and his rebirth. This conclusion is the culmination of everything the author has introduced from the beginning and it's enough for me.

This last arc is a bit less inspired. The flash-b more

Moon Knight #14

By: Jeff Lemire, Greg Smallwood
Released: May 31, 2017

•  Marc's past, present and future collide!
•  An epic throwdown between MARC SPECTOR and KHONSHU!
•  Who will survive, and what will be left of them?
Rated T+

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thecomiccookebook reviewed Batman #23 May 17, 2017

This issue reminded me why I love Tom King's Batman. It was very poetic and captured the unlikely pairing of Batman and Swamp Thing very well. A great one shot.

Batman #23

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: May 17, 2017

In a new story The Brave and the Mold! Swamp Thing comes to Gotham City featuring new art and cover by Mitch Gerads.  

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pocketmegar reviewed Flash #22 May 17, 2017

This event has been an amazing and satisfying interlude between the DCU: Rebirth #1 one-shot and the juicy storyline that Geoff Johns, Gary Frank and Brad Anderson are cooking us. The entire creative team involved in these four issues excelled, especially Joshua Williamson and Howard Porter, who have produced here their best work in a long time.

Flash #22

By: Joshua Williamson, Neil Googe
Released: May 17, 2017

"THE BUTTON" part four! The cataclysmic events of DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1 continue here! The Dark Knight and The Fastest Man Alive, the two greatest detectives on any world, unite to explore the mystery behind a certain blood-stained smiley button embedded in the Batcave wall. What starts as a simple investigation turns deadly when the secrets of t...

ockedman reviewed Batman #23 May 17, 2017

A more poetic and different story, narrated with Tom King's majestic story-telling and the dialogues are emotive and interesting. Also, Swamp Thing's presence is quite enjoyable and the team-up is really fun. And Mitch Gerads' art is still so elegant and beautiful.

Batman #23

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: May 17, 2017

In a new story The Brave and the Mold! Swamp Thing comes to Gotham City featuring new art and cover by Mitch Gerads.  

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ockedman reviewed Flash #22 May 17, 2017

An excellent conclusion for this incredible cross-over! We didn't get any important revelation but it didn't bother me. This arc teased some great things, and the "return" of that character is really enjoyable. Also, the team-up between the two protagonists is successful. However, there was no real plot and I feel like no much really happened. I'm quite excited to see how the situation is going to more

Flash #22

By: Joshua Williamson, Neil Googe
Released: May 17, 2017

"THE BUTTON" part four! The cataclysmic events of DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1 continue here! The Dark Knight and The Fastest Man Alive, the two greatest detectives on any world, unite to explore the mystery behind a certain blood-stained smiley button embedded in the Batcave wall. What starts as a simple investigation turns deadly when the secrets of t...

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ockedman reviewed Action Comics #979 May 10, 2017

The story moves slowly but it's really enjoyable, it's maybe the most promising arc of the series. The Revenge Squad's members are great characters and, for me, the team is a perfect threat for the title. This series is genial because, even if it's an "action comic", it's very-well written and Dan Jurgens knows absolutely Superman's universe. Patrick Zircher's art was a bit weak last time but it b more

Action Comics #979

By: Dan Jurgens, Patrick Zircher
Released: May 10, 2017

"REVENGE" part one! Superman, Lois and Jon return to their lives in Metropolis while Eradicator, Cyborg Superman, Metallo and Mongul unite to destroy the Man of Steel!

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ockedman reviewed All-New Wolverine #20 May 10, 2017

The arc began with a bold new direction and a really original story but this issue is weaker than last part. For me, Laura's characterization is sometimes rather failed. Also, the plot is weak and too simple: a new character arrives and arranges everything. However, I quite enjoy how Tom Taylor uses plenty of famous characters. Last issue made me regain faith in the series but I still don't know i more

All-New Wolverine #20

By: Tom Taylor, Leonard Kirk
Released: May 10, 2017

•  WOLVERINE's got a brand-new suit, but she's the same claw-popping, sarcastic-quipping, efficient hero that we know and love.
•  But now that the sickness is spreading, to what lengths will LAURA go to help the people in danger?
•  Tune in, True Believer, and find out!
Rated T+


This arc is great and I really enjoy it because it's finally innovative and creates new threats. The story is original and takes an unexpected, but weird, turn. However, it would have been even more surprising if it hadn't been spoiled by the cover. It's close to being excellent!

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #20

By: Robert Venditti, Jordi Tarragona
Released: May 10, 2017

PRISM OF TIME part three! As a final confrontation between the prism beasts of Sarko and the remaining Green Lanterns comes to a head on Mogo, the Corps tries to hold their ground as Hal Jordan embarks on a stealth mission to the planet where he forged his Green Lantern ring! But what he finds there brings Hal back to past decisions he'll now regre...

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ockedman rated Batman #22 May 4, 2017

Batman #22

By: Joshua Williamson, Jason Fabok
Released: May 3, 2017

THE BUTTON" part three! The cataclysmic events of DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1 continue here! The Dark Knight and The Fastest Man Alive, the two greatest detectives on any world, unite to explore the mystery behind a certain blood-stained smiley button embedded in the Batcave wall. What starts as a simple investigation turns deadly when the secrets of t...

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ockedman reviewed Aquaman Vol. 1: The Drowning Apr 30, 2017

Aquaman is a midly interesting character and that's for me the biggest problem on his comics. While some authors, like Geoff Johns, managed skillfully to make him bad-ass and complex, other authors, like Dan Abnett, can't write extraordinary stories. The problem here isn't the author, it's the restricted capacity of the protagonist.

The idea of Aquaman as "an enemy of the state" is intere more

Aquaman Vol. 1: The Drowning

By: Dan Abnett, Scot Eaton

Aquaman, the King of Atlantis, has never found a true home in either of the worlds that he was born of. In these tales from AQUAMAN: REBIRTH #1 and issues #1-6 of the new series, the King of Atlantis attempts to broker a peace between Atlantis and the surface, but this noble quest might force Aquaman to choose whether to live his life above the wav...

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pocketmegar reviewed Flash #21 Apr 26, 2017

This issue is very different from the last one, and that was something to be expected. Joshua Williamson and Howard Porter have very different styles than Tom King and Jason Fabok. I was afraid that this second creative team would imitate the first one, but it didn't happen, and that's why this issue is excellent. Joshua Williamson and Howard Porter do what they do best. That means no 9 panel grid more

Flash #21

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: Apr 26, 2017

"THE BUTTON" part two! The cataclysmic events of DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1 continue here! The Dark Knight and The Fastest Man Alive, the two greatest detectives on any world, unite to explore the mystery behind a certain blood-stained smiley button embedded in the Batcave wall. What starts as a simple investigation turns deadly when the secrets of th...

ockedman reviewed Action Comics #978 Apr 27, 2017

This issue is way better than I expected! The new origin of Superman is successful, coherent and comprehensible. We get to revisit the most important parts of his history and it's really well-done. It's also interesting to notice how Dan Jurgens re-writes some stories that he wrote himself. There are many enjoyable references, like the destruction of Coast City with Green Lantern. I'd preferred th more

Action Comics #978

By: Dan Jurgens, Ian Churchill
Released: Apr 26, 2017

"Superman Reborn Aftermath" part two! Superman's life has been changed, some good is back, but the bad is back as well-with a vengeance! As Superman's allies gather to address the looming threat of Mr. Oz, another Squad seeks revenge against the Man of Steel-and you won't believe who made the team!

ockedman rated Flash #21 Apr 26, 2017

Flash #21

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: Apr 26, 2017

"THE BUTTON" part two! The cataclysmic events of DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1 continue here! The Dark Knight and The Fastest Man Alive, the two greatest detectives on any world, unite to explore the mystery behind a certain blood-stained smiley button embedded in the Batcave wall. What starts as a simple investigation turns deadly when the secrets of th...

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I'm a big fan of time-travel stories so I'm quite enjoying this arc. The vision of the future is rather cheesy but definitely interesting. Also, I love in this series that there is a bunch of characters, each with a different personality. The art is epic and fits really well with the Green Lantern Corps.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #19

By: Robert Venditti, V Kenneth Marion
Released: Apr 26, 2017

"THE PRISM OF TIME" part two! A mysterious time traveler arrives wearing a Green Lantern ring given to him by one of the Corps in the future? Locked within this ring are secrets that will either save the Green Lanterns or eradicate them.

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ockedman reviewed Moon Knight #13 Apr 19, 2017

Jeff Lemire is continuing his remarkable and memorable run of Moon Knight but it used to be better. I love the protagonist, the author and the artist but this arc is sometimes rather uninspired and predictable to me. Even if there are excellent ideas, like the team-up of the Marc's personalities, we (probably) already know where the arc is going. In the first two arcs, my jaw dropped every issue. more

Moon Knight #13

By: Jeff Lemire, Greg Smallwood
Released: Apr 19, 2017

•  Where has Marc Spector really been all this time? THE ANSWER IS HERE!
•  Where was a man like Marc forged? THE ANSWER IS HERE!
•  Where will the final battle be fought? THE ANSWER IS HERE!
Rated T+

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