Furyspectre's Profile

Joined: Jun 26, 2017

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Furyspectre reviewed Harbinger: Renegade #7 Sep 7, 2017

Very important issue that will lead to the next Harbinger War. This issue is for character building, now lets get on with the bloody war!

Harbinger: Renegade #7

By: Rafer Roberts, Darick Robertson
Released: Sep 6, 2017

Moving targets! "MASSACRE" has claimed a life from the Renegades' own ranks...and their new mission starts now: to rally as many psiots to their cause as possible. Now, this damaged team of telekinetic teenagers are off the grid and on the move, traveling America to recruit soldiers for the inevitable war they all see coming. But they are being wat...

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Furyspectre reviewed X-O Manowar #6 Aug 24, 2017

The end of one arc that sets up for an even bigger arc... Matt Kindt is KING, Braithwaite's art is incredible, and this is going to be my favorite book for as long as Valiant keeps their top talent on it.

X-O Manowar #6

By: Matt Kindt, Doug Braithwaite
Released: Aug 23, 2017

From the bloodied frontlines to the highest seats of power, there is something rotten on Aric of Dacia's new home. With an entire planet in turmoil, who the mighty warrior once known as X-O
Manowar can trust no one, especially those he holds dearest. But will the hero of earth rise and become the hero of his adopted planet...or will his endless...

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Furyspectre reviewed War Mother #1 Aug 24, 2017

This will be a fun mini series, the first issue leaves you with your jaw dropped.

War Mother #1

By: Fred Van Lente, Stephen Segovia
Released: Aug 23, 2017

BECAUSE YOU DEMANDED IT - WAR MOTHER RETURNS IN A RIVETING NEW SERIES! Out of the pages of 4001 A.D., the breakout hero of 41st century charges onward in an high-powered tale of tomorrow from New York Times best-selling writer Fred Van Lente (ARCHER & ARMSTRONG) and high-octane artist Stephen Segovia (NINJAK, Action Comics)!

Two millennia ...

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"Nightwing: New Order does more with character motive in one issue than secret empire does in nine issues." -Average Joe, August 2017

Nightwing: The New Order #1

By: Kyle Higgins, Trevor McCarthy
Released: Aug 23, 2017

NIGHTWING: THE NEW ORDER is the story of a future world without "weapons"-where superpowers have been eliminated and outlawed. The man responsible? None other than Dick Grayson, a.k.a. Nightwing, now leader of a government task force called the Crusaders who are charged with hunting the remaining Supers. But when events transpire which turn the Cru...

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Furyspectre commented on this:

Nightwing: New Order does more with character motive in one issue than secret empire does in nine issues.

Nightwing: The New Order #1

By: Kyle Higgins, Trevor McCarthy
Released: Aug 23, 2017

NIGHTWING: THE NEW ORDER is the story of a future world without "weapons"-where superpowers have been eliminated and outlawed. The man responsible? None other than Dick Grayson, a.k.a. Nightwing, now leader of a government task force called the Crusaders who are charged with hunting the remaining Supers. But when events transpire which turn the Cru...

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Furyspectre - Aug 24, 2017

I couldn't have said it any better, so I am going to directly copy and paste your review.

Furyspectre added Nightwing: The New Order to their pull list Aug 24, 2017

Nightwing: The New Order

NIGHTWING: THE NEW ORDER is the story of a future world without "weapons"-where superpowers have been eliminated and outlawed. The man responsible? None other than Dick Grayson, a.k.a. Nightwing, now leader of a government task force called the Crusaders who are charged with hunting the remaining Supers. But when events transpire which turn the Cru...

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Furyspectre commented on this:
Bill Blaze added War Mother to their pull list Aug 24, 2017

War Mother

BECAUSE YOU DEMANDED IT - WAR MOTHER RETURNS IN A RIVETING NEW SERIES! Out of the pages of 4001 A.D., the breakout hero of 41st century charges onward in an high-powered tale of tomorrow from New York Times best-selling writer Fred Van Lente (ARCHER & ARMSTRONG) and high-octane artist Stephen Segovia (NINJAK, Action Comics)!

Two millennia ...

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Furyspectre - Aug 24, 2017

This mini series will be fun

Bill Blaze - Aug 25, 2017

I agree. Enjoy the ride.

Furyspectre reviewed Daredevil #25 Aug 23, 2017

Please... seriously, I'm begging you Marvel.... please bring Ron Garney back. I get that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and I am sure Alec Morgan works really hard to make this book happen.... but this is not the artwork for this book.

Daredevil deserves better than this, Charles Soule deserves better than this, America.... deserves better than this.

Daredevil #25

By: Charles Soule, Alec Morgan
Released: Aug 23, 2017

•  MATT MURDOCK's gambit reaches its endgame...
•  ...but will this be the victory he was looking for, or the start of something far worse?
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (3)
Vanguard - Aug 23, 2017

Morgan is the reason why I quit the story arch.

Furyspectre - Aug 23, 2017

I should say this much: The story was well done by Charles Soule, and that alone makes it a 8.5+ but the artwork is just so uncomfortable that I could barely enjoy the story.

Furyspectre rated Trinity #12 Aug 23, 2017

Trinity #12

By: Rob Williams, Clay Mann
Released: Aug 16, 2017

"DARK DESTINY" part one! Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman must turn to the mystic trinity of Dead Man, Zatanna and John Constantine when Red Hood, Artemis and Bizarro are sacrificed into the depths of the Pandora Pits by Circe and Ra's al Ghul.

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Furyspectre reviewed Secret Weapons #3 Aug 23, 2017

Still a great story, but I don't know how you're going to end this arc in just 1 more book. I am prepared to be impressed!

Secret Weapons #3

By: Eric Heisserer, Raul Allen
Released: Aug 16, 2017

Team Spirits! Class is in session, and Amanda Mckee-the superpowered technopath known as Livewire-is here to show her unconventional class of recruits what it really takes to be a hero! And Lesson #1 is... teamwork! But as these once-abandoned psiots put their pain behind them and become a fully functioning unit, an even deadlier set of challenges ...

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Furyspectre reviewed Defenders #4 Aug 23, 2017

Gets better and better. People have been doubting this series since issue #1... but I knew they were setting up for an amazing arc. The art is INCREDIBLE. Seriously... Do not ever change this artist. Don't do it, keep him on this book. Please.

Defenders #4

By: Brian Michael Bendis, David Marquez
Released: Aug 9, 2017

• The streets of the Marvel Universe have exploded into chaos, and the only thing standing in between the innocent people of New York and that chaos are the Defenders.
•  But can a group of socially maladjusted heroes actually trust each other enough to continue as a team?
•  Can the Defenders partner up with a stranger in a de...

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Furyspectre reviewed Divinity #0 Aug 22, 2017

First time ever reading about this character. I have bee hooked on Valiant since X-O Manowar (2017-). To be honest, Matt Kindt is the main reason I touched this book... totally worth it. I learned so much about Adam in this one issue, and its a must read if you've never had exposure to him before.

Don't tell anyone, but I read it twice because I was so blown away by the story, art, and more

Divinity #0

By: Matt Kindt, Renato Guedes
Released: Aug 16, 2017

AN EPIC JUMPING-ON POINT LEADING DIVINITY THROUGH THE WHOLE OF THE VALIANT UNIVERSE! New York Times best-selling writer Matt Kindt (X-O MANOWAR, Mind MGMT) and explosive artist Renato Guedes (BLOODSHOT REBORN, Wolverine) present an awe-inspiring introduction to the largest independent superhero universe in comics - as told through the eyes of Valia...

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Furyspectre reviewed Superman #29 Aug 22, 2017

I am new to Superman, and I can say this issue has left me excited for more.

Superman #29

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Doug Mahnke
Released: Aug 16, 2017

This issue now features "FEAR ITSELF" part one! The writing team of Tomasi and Gleason are joined by co-writer Keith Champagne in a story that returns to their Green Lantern roots and asks the question "What scares Superman?"

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Furyspectre reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #31 Aug 22, 2017

I've been avoiding Secret Empire like its the plague, and for a while I thought Dan Slott was just going to pull in meaningless tie ins just to get by. I was SO wrong. He used this as an opportunity to end a huge era of Peter Parker. The fall of Parker Industries (which first appeared back in Superior Spider-man) Its moments like this that prove that keeping a writer on a comic for YEARS.. pays of more

Amazing Spider-Man #31

By: Dan Slott, Stuart Immonen
Released: Aug 9, 2017

•  On orders from Captain America, the Superior Octopus is taking the fight to Parker Industries.
•  Peter must use the full force of his company to stop Ock and Hydra, but WILL IT BE ENOUGH?!
Rated T+

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Furyspectre reviewed Wonder Woman #28 Aug 21, 2017


Wonder Woman #28

By: Shea Fontana, David Messina
Released: Aug 16, 2017

"HEART OF THE AMAZON" part three! With the immediate threat subdued, Diana thought she could take time to help Etta Candy recover from her wounds...but will her presence put Etta in even more danger?

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Furyspectre reviewed Dark Nights: Metal #1 Aug 21, 2017

This is going to be an event to remember for the years to come.

Dark Nights: Metal #1

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Aug 16, 2017

The superstar BATMAN team of writer Scott Snyder and artist Greg Capullo reunite for a massive, universe-spanning event!
DARK DAYS: THE FORGE and THE CASTING hinted at dark corners of reality that have never been seen till now! Now, as DARK NIGHTS: METAL begins, the Dark Multiverse is revealed in all its devastating danger-and the threats it co...

Furyspectre reviewed Batman #29 Aug 21, 2017

Now this was a fun read. Tom King is really proving to be a great run of Batman. Although the story arch has been slow, each issue has been enjoyable on its own. I really hope for several "ah hah" moments before the end of it all. This will be labeled as one of the greats.

Batman #29

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Aug 16, 2017

"THE WAR OF JOKES AND RIDDLES" part four ! Batman has done his best to keep the peace, but with neither faction backing down, he may have to choose the lesser of two evils if he wants the violence to end. Will Batman embrace the murderous anarchy of The Joker or the bloody fascism of the Riddler? If he wants to win, he'll have to choose a side-and ...

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Furyspectre reviewed Avengers #10 Aug 15, 2017

I really hope Secret Empire saves this series or maybe I should switch my subscription over to Champions instead.

Avengers #10

By: Mark Waid, Mike Del Mundo
Released: Aug 2, 2017

•  They're Earth's Mightiest - but are they heroes? Taskmaster, Deadpool, the Superior Octopus...how can they be fighting alongside the Avengers we know?
Rated T+

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It's hard to believe this will only be a 5 issue run. They are setting up for what could easily be a captivating 16 issue major story arc, HOWEVER, it is just the origin story of Black Bolt and Medusa... with that in mind, give it a read or refer it to a friend, its a great way to prepare for the new Inhuman show coming to ABC.

Inhumans: Once And Future Kings #1

By: Christopher Priest, Phil Noto
Released: Aug 9, 2017

A king in training. A brother destined for madness. These are the early days of the Boltagon legacy. When the king of the Inhumans is attacked, Black Bolt and Maximus spring into action to save their leader! But when Black Bolt loses control, what are the consequences for his future kingdom - or his own famil...

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Furyspectre added Inhumans: Once And Future Kings to their pull list Aug 14, 2017

Inhumans: Once And Future Kings

A king in training. A brother destined for madness. These are the early days of the Boltagon legacy. When the king of the Inhumans is attacked, Black Bolt and Maximus spring into action to save their leader! But when Black Bolt loses control, what are the consequences for his future kingdom - or his own famil...

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Furyspectre reviewed Superman #28 Aug 14, 2017

A tribute issue acting as a transition filler for the next story arc. These past 2 issues really feel like a comic from the 60s and 70s. Tons of dialogue but filled with interesting lesser know facts of American History. You don't need to read these issues, but I recommend it, it was fun. Its almost like a light little break from saving the world, but I am sure Tomasi is getting ready to flip the more

Superman #28

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Doug Mahnke
Released: Aug 2, 2017

This issue now features "ROAD TRIP" part two! As the Kents' family road trip takes some strange and unexpected turns that will reveal a foreboding threat reaching out to touch their lives, you can bet that their gonna need a vacation after their vacation!

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Furyspectre reviewed Harbinger: Renegade #6 Aug 14, 2017

It felt like a random story (Its basically a one-shot) BUT I believe its going to be an important issue in understanding the upcoming Harbinger Wars. The writing was great, just through out everything you know about Harbingers and Psiots for this issue and enjoy it for what it is, a Medieval adventure.

Harbinger: Renegade #6

By: Rafer Roberts, Juan Jose Ryp
Released: Aug 9, 2017

A HISTORIC HARBINGER MOMENT! After "MASSACRE"...witness the brutal beginning of the Renegades' murderous new foe!

At the height of the Dark Ages, one of the world's first psiots has made a terrible discovery: he is not alone. Lurking in the shadows, a mind as sadistic as it is powerful waits - a predator with a darkness so great, it will ...

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Furyspectre reviewed Scooby Apocalypse #16 Aug 14, 2017

The beginning of this felt like a finale, which worried me because I don't want this series to end. However, we are lucky enough to at least get one more issue. I seriously hope this series transitions into something else after the Apocalypse story arc ends.

Scooby Apocalypse #16

By: Keith Giffen, Dale Eaglesham
Released: Aug 9, 2017

It's life or death! Faced with the choice between the two, the warring groups led by Scrappy and Scooby must join forces in order to survive the menacing mega monster! Will they survive the fight? Or will they be absorbed into the belly of the beast forever?! Then, in a special bonus story...international mammal of mystery, Secret Squirrel, is back...

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I am the farthest thing from an X-Man fan that you can find. Inhumans ALL THE WAY! However, I have been picking up Generations just for the read, and this was a fun one-shot of a character I know nothing about. Definitely give this a read

Generations: Phoenix & Jean Grey #1

By: Cullen Bunn, R. B. Silva
Released: Aug 9, 2017

• Teenage Jean Grey is willing to do whatever it takes to avoid the fate that befell her predecessor.
•  But when Jean is cast through time and comes face-to-face with the newly possessed Phoenix, will she find the key to saving herself...or learn that her fate is sealed?
Rated T+

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Furyspectre reviewed Mister Miracle #1 Aug 14, 2017

I believe this is one of the first steps DC is taking to save the comic book industry. This prestige format book was absolutely incredible. Tom King has shattered the paradigm once already with Batman / Elmer Fudd, and he's about to do it again with this 12 issue limited series. Tom King is up there with Scott Snyder, between the two of these writers, DC is going places.

The story itse more

Mister Miracle #1

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Aug 9, 2017

From the team behind THE SHERIFF OF BABYLON and the Hugo Award-nominated writer of Vision comes a unique new take on one of Jack Kirby's most beloved New Gods.
Scott Free is the greatest escape artist that ever lived. So great that he escaped Granny Goodness' gruesome orphanage and the dangers of Apokolips to travel across galaxies and set up a...

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Furyspectre reviewed Wonder Woman #27 Aug 1, 2017

This feels like a comic from the 70s, and I don't mean that in a good way. It was overly simplistic, the villain was laughable and the ending left me saying "Wait, really?" in the most sarcastic manner. I get that is tough to follow an act like Greg Rucka, but you would think since Gal Godot made Wonder Woman relevant again that DC would keep top talent on it.

I really hope this creati more

Wonder Woman #27

By: Shea Fontana, Mirka Andolfo
Released: Jul 26, 2017

"HEART OF THE AMAZON" part two! Someone close to Diana is behind the most recent attack on her and her friends... but what has this person learned about her powers that she never even knew herself?

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Furyspectre reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #30 Jul 27, 2017

This is the beginning of the end of Parker Industries, Marvel Legacy has already spoiled that

Amazing Spider-Man #30

By: Dan Slott, Stuart Immonen
Released: Jul 12, 2017

•  Otto Octavius is back, but he's not returning to his old ways...
•  No, this time, he's THE SUPERIOR OCTOPUS! And he's allied himself with Steve Rogers and Hydra!
•  What does Ock have planned for Peter and Parker Industries? Nothing good for Spider-Man, that's for su...

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Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #2

By: Chip Zdarsky, Adam Kubert
Released: Jul 19, 2017

• A tech-crime ring is tightening around Spider-Man.
•  If Ironheart will stop beating him up, she may be able to help him zero in on the source.
•  And who is the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent showing up at Peter's door with more info on Spidey than anyone should have?
Rated T

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Furyspectre reviewed Daredevil #24 Jul 27, 2017

10.0 for the story, -5.0 for the art. Listen I know it takes a lot talent to be an artist, but this is not he kind of art I am expecting from a title like this. I hope this art team is not around for long, it really takes away from the story.

Daredevil #24

By: Charles Soule, Alec Morgan
Released: Jul 19, 2017

•  It's the fight of  MATT MURDOCK'S life!
•  KINGPIN and LEGAL on one side, the jury on the other, and DAREDEVIL caught between it all!
•  And if the Daredevil survives the letter of the law, he'll still have to deal with...TOMBSTONE...

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Furyspectre rated Trinity #11 Jul 27, 2017

Trinity #11

By: Francis Manapul
Released: Jul 19, 2017

"DEAD SPACE" part three! Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman are in for the fight of their lives against the combined might of the Justice League and the mysterious alien force inhabiting their bodies and controlling the Watchtower! The trinity may have found a way to save their friends-but the cost is high, and time is running out!

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