thecimmerian's Profile

Joined: Oct 29, 2022

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Action Comics (2016) #1048

Oct 29, 2022

Really wish they would drop the back up stories on these books to get the price down.

Action Comics (2016) #1049

Nov 23, 2022

Wonderful to see Lex back to being a competent villain again. In superman son of kal-el Taylor made him lose battles of wit to a teenager for gods sake. This is how superman should be written.

Action Comics (2016) #1050

Dec 28, 2022

I hate to give this comic a low score but I gotta. They finally fixed one of the things Bendis broke (although he wasn't the first to do it) but just used the purple children scheme from daredevil. Felt that was really lame. Supes does have new powers, which is cool, but did he really need to be MORE powerful? This was just a disappointment all around. Also, one good artist throughout would have been better than multiple bad ones.

Action Comics (2016) #1052

Feb 28, 2023

Two fun stories and what amounts to a super long and boring back up story featuring power girl. Overall it's pretty good but the Leah Williams story ain't my style so I gotta dock the book a few points.

Action Comics (2016) #1053

Mar 28, 2023

Decent read. The Power Girl story/art always disappoints me but I really love the bad guy reveal at the end of this one. Overall worth buying.

Action Comics (2016) #1054

Apr 27, 2023

The first story is great. Supes is way too powerful now and I'm not a fan, but whatever. The big thing here is showing Clarkes heart. Despite the fact he could rule the entire earth if he chose, he instead upholds the ideals that we should all strive to emulate. They don't call him the big blue boy scout for nothing and this issue shows that in spades. The reveal of the big bad is really cool even though it's who I figured it would be. All in all a great Superman story. The second story continues young John's adventure with the alien princess and we get some killer Doombreaker action. A fun look at John's all too short youth growing up with a twist I think we all saw coming. Fun stuff. The last story was the worst and it breaks my heart to say that. We finally get some Steel stories and they feel so amateur, like I could write this. A BUNCH of cringe one liners, a pointless fight, a lot of time spent re hashing his origin and a scene that felt like it was pulled directly from the end of the first Iron Man movie. The art was pretty lackluster as well. I enjoy the multiple story anthology style but there always seems to be one story I dislike and feel I'm wasting my money. It's like the trash back-ups DC is notorious for. Still, if your a superfan this is worth the read.

Action Comics (2016) #1055

May 31, 2023

Can't give any higher than this because of the Steel story. My God! The slang and cringe are rampant here. The main Cyborg Supes story is phenomenal and the Jurgens story is really good too. I'm tired of paying for that one story that drags the book down though. Collect all the bad back up stories DC feels they MUST put out every month into a monthly DC comics presents or something and see how well that garbage sells. In other words stop weighing your flagship books down with this trash.

Action Comics (2016) #1056

Jun 29, 2023

This is the first issue of Action since they went to the multi tale/anthology format that I've enjoyed all the stories. The Steel story is still the weakest of the bunch but Dorado Quick really improved in this installment. I don't think I rolled my eyes at his dialogue once. The main PKJ entry is still the best and concludes the Metallo storyline very well while setting up shattered city for the next big story (after Knight terrors concludes that is). The art and panel layouts really make the battles the supes are having feel epic and gives the reader a sense of dread for our heroes. Real pulse pounding stuff. The DJ story continues slowly but is still well written and now we are on Glyanna's home planet where we can hopefully get some Clark/Jon team up next issue. All in all this is another great issue of Action Comics.

Action Comics (2016) #1059

Dec 1, 2023

That's it. I'm done with Action Comics. If DC is gonna do a supes family thing then I think it's cool to use AC to spotlight different members of the family and I love anthology movies so this is a lot like that but if that's the plan then they MUST bring in talented writers to do it. PKJ is fantastic but I'm not gonna pay five bucks just to read a little bit of his story then get two stories that are just not up to snuff. The Kong Kenan story was meh and the Jon story was total ass. Date night in a book called ACTION comics??? WTF? At this point Jon is just trotted out to act as a gay caricature instead of a gay hero. Oh wait, I mean bi hero....yeah right. Kind of insulting instead of empowering.

Action Comics (2016) #1062

Feb 16, 2024

Hopefully Aaron doesn't pull an Aaron and his DC run will be a bit of a redemption. He's off to a pretty decent start so far.

Action Comics (2016) #1063

Mar 17, 2024

Aaron fails to finish strong but the overall story was pretty decent. This issue has some nice moments but feels rushed and a bit contrived. I think Aaron should definitely stick around the DCU as he thus far shown he has a lot to offer.

Action Comics (2016) #1064

Apr 17, 2024

This is a Superman book and Superman event done well.

Action Comics (2016) Annual: 2023

Dec 27, 2023

When you have a writer who just gets who they are supposed to be writing then you get great writing. lol In all seriousness this was a Superman run that future writers of comics (if comics are still around) will say they loved and will want to emulate. Thank you Mr. Johnson, thank you, thank you, thank you.....and the art? Perfection!

Action Comics (2016): Doomsday Special

Aug 29, 2023

This was amazing! A truly dark take on an issue of Action that I for one loved. Here we get Supergirl and Martian Manhunter together in the bowels of hell and it is actually quite disturbing. The thought of Doomsday surviving the horrors of Hell, and with the way his powers work, is a horrifying concept. This came out of left field for me and I'm so glad I read it. Freaking Bloodwynd is in this (even though it's not actually Martian Manhunter)!!!! The art made me drool so much I probably ruined the book with water damage lol. This is the kind of comic we should all be buying and showing support for.

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023) #1

Mar 9, 2023

Jon continues to be better at almost everything than his dad. Sigh. No need for personal growth and nothing to overcome cause he's just perfect, other than being a little blind to things when it comes to Jay. Other than that it does allow him to face Ultraman. Some continuity is nice even if it's from the Bendis era. Overall it's decent.

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023) #2

Apr 5, 2023

We've been waiting for the Ultraman\John fight for a long time and this is what we got? Come on Tom. The Injustice Supes appearance is killer and Ultraman was written well, ULTRA brutal. Overall this is ok.

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023) #4

Jun 10, 2023

I know nothing about the injustice world so I'm only going on what I've read here, but I liked this issue. Somehow I missed the last one and had to go back and read it. It was good as well. This isn't anything I haven't really read or seen before, alternate world with a character dealing with alternate versions of friends and villains, but this really didn't bother or bore me. Taylor's first run was terrible in my opinion. John was too good for his inexperienced years, faced no real adversities that would shape him into his own version of a hero, and sometimes just seemed to deus ex machina out of situations. Climate change seemed to be his biggest enemy for God's sake. Here, in this new world, he gets a chance at some real character development. In this place he sees that version of his dad if Clark tried things a little more John's way and perhaps gives him some food for thought. I even enjoyed the interaction with Jay. I normally hate Jay because it seemed that was pretty much the main focus of the first run for headlines and promotion of tolerance instead of good storytelling. Here it seems genuine and sweet. Real relationship interactions that touch the reader. The ending to the issue creates suspense and dread and has me looking forward to #5. Overall a great issue and hopefully Taylors Titans series will catch some of what makes this book so good.

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023) #5

Jul 9, 2023

I thought Jon was getting better but here he begins to sound like more of the whining ideological kid he seemed to be in the first series. This is way better than Supes son of Kal-El but Jon is very unlikable in this issue. I'm still bugged by the Ultra Man death so soon and hope he returns. That death colors my opinion on this series even though I try to forget it. Overall it's still a good comic, just not as good as his old man's books.

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023) #6

Aug 3, 2023

Taylor said he wanted his Superman to solve problems without punching and here he really backs that up. I'm not saying it's what should have happened, just that he sticks to his guns I guess. This series really can be irksome to me and this issue is a prime example. John gets aged up without his parents there to help raise him and he's more stoic, righteous, intelligent, moral and generally better at everything than someone with that background has any right to be. Someone that has gone through what he went through should have more problems than this. He never has to overcome anything and can do hardly any wrong. He's already better than Clark in tons of ways and it feels so forced that I can't like him. This entire story felt like it had no purpose other than to kill off Ultraman so Jon never gets resolution. WTF!? Let's just blast him back to his universe without really ending this story. Again...WTF!?

Aint No Grave (2024) #1

May 9, 2024

This doesn't really reinvent the wheel or anything but the art is a feast for the eyes.

Aliens: What If...? (2024) #1

Mar 7, 2024

Too much time spent in the beginning of the comic retelling the movie then the writer attempts to make Burke a sympathetic character and it just doesn't work. The jump forward in time is interesting but Burke comes off as a complete doofus making me feel much less curious about what will transpire in issue #2. Overall a fun little tale, but only because it's a what if.

All Eight Eyes (2023) #1

Apr 24, 2023

Spiders eat people and a couple of dudes try to kill the spiders. That pretty much sums it up.

Almighty (2023) #1

Feb 5, 2023

Nothing new or exciting here.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #12

Oct 29, 2022

Really hope they resolve the hook they set up at the beginning of this book soon. Other than that this title is pretty solid.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #21

Mar 9, 2023

This is it. We've all been awaiting this, however the first story doesn't explain much. But that's ok. The next books will determine if the break up story line was worth twenty something issues of wait. This issue is just the beginning so I give it a pass.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #23

Apr 7, 2023

So I've heard both sides of the argument and I think Peters reaction was slightly justified. Yeah he should have explained time moves differently in the other realm and any delay could be catastrophic. They are his friends and if they still didn't listen then he could run. Wells tries to cover all the bases with the buried suit and no Reed or Sue around and does better than many who just have heroes start swinging without any attempt at a dialogue or writers who have heroes act out of character just to make the story they want to tell work. (I hate that second reason!) I thought the Norman situation could have been handled better when he first returned but then remembered this is the time before the current run started where they seem to be getting along much better. The classic, he was so distraught he wasn't thinking clearly excuse can be used but Peter is pretty damn smart & had plenty of time to think things through before he got back to town, so I see why folks have a real problem with his a-hole attitude. Overall my biggest issue is this is just filler. Sure we need to see him seeking help and feel his panic and grief over what has happened while also learning the difference in the whole time flow thing, but a whole issue dedicated to it? Overall I think it was a decent issue just not what everyone was wanting.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #24

Apr 20, 2023 this is a bit confusing. In this issue we get Peter back to MJ to find out the time away from each other was longer than they had hoped for. We figured this going in but we still don't get the explanation of who the kids are. We are led to believe they are the birth children of Paul and MJ but that may not be the case. Both children look like MJ and Paul or maybe Peter. MJ could have been pregnant with twins b4 time jumping and she won't tell Peter cause...reasons? Possibly they are Paul & MJ's but they don't look any older and those kids are maybe 10ish? That could just be JRjr. art style tho. Maybe they are clones of Pete&MJ for some reason (who knows at this point). Maybe they were found in that dimension and adopted by MJ and Paul and their resemblance is just a red herring. This whole issue is meant to shock the reader and it kinda does but we all suspected this result so it kinda doesn't as well. We also get Peter breaking back into the FF headquarters and see that Ben never took Spidey off the friendly list after last issue? Maybe only Reed can do that but it seems like a plot hole we didn't need since everyone was sooo pissed about their interactions last issue. All in all this was not what spider-fans really wanted but we haven't been getting what we want for years so it shouldn't come as a surprise. I still have hope for this book as long as Wells doesn't kill off MJ. He says fans will hate him for what he's going to do and I hope it's just the whole making MJ "cheat" on Peter and have some other dudes kids and not her death. And please no haters, I did put cheat in quotation marks folks.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #25

May 16, 2023

Everything that can be said about this issue has already been said by the time I was able to read it. Anyway, the spoiler for the big death in issue #26 has been leaked and I just don't care. That is pretty much my opinion on ASM these last ten issues or so. I just don't care.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #26

May 31, 2023

This has been going for around two years and I wonder if this was the ending Zeb Wells intended or if it was changed some time ago to coincide with the Marvels movie? Either way it involved a trash villain and a trash character in Paul. The children meant nothing and yet again Marvel has put out a comic with the mind set that Peter must remain in a perpetual state of misery. Not the worst spider story of all time but it's up there.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #27

Jun 15, 2023

I'm probably rating this higher than it deserves but it's a huge improvement over last issue. I never imagined I'd feel sympathy for a set of robotic arms. The ending took me by surprise as well. I've always loved Felica and here she does her best to mend Peter up a little. The difference in her way and what MJ would have done immediately come to the readers mind and keeps the pain of having Peter and MJ separated fresh. Ed McGuinness does a bang up job here and is nice to see his take on a Spidey book. Thoughts and love to the Romita family right now. John Romita Sr was a true legend.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #29

Jul 22, 2023

You know what? I'm not gonna bitch about the tonal shift in the series because I'm finally getting what I wanted. It's crazy for sure how Wells just sort of forgets about the last arc and goes light and airy but whatever. This was just a fun Spider-Man comic with a call back to superior SM and a legit concern over Norman regressing to his GG persona thanks to Otto. The art is amazing and I couldn't be happier with this direction. Maybe ol' Zeb said "No one seems to like how the book is going so I'll change it up". I certainly hope this is the case as it would be nice for him to listen to his customers and decide to tweak his formula to see if he can make it more suited to what we say we want. If he didn't and this was always the way it was meant to go it was still a fine direction and lets me know he does have some idea of what he's doing from time to time. I'm just glad we're past the whole, "what happened between Pete & MJ"? mystery.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #30

Aug 1, 2023

I enjoyed this for the most part. I thought the beginning was a cop-out with the serum but whatever. The middle of the book rocked and then the ending kind of had to come back to Kamala in some way so we didn't think they were uncaring dicks. I guess the worst part is knowing we're going back to JRJ art next "landmark" HA! issue.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #31

Aug 10, 2023

I'm glad we finally got back to the Tombstone storyline and it turned out to be pretty good. The Kamala section was sweet but I'm not sure Pete revealing his identity to her was warranted. I get that she gave her life to save MJ but she's alive again and Peter has been doing this long enough to know better. The rest of the comic is just previews for other garbage Marvel wants to sell us and I really think the customers could have done without them and kept some money. Reign 2 is the only thing I'm excited about from the extras. Now they can do double or triple sized issues for legacy AND current volume special numbered books???? God help anyone who collects multiple covers as I think there were like eight different ones. Stupid. Monthly floppies are not long for this world.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #32

Aug 28, 2023

Pretty good stuff from Wells lately. This beats the hell out of the dark web & Rabin bs we got for so long. It's nice to enjoy a Spider-Man story again.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #33

Sep 12, 2023

So happy to be enjoying this book again. This is a complete 180 for Zeb Wells. I've actually put ASM back on my pull list. I was reading the books online and going back to find the issues I liked and picking them up for cost instead of pre-ordering them and getting my discount. I've got so many holes in my Wells run lol. Many people mistakenly think people WANT to hate comics but that's not really the case. If it's shit we're gonna call it shit...and there is a lot of shit being produced these days. Much of THIS book became shit for quite a while. Your not being miserable if you review many new comics as such. This is a review site after all right? When you've been reading for 40 years you are passionate about the hobby and want to see it succeed and it's not right now, and one (just one, don't have a cow) of the main reasons is trash storytelling that would have got you laughed out of the offices thirty years ago. Since the death of Kamala I think this title has returned to the type of solid story telling that somewhat warrants ASM being marvels top selling book. It may not be the best but it certainly is good. Anyway, I know this turned into a rant but you know us old men who love to yell at clouds.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #44

Mar 3, 2024

This is just plain mid and they made a whole event out of it when we have all been screaming we have event fatigue. This is the level of quality I'd expect from the tie-ins and not the main title.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #47

Apr 11, 2024

IDK. I love me some new IP's but Chasm is just a re-skinned Spidey and Hallows Eve looks too much like Hobgoblin to really qualify in my book. Feels like Miles and Kamala syndrome. The goblin Queen is....yet another Goblin and I'm really sick and tired of arrested development Peter. This isn't a bad issue and is in fact one of the better issues of late, but I'm just too checked out at this point to really care. Every issue feels like we're on a hamster wheel that needs oil. The art was nice to look at I guess.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) Annual #1

Aug 9, 2023

This was written ok but contributed nothing to the series, nothing here mattered at all. This was pretty pointless and when comics cost as much as they do you need a little something to justify the expense. I also hated the fact MJ put some sleeping pills in some cake and shoved it into her aunts face then a minute later she passes out. Pills wouldn't work that fast and who said a raving lunatic would eat the cake shoved in her face? Just stupid lazy writing in that scene. Overall a forgettable issue.

Animal Pound (2023) #1

Jan 11, 2024

Stilted and monotonous writing. Read Animal Castle instead.

Animal Pound (2023) #2

Mar 3, 2024

I enjoyed this issue MUCH more than the first but the one thing that brought my score down was something I didn't understand, and it may have been mentioned earlier and I missed it but...where are the humans? I know they were ran off but why have they not returned? Did they just decide to abandon the pound!? WTF? The animals have obviously been there on their own for a while now. I will say the art is perfect for this series.

Animal Pound (2023) #3

Apr 17, 2024

I'm not going to score this book because I just can't get past a few real world facts to get at the meat of what King wants to showcase here and I think that should be what the book should be judged on...yes I'm giving King an out here. The humans don't ever come back and just abandon the building, the animals possess the ability and knowledge to run the camera and set up the funds to order everything they need, they can put up signs with tape, ect. I understand what we are supposed get from this story but the background is just too ludicrous for me to enjoy this anymore.

Art Brut #1

Dec 15, 2022

Amazing stuff here. This is the kinda book I'll be dying to read each new issue. Wierd trippy Grant Morrison style storytelling mixed with decent art.

Assassin's Apprentice #1

Dec 15, 2022

Dialogue is not superb and there is soooooooo much of it. Still, it helps set the stage for what could be a good story.

Astonishing Iceman (2023) #1

Aug 2, 2023

This is a queer romance story that actually has a reason behind it being the main focus of the book as it explains how Bobby is brought back from death since HF gala. It's weird how Romeo's love brought him back but we see him kissing some rando dude in the beginning of the book. Bobby is super flamboyant (NOW) so I guess it's ok for him to flirt and kiss other guys? Maybe they have an open relationship or maybe Steve Orlando doesn't care and just wants a reason for Bobby to exude his gayness. Probably the latter, IDK. The beginning feels too much like the inferno event we just saw with inanimate objects being mutant hunting drones and I can't help making fortress of solitude comparisons for the ice base. The dialogue is so maundering it becomes annoying and is normal for Orlando books unfortunately, but the art is good. Overall this is less adventurous than it should have been and hopefully will be better next issue though I won't be here for it. I had hoped I would find that one diamond in the rough with an Orlando book here but alas, I'm as disappointed with this as I was with Scarlet Witch.

Avengers (2018) #66

Mar 10, 2023

Please God, let this story end. It feels like it's been going on for ten years at this point and each issue just inches along. I was into it for a while but I just can't anymore.

Avengers (2023) #1

May 24, 2023

Wow. Ok, I guess everyone loved this and I'm gonna be the party pooper here. First things first, it's not bad. I think future issues will be amazing and I do enjoy Jed MacKay books, but this just felt a bit forced. The beginning of the book was really good where Carol is staring at the stars and then it just went downhill fast for me. It felt like the majority of the book wasn't just her building her team but the team members kissing each others asses proving they belong on said team. Tony kisses Carol's ass, Carol kisses Tony's, then T'challa's, then Sam's. She mentions BP is the most dangerous man alive....twice. He's great and all but the most dangerous man alive??? Sam has to make sure to reiterate he's Captain America. We get it Jed, he's not just some knock off. That's what you were trying to convey right? And the reasoning for not taking Steve was kinda lame. Maybe if she was afraid everyone would look to him as leader even if it was unconsciously and they couldn't function as a team that way, I would have bought it. Also the first adventure is so deadly we need to see Carol willing to sacrifice herself to save everyone and it felt like it was used to show how amazing she is. She is amazing and deserves to be leader ( she's Captain Freaking Marvel for God's sake!) but I didn't think we needed it rammed down our throats like this. It set up for the future story though so I can let that one go. Vision and Scarlet Witch were my favorites here because I thought they were written with more finesse and Black Panther was written with passion and regality which fit the character well. Panther's encounter with engineers was written very well. The art is incredible and Terminus looked like a million bucks. Continuity was taken into account with this book as well which I really appreciated. Like I said, future issues will be better and this one wasn't necessarily bad, I just didn't dig it as much as others on here. "So, what's taken the cherry out of your pie?". Yeesh.

Avengers Inc. (2023) #3

Nov 25, 2023

I love this title. I love how older, lesser known characters get used in each issue and they aren't lamely wedged in there just show the writer knows some history. Each one has their own voice and characteristics that make them unique enough that they feel that they weren't just an afterthought but that they belong in the story. It's much the same as Waid does on World's Finest. We get some new clues as to Vic's true identity in this issue when he transforms Valkyries weapon and knows who Reaper is. Each issue masterfully feeds the reader just enough clues to keep it interesting and bringing us back each month. The art is fine but I feel a title this good deserves a more polished look. Overall, a classic in the making.

Avengers: Twilight (2024) #3

Mar 3, 2024

I'm a sucker for dystopian future stories and this one is firing on all cylinders.

Avengers: Twilight (2024) #4

Mar 17, 2024

Another fantastic issue. Nuff said.

Avengers: Twilight (2024) #5

Apr 17, 2024

Damn this is good! Perfectly paced with emotional, explosive fight scenes and beautiful art. AND THAT ENDING!!!

Avengers: War Across Time (2023) #1

Jan 11, 2023

This is great if your an old school fan but maybe not so much if you don't have a love for Paul Levitz and all his history. $6 is a little hard to spend if that's the case. However, if you love the older stories and would like to have stroll down memory lane with one of the greatest DC talents helming an in continuity story for marvel, then it would be a mistake to miss this issue.

Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #2

Dec 7, 2022

fun dark batman story with a fantastic version of the joker

Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #4

Feb 7, 2023

Great art and fun story. What else could you ask for?

Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #5

Mar 8, 2023

Best Batman mini in years.

Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #6

Apr 5, 2023

Gotharella! Ha! This series has been a real treat for not only Batman fans but for all comic book fans.

Batman (2016) #128

Oct 29, 2022

Haven't been this excited for the regular batman title in YEARS!

Batman (2016) #134

Apr 5, 2023

Batman does his best Undertaker impression and then a Luke Skywalker impression :) Seriously though, this was the weakest issue of this arc. The back up story was better....the back up! Still a fan of what Zdarsky is doing but this particular issue felt a bit lacking.

Batman (2016) #136

Jun 10, 2023

Decent issue. The whole multiverse shenanigans being over really helped me like this book a bit more than it deserved I think. I'm happy things are back to normal because the last few issues (besides 900, that was good) were not enjoyable. Still not sure about the Ash/Evil Dead hand and I'm a bit conflicted on how Batman would actually have handled Selina. I think the Catwoman series kinda tied Zdarsky's hands there, but maybe I'm wrong and just blinded by my hate for Tini Howard comics. The back up stories in this book are worth having and this one was no different. Good stuff.

Batman (2016) #139

Nov 8, 2023

I just don't know. So much damage has been done to not only this title but to the bat tradition as well. This is way better than Gotham war and I hope it builds itself back up but it's hard to get into after all the terrible stuff we've gotten since Batman space surfed back to Earth. To be honest at this point I wouldn't mind if they treated it like Dallas and just said it was all a dream. Maybe Bruce never actually woke up from knight terrors....that would be nice lol.

Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War (2023): Battle Lines #1

Aug 29, 2023

I'd just be repeating everything these other fine reviewers have expressed so I won't go into detail. DC doesn't have to let writers like Tini Howard ruin their characters by letting them do any stupid thing they want. Rein it in. Pay editors better and let them do their jobs and maybe we could avoid this kind of garbage. From Knight Terrors to this??? Are they trying to drive us away?

Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War (2023): Scorched Earth #1

Nov 1, 2023

Batman is one of the only things selling at DC and this is going to kill those sales for them. Did they not see what Tini did over at Marvel? X of swords? This book made me weep for modern comics. This is a flag ship character. A tent pole character. Why DC, why?

Batman / Dylan Dog (2024) #1

Mar 15, 2024

This was a really fun book! I would like to know how Joker & Croc managed to get to London though. Seems they would def be on the no fly list. Wait, I got it. Spirit Airlines!

Batman / Santa Claus: Silent Knight (2023) #4

Dec 28, 2023

Just binge read the series so this score is more for all four books. This is lighthearted while still pulse pounding and truly a joy to read. This is kind of books DC needs right now and the fact it's a Santa story that actually kick ass is insane. Top notch!

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #8

Oct 29, 2022

Mark Waid does it again.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #9

Nov 16, 2022

Not 1 bad issue in this run. I enjoy enjoying comics again. Thanks Mr. Waid.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #10

Dec 28, 2022

How does this not top the sales chart every month? Stop buying garbage comics and start buying quality like this.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #12

Feb 22, 2023

Completely unnecessary issue.......and I LOVED it! This is how you do filler right. I will probably pull this issue out and re-read it many times through the years. Yup, 4mil mylar archival storage for this issue just because it deserves it! My other comics will be super jelly. ;)

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #13

Mar 22, 2023

This is THE comic to be reading. Even if your not a DC, Superman, or Batman and Robin fan you'll love this book.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #14

Apr 27, 2023

If you don't know by now.....I don't know what 2 tell ya.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #15

May 17, 2023

My God, this comic has it all. Old villains Mekanique, Ultivac, the awesome threesome! Heroes we rarely see like challengers of the unknown, red tornado, and the metal men. Metal men armor!!!! Need I say more? In this issue our main fight centers around ultra morpho and the central heroes as we get the set up around the world of our new principal villains plot intermixed with the main action, and it flows soooo well. Masterful. The newest big bad at the end is bad ass and I can't wait for the next issue to come out so I can see how bats and supes get out of this one. Being excited about a title is refreshing in this age of mostly mediocre comics we have from the big 2. This is THE book to read every month.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #16

Jun 21, 2023

This series is amazing but I'd buy it if for no other reason than to get to see sooooo many older characters DC just never uses anymore. This comic is a modern Who's Who in the DC universe without the stats. It's a glorious comic book.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #17

Jul 18, 2023

A little rant first. I hate to whine but dude, the "critics" who write for sites have Hawkgirl just a little under this book in scoring. WTF!? Hawkgirl even got a ten and at this time there is no 10 for WF? This wasn't the best ending to this story but it was damn close and a million times better than HG. They give kudos to trash while at the same time giving the books the real fans love decent to middle reviews. How? Of course then we go out and buy speculation crap and keep books everyone wants to bitch about like amazing Spider-Man or Batman in the top selling slots month after month while a book like this can't crack the top twenty sellers. The landscape is so fucked right now. Anyway..... This book was great. Newmazo goes after Bats first and by the end of the book we see why. The master planner and strategist foils the big bad while Waid treats the reader to some of the best battles in comics today. The art is a big part of the wonder of this book as well. Dan Mora really pulls out all the stops here. If you want quality DC then this is the book you need to buy.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #18

Aug 15, 2023

One of the things I really love about this book is how Waid brings back characters we never get to see anymore. I mean we get Magpie for crying out loud! Amazing stuff.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #25

Mar 21, 2024

A little below the average of Waid"s usual but still decent. I'm happy we're finally getting back to the imps story I've been waiting on.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #27

May 23, 2024

Why oh why do such tool bags get blessed with so much talent lol. This is sensational. WF always digs up some amazing nostalgia tidbits with a script that's so intelligent and endearing. The art is what comic dreams are made of and makes you feel like you really got your money's worth from the pretty pictures alone. One of DC's lone shining lights in a dreary sea of mediocrity.

Batman vs. Robin (2022) #3

Nov 9, 2022

Mark Waid is single handedly giving me hope for DC.

Batman vs. Robin (2022) #4

Dec 22, 2022

Not as great as Worlds Finest, but still one of the better books DC has to offer.

Batman: Fortress (2022) #8

Jan 17, 2023

DC paid someone for this? This entire series has been a waste of time and money. Don't bother reading this comic. Instead dig out some older elseworld books from your collection or, better yet, support the hobby and buy a nice new graphic novel of older elseworld content to enjoy.

Batman: Gargoyle of Gotham (2023) #1

Sep 16, 2023

This was bad. Bad, bad, bad. The art is a matter of personal taste but I for one really thought it was bad. The inner monologue of Bats is bad and makes little sense. It drones on and on with little to add to the action....because it's bad. Frank Miller this guy ain't. A bad take on the dark knight. A bad waste of time and money. Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad....BAD!

Batman: Legends of Gotham (2023) #1

Feb 5, 2023

With the glut of mediocre Batman stuff DC is churning out I'm happy to have found a bat family book that entertained me. This comic is funny and heartfelt and actually made me care about Bendis's stupid leviathan storyline. Overall it is a little expensive but I think it's worth the money. Chili Dog!

Batman: Off-World (2023) #1

Nov 26, 2023

The art is the best thing here but damn was this a fun comic. Jason Aaron has spent the last few years sucking so I'm so happy he found his groove again with this funtastic bat tale.

Batman: Off-World (2023) #4

Apr 17, 2024

A fun comic with stellar art. This is right up my alley because I've wanted more deep space/cosmic odyssey books for years. Weird it's a Batman book that gives that to me.

Batman: One Bad Day (2022): Bane #1

Jan 17, 2023

Yet ANOTHER bad guy redeemed story. That in and of itself isn't a bad thing, it's just getting a bit old. I admit it does work better with Bane than some others though. It just feels kinda generic and nothing we haven't read before. Also the price tag brings it's score down a bit. If you can find it later in a $2 bin I say pick it up.

Batman: One Bad Day (2022): Clayface #1

Feb 23, 2023

This issue really makes you feel for clayface and hate him for being a genuine POS at the same time. Very dark and horror oriented. This is no redemption story, just a peek into Basil's demented head. This is the first of the one bad day books I've really enjoyed.

Batman: One Bad Day (2022): Ra's Al Ghul #1

Mar 21, 2023

Tom Taylor likes to stand on a soap box sometimes in his comics so Ra's is a great character for him to write. This has pretty solid storytelling, GREAT art, and was entertaining. I'm guessing the one bad day is the day he re-lives every time he's resurrected? Anyway, this was pretty good.

Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees (2023) #1

Nov 6, 2023

Nothing new doesn't mean not good. Fun times with animals and murder.

Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees (2023) #4

Mar 20, 2024

Hot damn does this issue pick up the intensity. Now we're cooking baby!

Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees (2023) #5

Apr 15, 2024

This issue has one of the best covers with some of the weakest story. It's not bad, it just moves a bit too quickly with a coming to terms cave moment that doesn't hit the way it should. I would have preferred to go straight to the bears scene and got a little more on the back end. I still enjoyed it though.

Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain (2023) #1

Feb 24, 2023

Cancel, restart, cancel, restart. Same $#!? Tini Howard has been doing that didn't really sell before and is just repackaged into another new title to continue her boring story. If you liked her other stuff you will like this. If you hated everything she's done with Excalibur then you will hate this just as much since IT'S JUST THE SAME OLD STUFF.

Birds of Prey (2023) #1

Oct 1, 2023

The only other book I've read by Thompson is Captain Marvel and I wasn't very impressed. Lots of people enjoyed that run and I loved Simone's BOP back in the day so I decided to give this mixture a shot and I've got to say I'm glad I did. This is much more up my alley than CM was (the writing only) and I'm excited to have another DC title I think I'll be able to look forward to each month. This was just a team formation and set up issue and it did it's job well. I'm most excited about Big Barda as it's nice when we get to see some of the lesser used heroes in the DCU. Man, if only Manhunter had got to be on the team. Zealot is a wonderful choice and not someone I would have guessed we would get to see be a part of this. Kudos to Thompson for the choice here. Harley is overused as always but since I love the character and have hated her solo titles for YEARS, I'm glad I'll get to read her again. The only thing I didn't care for was the art. It wasn't bad per se, I just feel a more dynamic style would have put this book over the top. Overall a great start to a new version of a classic team.

Birds of Prey (2023) #2

Nov 7, 2023

This issue was a disappointment to me. I enjoyed the first issue and it surprised me that I did. I had hoped the second would be as good but there were too many problems IMO. The opening scene really got me in the feels and I literally laughed out loud at the end....then the problems started. Zealot thinking Dinah would kill was a bit off but I chalked it up to her knowing she would do almost anything to save her sister. Then Harley has a plan to get to the island but Dinah doesn't even ask what it is? Trust is trust but you need to know, especially dealing with crazy ass Harley, what your going to be doing. This made Dinah look incompetent as a leader and Zealot or Barda should have said something being the seasoned warriors they are. Then Canary fights some yellow looking Juggernauts and smashes their magical armor with punches and kicks. What was the point of the freaking armor? Using the canary cry or grabbing a mystical weapon since she was in a magic shop would have made a ton more sense. Cassandra does the same thing here. The others at least had weapons. Zealot and Harley show up cause the item Zealot needed just happened to be in the same area??? Seemed to me to be too much lazy writing in this issue. I will say I enjoyed Harley in this more than most did and the Jaws reference was super funny. I was down on the art at first and then realized it was the coloring I really hated. Overall not nearly as good as the first book and we are still doing set up. Figured we'd be on Themyscira by the end of this issue. As much as I want to keep reading this for Big Barda, since we never get to see her, I think I'll spend my time on other books.

Birds of Prey (2023) #5

Jan 6, 2024

This doesn't feel anything like Birds of Prey and the art is generic. Everyone has the same face!!!

Birds of Prey (2023) #8

Apr 3, 2024

I think the first issue was the only decent comic book of this series. The story has become a convoluted mess and the art, while always bad, has really begun to drag the book down even more than the writing. Kelly Thompson is just mediocre and should not be given any new superhero books IMO.

Birds of Prey (2023) #9

May 7, 2024

"No fighting. Swearsies." This one piece of dialogue tells you everything you need to know about this book. Who the f*** is this for? Why do they keep shoveling this garbage out month after month? Sigh. The writing and art are abysmal, swearsies!

Black Panther (2023) #1

Jun 17, 2023

This book is almost all set up so it really drags. I'm not too angry about this as I believe it's needed to set the stage for this run so I'll give it a pass. Exploring different parts of Wakanda was interesting and made me have that table top rpg feeling of exploring a town in cyber punk or shadow run. The ending was really cool in that it brings in a character I've always really liked but I don't know much about in modern books. Last I saw they were used in a way I didn't understand in Aarons comics and I never bothered to wiki why they were employed in that manner. Really hoping to like this run but really hating the style of comics these days with the whole start stop style just to get a new #1 out. What are we on now, like volume nine of BP? Yeesh.

Black Panther (2023) #2

Jul 21, 2023

T'Challa and Bruce both lose their status and money. Cat Woman rip off on the rooftops. Gotham replaced with a cyberpunk looking Wakanda for background. Too many similarities for my taste. The writing is well done here and the art is good but the coloring and inks leave a bit to be desired IMO. Super excited to see Deathlok get more engaged in the story and the scene where he battles multiple cyborgs was excellent. Still don't know the reason for T'Challa's secret identity and seems kind of silly TBH. Overall the story is a bit boring but I have high hopes for the series as a whole.

Black Panther (2023) #10

Mar 21, 2024

Sooooo much purple in the first 8th of this comic it feels like a relief when it changes. It also feels like a relief that this series is over. I do not look forward to Eve Ewing on the new x writing team.

Black Tape (2023) #1

Feb 5, 2023

Lotta groundwork being laid here but not much else. Still, a pretty decent start.

Black Widow & Hawkeye (2024) #1

Mar 17, 2024

I'm not a Stephanie Phillips fan so I wasn't really expecting much but I was really surprised at how good this was. By the time I had started to enjoy it I began worrying that something would happen to make me go "of course, she just had to f**k it up", but that never happened. She stuck the landing. I don't know much about current Widow/Hawkeye happenings. I had no idea Natasha had a symbiote or what either of them had been doing recently but it didn't hurt my reading experience and in fact made me happy to see a writer following continuity. If I really wanted to know any back info it's not that hard to find. It ain't like we don't have the internet, so Marvel should take like consistency in their stories!!! Overall I was very pleased with this issue and, I can't believe I'm saying this, am looking forward to issue #2. I did knock the score down by .5 for the price though. Comics have got to get away from these big price tags if they want to stick around.

Black Widow & Hawkeye (2024) #2

Apr 17, 2024

So Hawkeye, who has been going without a mask for years at this point and is an avenger, on television, known to practically everyone on earth, especially the rich and powerful, infiltrates a card game as a spy with no disguise and not one person knows who he is???? A simple fake beard and hair dye could have gone a long way here!!! WTF? I expect this from Phillips who is not the best writer but an editor should have said SOMETHING. The symbiote needing Nat to think on her relationship with Clint so it could help him detox was a terrible way to segue into a flashback and of course we have to get a scene where characters are eating so we know it's a modern marvel book. The disguise and flashback reason were just lazy writing but the rest of the book was decent enough I guess, but not as good as the first issue. I heard someone say Stephanie Phillips comics read like AI wrote them and this comic sort of fits that description. I didn't hate this but it really wasn't that good. The only thing I really enjoyed was the ending and the reveal of the main villain. I hope the next issue steps it up.

Blade (2023) #1

Jul 20, 2023

Ehhhh. I hated that I got through this book in just a few minutes but it was a fun few minutes. The pages could have used a few more panels for the fighting and the colors were too muted for my tastes but this is pretty violent and a fun ride. Hated the villain told Blade how to defeat her . He would have found out himself but it just seemed idiotic. Very sparse dialogue but Blade is more about action than words so I guess it fits. I'll be back for the next installment.

Blade (2023) #4

Oct 14, 2023

Why did Strange send them there and show up afterwards but couldn't help them during???? Art is worse than previous issues but not terrible. An adamantium train? It just rides tracks around the US and no one notices? Amtrak or the FRA? The main bad guy of this issue offs himself for no reason other than to show the Adana is super powerful? I've enjoyed this series so far but this issue is the weakest of them all. Just nitpicking, it's still a decent series.

Blade (2023) #9

Mar 21, 2024

Story is mid, coloring continues to be atrocious. Lets finish this story already.

Blood Hunt (2024) #1

May 2, 2024

Not bad at all. A cool plan to darken the world that didn't make me roll my eyes, tons of action and some new villains make for a really decent event. Wanda was too much of a smart ass IMO and I would have loved to see Steve as the symbol transported away. I just can't see Sam or Bucky as Cap and probably never will. I didn't have much hope for this event as I think MacKay is spread too thin these days but I was happily surprised.

Blood Tree (2023) #1

Feb 4, 2023

Man, I really love Tomasi but this comic is boring! It drags it's feet the entire issue and I couldn't wait for it to be over. Makes me sad.

Blood Tree (2023) #2

Mar 10, 2023

bare bones basic...still decent

Bloodline: Daughter of Blade (2023) #1

Feb 4, 2023


Bloodline: Daughter of Blade (2023) #2

Mar 9, 2023

Nothing to this. The first two thirds of the book will make you want to take a nap.

Blue Book (2023) #1

Feb 24, 2023

First story tries and fails to build tension and the second has no meat on it's bones. Taken from supposed actual accounts of strange interactions, I guess there is only so much liberty you can take with the story. Overall very boring.

Brynmore (2023) #1

Jul 1, 2023

This is solid but light on the horror aspect. All setup. Steve Niles is a proven writer and has reliably entertained us for years so I'm sure the next issue will be amazing.

Captain Marvel (2023) #7

Apr 17, 2024

Spoiler... Genis-Vell deserved a better death than to be killed by Alyssa Wong's amateur hour ass.

Capwolf & the Howling Commandos (2023) #1

Oct 13, 2023

The dialogue is strong and the art is serviceable but I'm unsure of a few things. I don't know if Cap can rip open a tank even if he's using his shield to pry it open. I know he can block a tank shell with his shield but it should blast him backwards, here he just kind of stands there and takes it with no problems. It felt like a bit of lazy writing to me but maybe I'm too picky. I did enjoy Dum Dums logic in why he didn't want cap leading the unit and it helped flesh out the characters. Now that capwolf has appeared the series can really get going and I'm hoping the next issue will deliver the goods more so than issue #1 did.

Carnage (2023) #1

Nov 24, 2023

Guess I'm just not a Gronbekk fan. The dialogue here is worse than Steve Orlando's or Tini Howard's in my opinion. Just feels so hit-or-miss. The art is good but doesn't feel right for all the "carnage" and the mood they're trying to set.

Catwoman (2018) #49

Dec 15, 2022


Catwoman (2018) #50

Dec 22, 2022

Catwoman isn't written as herself, she's written how Tini Howard wants her to be to fit this idiotic storyline. Needs a new writer who respects the characters that they are given and the fans who love them.

Catwoman (2018) #52

Feb 26, 2023

Not for me.

Catwoman (2018) #54

Apr 18, 2023

Gotta agree with most people here, Tini Howard's dialogue is really, really bad. I just can't get into this book no matte how many times I try.

Catwoman (2018) #58

Oct 22, 2023

I stopped reading gotham war but decided to give this issue a once over. I admit I only read it because I knew it would be bad....and I was right.😆 I guess I'm just being a dick to be a dick but it's the only way to enjoy writing & plot this horrible. I think the best way to describe Howard's handling of this issue & this event in general is poor characterizations. I don't think she's doing it on purpose like Tom King would (he just does pure character assassination) but instead she just doesn't know any better or doesn't care enough to research any of the people in the bat family. It also feels like she sometimes adds twists & forgets they are in there or forgets to explain them when they clearly NEED explaining. To be fair, while the Batman book has MUCH better writing and dialogue Chip seems equally clueless at times. Another big problem is that this event is sooooo not needed. Constant huge events surrounding Gotham is getting old and can only be done so many times before everyone gets fed up. This includes both Howard & Zadarsky fans who normally love their stuff.

Catwoman (2018) #59

Nov 26, 2023

I heard about the whole concept of this and had to read it. The cat based character gets nine lives powers??? I know this is a comic book and that would make sense for Catwoman to have something like that but come on! The way it's handled is just stupid. It would be fine for someone in middle school to come up with this but a "professional" writer??? Selina gets the powers and dies immediately. Immediately! She managed to survive all these years without dying and NOW she buys the farm. Multiple times! I guess it's like the X-men became. If there are no consequences of dying then why try to be careful. One of the dumbest things Tini Howard has come up with. The return of the purple costume is cool and the cover is nice so I'll give this a higher score than it really deserves.

Catwoman (2018) #62

Feb 23, 2024

This isn't even worth reviewing. I'll just say, any company who continues to employ Tini Howard to write their IP's doesn't care about their fans or making money. The art is wasted here and that's saying something considering the art is mid.

Children of the Black Sun #1

Jan 6, 2023

It's village of the damned basically. Still, its fun and I do love ablaze comics. Check it out.

City Boy (2023) #1

May 30, 2023

This was really good. I think this introduction of new DC characters is a little bit better than that New Age Of Heroes DC did from a few years back. Cam has a really unique power and I think this title will hold it's own over time, especially with a writer like Pak at the helm. The ending was strange to me as we are now mixing in something very un-street level but I'm down for it. For sure a book you should give a chance.

Clobberin' Time (2023) #1

Mar 29, 2023

Wow, this is just FUN! Feels like a tale from epic illustrated or something lol. The art is amazing and really feels like it just belongs with this story. The introduction by the watcher was a big thumbs up for a Conan fan like myself too. The title really says what this comic is and it kicks ass!

Clobberin' Time (2023) #3

Jun 1, 2023

Three words. Orange. Rock. Ass. lol This series is great. Same writer artist is always great because who can really see into the mind of the writer to illustrate something better than the writer themselves.

Clobberin' Time (2023) #4

Jun 17, 2023

There is no real clobberin' in this issue, unless you count Ben Grimm decked out like Orion blasting space slug parasite things. Didn't matter. It's great. Still not a fan of Psychopomp as a villain but this issue still rocks. The art style on Doom is amazing. Great stuff.

Cobra Commander (2024) #2

Feb 26, 2024

A damn fine issue. This series is moving at a brisk pace without sacrificing the essential world building we need as seen through the Pythona flashback. I will say fans who know the source material will probably enjoy this more than your average reader but it's still very accessible to new fans of the Joe\Cobra setting. This is also a much more mature read than I was expecting but it's simply through violence and bloodshed and not nudity and curse words so I feel it's fine for younger readers as well (this is coming from a guy who watched plenty of rated R movies before I was ten years old so take that opinion with a grain of salt). I'm super excited about this entire energon universe so far and it's amazing to see what can be done when the creators seem to really care about what they're doing and working together with good communication to produce a superior product.

Cobra Commander (2024) #3

Mar 20, 2024

I love how Williamson is leading us away from the perception most of us have of the commander. I assume a lot of us grew up watching the cartoon and remember him as the craven coward that constantly sounded for cobra to retreat but this commander is waaaay different. Here Williamson has built him up as a genius level tactician who has a vast array of gadgets he invented and, as we learn in this issue, is a master manipulator. The smiley face he was sporting really did a lot for the horror/thriller feel of the book and the end reveal of the character we've all been waiting to see was done perfectly. The art is amazing and compliments the story well. This is one of the best energon universe books out there...hell, it's just one of the best comic books out there period.

Cobra Commander (2024) #4

Apr 17, 2024

This book has some serious balls. I think this is by far the best issue of the series.

Cobra Commander (2024) #5

May 29, 2024

I really don't have the words. All I can say is...perfection.

Con & On (2023) #1

Jul 13, 2023

I was excited to read fun and funny experiences in a comic convention and had hoped this would be super cool but my God was it awful. Almost all the characters make you want to vomit and the writer of the narrative that is taking you through the events makes it all seem so sleazy that I didn't care about any of it. What a wasted opportunity. I should have known when I saw the current writer of New Mutants loved this book it would be bad.

Conan The Barbarian (2023) #1

Aug 2, 2023

The art is the big selling point for me. It really feels like an old issue of Conan and I think John Buscema would be proud of this. The story reads wonderfully but I do tire of "zomibe" style monsters or mind controlled hoards. Overall this was a great start to a new series of my favorite character.

Conan The Barbarian (2023) #2

Sep 30, 2023

Jim Zub can write my Conan comics anytime! This book really mines Howard's world and brings us explanations about new characters that true fans who have followed....ahem "the cimmerian" lol, for so many years and have learned about his world can appreciate. True respect for the character and source material. This book is great for new and old fans alike.

Conan The Barbarian (2023) #3

Sep 30, 2023

"Let's crack this cage and make murder". Damn that's awesome. This issue we get to delve into the black citadel and it's dark mysteries. We get to hear a familiar evil name mentioned and watch a blood soaked fray to the death. What else could you want from a Conan comic? I'm very determined to own some original art from this run as it's some of the best fitting to the character and the comics I've seen in a while. Top notch.

Conan The Barbarian (2023) #9

Mar 29, 2024

I was not going to mention the appearance of a certain character but it's been spoiled in other reviews so all I'll say is the battle is AWESOME!!!! The art is beautiful and the series continues to remind us of how great classic Conan comics were and shows us there is still hope for modern comics if given the proper treatment.

Conan The Barbarian (2023) #11

May 22, 2024

Gods this series is good. Brutal and gritty with dramatic fight scenes we just don't get these days. The tension and excitement are palpable thanks to the writing and art team and make for one of the best books on the shelves today. The ending will have you falling out of your chair screaming "holy shit"! This series has balls, which is so desperately needed in the comic scene these days. Top tier!

Cosmic Ghost Rider (2023) #1

Mar 5, 2023

Starts with a confusing set up that you will need to keep reading to understand fully. Hopefully it won't take a bunch of issues before everything is revealed. Fingers crossed.

Creepshow (2022): Vol. 2 #1

Oct 13, 2023

The first story was so heavy handed and poorly executed I thought the second story couldn't be any worse....boy was I wrong. Horror done wrong is the only words that come to mind when I think of creep show vol.2 #1. The cover is the only thing good about this issue.

Cyborg (2023) #1

May 24, 2023

Nope. This feels like a lot of character regression. Vic is a member of the Justice League for God's sake and I really thought he had put his teen angst about his dad's decision to save his life in the rear view, but no. Also, he just shoots the robot after it starts to talk? WTF? He's not a rookie! The writing feels pedestrian and the art is unrefined. I knew when I saw the building in the beginning being put back upright it was going to be a bumpy ride. From the way it was drawn it should have just crumbled and it made me feel this was going to be a BASIC TYPICAL comic book. What I mean by that is it feels written by someone who never read a lot of comics and thinks this is what they are supposed to read like based on an opinion of it being just for little kids. I'm very disappointed.

Cyborg (2023) #2

Jun 20, 2023

Vic is insufferable and the art is bad. That's all I can really say about this. I'm afraid Cyborg has been screwed out of a solo title yet again by lousy creative.

Danny Ketch: Ghost Rider (2023) #1

May 25, 2023

I was really looking forward to this. Danny Ketch was MY Ghost Rider. Just like Wally West was MY Flash and Tim Drake was MY Robin. When I first learned about buying comics at comic book shops instead of gas stations, the Mackie run of Ghost Rider had just started and it was one of THE top books every month. I highly enjoyed it and I highly enjoyed this as well. Nostalgia is one of the reasons for the higher score and I don't know if people who weren't around to experience this early 90's boom and Ghost Rider phenomenon would get it, but it's not the only reason. The book is fun to read and we get to find out about a mystery I've wondered about for years. The art even has a retro 90's feel to it. The new Broker does have a very similar feel to Gaslamp from SA, but the magical and spiritual domains will have plenty of characters that deal in power and souls so I don't mind. Overall I recommend this title if your a Ghost Rider fan but the price may be a bit too much for the casual fan.

Daredevil & Echo (2023) #1

May 26, 2023

Not bad at all. The writing is decent and the art is as well. It's not a typical street level beat em' up adventure and that's the main thing I dug about it. It's got a mystery that stretches back over a hundred years and the staggered story telling between the the two time lines works well to tell the story. I love team up books....when they are done well that is. This comic is done well and I think DD and Echo fans will enjoy it. The price, as usual, is the main drawback to the book.

Daredevil (2022) #4

Oct 29, 2022

Seems to slow down a bit in this issue but still great stuff.

Daredevil (2022) #8

Feb 10, 2023

This is epic. It's even made me enjoy Jason Aaron's punisher book a little more.

Daredevil (2022) #9

Mar 30, 2023

It's all falling apart Matt. It's all falling apart. Great twist at the end and other than the continuity problem with spider-man being with the avengers this looks to be an interesting next issue. Best DD run in years.

Daredevil (2022) #10

Apr 27, 2023

The art and story combine to form a masterful comic. When a book has that big event feel but only runs through it's own title and maybe one other, it's quality. This is the way I would love to see Spider-man written in ASM by the way ;)

Daredevil (2022) #11

May 11, 2023

The beginning of the issue was pretty good with Cole but the Stromwyns encounter was strange. After everything they proved they could do they just get punked by a lone street level hero? And the eye thing...weird. This issue felt like the pacing was a bit off as well, but maybe it was because of the sudden halt of action after the last few issues. Either way the book remain good and is always near the top of my reading pile.

Daredevil (2022) #12

Jun 11, 2023

A masterpiece that will be remembered by comic book fans forever. Every issue, every damn issue, is basically a true work of art. This is what DC wanted for Batman and hopefully will one day get. I just wanted to say, if you have ever review bombed this book you have committed one of the most heinous sins know to man and should be deeply ashamed. Like, you should go play in traffic. For real. Anyway, this issue continues the greatness with story and art that mix so well. I pray one day I can own some original art from this run.

Daredevil (2022) #13

Jul 8, 2023

My God! This series never misses a beat. While I believe World's Finest is the best book on the shelves for DC, I've got to give best overall to Dare Devil. Faith has been a huge part of Murdock's character since the dawn of time and here it is used in a way that brings tears to the readers eyes. I'd put this up there as one of the greatest comic runs/stories ever.

Daredevil (2022) #14

Aug 28, 2023

I don't know if Zdarsky sticks the landing here but I did enjoy it.

Daredevil (2023) #3

Nov 20, 2023

I know a lot of people don't care for this series as much as the previous one but I'm all in. The price is my only real problem with this comic. Five dollars is too much. Remember when comics went up a little at a time? Now it's a dollar jump every time??? Come on guys.

Daredevil (2023) #4

Dec 9, 2023

This issue continues the fathers good work. Bullseye was barely in this so if thats your reason for reading this then you may be disappointed. This feels a bit like the current hulk series where we go from monster to monster but here it's deadly sin to deadly sin and I worry it will get stale eventually but for now I'm all on board. Hopefully we get the explanation of what is happening with Matt and his new life before we have to go through all seven of the sins. I think the pacing is great so far but we will need some new info before long.

Daredevil (2023) #8

May 14, 2024

I enjoy this series but it seems there are always little things that just seem lazy and we are expected to just ignore it. A perfect example is the beginning of this book. How did Matt not know it was a trap? He's smarter than that and could have determined how many heartbeats were surrounding him not to mention he knows Bullseye's more than anyone would. A small something written in to explain this, like a disruptor or mimic devise or IDK...SOMETHING. Editors are nothing anymore. Other than that this book continues to be decent but overpriced.

Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths (2022): War Zone #1

Dec 6, 2022

$6.00??? Really???? Trash book for a so-so event. Skip this and save your money....and time.

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #6

Nov 15, 2022

If I could give this issue a zero I would. Fitzmartin should never be allowed to write a comic book again. This had nothing to do with dark crisis. It was just an excuse to make wonder girl a victim of toxic men and then have said men grovel at her feet. The writer obviously never read the old Young Justice series because Cassie was one of the best characters who was always treated with the utmost respect by Peter David. The editor should be fired as well for allowing this. When did Wonder Girl ever have heat vision anyway?!

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #9

Jan 9, 2023

Another solid issue imo. Took a long time to reveal the imposter and it wasn't who I thought, but who I thought it was, was in it (just not who i thought it was). Can you follow that? lol

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #11

Jun 10, 2023

Taylor really shines when he writes elseworlds style books and this series is no exception.

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #12

Aug 24, 2023

Great ending to a great series. Taylor seems better suited to these types of stories than anything else and it really shows here. I think this series could have been done in ten issues but I'm not complaining. Most everything here has been done in one way or another before and this series may be a tiny bit formulaic, but who cares? It was super fun and set in a King Arthur style universe which is always a blast. This entire series had great dialogue and art which is better than most new books DC is putting out these days so sign me up for another mini by Taylor in this universe.

Dark Ride (2022) #3

Dec 15, 2022

A fun dark ride. Just like the title tells you.

Dark Web: Ms. Marvel #2

Jan 17, 2023

This is nonsensical garbage and one of the biggest reasons no one is buying comics anymore.

DC Pride (2021): 2023 #1

May 30, 2023

I want to rate this a 10 just for Grant Morrison alone but I can't. The price and the other stories just won't allow me to feel good about it. Anyway, the GM story is the best followed up by the Chris Cantwell story. The Xanthe/Batwoman story was probably my next favorite followed by subspace transmission. That one was a bit boring to me but written very well. The Robin story was just them talking while the Harley\Ivy\Crush story was cutsie wootsie garbage. Anniversary was soap box bs and thee last ones were meh. The tribute to Rachel Pollack was beautiful and should be done more often when comic personalities pass. I know we get the small one page tribute, and that's great, but we should do more for our medium and the people in it we love. I rated this higher than normal just for GM but I don't know if it's worth the price to have in your collection. I'd suggest waiting to see if you can score it one day in a dollar box at a show. I hate to suggest not supporting new books but times are tough.

DC's Legion of Bloom (2023) #1

Mar 22, 2023

Meh. For the price I can't recommend it. Lots of characters we don't always get to see but nothing super special. I will say I loved the Riley Rossmo art in this. I have no idea why it's so bad in the Tim Drake book.

Deadpool & Wolverine: WWIII (2024) #1

May 2, 2024

Solid effort here. Deadpools quips hit more often than not and the art is amazing. Not the best ever but a fun little bloody issue.

Deadpool (2022) #2

Dec 15, 2022


Deadpool (2024) #1

Apr 3, 2024

This was more of a chore to get through than anything and I wanted to throw Princess into a volcano. Mopey and mostly devoid of funny, this version of the merc with a mouth is no better than the previous series. Marvel isn't treating Wade as bad as DC is treating Harley...but it's getting there.

Deadpool: Badder Blood (2023) #1

Jun 11, 2023

How does Liefeld draw such amazing sketches in one panel and then draw such crap in another. IDK. For the most part this book looks great and reads decently. The price is a little steep but I figure we're all going to have to get used to that as the rumor is $4.99 will become the standard soon. You get that 90's X-Force feel with the art and the story. 90's and Deadpool fans may want to add this to their collections but it's not a must buy for most.

Deep Cuts (2023) #1

Apr 27, 2023

Nothing here in the way of sci-fi, fantasy, horror, ect so I was kinda bored (I only read & watch those kinds of things). This is just a story of a kid and his love of jazz. Not for me but still well written. If you like movies like Ray then this might be up your alley.

Dick Tracy (2024) #1

Apr 25, 2024

Pretty decent stuff here. I prefer this to the new Zorro series because unlike that series this one isn't a new take on the character, it's just who Dick Tracy has always been. Too many times we get a resurgence of a property and the assigned writer feels they have to reinvent the wheel. Sometimes it works but just as often it simply falls flat. I think this was the best approach for such an old character; the old lore is practically new to most modern fans so why change what worked before. The setup engages the reader and has that Sunday funnies feel with the noir aspect worked in. The art is great for this type of book and I think the series benefits from it greatly. All in all this is a fun read and I look forward to the next issue.

Disney Villains: Maleficent (2023) #1

May 31, 2023

Really good. Shows Maleficent isn't without some goodness while at the same time showing she will not suffer fools. Written and penciled by the same creator is cool as well. You will read through this in about a minute but it's still worth adding to any collection.

Disney Villains: Maleficent (2023) #3

Aug 15, 2023

This was good but I didn't want to pay for a cat chasing a bird with no dialogue for an entire comic. Pretty art though.

Doctor Strange (2023) #1

Mar 27, 2023

Incredible cover, decent story. Clea is a bit too mood swingy in my opinion, but overall it doesn't distract from the book. Solid read.

Doctor Strange (2023) #3

Jun 1, 2023

This is a rehashing of past battles between Strange and Dormammu but it actually serves a purpose. Really good storytelling here. The backup is meh.

Doctor Strange (2023) #4

Jun 17, 2023

Man I love magic characters. Doctor Strange is one of my favorites (I have him tattooed on my leg for Gods sake) and this issue is pretty much nothing but W.A.N.D..... and I still give it a 10. That's a good book ladies and gentlemen. I loved this issue. I would buy a W.A.N.D. book every month if they got their own title. Wong is shown as a real badass as name recognition alone was enough to intimidate some baddies into spilling the beans. Pandora shows her fortitude and job skills in every encounter. No wonder she was the only member of W.A.N.D. to survive the purge. Finally, Doc Zee is hilarious and really pulls his weight in all the battles. Guess Wong's new way is working huh? While the art is amazing for the settings and backgrounds it's not as great with the people. Seems like there was less detail than there should have been. It's just a minor gripe though. Overall an amazing and fun book.

Doctor Strange (2023) #9

Nov 21, 2023

My only real complaint is I think this feels rushed. General Strange should be a top tier threat that should run about as long as PKJ's war world saga over at DC IMO but I know that is probably too long for most readers so I'd say at least ten solid issues starting with the moment he first appears until his defeat. It should take that long to gain allies, strategize and train for the big showdown. Other than that I think this is phenomenal!

Doctor Strange (2023) #10

Dec 21, 2023

Compassion, loyalty and faith are used to tell a beautiful story with what seems like much more depth and realness than what was tried in the latest Wonder Woman comic. This book is a true gem and has all the components a denouement needs to be lasting to real fans of the title character. The Doctors sense of responsibility is true to character (witch is nice these days) and the darkness of the epilogue makes me hunger for more! Fantastic stuff!

Doctor Strange (2023) #11

Jan 6, 2024

I've loved this series but after reading this issue I had to double check to see if MacKay actually wrote this or if it was a guest writer. Much to my chagrin it was in fact MacKay who penned this horrible mess of a comic. I'll just say slapstick, YA style, buffoonery is not in MacKay's wheelhouse. This was awful. The only good thing was the development of the relationship between Donna and Bats, but I mean what kid doesn't love dogs. Overall this was a skippable issue that tries to hard to be light hearted and winds up just sounding amateur.

Doctor Strange (2023) #12

Feb 12, 2024

I'm a big fan of this run but this issue didn't do it for me. The big reveal for what is haunting the sanctum is underwhelming and I just couldn't get into the groove of the story. It's not bad, just missing some key element I can't put my finger on and it kills me since this is a Bat's centric story and I love that mutt. One more thing that bothers me is the way MacKay writes Clea. She's so temperamental, petulant and sanctimonious that it makes me regret that she's in the book (just sometimes though). This is still a great run and the next issue looks like it's going to be tons of fun.

Doctor Strange (2023) #13

Mar 7, 2024

I wasn't a fan of MacKay's Taskmaster series and I don't believe he belongs here. The fact this is paper based RPG inspired and stars one of my favorite marvel characters are the biggest reasons I'm scoring it as high as I am. Ultimately this is kinda mid but still fun.

Doctor Strange (2023) #14

Apr 4, 2024

This was a bit too goofy for me and a tad too much cutesy humor like you would get in a Leah Williams book. I'm beginning to think MacKay is spreading himself too thin.

Doctor Strange (2023) #15

May 9, 2024

This art has run it's course.

Doom (2024) #1

May 15, 2024

The story is wonderful and the art, at times, is amazing. The only real problem I saw with the art was the faces of the characters, but everything else was stunning. The ending was probably my favorite part of the book as we are left to decide for ourselves what happens and I must say, this is a book I can see being happy to have in my collection.

Duke (2023) #3

Mar 3, 2024

The beginning of this issue really felt dry with tedious exchanges between the characters that just seemed rather layman for a writer like Williamson but it progressed steadily until all hell breaks loose and we get lotsa that good stuff we love from an action property like G.I. Joe. By the end of this book I'm once again chomping at the bit for the next issue.

Duke (2023) #4

Apr 25, 2024

Does anyone know if that was supposed to be future slaughter's marauders member Mercer standing next to Destro or is that just wishful thinking?

Duke (2023) #5

Apr 26, 2024

This finale is EPIC!!! If only other IP's were given this same care and attention. No slice of life bs here people, just magnificence on paper.

Eight Billion Genies #8

Apr 12, 2023

My God this was beautiful. If you haven't read this series then I feel bad for you.

Energon Universe (2024): Special #1

May 13, 2024

Questions answered and holes filled...tee hee. A few new plot points are introduced but overall this really fills the gaps in all the regular series, like stuff fans have really been wanting to see. This is how you do pay offs for stories! Just masters of the craft here.

Faith Returns (2024) #1

May 14, 2024

So Capshaw can make brigadier general but can't seem to figure out how bad the optics of having the charges dropped would look....but Faith can, of course. Because she's stunning and brave right? I guess not too smart though as she doesn't even use a disguise when hunting down the magic user. Sigh. The geek comments were ok when it came to Dr. who but the comics pull list recommendations line was laaaaaame. Hope she didn't recommend her own book to G.A.T.E. or anyone else for that matter. The art is what you'd expect for a book like this and is nothing special. Overall a weak start to Valiant's big resurgence.

Fantastic Four (2018) #48

Oct 29, 2022

Nothing to write home about here. Last issue was a bit better.

Fantastic Four (2022) #3

Jan 9, 2023

Weakest of the new series but still a fun read. Johnny is corny as hell here but very much the hero we all know and love. Best thing is they advertise the big mystery next issue. Take note amz spider-man.

Fantastic Four (2022) #5

Mar 9, 2023

Too convoluted to really be that entertaining. I also dislike that everyone is hating on the FF for one big mistake when they've literally saved the universe a million times over. I understand some people can't see past their own nose but come on. This is the first issue I've really found to be lacking. Overall still liking this run and hoping we get more stories like the first two books in the future.

Fantastic Four (2022) #7

May 25, 2023

It's an anniversary issue but it really didn't feel like it. Other than that minor quibble this was ,pardon the pun, fantastic. The art has been on point since the start and nothing has changed here. I loved the first two issues of this series but each subsequent issue got worse until it just felt kinda stupid to me. This issue has brought me back on board with North's run and has me looking forward to more FF comics again. The main reason this issue is so great is Doom, Doom, Doom! The beginning is slow to start but not bad at all. I think the whole ghost story by Petunia and Doom's use of a ghost to deliver his nanites should have been described. Maybe Doom explaining he had been observing the FF for a while and a quick cosmetic change to Doom's device just for a dramatic flare would have sufficed. Just a nit pick really. Overall this was the best book in a while. If you love DD then this issue is for you.

Fantastic Four (2022) #8

Jun 11, 2023

Scooby Dooby Doo, where are you? This is another great issue that reminds me more of the first couple issues of this run that I really enjoyed. I can see the mystery solving shtick getting old fast for some fans but I could really enjoy this style of FF book for another twenty issues. It's different, fun, and heart warming all at the same time. North really leans into the family aspect of the FF and is introducing some new power sets that are desperately needed to keep the team exciting. This run has been hit or miss for me but this issue is a triple, minimum.

Fantastic Four (2022) #10

Aug 3, 2023

Fantastic lol. Ryan North does it again. The alien viewpoint was a wonderful way to tell this sci-fi tale and I'm so happy this took place in space instead of at the farm. The new direction has been great but spicing it up like this was smart. Great series.

Fantastic Four (2022) #13

Nov 27, 2023

I can't say I loved this 2 issue story since it felt like a reused plot with Doom and was a bit close to the release of Jurassic League by DC, but it was still a fun read and at the end of the day that's good enough. Doom's hubris is a big part of who he is but to use it against him in the only two appearances he gets in North's run seems a bit lazy and reduces him to an almost comedic relief role. Other than Ben's pacman head teetering on top of his body the art is pretty decent as well. All in all a satisfactory issue that certainly isn't boring.

Fantastic Four (2022) #18

Mar 21, 2024

Best thing about North's run is the new use of the teams powers. Hopefully after he is done the next writers will continue with these new power sets.

Fantastic Four (2022) #19

Apr 15, 2024

The description of this issue is right there in the title...Fantastic! North & Gomez really hit it out of the park on this one and the final moments with noir Alicia were so moving I wanted to do a slow clap lol. Great stuff.

Fantastic Four (2022) #20

May 9, 2024

If your a fantastic four fan then you can really forgive a lot in this book. It reminds me of many modern writers and their cutesy wootsey humor that just gets old after you've seen it time and time again but here it works a little bit. The reason I think it works is because it's not something out of left field like it usually is. Johnny and Ben are CONSTANTLY at each other trying to one up each other all while remaining best friends and blood brothers. It's been established. This isn't the best version of that and if your new to the FF you may say "WTF is this"? but it can work if your in the mood.

Feral (2024) #1

Mar 29, 2024

Looks like it's basically walking dead, 28 days later stuff with animals. Pretty neat first issue and stray dogs was great so I have high hopes for this.

Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville (2023) #1

Sep 5, 2023

If this is the kind of thing your into, God bless. I knew what this would be from reading the preview story a while back but I wanted to give it a chance since I enjoyed the old Giffen DeMatteis stuff and hoped beyond hope it would at least be decent. Well, it's written fine but it's not my kinda thing at all. It saddens me as I know we wont see these two characters again for years. This is cutesy wootsy YA type stuff and I really don't care for it. There is a fan base for this but I'm not a part of it. Again, if you like it I'm' just not my cup of tea. I really think this should have been labeled differently from the dawn of DC stuff. Maybe as a YA title.

Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville (2023) #4

Dec 9, 2023

I understand what this book is supposed to be but everything just seems to come off as cringe. Putting the main man in this book....unforgivable.

Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville (2023) #5

Jan 6, 2024

I believe this series was the worst book sold in 2023 and will somehow be the worst book sold in 2024 as well. THE SAME SERIES!!! No one is even close to being in character, everyone is competing to be the most annoying character in the book, the humor is juvenile and misfires more often than not and the utter haughtiness of the writing just leaves a bad taste in ones mouth. The slice of life YA thing can be done with known superheroes (see She-Hulk) but it seems most of these authors need TONS of help from the editors or just maybe they could read some old issues of comics involving the characters they are asked to write. This is not Fire. This is not Ice. This is just bad comedy from someone who didn't understand the assignment. I don't blame Joanne Starer though, I blame DC. On a side note, I'd like to apologize to Charlie Jane Anders. I hated New Mutants Lethal Legion and gave issue #1 and #5 a score of 1 and 1.5. I now know that series read like Shakespeare compared to this atrocity. This is what a comic book with a score of 1 really looks like. This or anything written by Meghan Fitzmartin.

Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville (2023) #6

Feb 8, 2024

I gave this an extra point cause it's finally over and that is the best part of this book. There was no point, meaning, humor, excitement, heart or soul to this series. My God.

Fire and Ice (2023) #1

Aug 3, 2023

I'm not a huge fan of the film but I am of this book. The film is nostalgic to me as I love Frazetta and saw it as a child but it wasn't great, just cool to see animation that was considered "adult". Here Willingham is able to take the film and expand on it with a prequel tale. All the characters are here with explanations of how they came to be how they were in the film. Never knew I needed backstory on this movie but when it's written and illustrated this well I have to wonder why it hasn't been done before now. Thank God they waited and got someone of the caliber of Willingham to tackle it. Buy this book!

Fishflies (2023) #1

Jul 23, 2023

Never been a huge fan of Lemire's art but I do love when the writer does their own pencils because who could know better than them how to illustrate the images in their own minds, so I'm for it here. It feels that he took a couple of random ideas and slapped them together in a comic book and when you read the ending postface you actually find out that's kind of what happened. Neat. The format for the book is wallet friendly and you get some great twisted stuff by the end. If you love Lemire I'd recommend this but if not you may want to look elsewhere as his style is sort of specific to certain types of comic fans IMO. Overall good stuff.

Fishflies (2023) #6

May 21, 2024

Exposition dump doesn't begin to this justice but hey, I'm just happy to get some answers. Jeff Lemire continues his solid run in comics with this amazing series.

Flash (2016) #787

Oct 29, 2022

The family dynamic I used to love in the Superman titles before Bendis ruined things. This comic should be in the top 20 sales every month.

Flash (2016) #788

Nov 15, 2022

Ignore scores from people whose only job is to give the best books low scores and the worst ones high scores. This book is one of the few greats that DC is putting out. Do yourself a favor and read this series!

Flash (2016) #789

Dec 22, 2022

Continues to be one of my favorites.

Flash (2016) #790

Jan 10, 2023

ONE MINUTE WAR. What a cool name for a flash storyline, and this is sooo cool. Pasarin is missed but Cruz is up to task. Great set up and new villains make the cimmerian a happy boy.

Flash (2016) #792

Feb 7, 2023

One of the most fun books out there.

Flash (2016) #793

Feb 21, 2023

Every time I read this series I just wanna punch Tom King in his junk. If you know, you know.

Flash (2016) #794

Mar 10, 2023

Man, I love this series but this issue was the first in the one minute war I really thought was not up to Jeremy Adams standards. Jay breaks loose waaay too conveniently, Irey looks just like Impulse, and Miss Murder can't handle her? Miss Murder is supposed to be the fractions best right? And she can't take care of one little girl? Wtf? Still a big fan of this book but this issue was lacking.

Flash (2016) #795

Mar 21, 2023

The last page! Tom King's Heroes in Crisis can suck it! Thank you Jeremy Adams! That is all!

Flash (2016) #796

Apr 5, 2023

Too many artists, one great writer. This is one of DC's best books and they decide to take Jeremy Adams off writing duties!!?? Si Spurrier is fine but put him on a book that NEEDS a new writer. Anyway, this was great. Really gets you in the feels when Barry sees Iris again and the Flash family feels special, not just some super team thrown together. They're family and it shows. Wish DC treated Jeremy Adams a little more like a member of their creative family.

Flash (2016) #797

Apr 18, 2023

This is one for the supersons fans out there. If Jeremy Adams can't make something right (like he did with Heroes In Crisis) he can at least remind us of those things we loved. Great issue.

Flash (2016) #799

May 24, 2023

If only the art was consistent this would be better. This run has been fantastic and I can't really say anything bad about it. The titan kids was a really nice to see and know someone cares about trying to keep continuity afloat. Wade seemed not to have gotten much bigger in the time they were gone but maybe babies don't grow quite that quick. IDK. Anyway, thank you Mr. Adams for fixing some mistakes by previous writers and giving us the best flash run since Johns.

Flash (2016) #800

Jun 9, 2023

Not a bad book when you can say the Geoff Johns story is the weakest of the bunch. Really happy to get some Scott Kolins art. I've always felt his work seemed to be John Romita Jr's style done right. The Spurrier story is bittersweet to me. It's not bad at all, I just love Adams work so much. The busy vernacular is a bit much at times but hopefully I can get used to it if it's a regular thing. I just really hope he doesn't start problems between Linda and Wally as it seemed might happen. I really cant' deal with Peter/MJ vibes in this book.

Flash (2016): One-Minute War - Special #1

Feb 4, 2023

I usually don't care for the supplemental material in these small "events" because they are anthology style with too many different writers who just don't seem to understand what the main writer is going for. But since Jeremy Adams wrote all the stories it really feels like it belongs. This is one I don't mind buying for my collection.

Flash (2023) #2

Oct 31, 2023

I hate when companies relaunch a title with a new #1 and the same creative team. I understand it but I hate it. In this instance I would have loved it if DC had done this with the flash. Spurrier feels like he's trying too hard and the art fits the book about half the time. Cosmic horror is right up my alley but this feels like it's just going around in circles and will leave Wally overpowered again. It also feels nonsensical most of the time. I don't hate it but I may have to give up on this title.

Flash (2023) #6

Feb 27, 2024

This had potential but sadly......

Flash (2023) #9

May 29, 2024

Is Jeremy Adams somewhere laughing or crying?

Fury (2023) #1

May 25, 2023

Nothing special here but still a decent comic. It's Al Ewing, who is a competent writer, so you know your not gonna get trash.

G.O.D.S. (2023) #6

Mar 31, 2024

This series continues to impress. The only thing I disliked was that it seemed Aiko claims to have come to know Mia well and care for her deeply but it really doesn't seem there has been enough time for that. I'm sure it's true since the preordained said her masters would detect any form of deceit and Aiko surely would have done much worse things than this in her mission for TNOOT but again it just seemed too quick to have developed those kinds of feelings. It's just a minor quibble and not enough to lower my score of one of the best books marvel is producing these days. Story and art combine to form a better magic and supernatural comic than most books in either of the big two TBH.

G.O.D.S. (2023) #7

Apr 24, 2024

One of the few big two books I'm willing to pay $5 for. Aside from Ultimate Spider-Man, this is the best series Marvel is putting out and I'm afraid it won't get the recognition it deserves because everyone is buying shit like Amazing Spider-Man and X-Men instead.

Gargoyles: Dark Ages (2023) #1

Jul 23, 2023

I know nothing about the Gargoyles franchise so I don't know if this aligns with the cartoon and other books but I do know I liked it. The art feels very much like the little bit of the cartoons I've seen and the story is well written. Different characters have different voices and feel unique and there is a wonderful interview with the writer artist team at the end that feels like a real bonus for your money. I can't say if your a fan of this show you should pick this up but it was good to me the layman.

Geiger (2024) #2

May 13, 2024

A slow march with a small side quest and a villain in hot pursuit. Steady pace with a decent story and good art. Ghost machine is worth buying the whole universe so far and between this and the energon universe I may be down to buying 2 or 3 big two books a month max. My money has to go to quality and what I enjoy and this title is one of those books.

Ghost Rider: Final Vengeance (2024) #1

Mar 15, 2024

This was meh. If Mephisto could just command Zarathos out of Johnny at any time and send him hunting for a new host then why has that never happened before??? All the times GR was a pain in the ass for him and he just let him be??? This issue also just starts out with no references to the previous run and takes off at 100mph.

Ghost Rider: Final Vengeance (2024) #2

Apr 17, 2024

Very bloody and dark which is what you want from a GR title but very little substance. I don't care if red hood asked or made a deal for the spirit of vengeance, it doesn't make sense why Mephisto never removed it from Johnny or Danny before now. Writers want it, so now it's a thing and common sense be damned I guess. This issue is not terrible but it's too far removed from the previous run and I still hate the constant start stop to get a sales bump on a new #1 issue...and I hate red hood.

Gold Goblin (2022) #1

Nov 20, 2022

Christopher Cant(write)well strikes again.

Green Arrow (2023) #1

Apr 26, 2023

An arrow family book. The current Flash series is flash family and is getting a new writer who may not continue the family style storytelling. If so, maybe this book will continue that dynamic. Either way this was pretty good. The chainsaw arrow and "I think you mean person" line was a bit much for me but seeing a certain character I've wanted to see for a while made up for it and really brought the feels. This book is a definite for the pull list.

Green Arrow (2023) #2

May 30, 2023

A fun #2 issue. This is a big set up for the whole Waller destroying the heroes/next big DC event thing. We get some intergalactic heroism from Ollie, which is cool in my opinion. Better than the same old same old right? And it's just for a little bit. Good stuff.

Green Arrow (2023) #3

Jun 29, 2023

The reveal at the end is worth the read. Super excited for the next issue after reading this one. Joshua Williamson is really killing it!

Green Lantern (2023) #1

May 9, 2023

Man, I was really looking forward to this book and all we really got was a rip off of the Top Gun Maverick movie and to me it feels like a regression of Hal's character. It's not bad writing and the art is great but I just wanted something.....better. The second part of the book was fine too but to be honest I was a little lost as I never really read the GL run that was involved with this story. I'm sure the book will get better as both writers are top-notch and I'm looking forward to where future issues will take the story but this opening issue just didn't find the mark with me.

Green Lantern: War Journal (2023) #3

Nov 26, 2023

Feels kinda mid to me. Not bad but a bit boring so far. I like PKJ so I'll keep reading for at least another two or three issues.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2023) #1

Apr 18, 2023

The plot is cool and I'm really on board for the mystery but the dialogue is really not for me. The characters voices just don't sound correct if you know what I mean.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2023) #2

Jun 3, 2023

This is really good if you ignore all the previous GOTG continuity. (I hate doing that normally but for this Grootfall angle I'll bite) Also, this cover is super sick! I wish the interiors matched the level of the cover art.

Harley Quinn (2021) #27

Feb 28, 2023

This is the first issue of this Harley Quinn series I've read because I'm not really a Phillips fan. I saw it and figured why not read the finale to whatever she's been writing since I love Harley and I gotta say I didn't hate it. Not really sure what's been going on in the story but turns out I didn't need to know to enjoy it. Just stupid Harley hijinks with some awesome Ivy heartfelt moments. Pretty decent.

Harley Quinn (2021) #28

Mar 29, 2023

I don't know what this was. I tried it out cause it's a new arc and writing team but I should have known with who's involved I wouldn't like it. Quippy dialogue is not in their wheel houses and this just made me role my eyes the entire comic. The art could have worked if I didn't hate the story so much. I went back and just looked at the pretty pictures instead of reading it and enjoyed it much more and would love to see the artists do this book with someone else. Anyway that's the last of my complaining you'll hear. I'm off this title till the next writer or re-launch.

Harley Quinn (2021) Annual: 2024

Apr 30, 2024

This kind of writing in superhero books doesn't usually work. Harley Quinn is one of those few characters where it can work but no one seems to be able to do it well enough to be entertaining instead of eye rolling, mind numbing, and sad. Erica Henderson ain't the one. Art or writing, take your pick.

Harrower (2023) #3

Apr 24, 2023

If you love horror movies you'll like this.

Hawkgirl (2023) #1

Jul 18, 2023

Dear God, I pre-ordered this. It was 50% off and now I see why. Glad I only went with #1 instead of the whole series. Didn't think they could make me hate Kendra but I was wrong. They made her the most unlikable person in the comic! Isn't that the villains deal. Horrible! How does DC allow this bs to happen with their intellectual properties time and again? Supposed real critics give this garbage high marks while real readers (those spending money!) are constantly giving it poor reviews. It's TRASH! Get your universe in order for crying out loud Jim Lee. When you hire someone to write your characters you can give them direction and tell them what you want. I don't know if this is what DC wants or not but it's not what readers want. EDIT: I may be wrong but I can see brooding, supposed warrior but apparently welcoming death cause she's sad, fetal position, emo on her period constantly Kendra feeling better about life by the end of the book and meeting her friend and saying she'd like that date now. Both walking, smiling and laughing with some interior monologue about finally living life and not being afraid to be in the sun or some such contrived bs. Probably Axelrod's Galaxy will help her emotionally come to terms with some inner demons or something.....Man I hate this book. If they had called it Hawkgirl & Galaxy I could have saved some money.

Hawkgirl (2023) #2

Aug 20, 2023

It feels like so many writers today serve themselves over the characters they are supposed to be writing and I think Hawkgirl #2 is an example of that. Only thing I can say I liked better than the last issue is Kendra didn't seem to be on her period for the entire book. So glad she can be civil with the writers characters so much more so than with her actual friends and teammates. Stupid.

Hawkgirl (2023) #4

Oct 22, 2023

Decided to check back in on this series & it's gotten worse??? 🤣 Is this selling at all? Cliche & derivative of all the other garbage that has tried this before & DC still won't hire competent writers to try to capitalize on this market. If you want to make someone a wrestling fan you give them prime time not backyard. This is why we have writers begging for money on go fund me sites. Maybe I'll get a t-shirt with annoyed written four times on it to express what I am. Dear lord.

Hawkgirl (2023) #5

Nov 21, 2023

This was not awful. It wasn't good either. It feels like the first time Axelrod has focused on the story she wants to tell and not her desire to spit out social commentary.

Hellcat (2023) #1

Mar 15, 2023

I can't believe I'm giving a Cantwell book a freaking 10. This was so much fun and it had Sleepwalker to boot! I never thought of Hellcat as an interesting character, especially in the Iron Man run. To be fair I stopped reading it after issue 5, but here the background stories really flesh Patsy Walker out. He actually makes her complex and relatable. Kudos sir.

Hellcat (2023) #2

Apr 23, 2023

Well, it happened again. I enjoyed a Chris Cantwell comic book. Not just enjoyed but LOVED! Last issue was great and this one was even better. I admit I didn't understand everything since I stopped reading his Iron Man book long ago but it didn't matter; I understood enough. The art really compliments the story here and I just can't say enough good things about it. Much love to the colorist as well, the colors make the beautiful art just flow off the page. Cantwell really deep dives into Patsy's character while perfectly intertwining it with the mystery she's solving. Finally seeing Sleepwalker have a roll in a comic book was refreshing as well and he's really a big part of the story and not just window dressing. Last issues reveal of Rick's love for Patsy carries over here without it being forgotten about or pushed too much. Anyway, I just can't believe how much I enjoyed this and I think you all will too.

Hellcat (2023) #3

May 26, 2023

Another great issue. We get character development with plenty of backstory and lots of intrigue. I've said it in the last two reviews, I'm not a Cantwell fan but THIS is great.

Human Target (2021) #12

Feb 28, 2023

Another Tome King deconstruction story with plenty of character assassination comes to an end.

Hunt. Kill. Repeat. #1

Apr 6, 2023

The fact the reviews keep mentioning Kill Bill should tell you all you need to know bout this one. Influenced by doesn't even begin to describe it. Just basic.

I Am Iron Man (2023) #1

Mar 2, 2023


I Hate This Place #7

Apr 8, 2023

Finally get a clue about what is going on in those woods but we gotta wait till next issue to really get any kind of answers. Psycho family meets psycho haunted woods with guns and ghosts. Overall another decent issue.

I Hate This Place #9

Jun 17, 2023

The strange twist that I previously loved gets explained in this issue and I have to say, I'm not that impressed. It's ok but I believe it fails to explain a lot of what has been happening in this series. This issue feels stretched out to the breaking point and it really needs to wrap up soon as it's starting to feel stale. The fact it feels stale after introducing a huge plot point is not a good sign and makes me wonder how the book will win me back. This has been a solid and scary read so far and I believe if any book can do it it'll be this one. All in all this is the weakest issue out of a really good series.

Ice Cream Man #37

Nov 7, 2023

A darkly beautiful wonder. Ice cream man #37 really hits the reader in the gut and leaves us with a sickly feeling that somehow makes you smile. Ice cream man always transports me to deranged worlds I can't stop thinking about for days after reading and this issue is no different.

Immortal Thor (2023) #1

Aug 24, 2023

Not as big a fan as most on here but I did enjoy it. I think the set up lacked that big umph factor I was expecting, so that's on me for having preconceived notions, but the story is good and sets up for something exciting. I guess I just expected the debut of Ewing's Thor to be and instant classic or something. Overall worth your time and it should find it's way onto your pull lists.

Incredible Hulk (2023) #4

Sep 30, 2023

This looks to be the best title marvel is producing right now IMO. Johnson knows how to weave a story with a great arc but make it still fun for anyone to just pick up who wants a stand alone issue. The hulk transformation is this issue involving Man-Thing was so much fun to see and I would have loved to have had Klein doing it but I'll take Forman any day of the week. This title is gritty, disturbing and oh so much fun to read. If your a horror and comic fan then this book is your wet dream. A+++

Incredible Hulk (2023) #5

Oct 28, 2023

This is the first issue I have to give a lower score to. I got through this main story in about a minute and the art was atrocious, MUCH worse than last issue. It was a basic Hulk smash kinda book. This is fine and would normally get an 8 or 8.5 but the art, price and the back up bring this down to a 6. I have to ask, WHO GAVE VITA PITY WORK???? Why did I have to pay an extra dollar for some Power Man bullshit that has nothing to do with the current story? Leave the back ups off this title! Comics are too damn expensive to add this garbage like DC did for so long. If Marvel insists on doing this then get a writer people will want to read. I'm still excited about this book and look forward to the next issue but this felt almost slap-dash to me.

Incredible Hulk (2023) #6

Nov 26, 2023

Great as always with the best hulk transformation of all time but do we really need ANOTHER Ghost Rider???? I know it's going to be traveling from town to town defeating whatever monster is there but we need some more Mother of Horrors and Eldest explanations/interactions soon so it doesn't get to be too stale. Nice to see Nic Klein back too.

Incredible Hulk (2023) #10

Mar 29, 2024

WTF happened to this series? The art is abysmal and the story is jumping all over the place. It feels like a stationary bike, pedal all day and get no where. People here are saying Hulk can see ghosts and I believe them but I didn't know that while reading this dumpster fire. Does anyone remember when writers took time to remind readers of these things when they occur or at least put the little helpful info at the bottom of the panel? "The Hulk gained the power to see ghosts wayyyy back in Hulk #999 true believers". That kind of thing. If they don't get their shit together soon this series is getting canceled before we get anything close to closure.

Incredible Hulk (2023) #11

Apr 11, 2024

This book went from cool to monotonous to just plain bad. When the hell was the last time we saw or even heard about the mother of horrors or the eldest? This book is verrrry close to getting taken off my pull list.

Indigo Children (2023) #1

Mar 30, 2023

Strong debut. The art fits the story and the story is solid. Lotta pages for the price and all the pages contain suspense and mystery. Government conspiracies, past lives, meta-humans and bloodshed....gotta love it.

Invincible Iron Man (2022) #6

May 12, 2023

Fun filler with 80's story. Love the silver centurion armor myself, so this story was better to me than some out there who didn't care for it.

Invincible Iron Man (2022) #7

Jun 10, 2023

First, this cover is incredible. Second, I really don't like the mutant titles very much these days but this series melds well with them. This may be the first time I've liked Feilong as a character. Not bad work Mr. Duggan.

Jackpot & Black Cat (2024) #1

Apr 1, 2024

Typical modern "writers" doing what modern "writers" do. Marvel continues to give us all exactly what we don't want. Thanks a lot. Only thing I enjoyed was daydreaming about the villain doing what he threatens to do....KILL PAUL! I hated this.

Jay Garrick: The Flash (2023) #2

Nov 22, 2023

Man, if only we had gotten a Wildcat mini to go along with Wesley, Jay and Alan! This is fantastic. Adams just can't seem to miss no matter what Flash you give him to write. The family dynamic is heartwarming and the mystery just continues to build in each issue. Olortegui was the perfect choice for this book and makes me want to do a campaign to get DC to sign him exclusively lol. The JSA are great heroes and it's nice to see DC giving them some love.

Jay Garrick: The Flash (2023) #5

Feb 27, 2024

This series is amazing. I read every issue twice for the art work alone. Judy is a teenager done right IMO, a bit moody but not a complete little asshole. New characters that are older than her and should be more mature, like Trinity, are awful by comparison (hear that Tom?). The one liners Jay delivers feel like an 80's Arnold movie (and I mean that in a good way) and the friendship between Jay and Mid-nite is portrayed so well in their reminiscing and teamwork on the battlefield. Just damn fine writing. Jay Garrick the Flash is one of DC's best series right now and I'll be sad when it finishes. Oh, and one more thing...Ro-Bear rules!

Jay Garrick: The Flash (2023) #6

Apr 16, 2024

Solid ending to a great series. Respect for the golden age heroes is a wonderful thing to see. Too bad about Alan though.

Jean Grey (2023) #1

Aug 25, 2023

Louise Fucking Simonson!!! I really don't care about the Krakoan age of X-Men anymore but Simonson is my favorite X-Factor writer (yes, above Peter David even) and this was a fantastic way for her to get to drive Jean in a modern story without it being a modern story. It's one of those wonderful throwback comics Marvel has been doing but here it is set in the current X age, which is fine by me. This is honestly the only X book, besides Wolverine, that has anything to do with the modern continuity that I have given a crap about. The art is wonderful but this book gets a 10 for the writer alone!

Joe Fixit (2023) #1

Jan 6, 2023

If you love Joe Fixit (and I do!) then you'll be in heaven. If you love Peter David (and I do! btw he's not doing well, if you can help he has a go fund me) you'll be in heaven. If you are a mild fan of either you will be pleasantly surprised how fun this book is. If you hate either one....WTF!? Go read a Meghan Fitzmartin book, it's what you deserve.

Joe Fixit (2023) #2

Feb 8, 2023

Nostalgia with great action. Peter David is the King!

Joe Fixit (2023) #3

Mar 26, 2023

All the health problems Peter Davids having and he can still write better stories than a lot of the "HOT" writers doing current continuity books. The interactions between spidey/hulk and hulk/banner are fantastic and the art is amazing. Pick this book up.

Joe Fixit (2023) #4

Apr 8, 2023

Count Neferia not being an absolute joke the way he is in that New Mutants abortion is great to see. Kingpin getting embarrassed is always fun since it rarely happens. Yup, another fun dive into the past. Thanks Mr. David.

Joe Fixit (2023) #5

May 6, 2023

Straight up fun and action with plenty of humor. This issue reminds me why I love Spider-man's rogue gallery so much. I know it's a hulk comic but I don't give a damn. There are no big stakes here since it's set in the past but there doesn't need to be. Smash mouth fun with plenty of C&D listers we just don't get to see that much. I love this series and enjoy it for what it is, nostalgia and ass kicking.

John Carpenter's Toxic Commando: Rise of the Sludge God (2024) #1

Mar 15, 2024

This ain't nothing but creatures, blood and cussing & that's enough.

John Stewart: The Emerald Knight (2022) #1

Dec 28, 2022

This was bad. Very, very bad.

Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #4

Jan 6, 2023

This was really a fill in issue. Joker should have escaped the hospital and continued the story but instead we get him running around hiding from cops and Jason and not doing much else. Just an excuse to make poor taste jokes and stick in a backup story that was hot garbage. Please stop putting these trash back ups in your comics DC. You might sell more books if you saved us a dollar and our time.

Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #5

Feb 8, 2023

OK if you like Joker, and this issue moves forward a little better than the last, but still way too expensive. The back up story is predictably bad.

Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #6

Mar 10, 2023

The mystery of who the two Jokers are is getting a little tiring. The series seems to be going nowhere fast but I'm still reading it so I can't rate it too low.

Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #7

Apr 5, 2023

This really made me mad. Finally get to see a book with Manhunter and even her appearance can't save this comic. How freaking long does it take Joker to get out of the city? My god. This book just dddrrraaagggsss on and on. Joker isn't very funny either. Boring and unfunny is bad but it's the ultimate sin when writing a character like Joker. The back up story had good art but the story itself was just a waste of money like most back ups. I guess I'll read the next issue just to get more Kate but that's it.

Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #8

May 8, 2023


Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #9

Jun 9, 2023

Well.....they're out of California. Finally. This issue continues the trend of unfunny Joker moments and a bad backup story. I don't know why it's taking this long to get to another Joker war nobody really wants to see. This is the most pedestrian comic I've read in a while. This series has dollar bin written all over it.

Junkyard Joe (2022) #3

Dec 22, 2022

And I thought LAST issue was good.

Junkyard Joe (2022) #4

Jan 31, 2023

Not a huge fan of the kids next door but still a fun group of characters overall.

Junkyard Joe (2022) #6

May 16, 2023

Great series with a little bit of a lackluster ending, but still good. I doubt the gov agents would have just left Joe, but anyway. The epilogue gives hope for more Joe adventures and that's a good thing.

Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong (2023) #2

Nov 26, 2023

I really enjoyed this. I've seen a lot of videos and reviews of folks who feel it's way too tame and dull and I understand the criticisms, but I think the story flows extremely well with the action and has wonderful pacing. I don't want mindless action with no real set up and the LOD interaction is fun, interesting and necessary for plot progression. If it were all DULL progression I'd understand however this feels like anything but. I also love we get what the title advertises but in addition we get other Kaiju for the league to fight and I think that's even more bang for our buck. I do agree Kong has been a bit too absent so far but we're only on issue #2 so I'm expecting a lot more from him and a lot more action next issue. I'm very interested in the Grodd\Kong dynamic and hope it plays a major role and isn't just a one off piece of the plot. Overall I'm enjoying this series and I hope the next few issues give everyone what they want out of this cool crossover. I will say the only negative is the price of the book. That extra dollar just doesn't feel warranted.

Kill Your Darlings (2023) #8

Apr 18, 2024

I just read the entire series based on the reviews for this issue and I must say this was amazing. You will fall in love with Rose or Elliott...or both if that's how you roll lol. You will cry and cheer and just be happy to be a comic fan after reading this epic conclusion. Truly fantastic.

Knight Terrors (2023) #2

Jul 25, 2023

To be fair I haven't been following the tie-ins but I don't really care about this event. It's horror based and I love anything horror related but this is a bit dumb to me. I may be missing some things but if Insomnia hates the JL so much and can kill in dreams like he did with the money guy, then why hasn't he killed any of them yet? Deadman seems like a whiney punk and claims Insomnia was tortured in the mental institute? Didn't see any torture. This is just not coming together for me. Seeing Sandman back is cool though and the art is good.

Knight Terrors (2023) #4

Aug 28, 2023

Could Williamson have written a worse origin????

Knight Terrors: The Joker (2023) #1

Jul 5, 2023

I'm surprised I enjoyed this one. Rosenberg has not been doing well lately in my opinion but this turns it around. Decent stuff.

Lamentation (2023) #1

May 8, 2023

Great atmosphere in this comic. Horror/thriller that is fun to read and the mystery is enough to bring you back for the next issue. Overall a good read but the price is a bit scarier than the story.

Lazarus Planet (2023): Alpha #1

Jan 10, 2023

Not as great as the books that led us here but I still enjoyed this.

Lazarus Planet (2023): Assault On Krypton #1

Jan 18, 2023

This is not a book we needed. Another throw-away issue for an event. BORING.

Little Monsters (2022) #10

Feb 8, 2023

This series continues to roll on with me eagerly awaiting each new issue.

Local Man (2023) #1

Feb 24, 2023

Tale of the early 90's image days. Big guns and shoulder pads everywhere. Takes a deeper dive into those normally shallow characters. Not bad.

Local Man (2023) #2

Mar 29, 2023

This issue continues to flesh out all the characters involved with real care. You can tell the writers really care about the story and are working toward crafting a tale that's not just punching and banter but something deeper. Hodag's death is the main focus of this issue and I'm soooo much more invested in the mystery behind it because of the time taken with his backstory. The main story and the back up seamlessly connect to tell a tale I never thought I'd see involving 90's style Image characters. Top notch!

Local Man (2023) #4

Jun 1, 2023

I love the way the back up story is telling the history of characters after we have progressed a little more in the main story. This issue feels a bit rushed but I still believe Seeley and Fleecs are crafting a masterpiece here.

Local Man (2023): Gold

Sep 30, 2023

Deathmate done right. I swear to God, I nearly teared up at the end of this book. When it says ain't kidding.

Loki (2023) #1

Jun 10, 2023

Ehhhhh.....kinda boring but not badly written. This is just the set up issue so maybe it will pick up in the next book.

Magneto (2023) #1

Aug 3, 2023

I love these past stories when they're done right and this issue is done right my friends. The characters have distinctive voices that mirror who they were during this time period, the art is amazing and we get a new character. Hopefully she will die at the end of this or leave the planet to explain why she never re-surfaced in the following years of marvel. More please!

Man's Best (2024) #1

May 4, 2024

This just didn't hit me like it obviously did for some others but I didn't hate it. I guess the idea of emotional support animals is kinda inane to me, so that took me out of it a bit, and the fact that she's so lovey dovey with them and there is such a hippie dippy feel to the characters but she shoves electrical gizmos into her "fur babies" brains and that's ok? IDK. Overall it's fine and I'll continue to read for the animal comradery and to find out what happened to everyone but I wish it had been better.

Marvel's Voices: Pride (2023) #1

Jul 18, 2023

If you want good superhero stories, don't bother with this. It's feel good gay stories to make queer people feel proud. Nothing wrong with that but it ain't good superhero storytelling. Fluff. DC's pride issue was much better.

Mary Jane & Black Cat (2022) #1

Dec 22, 2022

Thank you Mr. MacKay. A story with two of my favorite spiderverse characters that was super fun and didn't make me want to pull my hair out screaming about how Zeb Wells is Satan lol

Monarch (2023) #1

Feb 8, 2023

Tries to be too poetic in it's narrative. Some stuff hits but most didn't for me. Still, Travon is a pretty likable character and the ending makes me want to read issue #2.

Monica Rambeau: Photon (2023) #1

Dec 15, 2022

Nothing wrong with the book other than it's just really boring. At the end of the issue there is new hope for some good stuff to come. Hope issue 2 is better.

Moon Knight (2021) #18

Dec 29, 2022

More solid storytelling again this week.

Moon Knight (2021) #20

Feb 4, 2023

Lower score for the trash back up story and my wasted extra dollar.

Moon Knight (2021) #21

Mar 9, 2023

The streak of good material continues.

Moon Knight (2021) #22

Apr 18, 2023

Full Tigra issue = LOVED IT! When the entire cast of the book is fleshed out this well you really come to love the series and know it's a run you will remember fondly for years.

Moon Knight (2021) #23

May 6, 2023

A cross over is cool but especially when it makes sense. Venom is used well here as his sensitivity to sounds allows for a quid pro quo with Moon Knight....but the result is lackluster. Not everything needs to end in a knock down drag out and maybe there is a reason in the future for the way it ended besides just showing how brutal MK could be in an interrogation and why many criminals fear him. We'll see. Not really a fan of the way venoms tongue is drawn here but the story is good and continues the streak of well written comics.

Moon Knight (2021) #24

Jun 17, 2023

Every issue is amazing. I love having a book on my pull list I know I don't have to worry about enjoying. Even the issues that aren't spectacular are still more enjoyable for me than a lot of the of the big 2's stuff. This issue is pretty damn good and if you haven't read any MK yet, do yourself a favor and pick it up.

Moon Knight (2021) #26

Aug 3, 2023

This issue is all Hunter's Moon and it's really good. I love how this series takes the time to really dive into and flesh out all the ancillary characters by every so often taking an issue and dedicating it just to them. It makes this journey feel worth the ride because you know the ins and outs of everyone involved. MK #26 isn't the best issue or the worst, it just feels like it belongs in the run and the run is amazing.

Moon Knight (2021) Annual: 2023

Sep 30, 2023

I think this event is meh and the story here is add on content that's a waste of money. That being said, it wasn't bad. It just has no stakes in the MK series. If your reading this chaos event and collecting the annuals then this one will make you happy as your getting Jed MacKay writing which is always a treat and the art by Creees Lee is fantastic. The Stephanie Phillips stuff at the end is just barely anything. A few panels and it's done. If that's the part you wanted the book for then you may be disappointed but let's face it, if you've been reading Stephanie Phillips books then you should be used to disappointment.

Moon Knight: City of the Dead (2023) #1

Jul 22, 2023

The art was wonky in places and excellent in others. The story is a fine straightforward adventure that shows how heroes should act. Moonknight defends the travelers of the night and when he fails he'll go as far as the underworld to make things right. No Konshu? No problem. Hell yeah.

Napalm Lullaby (2024) #1

Mar 16, 2024

We get a Superman found by a cult and some matrix style shenanigans with killer looking mutant\alien characters and costumes. What more could you ask for?

Napalm Lullaby (2024) #2

Apr 16, 2024

One thing I really love about this series is that it doesn't hold your hand. This world is rife with possibilities and we discover some new tidbits each issue. I would have liked a bit more action but the story progression in this issue is enough to make me want to come back for issue 3.

Nasty (2023) #1

Apr 7, 2023

Cursed horror films are nothing new but this is still great. We have friendships between outcasts in a small town with one who has a rather large and mean looking imaginary friend and it comes off as endearing. The video nasties are used here and it's nice as an American to see the troubles other countries go through to see these cheesy gems. Overall a great first issue and I can't wait to see the blood flow in the next installment.

Nasty (2023) #2

May 14, 2023

Fantastic horror series that explores the video nasties and horror nerds obsessions with the macabre. The kids plans to make their movie take a fun turn at the end of the book and we see one of the consequences/effects of watching the forbidden film last issue. Can't wait to see how it all goes wrong bwa ha ha.

Neighbors (2023) #1

Mar 23, 2023

I hate when people use 'woke" as an all encompassing term but I'm going to do just that here because I don't know any other way to put it. The wokeness of this book is what I remember more than the mystery of what's happening in this town and that's not good. A gay/bi mother divorces her wife, re-marries a trans man who has mental issues of paranoia and agoraphobia, then moves her bi-racial family (including a toddler who may have some type of autism possibly, and an emo teen) to a new town where the author makes sure to mention fox news, bigotry, and climate change in the characters conversations while being sure to show the husbands mastectomy scars. None of this is bad or wrong of course but it doesn't feel like an organic part of the story, just shoehorning in as much diversity and representation as possible. It's just shoved to the forefront like it was the writers intent for this to be the main thing you take away from the comic instead of the mystery of the town and the families' NEIGHBORS...the title of the book! After some research on the author it seems this may be their "method", if that's the right word, for the books they write. IDK Another issue is the art doesn't do a good job of transitioning the story and sometimes the dialogue feels just a bit unnatural as well. I'm not gonna rate this too low since I will read the next issue to see if it get's better (now that all the introductions are done) and it's horror based. I love horror comics. One thing I do love is the cover. It's PHENOMENAL!

Neighbors (2023) #2

Apr 27, 2023

I'm guessing Casey is a changeling maybe? IDK. Oliver continues to be the most annoying character in my current memory but it's balanced out by Izz's cuteness. Nothing really happens here. Pretty bland.

Neighbors (2023) #3

May 26, 2023

I despised the first two issues of this book and I don't love the third, but it's certainly not terrible. I actually started to empathize with the characters and didn't want to see them all drowned in a river of feces. In this issue Oliver starts to talk to Janet about his concerns for and fear of Casey but it's too late. Janet, who had been the most understanding person on the planet up till now, suddenly can't deal with Oliver's issues anymore and turns into super bitch. It was a complete character change and I really felt I needed a bit more of her loosing her patience before she shifted gears into said role. We get a bit more of the locals and their strange behavior which deepens the mystery and starts moving the story forward more. Overall this was the best issue in a series I have not been crazy about.

Neighbors (2023) #4

Jul 1, 2023

This issue deals with the mom and daughter "underground". Meant to be psychological and scary but was quite boring to me. The old woman is the most interesting thing in this issue as she reveals some of the secrets of the town. I'm afraid that by the end of this series we will never learn what the neighbors really are and instead just learn their weaknesses and assume they are some sort of evil collective of monsters we aren't meant to comprehend. I hope not as this series doesn't have the credentials for that type of ending. Here we will need definitive definitions of what type of creatures the neighbors are and a back story.

New Mutants (2019) #31

Oct 29, 2022

Dear god this is bad. Can heroes be heroes once in a while and not sit around crying about their lives. I know they're young and not experienced, which is the point of the book, but do they have to be such wimps. Also the references to hate towards gender identities and sexual orientations being what the whole book is centered around gets old. This is just a snooze fest.

New Mutants (2019) #33

Dec 28, 2022

Dialogue is cringe worthy and the whole book just feels too amateurish. Art is not great either.

New Mutants Lethal Legion (2023) #1

Mar 8, 2023

This was abysmal. I struggled to get through this book and must have stopped at least five times. The art is so-so and the writing is asinine. "Social intelligence is just as important as pure rationality"? Just announcing "That's the front door" out loud when the doorbell rings. Of course it's the front door! And this terrible habit of making all the villains stupid and hokey is getting old. The lethal legion recruitment poster is meant to be funny but only shows that not even d list villains would show up to this. Also, This Book Is Boring! They sit around most of the time talking out their feelings. Just terrible.

New Mutants Lethal Legion (2023) #2

Apr 23, 2023

I have no idea why I'm reading this other than to crap on it. It's not as bad as Robin but not as much fun to pick apart either so this is the last issue I'll be reading. This feels like Thor love & thunder where they took something that was ok and turned it into a poorly written joke. I despise all these new characters and hate that Rahne was stuck with them for this issue. I just don't get what the writer is going for here. I did think this issue was an improvement over the last one, but that not saying much.

New Mutants Lethal Legion (2023) #3

May 29, 2023

This comic reads like tweets and texts, not actual conversations people have. The characters make goo goo eyes at each other constantly and it feels like romance fan fic like Fitzmartins Robin series. The art is like watching AEon Flux and I hate that Wolfsbain has no accent. This is TERRIBLE.

New Mutants Lethal Legion (2023) #4

Jun 22, 2023

This book is meant to be funny. I've laughed once while reading this series and it's in this instalment. The one word testimonial by Kraven was funny and the rest of the comic is the same junk as the rest of the series. These pitiful kids get their feelings hurt over the least little thing, fight about in the middle of a battle, and the resolution of it is part of the story that is just wasted time for the reader. The dialogue continues to be tedious and all the little quips that are meant to be humorous are anything but. At one point Nefaria sneaks up on two new mutants while listening to their issues and instead of taking advantage of them not knowing he's there he decides to engage them in conversation about their problems before attacking just so they can humiliate him before almost taking him down. Dear God! Nefaria is on a podcast for villains so the writer can make jokes about the Whizzer. Que eye roll. Writing like "Oh snap" and calling the box they are running with "the wrong kind of party". This is just bad. Rahne continues to talk without an accent and her nails look as if they are press on nails. They aren't even sharp! This book fails on so many levels I can't count them all. There is a reason this book continues to get such low scores month after month. This kind of humor and storytelling works well in comics, just not this one.

New Mutants Lethal Legion (2023) #5

Jul 20, 2023

Cutsy wootsy humor and art with a bunch of crying and talking out feelings and some cheesy fight scenes that are cringy at best. YA authors should be kept clear of comics based on what I've seen recently. (edit: I do love Rainbow Rowell on She-Hulk tho) This entire series was one of the worst pieces of excrement since Tim Drake Robin. I hated the new hawkgirl series but it's one million times better than this. Garbage.

Night Thrasher (2024) #3

Apr 26, 2024

The cover is amazing but it's the best thing about this book. Don't get me wrong, it's not bad at all it's just kinda boring. I would love it if this mini was a segue into a New Warriors series but it's just old Power Man stories retold.

Nightwing (2016) #97

Oct 29, 2022

Another solid entry from Taylor. Wish I enjoyed his Superman title as much as this.

Nightwing (2016) #98

Nov 16, 2022

Just a feel good issue. After Meghan Fitzmartins abortion involving Mickey Mxyzptlk, it's nice to see a 5th dimension imp be entertaining.

Nightwing (2016) #100

Jan 17, 2023

I've loved Taylors Nightwing for quite a while so it pains me to see this so called milestone issue drop the ball. There are some really great moments in this issue but they all seem to be overshadowed by how haughty the narrative is. It seems like the whole issue is Taylor standing on a soap box preaching at the reader. It reminds me of why I really didn't like his John Kent comic. The inconsistent art really hurts the book and the Heartless story CONTINUES to draggggggg on. Overall I can't say this was good, it's just passable.

Nightwing (2016) #101

Feb 22, 2023

Docking .5 for the trash back up story but other than that, this issue rocked. Really was disappointed with the last issue but this one returns to form IMO. Heart and action with great art = happy Cimmerian.

Nightwing (2016) #102

Mar 22, 2023

The price and the back up story notwithstanding, this issue was good. The relationship between not just Nightwing and Olivia, but the titans as well, is very endearing. Overall another solid issue. Nothing earthshattering happens but I was entertained and that's all I ask.

Nightwing (2016) #103

Apr 19, 2023

I'm still enjoying this but this issue feels very phoned in with the writing. Just basic feeling. The story is still good and superheroey but it's like Tom Taylor had other things on his mind while writing this one. The back up story was quite lackluster as well. Overall still a great series tho.

Nightwing (2016) #104

May 30, 2023

There are some great reviews on this book and they all say the exact things I'm thinking about this issue, so I'll just refrain from any more jabber jawing.

Nightwing (2016) #114

May 21, 2024

Just cause Dick says it isn't as hard for Haley to climb the mountain as it is for him doesn't mean it's true. She's only got three legs and he's taking her up a frigging mountain??? Nah, no way that dog makes it. I also disliked how Dick claims he "had to do all he could for a thief". Poor wording IMO. Taylor has a habit of lifting Dick up so much he sometimes sounds too pharisaic for my liking and this is just a small example. All that said, this was a great issue. We FINALLY get to the endgame we should have gotten long ago. I laughed out loud when Damian said "It's restricting in places I prefer freedom" and got choked up when Bruce says he wishes his father could have met Dick, his grandson. The viciousness of Heartless in the beginning was a great reminder of why we should still care about Dick taking him down and added a sense of foreboding we needed to properly invest again. Overall a great start to this story and I can't wait for the next issue.

Nightwing (2016) Annual: 2022

Nov 30, 2022

Heartless origin is solid and the backups are pretty decent as well. This is an annual worth adding to your collection.

No / One (2023) #1

Mar 17, 2023

This book doesn't hold your hand throughout, which is a nice change of pace. Your thrown into the middle of a story of murder and mystery with no life preserver and it's a blast. I believe it's ten issues, so I'm not sure if it will get stale or not, but for now I'm on board. Still have yet to check out the pod cast but if it's as fun as the book I'll be happy.

Order & Outrage (2023) #1

Mar 27, 2023

I thought this was pretty darn good.

Outsiders (2023) #1

Nov 19, 2023

Kate deserves better than this. DC, please stop making bat related trash or you will lose what little bat cred you have left.

Parker Girls (2022) #7

May 4, 2023

The fact that there are no reviews on a Terry Moore book is a crime against nature. Multiple awards including Eisner and Harvey and we get no "critic reviews" for any of the books except 1 for issue #1. Yes, I too am guilty of not showing love for this amazing series and creator but that changes now! This series may not be the best of Moore's career but it certainly isn't the worst. Charlie's angels meets Kingsmen meets Bond. This issue shows the main antagonist is ready for the fall while the Parker girls gear up for revenge and justice. Moore shows his typical care for writing women in strong roles that don't pander to the modern ideas that they must be better and stronger than every other character in the story and if not the male creator is a misogynist or the female creator is a "pick me girl". The art is amazing as always, so no worries there. Do yourself a favor and read some Terry Moore comics.

Parker Girls (2022) #8

Jul 8, 2023

Quick read with the art doing most of the storytelling. Funny and brutal this issue is another great read by Terry Moore.

Peacemaker Tries Hard! (2023) #1

May 7, 2023

If you like the show then you'll like this.

Phantom Road (2023) #1

Mar 5, 2023

Super fast read with very familiar feel to twilight zone episodes. Nothing really to write home about here but it's just getting started and Jeff Lemire rarely disappoints, so I'll keep reading the series for a while.

Plush (2022) #1

Nov 30, 2022

Really need to read the next issues to see if it's gonna be worth keeping up with. Right now I'm interested enough to pick up #2.

Power Girl (2023) #8

Apr 30, 2024

How the hell is Power Girl top heavy when she's drawn to specifically de emphasize her tits? Please let slice of life die soon.

Power Girl Special (2023) #1

May 30, 2023

Not a huge fan of the Power Girl story that has been running and this just continues it, but this wasn't super bad. I like Johnny Sorrow and it ended decently. The biggest problem with this special is the price and the back up story. Let's just have grown heroes running around behaving like children, charge an arm and a leg for the pleasure and see if the fans like it. The answer is no.

Predator (2023) #1

Mar 9, 2023

This is the movie Predators with Adrien Brody. Maybe it's supposed to be based on what happens in that film but it was set in what I thought was modern day but then Theta shows up and her story takes place far in the future. IDK. Seems like a rip off of others ideas. Also, how does a soldier open fire on a predator at point blank range with a machine gun and either not hit it or not kill it? Best part is we get to continue Theta's story.

Predator vs. Wolverine (2023) #1

Sep 25, 2023

A fun read with a misleading cover.

Punchline: The Gotham Game (2022) #1  
Punisher (2022) #11

Apr 24, 2023

Sigh. This series has the makings of one of the greatest punisher stories ever told but it jussst doesn't quite get there. Overall it's been really good with just a few hiccups along the way and I think if Aaron had written this ten years ago he would have nailed it. This is where we get the pay off with Maria and I wanted to love it but it was luke warm for me. The best way I can describe it is I was expecting Pizza Hut and got Digiorno instead. Still good frozen za but not restaurant quality.

Punisher (2022) #12

May 31, 2023

I love this series as much as I hate it. The retcon of Frank's past was stupid to me but the present story was really entertaining. The whole Maria and Frank were not happy before the fall was something I could deal with but the grooming him to be the fist of the beast since childhood part was DUMB. I'll say you can't do the same thing for years without it getting boring so I'll accept this new direction and hope it's entertaining. I thought "God bless the Beast" was a bit contradictory and why would the Beast be ok with Frank saving children in another realm? Those two things were the only blemishes on this issue. I really hope the final scene with Maria is not just forgotten about and we get something in the future that deals with it. Overall this series was more of a hit than a miss for me and this issue wraps things up well.

Punisher (2023) #1

Nov 10, 2023

Not a bad book, just the same ol' with a new guy. I'll call him refurbished Frank. This feels like going to see The Force Awakens. I thought the whole purpose of this was to do away with the old punisher symbol but it is still basically the same. Eh, whatever.

Rare Flavours (2023) #4

Mar 3, 2024

I had no idea what this was when I started it but after I read the first page I decided to begin with issue #1 and see if it was something I would enjoy and soon discovered something magical. This series is amazing and I'm kind of glad I didn't start reading it when it came out so I could binge read all four issues that have been released so far. Ram V's narrative is simultaneously magical, depressing, life affirming, horrifying, intoxicating and just plain beautiful. The combination of the art and dialogue is masterful and makes me remember why I love this medium so much. If you haven't tried this series I would suggest you give it a shot.

Realm of X (2023) #1

Aug 28, 2023

I don't read many X titles but I made an exception for this one as I hoped it would be the kind of Otherworld style story I wanted from Tini Howards Excalibur series. This is better than that but not by much. Illania is the character I cared most about here and Gronbekk seems to completely miss the mark with her. Even without her powers she would continue to behave as a warrior and leader, not the timid little girl we see in the beginning of this book. It also felt like all the people they come in contact with are generic fantasy characters with zero distinguishing personalities which made for a lame read at times. This was underwhelming and I doubt I'll be back for the next issue.

Red Goblin (2023) #1

Feb 8, 2023

Haven't been familiar with the spiderverse in a while so I can't follow everything, but the book was written well enough I didn't need too much back story. Overall this was very entertaining. I look forward to the next issue.

Red Goblin (2023) #2

Mar 21, 2023

Can't find any faults with this book. It's entertaining and when you get right down to it that's all I really want from a comic. Good stuff here.

Red Goblin (2023) #3

Apr 24, 2023

This issue was a bit heavy handed but it still worked. I hate the litany of spider-people that populate marvel these days but for some reason Normie feels a bit different. Perhaps this is what I really wanted with Dylan Brock but didn't get. Either way, this title is consistently decent and I hope marvel doesn't ruin it any time soon.

Red Goblin (2023) #5

Jun 10, 2023

Really enjoy this series but this issue suffers from the cross over curse. Normie is way too young to think and speak the way he does in this title but I can ignore it to be able to enjoy at least one spider book. I guess this would be considered a guilty pleasure for me.

Red Hood: The Hill (2024) #1

Feb 17, 2024

I really don't have much to say about this book. The story and art are both middle of the road and I feel this book is only for hardcore bat family\Gotham fans.

Red Sonja (2023) #1

Jul 21, 2023

Fantastic. Classic adventure, sword fighting and plenty of good ol' Red Sonja. This is exactly what you want from a sword and sorcery style comic. Gronbekk really nails the character well as she is charismatic and deadly, wielding a sharp tongue and sharper sword. So glad this comic was good cause I was worried it would be another favorite character that wouldn't make the pull list. The art fits the book well and will transport you into the fantasy. Fear not if your a fan of the she devil with a sword, she's in good hands here.

Red Sonja (2023) #8

Mar 2, 2024

I think Gronbekk is much better at plotting than she is at dialogue and the art is hit or miss.

Redcoat (2024) #2

May 21, 2024

Nothing amazing here but we get a curse via magical item, a sidekick with dire warnings of future calamity and fun historical figures as characters in the mix instead of what I thought this would turn out to be which was just an Armstrong like character getting into trouble through the years and being a miscreant just to get his comeuppance and see how horrible a death he could suffer each issue. There is intrigue and suspense along with some damn fine art in this book. I suggest you give it a try.

Rogue & Gambit (2023) #1

Mar 3, 2023

BIG fan of the art here but the goofy drunk Gambit has more of a silly deadpool feel than a Remy feel. Also after everything on krakoa with Mystique and Destiny, Rogue just trusts Destiny almost instantly and Manifold has juuuuust enough energy to teleport Rouge and Gambit so they can get away but Gambit can't explode one card with the power of a firecracker? Kinda lazy writing in some spots but the story is engaging enough to make me want to read the next issue....or maybe it's cause I've just been a sucker for this couple since the Clarmont days.

Rogue & Gambit (2023) #2

Apr 6, 2023

I gave the first issue some slack but this one was pretty bad. The art is good but the cover is awful. It looks so static, like Steve Morris just cut and pasted everything on there from a computer. Ugh. Stephanie Phillip continues to make Gambit a buffoon and Rouge the responsible adult who has to look after him. Maybe responsible but not smart; just deciding to trust Destiny despite recent events and history. Guess she trusts her since Destiny treats Gambit like a child in the first issue and evidently the whole purpose of this book is to show how stupid he, and apparently Black Panther, are and how smart Rouge and Destiny are. Not only is Gambit written like a buffoon but he ties a woman to an oven in a building about to explode to distract T'Challa so the pair can get away. NO! He may be a scoundrel but come on. Speaking of T'Challa, he just shows up out of nowhere and starts a fight for no reason other than to have the typical hero vs hero battle. Lazy writing. Not like he's a KING who would use his brain before his fists. I think Philips wants this to come off as Rogue loves Remy even if he is a doofus rapscallion but it's just mischaracterization to fit her own narrative. It's a huge problem these days and the editors should be stopping this if they can. This title should be called Rogue babysits Gambit instead.

Rogue Sun #14

Jul 31, 2023

This series continues to impress month after month. I don't know why it's not more talked about. The difference in locations with multiple Rogue Sun's brings a level of depth to the story which is nice in a series without any real history. You feel the world building when you read this and it's refreshing. Fully fleshed out characters with great dialogue and amazing art. Rogue Sun is a tremendous title.

Rook Exodus (2024) #1

Apr 11, 2024

Damn was this book beautiful. The story is engaging and immediately draws you in. I love isolation style stories and this looks to be one of the better ones in quite a while. I look forward to everything ghost machine has in store for us beleaguered comic fans who are, much like Rook in this story, scavenging an ever shrinking and hostile landscape for something we desperately need to survive(the hobby)....quality comics!!!

Sam and Twitch: Case Files (2024) #1

Mar 29, 2024

I don't know the first thing about these two detectives and only picked this up on a whim because of the low price but it's not terrible. The biggest problem I have with it was the lack of speech bubbles and the white background that comes with them. Here they choose to go without and the words are just written over the background which is jarring to say the least. It's much harder to read this way and just seemed to distract from the experience of the book more than anything. Other than that this comic is fine. Nothing special but the final pages promise a bloody good time in future issues.

Sam and Twitch: Case Files (2024) #2

Apr 18, 2024

Not much happens here but it's all building to something and for $2.99 I think this is a pretty damn good deal. I like detective stories and this one is just fine for some downtime reading.

Sanction (2024) #1

May 20, 2024

This, The One Hand and Sam & Twitch are really scratching my itch for detective drama and murder mysteries. This has potential and I hope it doesn't disappoint in the end.

Savage Red Sonja (2023) #1

Nov 8, 2023

I'm glad we get the classic Sonja here and not the reincarnated version who had no interactions with Scathach but she seems a bit too malaise and not vicious enough. She seems almost like a school girl with a crush when the prince slays the sand beast. I think it's simply because she believes if he could do that then he may have the ability to ease her loneliness if only for a night. It just feels Panosian has traded too much of her fire for longing. Still a good stab at the character. The art is....questionable in many places but serviceable enough I guess.

Scarlet Witch (2023) #1

Jan 5, 2023

Neat idea with the door that brings those in need to Wanda and really cool costume along with decent art. The biggest problem I have is with Steve Orlando. I've never really been a fan of his and really dislike his writing style. The small talk in the beginning of this issue makes me grind my teeth but the dialogue later in the story is better. A good idea for the series, I just wish the exchanges between the characters flowed better. Again this is just me.

Scarlet Witch (2023) #3

Mar 10, 2023

Better than most Steve Orlando stuff and I really wanted to like this but it just didn't hit for me. The single page storytelling was read to us like a D&D adventure and I've never really liked that style, not even in Grendel. I still like the concept of the last door and hope it plays out for a while, even though the shop is toast now. The ending has me eager to check out the next issue so I guess we'll see.

Scarlet Witch (2023) #4

Apr 7, 2023

This issue just didn't hit for me. The issues before this one were decent but this just fell flat. Maybe if there had been a little sub-plot for Darcy's origin in the previous issues this would have felt more impactful. The whole breaking of chains mentioned a couple of times by the lead antagonist felt strange since her weapon had a literal chain attached to it. Don't know if that was intentional or not. Also she just happens to find the rocks that hurt Wanda that she can identify based on the pebble she handled for like two seconds and somehow ties those rocks to her body to make armor? That seemed dumb to me. She mentions a hint of alchemy and that could explain it, though I took it to mean it was alchemy used to help create the metal in the rock, not her using it to make armor. She just chiseled the rock into the form of fitted armor with her blade? Maybe I'm missing something. Not to nit pick but coupled with the so so art, I can't see this being rated as one of the best ongoings at marvel.

Scarlet Witch (2023) #5

May 6, 2023

I enjoyed this issue much more than the last one but I've determined this book just isn't for me. I found myself really enjoying parts of the comic but not others so it doesn't flow as one fun read. I love the in depth look at Wanda and what makes her tick along with the idea of her shop and offering help to rando people who the magic has determined needs it. Great premise and kinda feels magical Dr. Whoish to me. I just feel the book could be more than it is and I can see that's a me problem as this is a book loved by so many. Anyway, the last page makes me want to read more of the series but I think my time with this title is done. Overall I think this was my favorite issue and I hope you all enjoy the book for a long time.

Secret Invasion (2022) #4

Feb 8, 2023

Pretty fun and action packed. Don't know if anything that happens in the finale will make any difference in the big picture at marvel but not much does these days anyway. So, I'll just enjoy a fun series without consequences.

Sensational She-Hulk (2023) #1

Nov 6, 2023

I hate we had to wait for this re-numbered issue but it was worth it. This is a romance, slice of life, action, comedy comic. All these things would normally turn me off but here the balance is handled with such skill and the words feel as though they come from a writer with such heart and a healthy respect for the characters that I get excited when I think about a new issue comming out. This comic is wierd and endearing. Goofy and heartfelt. This is the kind book Marvel wants to put out there to capture that imagined audience they've been searching for. Give people QUAILITY and you help a new audience to understand the beauty of this medium. The back up is fun too.

Sensational She-Hulk (2023) #2

Nov 25, 2023

I love this title and I love Hulk so you would think I'd love this issue was meh. It really felt like the entire point of the main story AND the back up was talking is always better than punching. That's really all I got from this. Hopefully SSH will be back on track next issue.

Sentry (2023) #4

Mar 7, 2024

Jason Loo is competent but this comic feels like paint by numbers instead of organic creativity. It's just a forgettable "The One" style ripoff. Everything is predictable and the bad part is what's his name will probably be remembered more than what's her name and she's the one who became the Sentry...sorry Solaras. The fact I forgot the characters names and had to look up Ryan and Mallory illustrates my point.

Shazam! (2023) #1

May 8, 2023

A fun comic book. That's all this is and that's all we really need. Waid and Mora don't try to re-invent the wheel here, instead they stick to what made Billy and the Marvel family so endearing. Mr. Waid's writing really makes the reader feel the Wizard's decision to bless Billy with those powers was the right call. This is what most modern comics are sorely missing. No politics or preaching. No earthshattering consequences. No changing of EVERYTHING to renew interest in a character the company and the writer think are passe'. It's just a wholesome character being a hero in a fun adventure. It also blends in the wizard from the movie for more current fans, which is cool. The art is phenomenal! Again, phenomenal! Overall just a fantastic read.

Shazam! (2023) #2

Jun 10, 2023

Another great issue. This is just a well written comic that isn't up it's own ass. I wish more comics were like this one.

Shazam! (2023) #5

Nov 7, 2023

Wow. Humor without cutesy wootsey quirkiness. Mary Marvel acting like a real hero and not whining, boasting or being an unlikable ass (Hawkgirl take note). No time spent making sure there is #queens rule or #girl power ideals on every panel she's in. The children being written like children & talking like children while still showing why they are worthy of their powers. Competent writing worthy of a part of this new dawn of DC...reboot? Not trying to reinvent the wheel, just fun storytelling that brings the reader back every week. This art is worth the price of the book alone and should be used as a standard for hiring of artists. Please buy this book and show DC we want great story telling from great writers and not trash writers on big name books they know will sell just because of character name recognition and speculation market bs.

Shazam! (2023) #6

Dec 10, 2023

This is a comic book for kids. This is a comic book for adults. This is a comic book for anybody who likes comic books period. The scene with the duck will be in my head for

She-Hulk (2022) #7

Nov 6, 2022

Sooooo, nothing is really happening in this book. Each issue is just another regular day with maybe 2 panels of action. That being said, I can't stop reading it. I have no idea why. I find myself eagerly awaiting each new issue. Huh.

She-Hulk (2022) #9

Dec 29, 2022

I've enjoyed this book so far, but this issues breaking of the 4th wall John Byrne moment comes right out of left field and really disrupts the flow of the book. I mean this is the 9th issue and we've never had one of these in this run. On a more positive note, I really enjoy the art. It reminds me of Erik Larsen. Overall it's still a good issue if you've been keeping up with the story.

She-Hulk (2022) #11

Mar 29, 2023

The everyday life of Jen. Regular work and superhero work coupled with superhero specific relationship issues. The FF security storyline part of the book sets up an interesting new bad guy and feels like a cool new direction for the action sections of the book. The fight club intro with Mr. Grimm and the gang is fantastic, check it out.

She-Hulk (2022) #12

Apr 20, 2023

This issue just didn't hit for me. The characterization of Reed Richards was a bit too dickish for my liking. Yeah, he's not the nicest or most social of heroes but he doesn't throw backhanded insults at others....especially former FF team members! I will say that the new villain is pretty cool. He is very roguish and I could see him as a test of Jen and Jacks bond. The second story was a real disappointment to me. Book club could have been a great story with tons of humor but I was just bored and couldn't wait for it to end. Overall my least favorite issue of what is still an incredible run.

She-Hulk (2022) #13

Jun 1, 2023

This is golden! I wish we could have gotten more Hellcat in this issue (since I'm loving her solo series) but it was still amazing. All the characters are being fleshed out and not just glanced over and I really appreciate that. As bad as last issues book club story was, this one was that good.

She-Hulk (2022) #14

Jul 2, 2023

?????? I don't know what to make of this issue. Still good though.

She-Hulk (2022) #15

Jul 29, 2023

My God! What an ending to a truly fabulous series. I have to admit I felt a tear forming and I don't know if it was from the Jen/Jack kiss or the fact I have to wait for the new series to come out. This issue really wraps up the series nicely and it felt decently paced for me. It may have been rushed but Rowell handles it masterfully. This had the kind of humor I like to see in a book like this because what was there was actually funny and it didn't oversaturate the comic. The art is good and fits the series well while the covers have all been beautiful in their simplicity. I really hope this series is released in a nice hardcover as it will get plenty of re-reads by me for years to come.

Silver Surfer: Ghost Light (2023) #1

Feb 4, 2023

Terrible art and hardly any surfer. What was this? Hopefully the second issue will be better but I think the series will focus on the kids with a superhero wraparound. We shall see.

Silver Surfer: Ghost Light (2023) #2

Mar 9, 2023

"What the holy Cronenberg"? Lol. This issue was much better than the first but the story is still nothing special. Nice to have some surfer content in marvel these days even if it's really more of an Al Harper and his family story. Art is still meh.

Silver Surfer: Ghost Light (2023) #4

May 31, 2023

Bad art and boring story. I really have not enjoyed this.

Sinister Sons (2024) #1

Feb 13, 2024

Did DC retcon Lor-Zod? Wasn't he Christopher Kent, a good guy? I ask because it's very possible I missed him turning into this.....awful characterization. Most likely it's a case of modern comics just ignoring continuity AGAIN but I'm really curious cause this just kinda sucked. Bad guy super sons could be cool but this is hackneyed tripe IMO. The art may be the biggest culprit in this debacle of a debut because it just accentuates how boring and similar it is to much of the other DC books attempting this style and it just doesn't seem to ever work. I think Tomasi is a hell of a writer but this just fell beyond flat for me. The term hot garbage comes to mind.

Sirens of the City (2023) #1

Jul 23, 2023

The black, white, red and blue color scheme along with the art is tremendous. Layla is the biggest asshole in the world witch is needed to survive in the big city I guess but makes her difficult to like. The different fantasy archetypes are present and has a white wolf rpg feel to it. Pretty good stuff.

Something is Killing the Children #37

May 25, 2024

Just got around to this series and binge read every one of them. I'm four issues deep into House of Slaughter and it's amazing as well. Tynion is a master story teller who crafts some of the most intense and engrossing tales in comics and I was afraid these stand alones would derail my love of this series but this is just as good as all the rest. No wonder issue #1 is big money.

Space Ghost (2024) #1

May 2, 2024

Another IP that hasn't gotten any love in a while coming out as a comic and doing a damn decent job of entertaining me. The art is great and the story makes sense with a better plot and dialogue than I would have ever expected. Good stuff.

Space Job (2023) #1

Feb 8, 2023

Humor doesn't really hit the mark and the entire crew is just unlikable. Not terrible but nothing to write home about.

Specs (2022) #1

Nov 19, 2022

very interested in where this book is going

Specs (2022) #2

Dec 15, 2022

This issue shows wishes can backfire if not considered properly before hand. That's all. Still a fun comic and is enjoyable to read.

Specs (2022) #4

Feb 22, 2023

This was a good series but this issue's finale just didn't hit for me because (SPOILER) I don't see someone giving a eulogy and talking about magic glasses for twenty minutes or so and no one reacting incredulously to it. Other than that it was fine.

Speed Force (2023) #1

Nov 19, 2023

??? What was this??? Was it an attempt to do manga? Just stick it full of as much mind numbing slang as possible and that will make it fun for the younger crowd??? Was that the thought here? I hate the term shill media but I have to think any of the so called "critics" reviewing this positively are just that. How did anyone think this was a good idea. No cap yo! Any of my peeps feeling this? No? Bet. ;)

Spider-Gwen: Shadow Clones (2023) #1

Mar 5, 2023


Spider-Gwen: Shadow Clones (2023) #4

Jun 16, 2023

Cliche villain in a basic book. I'm not saying it's bad, I'm saying it's best for Gwen/Spidey-verse fans. Casual fans will probably want to spend their time and money elsewhere.

Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider (2024) #1

May 28, 2024

I really don't know anything about Spider-Gwen and only read this because it's a #1 and I didn't hate the BW Hawkeye series Phillips is doing. I'm surprised I enjoyed the writing in this because again, it's Stephanie Phillips, but maybe she's growing on me. This doesn't break the mold or do anything new it's just a fun spider adventure but I will say it also saddened me a bit. The other clone spider folks are mentioned a billion times, almost teasing even Phillips thinks it's too much, and just served to remind me of what has happened at the big two for so long now. This is just another in the long line of junk copycat content Marvel churns out just to fill the shelves. I liked the writing but hate that's it's just one of the plethora of spider peeps with a new series....yet again, when there are soooo many under used characters more deserving of a chance. The art is great in places but in others ehhh. I thought the bank rep looked more like Peter than Peter did for crying out loud. Overall this is enjoyable but just more of the same.

Spider-Man (2022) Annual #1

Aug 10, 2023

This was not good. The dialogue is terrible and Spider-Man is so unfunny it hurts. I don't understand why Peter goes to get Jessica Jones instead of going to the mutant gate in the park to get Woverines friends to help. Lazy writing. This is uber skippable.

Spider-Man 2099: Dark Genesis (2023) #1

May 4, 2023

It's hard these days with a writer like Orlando to tell if they are telling a story and their ideologies just happen to be a part of it or it's all preaching with the story as a vehicle for their propaganda. I'm undecided with this comic. Either way, this book is just a lot of his stuff. If you love his 2099 stuff then you will be happy, but if your a fan of the 90's style then I'd advise you to stay away.

Spider-Man 2099: Dark Genesis (2023) #2

May 10, 2023

Meh. Kinda bland story. Art is terrible. Didn't care for issue #1 and that ain't changed for issue #2.

Spider-Man: India (2023) #1

Jun 16, 2023

Haven't seen the new Spiderverse and don't know Pavitr at all. That being said this is just Spider-Man in a new setting and we've seen it hundreds of times. I think we all know that going into it so it's hard to rate this book when you know everything that could or does happen in it. It was fine for what it was but at times the dialogue felt disjointed and while the art was ok the colors felt a bit washed out. We also got a Ben Shapiro/Jordan Peterson version of The Lizard that was drawn well and seemed quite violent. Good job on that as well as Sahib who feels very Osborn like. A decent replica of that villain. This is a Meh comic book that I can do without on my pull list but I hope will get better with time.

Spider-Man: The Lost Hunt (2022) #5

Mar 27, 2023

An amazing mini. Didn't care for the period of time in comics it was set in (CLONES!) but who cares? This was super fun and exciting. Books like this, joe fixit, and world's finest are great for people who aren't super jazzed about current continuity and still works for modern fans as well. The writing in this book really tugs at your heart strings with the mother son dynamic and the situation of Pete and pregnant MJ getting on with their lives after spider-man. Much love for this series!

Spider-Woman (2023) #6

Apr 18, 2024

Star is trash. Foxe has her saying she's not a bad person so many times then has her do bad things. Yeah, super funny Steve. Jess talks about going off the tracks then Star happens to blow up the bridge Jess is looking at...again, super funny (eye roll). Star causes tons of destruction that she didn't care about before as long as she got Jessica Drew then doesn't get her when she has the chance and apologizes to the passengers & leaves, off panel. Jessica breaks up a fight over a fucking turkey sandwich??? WTF is this nonsense? This is the first issue of this series I've read and I'm happy to say it will be the last.

Spirit World (2023) #1

May 10, 2023

Happy to see Constantine in this comic and to see Cassandra written more in character than she is in that atrocious Batgirls book. I dig magic and supernatural stuff so I liked this. If you don't then you really won't care for it. I doubt it will be something I read regularly but it was fun and that's all I really need from a book.

Star Wars (2020) #37

Oct 15, 2023

A book about Lobot and his relationship with Lando? Yes please! Soule really nails Lando's character and gives us an inside look at a rarely seen character in Lobot. Great stuff. This event is off to a great start.

Star Wars (2020) #38

Oct 15, 2023

Man, I think I've been missing out on these Charles Soule SW books. If the two books of his I've read is any indication then this guy is pretty damn good.

Star Wars: Dark Droids (2023) #1

Oct 15, 2023

You can't watch or read star wars without seeing tons of droids cause they are an integral part of life in this galaxy far far away. Exploring what happens when that part of the SW universe goes all Matrix sounds pretty cool and if this issue is any indication of how cool the story line will be then I'm in. Great art and wonderful dialogue make for a delightful read. I have no idea if the other series I'll have to read will be as good but I'm gonna give em' all a try. The final scene of the book gave me goosebumps, that's all I'll say.

Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2020) #35

Oct 15, 2023

I'm reading the dark droids crossover event and that is the ONLY reason I read this. This is typical Alyssa Wong...dreadful. This is not how Doctor Aphra should be written. Boo!

Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2020) #36

Oct 16, 2023

How does Marvel put Alyssa Wong on the most popular character to come out of SW in years? She completely fucks up what made her great and everyone loved about her by doing her own bastardized version cause she just doesn't get it. Same reason she's on Deadpool I guess. Same reason Tini Howard is on Harley Quinn and before her Stephanie Phillips....Marvel and DC hate us. They have no interest in wasting good writers on their most popular characters because they figure the name of the title will sell it no matter what (and they're usually right). I'm just gonna read the other titles in the Dark Droids event and skip this one from now on so this will be my last bitch fest on this book.

Star Wars: Yoda (2022) #2

Dec 29, 2022

If you love Yoda you should enjoy this, otherwise you can just skip it.

Stargirl: The Lost Children #1

Nov 20, 2022


Starsigns (2023) #1

May 4, 2023

Decent enough story. It's been done many times before with different pantheons, emotions, sins ect. Still, the main character is likable enough and we don't know the reasons behind everything so it will take a few more issues to tell if this is worth your money or not. This issue is of course all set up. Overall it's fine.

Storm (2023) #1

May 25, 2023

This writer makes Tini Howard read like Tolstoy in comparison and the art is sinfully bad. Yes, Nocenti is a legend, but maybe her time is past. Frank Miller comes to mind. Co-writing is best for her now. This was awful. After I read it I couldn't tell you what it was about and that's never a good thing. Mohawk Storm deserves so much more than this. Does marvel not realize how many fans this version of the character has? A bunch less now I'll wager.

Storm (2023) #2

Jul 2, 2023

This continues to be bad. The characters each have a distinct voice but almost all the voices are wrong if you know what I mean. The art feels worse in this issue as well. Real stinker.

Strange (2022) #7

Oct 29, 2022

Love this title but the reason Stephen gives for keeping his identity secret is bs. Dropped my score for that.

Strange (2022) #8

Nov 30, 2022

Dynamite issue!

Strange (2022) #9

Dec 21, 2022

An enjoyable ride that will soon be over. This series has been fun and endearing and I can't wait for the finale.

Strange Academy: Finals (2022) #2

Dec 15, 2022

Strange Academy: Finals (2022) #3

Dec 29, 2022

Always a good read.

Strange Academy: Finals (2022) #5

Mar 29, 2023

Quick read but good read. The art is stunning as always and the story finally gives us what we've been waiting for, THE BIG FIGHT! Big fun magic battles and heart warming friendships torn asunder. Great stuff.

Superboy: The Man Of Tomorrow (2023) #1

Apr 18, 2023

Superboy behaved like an idiot with no forethought. Tons of action yet I didn't care. Forgettable start to a series.

Superboy: The Man Of Tomorrow (2023) #3

Jun 13, 2023

I love both the 90's Super Boy character and alien stories so this should be a home run but I just can't really get into it. It's not bad, it just fill like it's empty storytelling. That's not really a good description but it's the only way I can express my feelings towards this comic. Again, it's not bad by any means I just don't really care about any of the characters or what's going on. Also, what the hell is up with the way Connors hair is drawn? I'll keep reading to see if this book ever finds it's footing but three issues in and I'm really starting to wonder if it ever will.

Supergirl Special (2023) #1

Nov 7, 2023

There was no point to this. This falls into one of the two terrible categories female superheroes get placed in these days. Either they have nothing to overcome because they are the baddest chicks around who can outdo everything and anyone (specifically men) so they have no real character to speak of or it's the complete opposite and they are written as self deprecating, over emotional handbags that have to realize their own self worth by the end of the story. The dialogue doesn't flow well at all and feels laborious to get through. I think Kara says Uh" about twenty times in the beginning of the issue. Issues that were thought to be resolved are put on display in order to have an emotional journey that doesn't feel emotional but instead feels like Tamaki working out her own feelings of insecurity in the pages of this book. Kinda like I am not Starfire, though this is waaaaay better than that. Why Powergirl would try to show up Kara during a life and death rescue and why Kara would try to stop Powergirl from saving a life are just a few of the questions I have about this book. If you want to see Supergirl being....I don't know, super? then read Action Comics Doomsday Special instead.

Superman '78 (2021): The Metal Curtain #1

Nov 8, 2023

A bit slow but it feels like the original movies and the villain is a nice surprise. Venditti is a proven entity and I have every confidence this will be a worthy addition to any comic collection.

Superman '78 (2021): The Metal Curtain #2

Dec 10, 2023

Pretty fun book and it's great to see these villains in the Donner Supes Universe. This was a quick read and I'm fine with that but I hope the next issue is more in depth. I'm hoping the pilot is a certain ring slinger to be, but we will have to wait and see.

Superman '78 (2021): The Metal Curtain #6

Apr 3, 2024

A bit rushed and unbelievable in real life but feels like it could legit happen in the Christopher Reeves movies if they made this. Overall not a terrible ending.

Superman (2023) #1

Feb 21, 2023

THIS WAS GREAT! Superman acting like the big blue boy scout in his city, Lois Lane being the hard nosed bad A we all love, Mercy looking beautiful buff and being a smart stand in for her boss, and Lex finally getting the respect he deserves (unlike in Taylor's Superman run!). Live Wire! One of my favorite villains from the animated series is here! I always hear Lori Petty in my head when I read her word balloons and it makes me smile. The art is sooooo amazing here too. I'm giddy as a school girl that this book was so good. I really didn't expect it to be. Glad I was wrong.

Superman (2023) #2

Mar 22, 2023

Not as good as the first issue but I still liked it. Parasite seems to be a real threat as he evolves into a force that could really destroy not only Superman but possibly all mankind. The cover to this book is very misleading though, with the moonlight chick looking like a symbiote there then being a moon knight rip off inside. She just shows up in the middle of the book and re-charges supes with moonlight? Then she vanishes. Weird. Still, I think this story is exciting. I'm looking forward to the next issue.

Superman (2023) #3

Apr 18, 2023

Could have used a few more pages of story....especially for the price. Other than that this was just a fun supes story.

Superman (2023) #4

May 26, 2023

I'm so ashamed I didn't get the "turtle Baby" line until the end lol. I guess I supposed he was still in the apartment and heard what happened, but he must have left early and she didn't know. Read the book and you'll know what I mean. Anyway, this issue was GREAT! You can't do the same old thing in comics year to year so I'm really digging the Supes Lex dynamic. SuperCorps is a fun idea and it's a concept I hope is ran with for a while. It's different and keeps the story fresh without being ridiculous. Pharm and Graft are excellent villains and we get to see Supes rouge gallery in a bit of a different way because of them. This issues villain is a personal favorite so I was hyped. The art is KILLER and makes all the action scenes pop while the backgrounds set the stage for the story perfectly. This was such a fun read and I highly recommend it.

Superman (2023) #5

Jun 20, 2023

Masterful. One thing bugs me though. Jimmy Olsen's hair. WTF???

Superman (2023) #13

Apr 17, 2024

Chapter 2 keeps the action going with a well crafted story and surprising universe continuity cross over with GL and the United Planets quarantine plot. Most writers just ignore and are allowed to ignore those pesky details but not my man Joshua Williamson. Williamson is great but I will say....Lobo's not actually a man of his word lol. Far from it. Other than that I highly enjoyed this issue.

Superman (2023) Annual: 2023

Aug 9, 2023

If your gonna do an issue about all the supporting cast of the main book then the annual is a fine issue to do it in. This was great. All the plot from the main book is explored and expounded upon here through the side characters and villains that make this run by Williamson so wonderful. I'm so happy they didn't do the usual multi writer anthology style annual that has nothing to do with what is happening in the main book at the time. This annual is integral to the regular series and should not be missed. Yes, Superman is barely in it but who cares when the book is this damn good and it helps remind us of the main story we're missing during this Knight Terrors lull.

Superman: Kal-El Returns Special (2022) #1

Nov 30, 2022

$7.00 is way too much for what you get. Skip it.

Superman: Lost (2023) #1

Mar 27, 2023

This is a great set up issue. Twenty years gone is a lot of time to tell a story and with this being a ten issue mini hopefully the story of where/when Clark has been will be entertaining enough to keep us interested. If this first issue is any indication of the kind of story telling we will get during that long haul then I'm on board.

Superman: Lost (2023) #3

May 10, 2023

Lois is written a bit out of character in the beginning of the comic but other than that it's good. This is a slow burn with wonderful art that relays the lonely feel of empty space. The way it's drawn really imparts the psychological damage it could have on anyone stuck in it for what we know will be twenty years. We see the damage it's done to Supes in the beginning of the book and Priest's writing makes me want to continue on this forsaken journey with Clark through it all. This book isn't a FUN read. It's sad and sorrowful but also powerful in it's chronicling of this voyage. I'm hooked.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #17

Nov 8, 2022

Only issue of the series I've enjoyed. This was great.

Superman: The Last Days of Lex Luthor (2023) #1

Jul 25, 2023

Mark Waid just gets DC. You can tell he really loves this universe and it shines through more strongly than the Marvel work he does IMO. Supes and Lex each have a specific voice and act in character which is refreshing since some modern comics sometimes steer away from that so the author can have their specific voice heard in the book. Editors anyone? lol. Lex causes major destruction and kills several technicians in his effort to contact Superman and it's for a reason. I won't spoil it as it was a great moment but it was very Luthor. The arrogant prick may be the best villain in the DC universe. Clark of course is typical Superman and it always reminds me of why I love Superman and what a great set of parents the Kents were when I see him being the kind of human so many of us fail to be. God I love superheroes. Lex only has a few days before death so he has to go with Superman as the specimen which is perfect to bring them together for this harrowing adventure. Polar opposite ends of humanity in a thrilling race against the reaper. All in all I think this is going to be one of Waids best supes stories and will be looked back upon with fondness for years.

Symbiote Spider-Man 2099 (2024) #1

Mar 17, 2024

Someone want to call Steve Orlando and tell him to read this and take notes on how to do a 2099 well? Hell, how to do any comic well. This is great stuff from a legend in the biz and the artwork hits hard too. Do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of this book!

Tales of the Titans (2023) #1

Jul 18, 2023

The cover is the best thing here. Starfire is more of a TEEN titan here. This is character regression out the wazoo. Kory is a warrior and a leader but here all she is concerned with are the labels lovingly placed upon her. How horrible to be called princess. This tries to be empowering and heartfelt but just becomes annoying. I kept waiting for a few panels of SF doing a tick tok of how annoyed she was with everyone and how dumb they were. Again, TEEN titan Star Fire. EDITORS!!! Interior art is horrible btw.

Tales of the Titans (2023) #2

Aug 15, 2023

Bad story that draggggggs, bad art and bad coloring= don't bother. The cover, like the starfire issue b4 it is the best part of the book.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs. Street Fighter (2023) #1

Jun 10, 2023

I admit this is nothing super special other than two properties I love coming together in a decent comic book. If I wasn't such a fan I'd rate it an 8 but there is nothing to dislike here story wise and the art is phenomenal so I say 10, 10, 10!!! The interaction between Mikey and Chun-Li is adorable and the Guile Raph feud is freaking epic. The advertisement for the next issue shows Leo vs. Ryu and I'm all about it! TMNT usually does a good job with these cross overs and this one is no different. Check it out.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs. Street Fighter (2023) #3

Sep 30, 2023

I bit too much joking and hokeyness in this issue but its still a fun read. "So, your, like...under the street fighters"? Kinda corny but it fits the book so I enjoyed it more than hated it. The ending reveal was too awesome to spoil but I literally yelled in joy when I saw it.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Black, White & Green (2024) #1

May 10, 2024

Quite the letdown. This book had such potential and the only thing I can say about each story is Meh. If your a turtles fan I'd suggest waiting to see if you can find this later in a $1 bin and if your not a turtle fan then don't even bother.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin: II - Re-Evolution #1

Mar 6, 2024

Too much dialogue with what seems to be too little purpose, also I just can't seem to invest myself in these newer characters. Not a bad comic but we need some major happenings soon to avoid the staleness this issue seemed to suffer from.

TerrorWar (2023) #1

Apr 23, 2023

Soooo much social critique here. Feels like this book can't get over itself. Sci-fi future with possible magical metaphysical monsters. Nothing great nothing bad. Read it if your a fan of the writer or artist.

Thanos (2023) #1

Nov 12, 2023

We barely see Thanos in this issue. I hope he's not just a plot device in his own series and the entire thing is about this new character who I guess is supposed to be Death. My guess is that's exactly what this series will be. I would be more relaxed about it if the title of the book wasn't Thanos. I guess we will just have to wait and see. The opening of the story, with the bachelorette style show, was wonderful and sets the scene well for the "new" character. The dialogue and art were great and I'm interested enough in the story to come back for issue #2. The price was a bit hefty for what we got though.

Thanos (2023) #2

Jan 6, 2024

This was a jumbled mess. Thanos drives a truck???? Did anyone count how many times they said Fresno was way too many times. Garbled and pedestrian dialogue mixed with a drop in the quality of the art equals a tough read. Cantwell is always hit or miss for me and this was a bigggggg whiffer.

The Boogyman (2022) #4

Dec 21, 2022

This issue moves at breakneck speed and is just what the doctor ordered for this series at this time. We get an explanation of father death and his dog's origin as well! The art (as always) just seems to fit the story perfectly. Can't recommend this series enough.

The Boy Wonder (2024) #1

May 7, 2024

Why was this a black label book? There is nothing here to warrant the labeling. This is pretty much.....nothing. A look back at how Damian & Dick came to be with his dad with a little Clayface and Batgirl thrown in for fun??? Filler garbage with art that's beyond subpar for this property. Clayface looks good and a few other poses of certain characters but this art style just doesn't fit a bat family book. Maybe the art is why it's black label? IDK. I see it's got many good reviews and I'm in the minority so far but I just don't get it. It's also $6!!!! Terrible.

The Butcher's Boy (2024) #1

May 22, 2024

The beginning is creepy as hell as we jump back and forth in the stories timeline but then it just devolves into one long argument. The characters motivations for taking the road trip and the background into their relationships are welcome but could have been done in fewer pages. The book reminds of Stephen King's Desperation\The Regulators and I was ok with that. Overall the set up takes bit to get through but I think we will be thankful for it by issue two.

The Deadliest Bouquet #5

Dec 21, 2022

Strange ending that just comes out of nowhere. The relationship between the sisters is complex, but I just didn't seen to care. I really just wanted this to be over by the time we got to this issue and that's never a good thing.

The Deviant (2023) #1

Nov 20, 2023

The art fits perfectly and the story is strong. I love James Tynion books! Nice to have a book like this for this time of year.

The Deviant (2023) #4

Feb 16, 2024

It's a great writer that can make you fear for your favorite characters in their stories and Tynion does that in this series. I really hope Derek makes it.

The Goon: Them That Don't Stay Dead (2024) #1

Mar 29, 2024

Dear Lord I wish we could have this every month in a regular series. The art and witty dialogue make for an incredible read. Pick this mini up ASAP!

The Hunger and the Dusk (2023) #1

Jul 22, 2023

Nothing groundbreaking as far as original story here but rest assured, this is fantasy done right. Beautiful writing and art combine to make an engaging and entertaining comic book anyone should be able to enjoy.

The Hunger and the Dusk (2023) #4

Dec 9, 2023

Well, it was just a matter of time until the dreaded "should we obey or break the truce" discussion was held and here it is. This series just blows me away with every new book. Between the art, the political machinations, discoveries about the enemy and fleshing out of the characters I just can't decide which aspect of the story I look forward to more with each new issue. G. Willow Wilson has crafted one of the best fantasy books on the shelves today and if your not reading this then get on it!

The Hunger and the Dusk (2023) #6

Feb 16, 2024

Well this sucked. Not the story or art of course just the ending and when I say the ending I mean TO BE CONTINUED NEXT SUMMER!!! WTF!? In all seriousness this series is fantastic and this issue is no different as we feel the weight of war, legacy and obligation through Tara's eyes in what can only be described as masterful writing on Wilsons part and breathtaking visuals on the part of Wildgoose. I really, really, really can't wait till we get to finish this amazing comic.

The Infernals (2024) #1

Feb 27, 2024

This is fun and I was entertained and that's all I really need. I picked this up because I enjoy Parrott's Rogue Sun and this is another great series for the pull list. Good stuff.

The New Golden Age (2022) #1  
The Nice House on the Lake #12

Jan 4, 2023

Best series I've read in years. I'm so sad to see it end but super amped to see it continue. Cycle one, you were a blast.

The One Hand (2024) #4

May 13, 2024

Enthralling story with unsettling art make for one great comic book series and this issue really starts to build up the tension.

The Riddler: Year One (2022) #2

Jan 2, 2023

I don't know if this is a $5 book or not but it certainly is good.

The Riddler: Year One (2022) #3

Feb 28, 2023

Didn't like The Batman movie but this really feels like an origin story that fits the Riddler from that film. Makes me more interested in Paul Dano's character. Art feels creepy and set the mood well.

The Riddler: Year One (2022) #4

Apr 27, 2023

This issue explores the riddlers childhood, how he got his job, and his obsession with Thomas Wayne. The art is sickening in all the right ways and the writing really expresses how strained and off Edward's mind has been since day one. This is a good chapter to the story and I'm enjoying this comic much more than the movie. Thumbs up.

The Sacrificers (2023) #1

Aug 28, 2023

Reminds me of how much I loved Seven to Eternity. Remender does great world building much like Hickman. This should prove to be very entertaining.

The Sacrificers (2023) #5

Dec 9, 2023

Holy Shit! This issue really flips the script and runs along at a breakneck pace, which is something I think was needed as the last issue felt like we were dipping into hum drum territory. I believe Fiumara lives in Argentina but I hope to meet him at an American con someday cause this dude is AMAZING!!!

The Savage Strength of Star Storm #2

Jul 1, 2023

Sooooooo....... this was a fun little comic. Nothing huge here just classic teen superhero stuff. Not as bad as most stuff out there. The suit feels like a Dark Hawk/Rogue Sun style and the high school stuff reminds me of Riverdale. This is pretty basic feeling but it was fun and entertaining and in the end that's all I really wanted out of it.

The Savage Strength of Star Storm #3

Jul 31, 2023

This issue just throws fifty new heroes and villains into the mix with no real fleshing out. Feels very generic. I don't want to insult but this feels like a couple of rich middle school students are writing and drawing their own comic and their parents are paying to get it printed. The first two issues had some promise but this issue drops the ball and falls into mediocrity.

The Seasons Have Teeth (2023) #1

Apr 13, 2023

The seasons have taken on Kaiju type forms in this tale, which is an interesting premise, but the center of the story here is a widower seeking to recapture a bit of himself since his wife passed. The reason for the seasons taking on physical forms isn't shown in this issue so we're gonna have to wait for that info (hopefully they will b4 it's over but you never know). The art is wonderful and the reveal of the first season is pretty epic. Overall I thought this was a beautiful comic and I'm ready to read the next one.

The Seasons Have Teeth (2023) #2

May 31, 2023

This issue is Summer and it's really cool looking. Here's hoping all the seasons wind up looking as good as spring and summer. Andrew got lucky last issue and it's bought him some acclaim and a new opportunity. Andrew seeks to relive his "glory days" before the fear of the job and losing his love to it took hold. This series is really emotional and thrilling at the same time and I recommend you all give this a chance. One of the better series going on at Boom!

The Seasons Have Teeth (2023) #3

Jun 30, 2023

Best cover, weakest read. Still a great issue though. We continue the journey to photograph the seasons while working through the emotions of Andrew the widower. Heart tugging and emotional, this series is beautiful. If you haven't tried it out yet I'd get on it.

The Seasons Have Teeth (2023) #4

Aug 9, 2023

Poor ending to an amazing series. The coincidences were too many to have the desired emotional effect on the reader. This last issue really shit the bed.

The Spectacular Spider-Men (2024) #1

Mar 7, 2024

One of the big problems with a Spider-man book is getting the humor correct and here it feels very dilettantish IMO. The meanwhile scenes are random and I suppose we'll get an explanation of their relevance later but perhaps we wont and I attribute that to the locution of Weisman's storytelling and it's worrying to me. The friendship and banter between Peter and Miles looks fine on paper but for some unknown reason just seemed surface level to me and I never really bought into it enough to get into the comic. A title like Spider-men makes me want to see their bond be, I don't know....MORE I guess? I really can't tell you why this didn't hit for me but it didn't and it makes me sad cause I really wanted to add a great spidey team up book to my pull list. The art is fantastic but I just couldn't enjoy the story. It had that vague YA feel to it maybe??? Who knows.

Thor (2020) #29

Dec 29, 2022

Looks solid enough.

Thunderbolts (2022) #3

Oct 29, 2022


Thunderbolts (2022) #4

Nov 20, 2022

This version Clint Barton is awful and the team is lame. Only ones I like are Monica Rambeau and the Cable rip off. Purple girl is kinda cool 2 but they just don't mesh well.

Thundercats (2024) #1

Feb 7, 2024

This was much less than I was hoping for. Lion-o begins with a powerful narration then is shown to be nothing like the way he spoke and some of the dialogue feels super stale as if an AI program could do it just as well. The art is subpar and should have been one of the main focuses of the book because the thundercats have always been such expressive looking characters and I found it really distracted from my enjoyment of the book. I did enjoy the portrayal of Slithe and the new moustache Tigra is sporting but not a lot else. Overall a so so start to a series I was really looking forward to.

Thundercats (2024) #2

Mar 17, 2024

Some great ideas that just seem to fall a little flat, especially with some of the basic dialogue. This series has a lot of potential but fails to reach that upper level of professionalism that could set it apart from previous tries at 80's properties. Overall it's a decent title and fun for newbies and old schoolers alike but just doesn't really stand out.

Thundercats (2024) #3

Apr 11, 2024

I really wanted to love this but between the bad art and the uninspired dialogue I just can't recommend this comic. I gave the first two books a pass but here is where I have to call a spade a spade. The plot seems to be decent and different enough from the original continuity to pique old school fans interests but it seems that Shalvey isn't as great at writing as plotting. It seems this is destined to be as underwhelming as the masters of the universe comics we've gotten lately. If you want 80's toy properties in comic form then read the energon universe and leave this off your pull list.

Thundercats (2024) #4

May 16, 2024

I'm so sad this series is mid to sub par. I was really looking forward to a great series but this whole thing has been written as if it's supposed to be for elementary students learning to read. Not stylish, deep or professional IMO. It's ok to read online if your a fan of the property (which I am) but it's quite heartbreaking as well. I guess I've just been spoiled by the energon universe books but I'm a child of the 80's and have a deep connection to these properties. I guess that's why my criticism of this series is so harsh but my score is quite generous.

Tiger Division (2022) #1

Nov 6, 2022

The writing is meh. The characters are fun tho. Lady Bright and The General are my favorites of the team. I'll give it a few more issues.

Tim Drake: Robin (2022) #2

Oct 29, 2022

I don't want to say the art is bad, it's just not for me and I don't think it really works for this type of book. The writing however is another story.

Tim Drake: Robin (2022) #3

Nov 23, 2022

By this point all you need to know is this. If Meghan Fitzmartin is involved in any way, RUN!

Tim Drake: Robin (2022) #4

Dec 28, 2022

Art=trash, characters=trash, dialogue=trash Don't spend your money or time on this title. I love Tim Drake but right now I'm hoping the villain wins and burns the marina into the ocean along with Tim, Bernard, and all the rest of the idiots living there.

Tim Drake: Robin (2022) #5

Jan 25, 2023

This series is as enjoyable as a swfit kick to the jewels.

Tim Drake: Robin (2022) #6

Feb 28, 2023

Worst book DC has put out in the last decade. Tim gets his own knock off version of clay face here but that's about it. I read this book just to dump on it (because it truly deserves it) but I do hope it will get readable one day. Tim is my favorite Robin after all.

Tim Drake: Robin (2022) #7

Mar 28, 2023

WTF was this? Yes, Bernard gets fleshed out in this issue but it's just standard garbage. He's gay, his parents disapprove, he's the better person out of the three. Yawn. And the writing is sooooo bad. Bernard's not supposed to know Tim is Robin but Tim is in the bedroom of their tiny boat home changing from his costume to his suit while Bernard is telling him they're late. How did he not see Tim get to the bedroom? Bernard is majoring in physics and biology (has to be amazing of course) but he's going to be a chef? Bernard yells across the restaurant about peeing?! Jesus. The next scene Firefly is burning the place up for no reason other than they won't give him a table (and it said he'd been doing this for a while now and no security or anything?) Then Tim is there in full costume! He clearly had no costume on under his suit and brought nothing to change into and just happened to be in the bathroom when Firefly attacked? Give me a freaking break! Bernard rips a tablecloth off and his dad is worried he will have to pay for it? Maybe that was Phobia's effect IDK. Tim then says he knows Firefly is working with someone. How!? He just showed up, why would Tim assume that? Oh that's right, he's almost as great a detective as Bruce according to Meghan Fitzmartin. Don't explain anything, he just knows....because. Then Tim's back in his suit and they just leave without any explanation of what happened to the bad guy. Suddenly when Bernard mentions fear Tim just knows it's Phobia and rushes back to the restaurant with the lame excuse he forgot his sweater he wasn't wearing. Cut to the restaurant and he's back in costume, trapped in a fire cage and Phobia is explaining how she just likes to cause chaos for shits and giggles. They get Bernard and she then knows all about how his parents were treating him and made sure to mention it to firefly earlier. Yes, all the people she was affecting in the place and she remembers him the most. Gotta make sure to mention he returned for his parents and that makes him the bigger person (even though he just left the place, then when Tim rushes back he's like "My parents are still there!" NO SHIT! Suddenly Tim is free and takes down both bad guys no problem. MY GOD! Thankfully this title has been canceled. Hopefully Meghan Fitzmartin will find work in another field.

Tim Drake: Robin (2022) #8

Apr 25, 2023

Best issue so far but still terrible. Read somerandomsamrta55"s review for an in depth study of why this book is so substandard.

Tim Drake: Robin (2022) #9

May 26, 2023

So this issue starts out showing that Tim is actually a pretty good detective and was MAYBE trained by the bat. It's a rare thing in this book. Then, almost immediately, the rest of the issue goes back to romance fan fic and Tim being a complete dumbass. The same thing that is in every issue of Fitzmartin's run. That's it. That's the review. Nothing else really deserves to be said.

Tim Drake: Robin (2022) #10

Jun 28, 2023's over! Thank God. This issue is another in the long line of failures from Fitzmartin. She takes great pains to express to us how great a detective Tim is in this series and yet she allows him to be a buffoon who can't use common enough sense to not jump on a boat in broad daylight in front of God and everyone and basically expose his identity to the world. She also has the brilliant idea to have him be dumb enough to leave out his costume out so another special needs marina doofus can see it and assume Tim is sleeping with Robin. All of this is brought back around in this issue just to inform Bernard chaos monsters have been around recently and alert him that Tim could be in trouble. She did all that just to progress the plot when it wasn't needed and made our main man Tim look like a dumbass. This is the level of stupidity Meghan Fitzmartin brings to comics. We are also to believe Bernard can do a shadow puppet show with a flashlight to signal Batman and inform him Robin is in danger. Tim seems like an amateur again when he embraces his fake father even knowing it's a hallucination. The chaos/order lines are given to seem deep but only come across as asinine just as all Tim's best fwends bweak in to save him. Awwwwww. Barf. This series has been polarizing to say the least. Many people were determined to hate it just because of the bi thing and many were determined to love it just because of that very thing. For the rest of us it was just about wanting to read a Tim Drake comic. Was it ok to turn Tim bi? That's up to you. I say it's fine as some people change in life and come to new realizations about their sexuality. Was it done well? HELL NO, and I think that is the main problem people who fall into the first category had, even if they didn't realize it; I understand identity politics can be tedious these days as well. Of course a few were just dicks. I also think if you fall into the second category you have to admit this series was a weak comic book on many, many levels and if you really don't understand why people hated this book in spite of the sexual thing then maybe your not as smart as you think you are. For the rest of us in the last category, love it or hate it (I'm firmly in the hate it camp) the series is over and we can move on. That's it, nuff said.

Titans (2023) #1

May 16, 2023

One of the reviewers really hit the nail on the head when they said this was "a sickeningly upbeat cast". I hated that I hated the Titans. Overall this comic is fine but nothing in this issue made me eager to read the next one and that's saying something considering we have a dead Flash mystery to solve.

Titans (2023) #5

Nov 26, 2023

I haven't read an issue of this since #1 because I wasn't a fan but decided to give it another try and what do I find??? The Titans are fighting deforestation....WTF??? Tom Taylor up on his soapbox again worried about anything other than telling a great story, which he is very capable of. I've read a lot of great Nightwing stuff by him but he's so hit or miss and this is a big time miss. It was nice to see the new Swamp Thing in a book again but other than that, this was ass.

Titans: Beast World (2023) #1

Dec 2, 2023

Super fun and action packed but a little more explanation on a few things would have been good. A few masks and all the Titans are fine in the vacuum of space? Gar has an inkling of a plan and everyone goes for it? He needs to get a bigger brain to fully realize his plan? Was Doctor Hate & Waller waiting just for that moment and how did they know Gar would do what he did? How does his spore give everyone beast morphing...ect. Other than a little lazy writing it was pretty good. I'm just happy to have an event where the Titans are front and center.

Titans: Beast World (2023) #4

Jan 11, 2024

Other than Raven mouthing off to Batman in the first issue and here looking doe eyed at Nightwing and thanking him for doing what the Titans would always do for one another (they're family for crying out loud), this series has been great and this issue is no exception. I've always liked Amanda Waller as a character and here she really gets to shine. Can't wait to see how this all plays out.

Titans: Beast World (2023) #5

Jan 30, 2024

Turn the public on the heroes feels too familiar to be great but Taylor finally writes up to his potential with this event so I'll look past it, it's still fun as hell. I figured the spores would die when Gar died but maybe that means he's not really dead? Hope so. Gotta dock points for the lamest reveal in a while though. That last page had me doing the old Peter Griffen pinching the bridge of his nose, looking down, shaking his head and going heeeeeh.

Titans: Beast World (2023) #6

Jan 30, 2024

The ending is obvious and Donna's super suit seemed over the top. The whole we need to get help for the victims of this trauma spiel Dick makes is either VERY Tom Taylor or busy work for an injured and exhausted Bat's. Either way, Bruce would see through it immediately or it's more bleeding heart Taylor bs. Despite those few flaws I thought this issue really stuck the landing and was a fine ending to the first fun and decent event DC has had in quite a while. Congrats to everyone involved.

Transformers (2023) #1

Oct 16, 2023

I'm a little late to the party so I'll just say...incredible!

Transformers (2023) #3

Dec 9, 2023

I think this is the first issue that wasn't pure gold. The stupidity of the humans is something expected but still makes you grind your teeth and the whole arm thing was a bit much. Other than that this was a continuation of all the intense action and drama we've come to expect from DWJ's run with this property.

Transformers (2023) #8

May 8, 2024

Someone needs to pimp slap Carly. I love this series but the autobots needs to sack up a little. I mean this is war. Besides those little complaints, this issue was pretty good. The memories of Spikes dad through Optimus's eyes was touching and we get a new decepticon introduced. Overall a good, not great, issue.

Trve Kvlt (2022) #5

Dec 21, 2022

Was really intrigued by the first issue but by the end I wondered why I wasted my time. This finale is lackluster at best. No real resolution to anything. Just disappointing,

Ultimate Black Panther (2024) #1

Feb 12, 2024

I really wish I had pre-ordered this book. Just a little rant here...when powers of x and house of x came out I was blown away and immediately put all the mutant titles on my pull list. Marvel then proceeded to ruin all the x books. I didn't pre-order ultimate spider-man because GODS wasn't really great and I was expecting a bunch of text pages and diagrams and when it hit and was awesome I wanted it but I wasn't going to pay $30-$50 dollars for it. This book was great as well but I figured it would be meh based on Hill's Blade series. I was wrong. The MAIN reason I didn't order either book is because I have a fear this will turn into another Krakoa debacle. Marvel has shit the bed so many times I've lost faith in them. I hope this does well but they lost my money based on their track record. Anyway,this issue was great though, a solid 9!

Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #4

Apr 25, 2024

Ughh. The art change should have been up to the previous issues standards but here it's really just run of the mill. That being said I really enjoyed this book and it basically crawled at a snails pace but I think we needed this issue to really understand some of the new characters (and yes I consider all these familiar faces new because this is a totally different ball game). We are expected to be invested in the book and the people who populate it so we need some deep dives into their characters once in a while. This was as enjoyable as Tarintino dialogue to me. The next issue does need some more action so we don't get bored though.

Ultimate X-Men (2024) #1

Mar 6, 2024

I've never been a Momoko art fan but I understand I'm in the minority. This fact may have hurt my rating some but mostly it just seems like too little substance for too much money IMO.

Uncanny Valley (2024) #1

Apr 11, 2024

Crossover and something epic vibes abound in this book but don't be fooled, this comic can stand on it's own and it's highly entertaining.

Universal Monsters: Creature From The Black Lagoon Lives! (2024) #1

May 15, 2024

A great introductory issue that sets up our first encounter with the monster in a way that makes us care about the mystery behind it. Where did it come from? How long has it been there? Do the towns people fear it or respect it more? All this with only a short bit of actually seeing the monster at the end of the book. The journalist with near death trauma is...a bit annoying at times but still likable enough to make you care. The art is decent but there are times when the proportions seem somewhat off, still good though. Overall this book is fun and a must for universal monster or CFTBL fans.

Unstoppable Doom Patrol (2023) #1

Mar 28, 2023

I kinda liked this but it doesn't feel like the doom patrol. The art is a fantastic choice for this series in my opinion but the idea of one of crazy janes alters as chief is....questionable. Batman is written pitifully here and the new members of the DP are....again questionable. All this amounts to what I think will be like the run of DP before grant Morrison took over and that's not what I really wanted with this series. I'll give it a few more issues before decide if it's worth it or not.

Unstoppable Doom Patrol (2023) #2

Apr 26, 2023

All right! This is more like it. The last issue was a little too mainstream for my tastes but this really blends the regular superhero genre and some Morrison style weird very well. If you've been a regular DP reader for a while I think you will enjoy this version as it pays off the long time fans with lots of DP history in the story. New and old characters working to build a team is fun to watch and we get a little espionage thrown in a well. I'm much more psyched for this title after this issue and I hope you all give it a chance too.

Unstoppable Doom Patrol (2023) #3

May 30, 2023

This has come a long way since issue #1 and I'm really glad I stuck around. This issue centers on yet another strange metahuman the DP have to help and it's a fun interpretation of an old JLA enemy. The only two heroes from the patrol that are really involved here are Larry and Cliff, the others have their hands full elsewhere. This allows for great interactions on a small level that show the family-esque side of the DP. We also keep getting throwbacks to the old runs for the long time fans and it's really appreciated. The conversation about the Rebis persona was something I didn't know I needed until it happened! lol The ending continues the story along and reminds us there is a central plot here, even if we don't understand it or we forget it sometimes. Overall a great read.

Vengeance of the Moon Knight (2024) #1

Jan 6, 2024

More of the same with a new numbering. If you liked the last series this just continues it and you will be happy with everything but the price of the book.

Vengeance of the Moon Knight (2024) #3

Mar 21, 2024

One of the best things about this title is the character development. No one has a throwaway role in this book and it's all the richer for it. Who the hell ever thought we would care about Tigra again. I do feel they are screwing us on the price and I have personally dropped all big two $4.99 books except this one. That's how good I think it is.

Vengeance of the Moon Knight (2024) #4

Apr 3, 2024

MacKay goes deep into MK and marvel continuity in revealing the new Moon Knight's identity and I for one was thrilled. It's nice to get some classic call backs and the tie in of the Cult of Kali was phenomenal. I honestly haven't seen the character since his mini back in the 90's but I remember him as part of the Night Shift and it felt like going home when I read this. This continues to be a fantastic comic month in and month just get that price down Marvel.

Vigil (2023) #1

May 27, 2023

Fun international wetworks team book. Ram V does fine work here and the art is pretty darn good. New characters are always fun to see if they become memorable or just wind up as an afterthought. I guess we'll find out over the next few months. It's listed as a six issue mini. Fingers crossed it succeeds cause it's a style of book I think the DC universe can benefit from.

Void Rivals (2023) #1

Jun 16, 2023

The big reveal is the main selling point of this book. Everything else is great as well, it's just hard to focus on the rest of the issue when your overwhelmed by the big surprise. Good stuff here.

Void Rivals (2023) #7

Mar 7, 2024

Amazing series that still holds it's place in the energon universe without needing constant inserts of known properties. It's what I imagine good side stories for the MCU on disney+ could have been to the bigger picture...if you get what I'm trying to say. I love this series and I'm sooooo glad it's back.

Void Rivals (2023) #9

May 23, 2024

One thing I love about this series is attention to detail. Springers sword is his helicopter blade which apparently folds into what is shown to be a duel blade. Little things like this are what set the energon universe apart from a lot of other books. Creators who either love the source material or take the time to look into what they're writing. I must say when tiny ass Proximus stops the killing blow from a giant freaking robot I cheered out loud as well as laughed out loud after Skuxxoid has been fussing over his family back home then walks into an empty house. Just a fun damn comic.

Waller vs. Wildstorm (2023) #1

Mar 29, 2023

This is ok. If we were gonna get a Waller origin I would have preferred a Year One book. Here we see her in her earlier days as a part of checkmate and try to establish her as a manipulator early on but it's really just Battalion's stupidity that makes her ploy work. Or maybe it never happened at all, we don't really know as Battalion's story is chiseled away by the great Lois Lane. Either way this is still a good story, especially if you love the wildstorm stuff cause those characters are in here a lot. IMO Lois Lane is the best part of the book as she shows off her hard nosed character and investigative prowess. Issue #2 will determine if I continue along with this book.

Warlock: Rebirth (2023) #1

Apr 22, 2023

I was really looking forward to this and it just wasn't as good as I'd hoped it would be. It's not terrible but my nostalgia wanted a little bit more than what I got here. The art is the big draw for me and it delivered in spades but the story is thin and feels like an Infinity Crusade rip off. Eve Warlock is just an easy go to if you know what I mean and reminds me of The Goddess from IC. Also, if some powerful dude you never met just shows up and claims to be the son of a great hero would the people responsible for guarding some of the most powerful weapons in the universe just start telling him all their secrets and take him into your leaders stronghold? Kinda dumb right? Overall I wouldn't recommend this unless you really have a boner for 90's infinity stuff.

Warlock: Rebirth (2023) #2

May 29, 2023

All right, this is more like it. This issue really seems better paced and the dialogue is much more crisp. This is still really uninspired and feels like a re-hash of IC (as I stated last issue) but it makes me feel the way I did in the 90's reading this stuff and I'm sure that's what marvel was going for. You know us old fogies hate all those new writers and only want the same old same old....or at least that's what a lot of the new breed of writers say to excuse their poor skills lol. Anyway, yeah this is just solid storytelling in a bygone era of comics history and while it's not the best I really enjoyed it. The evolutionary war was one of the first annual crossover events I remember really tracking down every issue of and seeing the old grand puba himself in this book really got me excited. BTW...Ron Lim is God!!!!

Warlock: Rebirth (2023) #3

Jul 2, 2023

This is fluff. Nostalgia with no real passion or depth. I still like it but it's not great or anything.

Web of Spider-Man (2024) #1

Mar 21, 2024

Waaaaaaaay too much Steve Foxe and the price is just a slap in the face for this kind of quality. Really more quantity than quality. Same problem as Disney, just putting out content instead of entertainment.

Wesley Dodds: The Sandman (2023) #1

Oct 11, 2023

It's nice to revisit Wes and Dian and not be pissed that DC f'd it up. Last I really read anything Sandman was back in the vertigo days and this feels similar enough that I can get nostalgia vibes while also enjoying a new feel for the character. Noir is always a plus for me and this really gives you the vibes you want in that genre/style. The story is solid and makes me want to purchase the next issue, which is all I really want from a comic. I have to say, Riley Rossmo kills it here. Where was this crisp style during Tim Drake Robin??? All in all I have to say I really enjoyed this journey with a dc character we rarely get to see. Knight terrors gave us a taste but this book feels like the main course.

Wesley Dodds: The Sandman (2023) #2

Nov 20, 2023

Fantastic noir story with incredible art from Riley Rossmo. Perhaps working with Venditti is easier than working with Fitzmartin as far as getting a better explanation of what the writer wants, IDK. This may not be Sandman Mystery Theater but it's close enough to get my motor going. Dark Sandman is a fun concept and I hope we get to see Hourman soon since Rex Tyler appeared in issue one. I'm super excited for next month! Let's get Robert Venditti some more work around DC Mr. Lee.

Wesley Dodds: The Sandman (2023) #5

Feb 13, 2024

Venditti and Rossmo are a real combination! I love it when DC gets it right with seldom used characters and in this book they got got it VERY right. This feels like a natural continuation of sandman mystery theater stories without the adult themes and I'd love to see a DC presents the golden age style book if all the stories could be this good.

Wesley Dodds: The Sandman (2023) #6

Mar 12, 2024

Hell yeah Dian! This series was great and I really don't even have any complaints with Rossmo's art. He may not have been my top choice but his style lends a uniqueness to this title that I can see being appropriate since the mystery theater days of Davis or Taylor felt the same way to me. Great mystery set in a different time period plus being full of DC lore equals at least one happy camper here.

What If...? Venom (2024) #2

Mar 17, 2024

I love what if comics but lately they have been quite stale. This series is no different but I guess that's to be expected when you have to wrap an entire series of this type around a single character. The story moves slowly yet feels rushed at the same time with a all too quick ending, not to mention one of the worst looking and generic venom hybrids ever. If you collect what if then you may want to pick this up, otherwise avoid it.

What If...? Venom (2024) #3

Apr 17, 2024

Another disappointing issue of what if. There was so much that could have been done with a strange/venom character but here we get practically nothing new or exciting. The idea that Strange couldn't handle the symbiote is dumb but necessary for the story, I get that. I just wish the writer had come up with an actual reason behind why the symbiote got through the Doc's defenses so easily. The word supreme doesn't come to mind when I think of this sorcerer. The art is another mark against this book as the faces are fine in one panel and almost grotesque in the next. The panel where Enchantress is laid out for the docs pleasure is an affront to anatomy. Listless writing and midcard art make this book a skip.

What If...? Venom (2024) #4

May 16, 2024

This was the most mundane and asinine fever dream I've ever had the misfortune to experience. The art is wonderful and I'm giving this abortion points for that alone.

Where Monsters Lie (2023) #1

Feb 4, 2023

Fun series here. The killers are pretty unique and the set up really pulled me in.

Where Monsters Lie (2023) #3

Apr 7, 2023

The people in this series are really stupid and the body count is really high. Fun series but don't expect much more than blood and guts with a few laughs. I admit, the names are hilarious. Fuck Master and Franky Rubberdick! Great stuff there. lol

Where Monsters Lie (2023) #4

May 4, 2023

Mediocre at best. Cool premise that doesn't end well. Just sets up for a second series with a lackluster twist. Sad because it started out with such potential.

White Widow (2023) #1

Nov 6, 2023

Fire and Ice Smallville is better than this. 😆 Just kidding. Anyway, same feel as all the rest of this style. May as well say Charlie Jane Anders wrote it. WTF? There is no story or worthwhile content here. Its just dialogue that reads like tweets or something or written by an AI program. One thousand opinions before she dies that mean nothing! Loaded baked potatoes??? Again, WTF? Lets make sure we get cute slobbery dogs in there too, thats a must for this kind of book. The sad part is this had potential if it didnt have the same old tropes writers like this tend to use. The art is wonderful though. Thats my review. Thats all. I guess I'm just another miserable old man yelling at those damn kids skateboarding on the sidewalk. Well...if they still do that. This is written for a certain type of audience that just isn't there, or at least isn't going to buy the book. The big two have been trying this for YEARS now & its a proven money loser. Most who want this kind of drivel (sorry to insult people who enjoyed this but that's what it is to me) will just read it online for free. It will bring no new money to Marvel & will simply be a drain on their company. This type of content may do better as an online exclusive but since their online presence is virtually nill screw it I guess. Ignore your audience who buys floppies & keeps telling you what they want and your audience who may spend a little for online cutsy wootsy "funny"...woke? stuff.

White Widow (2023) #4

Mar 1, 2024

More comics produced for an audience that doesn't exist, written by an author who doesn't know the characters they've been hired to write and doesn't bother to do any research on them. Cutsie wootsie humor where the dog is the best thing in the book. Did the writer just say to the artist "Draw fighting in this panel. No, I don't know what kind of fighting just make the comic people do the fighting thing". That's how bad the action panels we get are. What do marvel and dc think we want? It seems they hear "More YA writers! You know, with the dyed hair that's shaved on the sides please! More cats and dogs and pizza and funnies and blah blah blah". Dear God.

WildC.A.T.S. (2022) #1

Nov 20, 2022

I admit I've not read wildcats since the first series back in the 90's, but this seems pretty fun. I remember death blow as well but never knew he was on this team. I usually don't enjoy Rosenberg's stuff but I think this title is well suited to him. Looking forward to the next issue.

WildC.A.T.S. (2022) #2

Dec 15, 2022

From what I've heard, fans of the wildcats don't feel the characters are being portrayed correctly in this iteration. I myself have never read but the very first 2 issues from the 90's comic so I have no basis for comparison. That being said I find this new comic super fun!

WildC.A.T.S. (2022) #3

Jan 10, 2023

Hell yeah.

WildC.A.T.S. (2022) #5

Mar 14, 2023

Seems like Majestic was just acting idiotic to serve the plot but other than that I really liked this. Finally seeing more of the wildcats I remember from the first 90's run and I don't mind it took this long to see them. The pacing in this book is great and the action/dialog mix is superb. I think Rosenberg is doing a bang up job.

Wolverine (2020) #28

Dec 29, 2022

Love the gore. I mean it's a wolverine comic right? Other than that.... Not the best storytelling here. There is a good chewy center here somewhere, it's just surrounded by a lot of flavorless nothing.

Wolverine (2020) #32

Apr 7, 2023

I try to stay away from most of the mutant stuff these days because I really dislike most of the writing, but I still try certain books from time to time because I love the characters. It's not their fault their writers aren't writing my kind of books. :) Wolverine is one of those characters and I gotta say, this book is solid. First, I never thought I'd like Hank written this way but holy cow is it hitting right for me. This version of Beast doesn't feel like character assassination. It feels almost like a natural progression in his character. I don't think it is but the way it's written it FEELS like that (if that makes sense). The art is phenomenal and is well suited to the book. Wolverine is a violent character and the best part of this book for me is the bloody violence taking place, but it's not JUST for the sake of violence. There is an actual story here. I've read the last few issues and really enjoyed them so I'll go back and try reading the earlier Percy issues as well.

Wolverine (2020) #34

Jun 17, 2023

The art in this book fits sooooo well. I'm such a fan. The story is a bit slow but starts off with a bang. The imagery of Beast scarfing down his seafood is repugnant and is very analogous of his personality these days. I loved it! Jeff continues to be my least favorite character in this book but I can't say I hate him necessarily, I just want to see him suffocated with a pillow stuffed with diarrhea. lol Overall kinda slow but not slow enough to bore me by any means.

Wolverine (2020) #37

Oct 14, 2023

I'm giving this a high score cause it appeals to the maleness in me. Brutal and bloody is always great when it comes to wolverine but I had a few problems with this issue. I didn't think Logan could be ripped in half with his adamantium skeleton, unless it's because Wendigo tears the ligaments in the joints that bind the bones together, but historically I don't think this was considered doable. I may be wrong there. If the Wendigo was a Wolverine clone why did he not heal? He just died?!? Hulk dumps Logan a little late in the game don't you think? Hulk would never have worked with Logan even before he finally left if for no other reason than Banner was trying to help Logan out. Hulk despises Bruce at the moment and doesn't care about helping anyone right now. It doesn't mesh well with the Hulk series IMO. If anyone could drink or infect themselves with Logan's blood and be healed, don't you think we would have seen this happen a lot before now? I really don't think this would work. If I were playing D&D I'd probably be called a rules lawyer but this just feels like really lazy writing to tell the story Percy wants to tell with none of that pesky logic or continuity involved. As always, EDITORS! I'm bitching a lot but this was still a lot of fun (I'm giving it an 8.5 for crying out loud) do kinda have to roll with the BS to enjoy it.

Wolverine (2020) #38

Oct 15, 2023

This was a great team up book that shows a familiarity between Cap and Logan that feels genuine. You really feel the history they have shared because they are so at ease with each other and it makes the pairing more endearing for the reader. There was none of that "I'll help you cause it's the right thing to do but we do things my way cause your a loose cannon" garbage. Cap acts like an adult and drinks a beer instead of milk and doesn't bat an eye at Logan's cussing. I hate when Steve is written like a goody two shoes, he's a soldier for god's sake. I didn't read much of the krakoan X run so the items auctioned didn't take me back to different times during the era as it did for many readers but I think I still got the feelings Ben Percy was trying convey. I loved the art as always and the coloring is magnificent. Great side quest with a great guest star.

Women of Marvel: 2024 #1

Feb 29, 2024

As with most of these specials, this is a big waste of money and time. Nothing but bland stories with very little excitement and of course at least one cat. Every story is cliche and cute with women defeating or assisting inept men, again cliche. Couldn't we have at least one battle between two or three powerful women with some real action and, I don't know, a sense of adventure? After reading the Gail Simone story I have very little hope for an X-men resurgence.

Wonder Woman (2016) #794

Dec 29, 2022

Boring and forgettable. Time for Cloonrad to go.

Wonder Woman (2016) #795

Jan 10, 2023

I don't understand how a comic book with this much action can still be so boring. The art is ok except when Yara and Diana are yelling their war cry. Their mouths look completely silly. The back up story is another extra dollar we didn't need as usual DC. Overall I'm ready for a new creative team. This is Wonder Woman! One of the trinity! She deserves better than this.

Wonder Woman (2016) #796

Feb 21, 2023

The gods fear Eros above all others? Really? Also, we should just call this title Wonder Women instead. The new kid continues to outshine Diana. "You underestimated her. AGAIN!" Yara Flor can do no wrong I guess. This just isn't my cup of tea. I'm done with this title until a new creative team comes onboard. I'm glad some people like this but I'm just not one of them.

Wonder Woman (2016) #800

Jun 20, 2023

The first half was good but felt like it was the generic version of what could have been great if it had been name brand. The second half made me want to kick Lizzie right in the vagina. She may be worse than Damien when he first started. And she's the leader of the justice league??? Horrible character. The multiple artists was fine but it always takes me out of the story. Overall not worth the money in my opinion.

Wonder Woman (2023) #1

Sep 20, 2023

I just threw up in my mouth a little when I thought this but.....I miss Cloonrad. How is Tom King considered a top writer??? This could have been decent if he had some editors to rein him in but we all know modern comics don't think editors are useful. This entire issue was one giant eye roll. Once again I'll be Dianaless until King finishes his run cause I ain't reading this.

Wonder Woman (2023) #3

Nov 21, 2023

I went online and just skimmed this so I won't leave a score but this is bad. Diana is written so out of character here just to make her a typical girl boss it's insane. She's not acting as crappy as Trinity but close....and what the hell was that thing with the tiara??? The art is wasted here.

Wonder Woman (2023) #7

Mar 19, 2024

I just...I.... wtf was this? I give it points for art and that's about it. I read this because it had Superman on the cover and hoped King would be better at writing Clark than he is Diana but that was not to be. I know what he was going for here and I really wish he had succeeded but this just feels hollow. It's like he's writing to impress his mother.

Wonder Woman (2023) #8

Apr 19, 2024

I heard about this issue and HAD to read it and yeah, it's one of King's worst. Damn I miss Greg Rucka. Put simply this is cliche bullshit. The Sovereign is an old man who is incompetent apparently cause he's done NOTHING in this run. Is that what King wants to tell us all, that the patriarchy has no real power beyond what we give it? Dear Lord. Wonder Woman is a stereotypical housewife again. WTF? Same old shit and now it's powerful writing??? It's sad that the most bad ass woman in all of comics is reduced to this trope. Modern day pandering and out of character moments to fit the writers world views just shows that Tom King is nothing more than a hack. A+ art.

World's Finest: Teen Titans (2023) #6

Dec 15, 2023

Mark Waid may be a giant prick but he knows how to write DC comics. This is the kind of Titans comic I would love to read every month.

X-23: Deadly Regenesis (2023) #1

Mar 9, 2023

Static art and weak writing are in full effect here. Pronoun game and mansplaining grip are distracting while Haymaker looks too much like a Jason Todd red hood rip off. The whole issue is just dull really. If you want to collect all things Laura then you can pick this up, otherwise skip it.

X-23: Deadly Regenesis (2023) #2

Apr 13, 2023

This was...fine I guess. Laura feels bad she used to be mean and lets some dude beat her up because of it. That's about it. Pronoun game in full effect here, which is fine but doesn't make sense how they choose who to call what in either this issue or issue #1, which is distracting. The art is fine in most of the book but really looks awful in some panels. Really just kinda boring.

X-23: Deadly Regenesis (2023) #3

May 31, 2023

This is the best issue so far. Laura doesn't want to kill and that's the only reason she's in her current situation. It's the only thing driving the plot and it's annoying. Still, this was more enjoyable than I thought it was going to be.

X-23: Deadly Regenesis (2023) #4

Jun 15, 2023

Ugh. If you see your assassin pulling her punches and she keeps destroying the surveillance equipment you use to keep track of her, why would you believe she killed her target when you didn't see the killing blow? How do you not keep the apartment watched or have someone check on the body just in case. How dumb is Kimura anyway? SHE is in charge???? Dear Lord. That one thing ruins what is otherwise a decent issue. The reveal of the big bad at the end was great but it's overshadowed by that one absurd flaw in the book. Argghhhh.

X-Force (2019) #38

Mar 5, 2023

Feels too thrown together at the last minute to end something that went on as long as it did. Really missed the landing on this one.

X-Force (2019) #39

Apr 22, 2023

I'll start off by saying I don't read much of the current mutant stuff these days. I've always liked reading all the mutant books together and did start the Krakoan age doing just that but they quickly lost me with what I consider to be a lot of bad writers. Pretty much half the books I didn't like so I just quit the whole scene. I started reading wolverine based on some good reviews and loved it, so I thought I'd give Ben Percy a chance with this book. Ehhhh. Maybe it's cause I've been gone so long but the quiet council feels soooo wrong to me. Prof X not dealing with Hank was mind blowing to me and the whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth. I also don't believe they could deny culpability to any nation when it comes to Beast's actions since they've worked so hard to establish that everyone fears and hates them and groups them together when it comes to terrorist actions. Black Tom felt foolish giving any attention to Wades wishes for his HQ design and the humor with Omega Red felt forced. The alien invasion was out of nowhere but added some action so I can give it a pass. Again, this review is from a lapsed reader so take it with a grain of salt. Overall I think I'll stick to Wolverine and leave X-Force for others.

X-Force (2019) #50

Apr 3, 2024

After all that, this is how they end it with Beast???? Rushed finish with no real emotional strings pulled. Beast was one of the few things I found interesting about the Krakoan era and Percy ends it with a whimper. This issue isn't a 4 but I hated this ending sooooo much that I went ahead and scored it poorly.

X-Men (2021) #27

Oct 11, 2023

I don't read x titles other than wolverine but every now and again I randomly give one of them a shot and I'm almost always disappointed, and this issue is no different. Shadowcat can go through the orchis base with no cameras apparently and slip off Cains collar and they have no idea how it happened. They say nimrod beat him down afterwards....that would have been fun to see at least instead of the terrible encounter with the FF. Rasputin wants no conflict but assaults the FF multiple times. She may be the dumbest character in the franchise today. I know it's meant to be funny but it comes across as asinine. The dialogue is so stilted it borders on unreadable in places. We're constantly being told to stop being miserable and enjoy comics but for crying out loud, how can we with garbage like this???

X-Men (2021) #32

Mar 12, 2024

I gave this a try because Lockheed was advertised on the cover and I should have known better. The worst one liners and out of date references made me cringe throughout the entire issue. These abominations are not the X-men and Duggan doesn't know what he's doing! The art and coloring are mediocre but they still shine in comparison to the writing. This abortion is devoid of depth, substance and history and seems to care more about being edgy and empowering than it does about telling a compelling story. It just feels way too inorganic. Derbycomics explains the problems in full detail better than I ever could so I'll just stop now and go somewhere and cry.

X-Men (2021) #34

May 1, 2024

I just don't know how one goes from Savage Avengers to......this. The art is good.

X-Men (2021) Annual #1

Dec 29, 2022

Apologizing to Spider-Man, Scott wont fix his powers, stereotype Bobby, wrong terms used about cancer, shot taken at fans of older teams. If you read the book you will see what I'm talking about. This book tries and fails to be anything other than another big 2 book that they are afraid to put a competent editor on. All that being said, there is some fun to be had here if you can wade through all the bs.

X-Men Blue: Origins (2023) #1

Dec 6, 2023

Bad retcon to a bad retcon.

X-Men: Before The Fall (2023): Mutants' First Strike #1

Jun 9, 2023

This was soooooo boring. I really don't like Orlando's writing style most of the time but here I believe he did a decent job, it's just his plot is bleeeeh. I only watch wrestling recaps on youtube and have been for years now so I'm no expert but this feels like the days when WWE were pushing Roman Reigns as a babyface and no one was buying into it. That's how the Krakoan mutants feel in this issue. They're supposed to be concerned and doing the right thing but I just don't care or buy into it. I just want to boo them like fans did Roman. How does someone make the reader so indifferent to and irritated towards the key players of the book they are writing? They are nothing but magnanimous through the entire book yet I still just want to see them all eat a shit sandwich for some reason. Anyway, the plot is the same old tired humans hate mutants and the mutants act empathically proving they are more human than the haters are. It gets really repetitious and dull after a while guys. This issue isn't bad, it's just banal and bland. The cover is really cool though.

X-O Manowar: Invictus (2024) #1

May 15, 2024

More of the same with a new numbering. Romans in space with Timewalker warning of something and being ignored. Cloonrad writing style that makes you re-read everything to make sure you understood what they were trying to get across. Good art that's wasted on a mid comic book. Yet another poor entry into the road to resurgence. I had hoped this would really pan out but with the quality Valiant is bringing to this I just don't see much hope for this imprint lasting much longer.

X-O Manowar: Unconquered #2

Apr 23, 2023

I was so excited for a new X-O series (anything new from valiant actually) but heartbroken when I heard who the writing team was. I think this dialogue is worse than their normal fare because they are maybe trying too hard to channel Conan??? IDK. To me it feels like they are trying to be too grandiose and coming off as amateur sounding. I don't want to sound insulting but this just falls flat. Also I really dislike how for the sake of moving the plot along the "Romans" just take Aric in and just show him around their main ship and give him all their secrets. We're going to take your armor and probably kill you but here, have some food and rest and sneak around our ship at your convenience. Shanhara continues to tell Aric they are near death but they still try and succeed at amazing feats over and over. I'll give this a higher rating because I'm still reading the series.... but that's only cause I love me some Valiant, so take it as you will.

X-Terminators (2022) #2

Oct 29, 2022

If you turn your brain off and just enjoy the silly dialogue and tons of action it's not terrible.

X-Terminators (2022) #3

Nov 30, 2022

Chicks telling their version of what men call dick and fart jokes for an entire comic. Boom Boom makes her tits explode for gods sake. The dirty humor felt more forced in this issue than in the others but I can't say I hate it. If you get shit faced and read it you'll enjoy it more than if your sober. Not much more tho.

X-Terminators (2022) #4

Dec 28, 2022

All the girls are being written like cute versions of deadpool I guess. It's stupid but really fun too.

Zorro: Man of the Dead (2024) #2

Feb 26, 2024

I'm not really sure what to make of this series because it's not really a Zorro tale. Instead we get a mentally broken young man masquerading as the famous vigilante and his sister who's role is to keep him from getting himself killed apparently. Rosa is tough and Diego is no slouch himself but it just feels too different to be called a Zorro book. It's unique for sure and written well so I'll give it a good score but I don't think it's going to make this property surge in popularity any time soon.

Zorro: Man of the Dead (2024) #3

Mar 31, 2024

This book is slowly losing it's appeal. I would have preferred a classic take on Zorro to this. I think I'll be done with this book, and saying that after the cliffhanger in this issue, makes me sure that's the right decision.

Zorro: Man of the Dead (2024) #4

May 9, 2024

Just ok.

Reviews for the Week of...



