Obi-wan the 3rd's Profile

Joined: May 28, 2021

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Obi-wan the 3rd commented on this:

This was better than the last two (not that that's hard to achieve since those were full of cringe), I really liked Joe's character. Still, I have two big problems with this book. One, the backup stories are always bad and the art is pretty weak, I feel like it's doing a disservice to the main story. If you're going to want to push these characters put in some effort, not just this low-hanging fru more

The United States of Captain America #3

By: Darcie Little Badger, Dale Eaglesham
Released: Aug 25, 2021

The shield thief targets a cultural landmark in Kansas, hoping to put a permanent stain on Captain America's image. Sam and Steve are hot on his trail - and aided by Joe Gomez, the Kickapoo Tribe's own Captain America!
But there's more to the thief's agenda than meets the eye. Are the three Caps headed straight into a trap? And do they have an...

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Merlyn - Aug 27, 2021

Yeah, they made a point out of these being all 4 Caps, that gorgeous Alex Ross cover sure baited a lot of people only for Cantwell to include just Sam and Steve. I doubt the last two issues will make up for it regarding Bucky and Walker, especially because they have to introduce the last two new characters AND resolve the main plot.

Obi-wan the 3rd - Aug 30, 2021

Ya the Alex Ross cover is what sold me, and I was hopping he'd do all 5 issues too.

Obi-wan the 3rd added The United States of Captain America to their pull list Aug 27, 2021

The United States of Captain America

The shield has been stolen! No one understands the value of the shield like those who've wielded it, so Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson set out on a road trip across America to chase down the thief.
But instead, they find the Captains, everyday people from all walks of life who've taken up the mantle of Captain America to defend their communities. ...

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The United States of Captain America #3

By: Darcie Little Badger, Dale Eaglesham
Released: Aug 25, 2021

The shield thief targets a cultural landmark in Kansas, hoping to put a permanent stain on Captain America's image. Sam and Steve are hot on his trail - and aided by Joe Gomez, the Kickapoo Tribe's own Captain America!
But there's more to the thief's agenda than meets the eye. Are the three Caps headed straight into a trap? And do they have an...

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Obi-wan the 3rd reviewed Alien #6 Aug 27, 2021

The ending to this arch was meh. Some neat twists, but just meh. And that's what this series is to me. I'll stay around for a few more issues to see where this goes but I'll probably drop it soon.

Alien #6

By: Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Salvador Larroca
Released: Aug 25, 2021

•  Epsilon Station is losing its orbit.
•  Gabriel Cruz is losing his son.
•  Can anything be saved?
Parental Advisory

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Obi-wan the 3rd reviewed Barbaric #3 Aug 27, 2021

Only reason I am giving this a 9.5 is cause I am sad I have to wait till 2022 to get more Barbaric content. This series is amazing and I am sad to wait. The ending was perfect, the writing was perfect, the art was perfect. I can not wait to see what happens next!

Barbaric #3

By: Michael Moreci, Nathan Gooden
Released: Aug 25, 2021

Everything's gone to sh*t. But what else is new for a barbarian cursed to do good, who has to follow the commands of a bloodthirsty axe? It's just that today's a little worse. With Owen's back against the wall, and his enemies eager to chop him to bits, things are looking especially grim as the first arc of BARBARIC comes to a close.

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Obi-wan the 3rd reviewed Batman: Reptilian #3 Aug 27, 2021

So I don't know why Ennis is making Batman a jerk to Alfred. I understand the villain's and the henchmen, but Alfred? Other then that, the art was good as always, although sometimes it is hard to tell what is happening. I'm already invested so I'll stay to the end and see what is really going on.

Batman: Reptilian #3

By: Garth Ennis, Liam Sharp
Released: Aug 25, 2021

It got the Riddler. It got the Penguin. It got Deadshot, Hugo Strange, Two-Face, Tweedledee, and Tweedledum. It has left carnage in its wake as it moves through Gotham’s villainous underworld, and Batman finds himself vexed by one very important question: Just what on Earth is it? Now the Dark Knight’s search for clues has him tracking The Joke...

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Obi-wan the 3rd reviewed Vinyl #3 Aug 27, 2021

This issue felt fast and more like a filler. I want more to happen moving forward, and I feel like that is what's going to happen. All the characters seem to be established and introduced so hopefully it will pick up from here.

Vinyl #3

By: Doug Wagner, Daniel Hillyard
Released: Aug 25, 2021

As Walter continues to go even deeper into the sunflower death cult's underground gore bunker, his serial killer friends decide to split up to sew their unique brands of chaos. New wickedly disturbing monsters are revealed on both sides. Who wins when the criminally insane take on pure evil?

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Obi-wan the 3rd added Darkhawk (2021) to their pull list Aug 27, 2021

Darkhawk (2021)

Connor Young is a seventeen-year-old star basketball player with the world ahead of him, until a surprising medical diagnosis changes everything. But what happens when a mysterious amulet finds him and gives him powers beyond belief? What will he do with these new abilities? Get in on the ground floor as KYLE HIGGIN...

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Obi-wan the 3rd reviewed Darkhawk #1 Aug 27, 2021

Not going to lie, I was thinking of dropping this from my pull list. But after reading it I'm pleasantly surprised. It was a first good issue, and the twist at the end was okay. Didn't really surprise me but wasn't bad. I like the direction this book is going in so lets see if it gets better. The art is okay, could be a bit better but the writing is really good.

Darkhawk #1

By: Kyle Higgins, Juanan Ramirez
Released: Aug 25, 2021

Connor Young is a seventeen-year-old star basketball player with the world ahead of him, until a surprising medical diagnosis changes everything. But what happens when a mysterious amulet finds him and gives him powers beyond belief? What will he do with these new abilities? Get in on the ground floor as KYLE HIGGIN...

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Obi-wan the 3rd reviewed Dark Blood #2 Aug 27, 2021

While issue 2 od Dark Blood was more back story and filler, I do believe it will take off from here. Rather they do this early on then later. The art is still great as is the writing. My only issue was that is felt short, like the first issue. Hopefully moving forward things pick up.

Dark Blood #2

By: LaToya Morgan, Walt Barna
Released: Aug 25, 2021

Does even the kindness of strangers come with a cost?

Avery has adjusted to his post WWII life in Alabama but when an altercation with some local boys leaves him hurt, an unlikely bystander steps in.

And while Carlisle, a white university doctor, not only offers Avery immediate first aid but free ongoing medical care... nothing is...

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Kang the Conqueror #1

By: Collin Kelly, Carlos Magno
Released: Aug 18, 2021

The man called Kang the Conqueror has been a pharaoh, a villain, a warlord of the space ways and even, on rare occasions, a hero. Across all timelines, one fact seemed absolute: Time means nothing to Kang the Conqueror.
But the truth is more complex. Kang is caught in an endless cycle of creation and destruction dictate...

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Obi-wan the 3rd added Kang the Conqueror (2021) to their pull list Aug 19, 2021

Kang the Conqueror (2021)

The man called Kang the Conqueror has been a pharaoh, a villain, a warlord of the space ways and even, on rare occasions, a hero. Across all timelines, one fact seemed absolute: Time means nothing to Kang the Conqueror.
But the truth is more complex. Kang is caught in an endless cycle of creation and destruction dictate...

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Obi-wan the 3rd rated Moon Knight #2 Aug 19, 2021

Moon Knight #2

By: Jed MacKay, Alessandro Cappuccio
Released: Aug 18, 2021

Moon Knight has established his territory, and the people within it are under the protection of his Midnight Mission. But what happens when those very people are turned into weapons against him? When gangs of elderly residents leave a trail of bizarre violence, Moon Knight must put his body, mind and very soul on the line to get to the bottom of it...

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So far the best issue out of the four. Only complaint I had was Vader fighting Qu'iar. Other then that I thought the panels were great and the dialogue fantastic.

Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #3

By: Charles Soule, Luke Ross
Released: Aug 18, 2021

•  Terrifying, implacable Dark Lord of the Sith DARTH VADER has laid claim to HAN SOLO, who is frozen in carbonite.
•  But the great, exalted JABBA THE HUTT also believes that Solo is his property. It's the galaxy's baddest gangster versus the Empire's most powerful enforcer, and neither is b...

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Obi-wan the 3rd dropped Suicide Squad (2021) from their pull list Aug 19, 2021

Suicide Squad (2021)

Things have changed for Task Force X. As Peacemaker takes over as field leader, there will be no more avenging or defending for the government’s top-secret task force of killers, thieves, and criminals. Amanda Waller-now back in control of the Squad-sends a new Squad into Arkham Asylum to “recruit” the deadly Court of Owls assassin Talon whil...

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Obi-wan the 3rd rated Way of X #5 Aug 19, 2021

Way of X #5

By: Si Spurrier, Bob Quinn
Released: Aug 18, 2021

•  What happens when the third law of Krakoa is broken?
•  What happens when all other solutions have failed?
•  What happens when Nightcrawler finally finds the Way?
Rated T+

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The conclusion to Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow, was good. Just good. It was short and to the point, I was expecting more action and stakes. It was surprising at times, and the writing wasn't bad. But it seemed very easy for Peter to win. If they took out the epilogue and just gave a few more pages to the story, I feel like that would of helped. But that is just my opinion.

Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #5

By: Chip Zdarsky, Pasqual Ferry
Released: Aug 11, 2021

By choosing to keep the symbiote, Spider-Man let himself become a monster. Now, with the help of Mary Jane and the Fantastic Four, he's managed to reclaim control. But if the symbiote can't have Peter, then it will just have to take the rest of the Marvel Universe. The shocking finale of this bold new approach...

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Obi-wan the 3rd reviewed Geiger #5 Aug 5, 2021

Issue 5 of Geiger was pretty good. A nice change of pace from the previous issue. The panels were amazing for this issue, and the art is always nice. It felt a little short, but next issue is supposed to wrap everything up for this arch. I'm happy it isn't ending though. The world they created is amazing and I want more of it.

Geiger #5

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: Aug 4, 2021

Allies... or a different kind of enemy? Geiger's quest to find sanctuary takes him deep inside a remnant of the old world and face to face with the desperate survivors within. When a heartbreaking discovery puts them at odds with Geiger, an ancient warrior is awakened with one mission: bring down Geiger, dead or alive!

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I'm really liking this issue for TNHOTL. It sets up more story and that ending was awesome. The art is still stunning. The writing was great, took a non-horror rout this issue but I'm sure more will come. I want to know more and I can't wait for issue four.

The Nice House on the Lake #3

By: James Tynion IV, Alvaro Martinez
Released: Aug 4, 2021

Walter’s “rules” for their getaway strongly suggested the residents not leave the property lines of the House…but how far do they go? It’s not like Sam, the Reporter, to leave a question like that unanswered…but what he finds when he walks the perimeter of the lake might turn out to be the story of his lifetime-however much longer it la...

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Obi-wan the 3rd reviewed Basilisk #3 Aug 4, 2021

Issue three is probably my favorite. It was interesting, you got to see the characters express themselves more while trying to sympathize some of them. The panels and art work were fantastic. I know Bunn is writing lots of titles right now, but this one is slowly becoming my new favorite.

Basilisk #3

By: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf
Released: Aug 4, 2021

Is there no end to the Chimera's reign of terror?  Regan, a former member of the Chimera, and her past victim Hannah continue the hunt for Regan's brethren, but the shared memories that haunt them both may put an end to their quest.  Meanwhile, cornered the other Chimera may have met their match... the State Police.

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Obi-wan the 3rd reviewed X-Men #2 Aug 4, 2021

Issue 2 of Duggan's run was better then the first series. I really like Cordycep Jone's. He seems cool and weird and I want more of him. The story is moving and I'm liking where it is heading. I can't say much since there are only two issues out, but I am excited to see where this run goes. Pepe's art is great and I hope they don't switch out artists for this run.

X-Men #2

By: Gerry Duggan, Pepe Larraz
Released: Aug 4, 2021

As threats hurtle toward the Earth from all sides, the fearless X-Men fight a seemingly unstoppable wave of annihilation...but even more dangerous threats lurk in the darkness, ready to strike in secret.
Rated T+

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I only picked this book up because of Tom Taylor, and his part of the book was the only good one. And even his part was kind of lack luster. With deadpool telling the reader that this book isn't for kids, which was the only funny part to me, the rest of Taylor's arch was kind of boring. The other arch's I did not care about. This book is meant to be gory, violent and action packed. It did not show more

Deadpool: Black, White & Blood #1

By: Ed Brisson, Phil Noto
Released: Aug 4, 2021

What's black, white, and red all over? Three blood-drenched tales of violence and mayhem led by Marvel's Mirthful Mercenary himself, Deadpool! You want to see today's top talent take it to the hilt to bring you the wildest Wade Wilson adventures yet?! This is the book for you! It's as...

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Obi-wan the 3rd reviewed Vinyl #2 Jul 28, 2021

I'm really starting to dig this series. It is creepy, unsettling, and down right graphic. Wagner's writing is great and the art is amazing too. It looks so normal, then hits you with all this violent graphic imagery. I can't wait to see what issue three brings to the table.

Vinyl #2

By: Doug Wagner, Daniel Hillyard
Released: Jul 28, 2021

Our serial killer Walter has sealed himself in an underground bunker with a sunflower death cult. Now he's being hunted by an insane myriad of Husks, Sunflower Girls, and monsters. Everything the cult can send at him. Good thing Walter didn't come alone. That's right. Walter brought along
some friends.

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Obi-wan the 3rd reviewed BRZRKR #4 Jul 28, 2021

Issue 4 of BRZRKR feels the same as the rest. The story is moving forward, but it feels like it is going to go in a new direction soon. At least I hope. The writing is still good, and the art isn't too bad. I just want more out of this title, and hope they aren't using a big name like Keanu Reeves to just grab people's attention.


By: Matt Kindt, Ron Garney
Released: Jul 28, 2021

*  What secret in Berzerker's past holds the KEY to his immortality?
*  The last piece of B.'s tragic origin and the fate of his parents are revealed as Diana continues unearthing his memories, prompting a new mission in the present day.
*  Will this one unlock the mystery that is his existence? Or will B. be c...

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Obi-wan the 3rd reviewed Parasomnia #2 Jul 28, 2021

Issue 2 is better then issue 1. It moved the story forward and now we know what is going on. Cullen Bunn seems to be pumping out titles left and right, with various different publishers. I don't know how he manages his time with all these series, so I hope that doesn't mess up his flow. I'm interested to see where this series goes.

Parasomnia #2

By: Cullen Bunn, Andrea Mutti
Released: Jul 28, 2021

In a twisted dream world, a nameless stranger battles nightmares in his hunt for his missing son-while in the waking world, the boy's parents find their lives falling apart under the onslaught of hopelessness and insidious cultists.

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Obi-wan the 3rd added Parasomnia to their pull list Jul 28, 2021


From Cullen Bunn (Harrow County) and Andrea Mutti (Prometheus, Starship Down), comes a new dark fantasy tale of two worlds split between dreams and reality.

After his son disappears, a broken-down man braves a nightmarish dreamscape in order to find him-and battle the ruthless cult that seeks to rule the land of dreams as the barrier betwe...

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Obi-wan the 3rd reviewed Batman: Reptilian #2 Jul 28, 2021

Issue 2 in my opinion is better then the first, however, if the printed art from the back of the book is what is going to be in the next issue, I'm not a fan of that. It could spoil things for readers, at least that's how I see it. The writing this time around is a lot better and batman feels like batman. The art is still amazing and I'm loving it. I'm curious to see where this series goes.

Batman: Reptilian #2

By: Garth Ennis, Liam Sharp
Released: Jul 28, 2021

Batman hits the streets in search of the creature terrorizing Gotham’s underworld-and hits them hard.
First stop is the lair of the Penguin, but Oswald Cobblepot is at death’s door (which is better off than the beast left many of his cronies). The mangled rogue has no answers for Batman, but his blood-and the surprising secrets that it...

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Obi-wan the 3rd reviewed Barbaric #2 Jul 28, 2021

What can I say. It's a dude with a talking axe who gets drunk off of blood and gore with a badass necromancer chick. This series is awesome. I read it with a big smile on my face the whole time. The writing is perfect and the art is stellar. The panels work well and other then that there's not much more to say. It's a great read for anyone who loves violent hilarious action.

Barbaric #2

By: Michael Moreci, Nathan Gooden
Released: Jul 28, 2021

More blood! More mayhem! More monsters! Will Owen storm the abbey with Soren the witch? Will axe get drunk on blood? Yes! And you're going to love it.

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Issue two of USCA is better then the first. It moves the story forward and now we know who is behind the shield abduction and what their motives are. This is a great way to show how powerful the symbol and what it truly means to be captain America.

The United States of Captain America #2

By: Mohale Mashigo, Dale Eaglesham
Released: Jul 28, 2021

Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson are hot on the trail of the shield thief, but their adversary remains one step ahead, and he has friends in low places. Some of Captain America's oldest enemies are behind this scheme, but can Sam and Steve figure out who these enemies are and what they want, in time to stop them?
And in a story by Mohale Mashigo (MA...

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Obi-wan the 3rd added Suicide Squad (2021) to their pull list Jul 21, 2021

Suicide Squad (2021)

Things have changed for Task Force X. As Peacemaker takes over as field leader, there will be no more avenging or defending for the government’s top-secret task force of killers, thieves, and criminals. Amanda Waller-now back in control of the Squad-sends a new Squad into Arkham Asylum to “recruit” the deadly Court of Owls assassin Talon whil...

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