Jake Tanner's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Following The Nerd Reviews: 106
8.9Avg. Review Rating

A Voice In The Dark #1

Nov 15, 2013

The first issue of this story is a whopping 36 pages. Future books will be between 20-22 pages and whatever Larime charges will be worth every cent. I'm a big fan of the psychological aspects of human nature and this issue explores the darker side of that beautifully. As much as I loved this issue I can tell Taylor was using it to set up bigger, better things within this universe. That makes me REALLY excited to see what he has in store for Zoey, Seven, and those of us eagerly awaiting the next issue. A Voice in the Dark is sure to be a rollercoaster of suspense, mystery, and psychological ups and downs.

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A Voice In The Dark #2

Dec 8, 2013

Something really special is happening with this series. Being only 2 issues in, I'd highly suggest you grab both issues and catch up because Larime Taylor is taking us on one hell of a ride that only promises to get better and better. Zoey is a great new character in comics, and while she's so mentally ill, you can't help but sympathize with her on some level. As the story develops I can't wait to see how she is going to deal with her urges and the questions that are bound to follow. Is she ever going to be able to control it? Is her Uncle Zeke, a respected officer of the law, ever going to catch on to what she really is? What about her family? All of these questions are sure to be answered in the future, and this reviewer can't wait! Read A Voice in the Dark today!

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A Voice In The Dark #3

Jan 16, 2014

This book is great and just keeps getting better. Just when I think we have our plot, Larime continues to layer on interesting layer after layer of complexity that are sure to pay off in a big way as the story moves along. This is one of the first comics I've ever bought multiple issues of just to give out to friends and family that wouldn't normally read comics just because I enjoy it that much. There's a terrific plot twist at the end of this issue (no spoilers!) and I can't wait to see what we're in store for! For a book that is not only consistently great, but just keeps getting better, I give AVitD #3"5 out of 5 nerds

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A Voice In The Dark #4

Feb 21, 2014

This is a book worth reading! You can check out the first issue for free on Top Cow's website here: http://topcow.com/files/AVITD001_reader_web.pdf so you have absolutely no excuse to not check it out! This is an Image title, which means it's creator owned, and these are the kinds of books we need to support! This book is more about a teenager trying to make her own way in the world than it is about a serial killer. I see it drawing lots of comparisons to Dexter, but it isn't. Dexter was about him trying to blend in as a monster amongst men; AvitD is about a teenager trying to blend in and find her place in a world that she feels has rejected her. It's a great story with a ton of personality and even more humor; it's definitely got something for everyone! (For adults that is!) I love this book and I give AVitD #4"

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Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #1

May 1, 2014

This was a $6 issue and to most, including me, that's a pretty hefty price tag for a comic. By the time I was finished though, I felt like I had underpaid for it which hasn't ever happened to me with one of this beefy, expensive books before. This book has a ton of hype surrounding it and it not only meets the challenge head on, it completely knocks it out of the park. Tying in so many stories into the main plot and planting the seeds for future arcs was an absolutelybrilliant idea that I think we'll see more of in future #1′s after this book has done so well!I'm going to make a bold statement that I may catch some flak for here"this is the perfect #1 issue!

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American Vampire: Second Cycle #1

Mar 20, 2014

I'll say it again, "THIS IS THE PERFECT FIRST ISSUE!" You definitely need to jump-on to this book now and this is the most opportune time to do it. Not to say you should just read from now on, you definitely need to go back and read it all, but this is the type of issue that will make you want to do that. I wish AMC would adapt this into a TV show seeing as they do such a great job with all of their properties, but I'll definitely continue to love the hell out of this even if that never happens. This is a horror story that deserves to be talked about for years to come, and it most certainly will!

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Aquaman (2011) #26

Jan 2, 2014

This book is absolutely beautiful! I'm not 100% how the art duties were split up in this book (there were two people on inks, on colors, and on pencils) but the team did a fantastic job from start to finish. Without divulging too much, I couldn't help but stop and admire the epic battle sequence at the end of the issue. It's not often panels hold my attention like that with just the art alone, but this book is worth admiring.

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Aquaman (2011) #27

Jan 30, 2014

I'm so happy that I started reading this series when Jeff Parker took over. I still mean to read the Johns run but this will more than suffice for now! Parker is definitely working towards something much bigger than just a battle with a legendary beast and I'm definitely intrigued to see where he's going to take Arthur and his Kingdom. If you've been on the fence about picking up this series then let me tell you it's worth your time and your money to look in to; issue #26 is the perfect jump-on point since Parker took over writing it! All that being said, this book is creeping up my read pile every month; while it's not perfect, it's definitely a good read and for that I give Aquaman #27"

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Aquaman (2011) #29

Mar 29, 2014

Jeff Parker's run thus far on Aquaman has been great, but I'm still waiting for something big to happen. I honestly do get the feeling that we'll be getting something like that in the very near future, but for now it's still a wait-and-see game. I love the direction the book's taken and while the scale of the action is huge, the implications of the story don't feel universal. Maybe that's something we're going to see more of in Aquaman and the Others, but this book feels a bit detached from the rest of the DCU aside from the one reference this issue makes to Swamp Thing, which was really cool for me since I've been reading that book since its beginning. It's still a ton of fun and packed with as much action as you could hope for in a book. For that alone it's well worth the read!

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Batgirl (2011) #25

Nov 15, 2013

This was the first Zero Year tie-in that I've read. It will probably end up being one of the only ones too. I'm really enjoying Snyder's work with the arc, but sometimes the tie-ins feel like a money grab. This definitely wasn't the case with Batgirl #25. This issue is definitely worth reading for anyone even mildly interested in the transformation of the other members of the Bat-Family into their heroic alter-egos. Barbara Gordon is one tough chick and it shines through every page of issue #25. Zero Year seems to really be taking off, and for that reason I'm happy to give this issue

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Batgirl (2011) #26

Dec 12, 2013

Gail Simone and her creative team have given us something they should be really proud of. I've always thought of the 'other' Bat-family members as inferior to Bruce but this series has shown me quite the opposite. While I'll never connect with any of them on the same level that I do Batman, each and every member of his family is great for their own reason. Barbara is a strong, intelligent young woman trying to carve out her own place in the world. Whether that be as Batgirl or just as Barbara, either is just as good! While the Wanted arc is now over, I can't help but feel that Gail Simone is planning something much bigger with the big reveal at the end of the issue. I guess we won't know until the next one comes out, but I'll be there reading it. Proudly, I might add!

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Batgirl (2011) #29

Mar 14, 2014

I get the feeling that this was more of a stepping stone of an arc to introduce us to a bigger story. I love Gail's take on Babs and all of her adventures, so if this is indeed indicating something bigger to come"sign me up! I'd love to see the two stars of this issue in a team-up book"Birds of Prey maybe? Hint hint DC! Batgirl has quietly been one of the best titles over at DC since the New 52 re-launch and as long as Ms. Simone is writing it, I don't see that changing anytime soon!

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Batman (2011) #32

Jun 29, 2014

What we're witnessing out of this creative team is something that only comes along once or twice a generation in comics. The early days had Lee and Kirby, and then we were blessed with writers like Claremont and artists like Byrne"this generation has Snyder and Capullo. Zero Year is nearing in its conclusion, but in this case, the end is just the beginning and I can't wait to see how it all began.

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Batman (2011) #37

Jan 19, 2015

Snyder is in his wheelhouse when he writes a character as creepy as the Joker. If Death of the Family was Joker's love letter to Batman, then End Game sees the Clown Prince as a scorned lover burning Bruce's world down around him. There's not a creative team I trust more to put Bruce through the wringer only to leave him standing stronger on the other side. For that reason I have a message for Snyder and company as their faced with the task of living up to their fans lofty expectations.

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Batman (2011) #38

Feb 1, 2015

I think this creative team gets overlooked because they've been so consistently good for so long. Many of the original 52 titles are long gone from DC's line-up, but the Snyder/Capullo Batman has lived up to its namesake and has found a way to not only be the best title at DC, but one of the best titles in all of comics. I said in my last review that if Death of the Family was a love letter to Batman that End Game is a scorned lover back to get revenge and that juxtaposition comes full circle in a sick, beautiful way in this issue"you're going to love it! I've read nearly every classic Batman title that's been put out; The Long Halloween, The Dark Knight Returns, Hush, and Year One just to name a few. I would put End Game onto that list of titles that I've grown to love so much over the years that I visit over and over again.

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Batman (2011) Annual #2

Aug 2, 2013

This book just screams the same kind of tone that Grant Morrison's famous Arkham Asylum graphic novel had, albeit it isn't nearly as dark! If you haven't been reading Batman since the New 52, you should be! Scott Snyder is one of the best storytellers in comics, not to mention, he was born to tell the story of Batman. The only reason this isn't a 5 out of 5 is the art, while good, it isn't even close to Greg Capullo's. Snyder has done a great job putting his stamp on the DC mythos and that doesn't change here. Buy this book!

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Batman and Robin (2011) #23.2

Sep 13, 2013

I wish this wasn't a one-shot. I'd love to see more behind the Court, as Snyder's creation is one of my favorite things about the New 52. I was on the fence about these single villains-only issues, but this book has changed my mind! I may end up even reading Talon now since the story continues in that series!

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Batman and Robin (2011) #23.3

Sep 20, 2013

This issue has, if anything, sold me on checking out the Red Hood ongoing just to see how such a prominent figure like Ra's al Ghul will handle the Forever Evil event. I get the sneaking suspicion that the happenings of the Secret Society's actions will make some antiheroes out of some of our favorite baddies!

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Batman and Robin (2011) #38

Jan 25, 2015

This series is a must read. While I was enjoying Robin Rises, it's great to have Damian back and I can't wait to see the constant evolution of his and Bruce's relationship with one another. I'd suggest going back a few issues to around #34 or #35 so you can catch up on what exactly Bruce has put himself and his team through to revive the Boy Wonder, but after reading #38 all I can say now is, "It's good to have you back Robin!"

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Batman: Eternal #1

Apr 10, 2014

While I'm well aware of just how intimidating of a task it will be to keep up with a WEEKLY book, this is a series that's worth reading if you enjoy classic stories about Gotham's underbelly. I'm enjoying Zero Year a lot but it's also nice to be back with the present day Bats and seeing what everyone is up to around Gotham. I'm really hoping the new Lieutenant Jason Bard is on his way to becoming a prominent character in this universe because I love the "young Gordon" vibe I get from him. I'm not sure how yet, but I know that his, Batman's, and Gordon's stories are all on a collision course for each other, but until we know how, it's going to be one hell of a ride.

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Captain Marvel (2014) #1

Mar 13, 2014

After just one issue I can now see why this series has sparked Marvel to bring us more books like She-Hulk and Ms. Marvel. The brilliance of it goes well beyond the panels and pages we're reading the story on. Seeing the Carol Corp develop and seeing the inspiration it brought to people reminded me exactly of the very feeling I got when I was introduced to my favorite hero, Batman, as a child. It's something like this that we can introduce the next generation to. I'd love nothing more than to open the eyes of non-comic readers to books like this and Ms. Marvel just to show them just how high our medium can soar if we just set our sights high enough...

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Daredevil (2014) #1

Mar 20, 2014

This issue is the perfect jumping on point for anyone that's been interested in the character. The Dynamic Duo of Waid and Samnee continue to prove why they're one of the best, most underrated creative teams in all of comics. This book has a great sense of humor, action, and adventure that we don't often see blended so well in a book. While some people who didn't read the last series might be slightly confused as to why Matt Murdock is in San Fran, other than that slight hang-up, this was the absolutely perfect first issue!

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Daredevil: Dark Nights #4

Sep 6, 2013

I'm so glad I made the decision to start this series. It's the perfect blend of raw human emotion and classic heroics. I really wish it was getting more attention, but even if it never does, I'll be following this creative team wherever they go!

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Daredevil: Dark Nights #6

Nov 9, 2013

I wasn't a DD fan until I started reading Dark Nights. This series has not only made me love the character, but he's now one of my favorites in comics. Along with this I'm reading Mark Waid's run and looking for any great DD stories I can get my hands on! (Suggestions please guys!) This is a sleeper hit that has been full of great stories and this one looks to join the arcs before it in greatness. If you love DD and are looking for more from him, this is a series you need to be reading and if you're not sure about him just like I was, give one of these little arcs a shot! What are a few bucks when you get such a great product?

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Deadly Class #2

Mar 1, 2014

This is a book everyone should be reading. Rick Remender and his team have managed to pull off as close to the perfect opening issues to a series as anyone can get. Watching Deadly Class being fleshed out is like watching what will eventually be your favorite action movie for the first time. I'm honestly having a ton of fun with it, which is awesome because I hadn't seen any solicits for it or anything; I merely picked it up on a whim at my LCS when I saw it. Anyone who's a fan of action movies or tales of assassins, full of intrigue, action, and secrets should read Deadly Class because it's the closest thing to the perfect comic book we may see for a long time. Not to say that this is for everyone, when I say 'perfect' I mean that this book knows what it is and doesn't shy away from it at all; I'm fully hooked!

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Deadpool Kills Deadpool #2

Aug 14, 2013

This is a short review because Cullen Bunn has made the focus of this book on exactly what it should be: having a good time. If you're looking for an in-depth story with deep-layered characters, this isn't the book for you. But if you love Deadpool aka the Merc with the Mouth, pick this book up and enjoy! I know I am!

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Detective Comics (2011) #27

Jan 12, 2014

Wow what a book! The price tag is hefty at $7.99 and it would've been easy for this issue to fall flat on it's face with so many creative teams on it, but it works perfectly at being exactly what it's supposed to; an ode to the Batman.

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East of West #5

Aug 16, 2013

This series is a masterpiece. I don't know why it hasn't gotten more hype, but it deserves to be mentioned when anyone is talking about the best books being published right now. Jonathan Hickman and company are building a modern day epic, and I'd suggest you buy it and saddle up for the ride!

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East of West #6

Sep 27, 2013

This issue has left me wanting more. This is the first time we see some suspenseful action and I really think things are going to start picking up. Hickman's tale of the end of the world, ironically, has me really looking forward to seeing how things go. The pot's been on the slow burner, but I'm happy to say that Hickman and his fantastic team of artists are finally turning up the heat.

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Ei8ht #1

Jan 24, 2015

If you're a fan of the sci-fi genre, this book is definitely something you need to check out. On top of being a book about time travel, this book is a mystery at heart right now and that part of the story is what's really drawing me back for a second issue. Pair that with the timeless work of Rafael Albuquerque, Ei8ht could very well be the sleeper hit of early 2015!

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Fantastic Four (2014) #1

Feb 26, 2014

Maybe my expectations were too high for this book or maybe James Robinson just had really big shoes to fill after Fraction when he decided to take on this series, but it didn't live up to the hype I had in my mind for it. That's not to say it wasn't really good though, it's definitely a book worth checking out for anyone who enjoys the FF as much as I do. While it may be a bit too dark, Robinson has definitely sparked my intrigue with this storyline being told from the past working its way up to present time and I'll be sticking with it for an arc at least!

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Fantastic Four (2014) #3

Apr 26, 2014

I'm man enough to admit that I was wrong about this book. While it's not perfect, it's coming together and Robinson is telling us a story that I'm thoroughly enjoying. This issue was easily my favorite out of the three we've been given so far and I really hope that the creative team sticks with this formula for the entirety of their run. It's that blend of epic action, adventure, and the sense of family that makes the Fantastic Four great and it's that unique combination that's going to carry the FF into the future.

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FF (2012) #14

Nov 28, 2013

Even though there are only a couple of issues left, READ FF! Go pick up back issues, pick up a trade, or download them on Comixology. However you decide to catch up, you'll be happy you did. While I wish it wasn't going away, I'm happy to have jumped on before the end because this book has absolutely everything that I love about comics in it. It's fun, heroic, action-packed, is filled to the brim with character development in every issue, has SPECTACULAR storytelling, and teaches values that I hope to pass on to my daughter as she grows up. To put it frankly, FF has it all!

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FF (2012) #16

Jan 23, 2014

Now that this series is over, you guys have absolutely no excuse to read it! FF literally has something for everyone; it's filled with action, humor, adventure, love, and is filled to the brim with heart in every last page. FF is truly a glimpse into people in all walks of life all coming together, not only coexisting, but bringing out the best in one another. While I'll truly miss reading this month to month, I feel privileged to have been a part of it while it was happening. If you had told me a year ago that this book would be the very first thing I read in a week that Batman was released, I would've laughed at you. Alas, it's true, and for that I can't give the conclusion of this powerful series"

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Forever Evil #1

Sep 6, 2013

The end of issue 1 has an interesting, potential plot twist for one major player in the DCU and that alone has me excited for the next issue. As I said before, I really hope this arc doesn't lose steam over a 6-issue, monthly release arc, but I'm in for the long haul! Aeternus Malum! Forever Evil!

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Forever Evil: Arkham War #1

Oct 10, 2013

I love Batman, Gotham, and the Rogues. Even if the Bat doesn't make an appearance in this series, 2 out of 3 ain't bad! This was definitely a build up issue, but I can't wait to see what happens and who will show up! (Am I the only one that tried to name everyone on the cover?) The stakes have never been higher for Batman's Baddies and I'm on board to see who comes out on top!

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Ghosted (2013) #3

Sep 13, 2013

I'm SO glad I started reading this. Anyone who's a fan of any type of scary movie should be reading this. It's got a great cast of characters and we're just starting to sink our teeth into this haunting tale. So stay tuned, put some fresh batteries in your flashlight, and throw the blankets over your heads folks, because things are sure to get spooky!

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Ghosted (2013) #4

Oct 11, 2013

If you're a fan of horror stories this book is an absolute must read. If you have a friend that loves Stephen King or horror flicks pass them a copy of this and I promise it's something they'll love. Williamson has done his homework and it shows in the story. This is a soon-to-be classic in a genre saturated in people trying to re-invent the wheel. Simply put, this is a FANTASTIC horror story for any fan of the genre, written by a fan of it who knows exactly what people want to see!

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Goof #1

Feb 28, 2014

This is definitely a book to look out for! You can find the New World Comics app on iTunes now! The link is here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/new-worlds-comics/id700320110. Aside from a few missteps, Goof is a hilarious, mature reader's only book that has a definite charm to it. I love that it takes a new look at the story of the modern day superhero, including a hilarious look inside his origin and where Captain Gorgeous's goofy name came from! While it isn't perfect, in the end Goof #1 succeeds at what it's trying to be: a funny, slapstick approach to a new hero.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #5

Aug 1, 2013

As I said before, this is definitely a build-up issue, but it doesn't feel like filler. This is the best book that Bendis is writing, simply because its so different from everything else in the Marvel U. If you're a fan of sci-fi and a good time, you need to be reading this series!!!

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #6

Sep 27, 2013

The only reason I'm not giving this a 5 is because of the artist swap.(I'm probably just being nitpicky though!) This issue from a story standpoint is one of my favorites and the series as a whole is something you should be reading. It's action packed, hilarious, and a fun-filled adventure that I can't wait to keep reading…or as Groot would say, ‘I am Groot!'

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #7

Oct 17, 2013

I can't say anything about this series that I haven't already told you guys. It's funny, it's got fantastic action sequences, and it's very organically fit it's way into the Marvel Universe. While I have to take points off my score due to the changing of artists mid-issue, this has to be one of my favorite in awhile. The slowing of the pace was fantastic. This group really shines in their exchange in banter and it provided us with some much needed insight into the bigger events that are happening. Needless to say, the Guardians are here to stay, and I'll be sticking with them through Infinity and beyond.

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Imagine Agents #1

Oct 24, 2013

Don't make the same mistake I did and brush off titles just because of who publishes it. This book deserves to be talked about and read by anyone who enjoys a genuinely fun and sincere story. I plan on recommending it to absolutely anyone who will listen to me, so if you're reading this, go buy a copy or download it on Comixology now!4.5 out of 5 nerds

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Imagine Agents #2

Nov 22, 2013

This book is absolutely amazing. Issue #1 set the bar pretty high when it sold out and flew off the shelves the way it did, and issue #2 met that challenge head-on. I'm happy to say it didn't disappoint. This is a fun-filled adventure from cover to cover; if you're a parent looking to get their kids into comics or for anyone who just enjoys a good time"read Imagine Agents!5 out of 5 nerds

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Imagine Agents #3

Dec 19, 2013

In a world based on the imagination, Bachan has created some of the most beautiful art in comics with this series. It's absolutely wonderful to see his new creations as you flip through the pages of each of these books and with issue #3 I even made a game out of creating voices in my head for each of these insanely original characters. This series would be beautiful even if it was black and white, but it's not. Ruth Redmond has literally brought this world to life with her amazing job on colors. With each page you can't help but feel a little like you're stepping into Oz for the first time. Every panel is as vivid as the next and it really creates some of my favorite art in all of comics.

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Imagine Agents #4

Jan 16, 2014

This is the best all-ages comic series I've ever read and I hope that based on my reviews of it you guys will check it out too. If this is indeed the end I hope Joines and Bachan stick together to do another series. Seriously guys, it's worth checking out and I promise once you do you won't regret it. If I could rate it higher than a 5 I would in a heartbeat, but since I can't I give Imagine Agents #4"5 out of 5 nerds

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Infinity #1

Aug 15, 2013

Jonathan Hickman is one of my top 3 favorite writers in all of comics. He's the man that should be doing the big events like this, and I can't wait to see where Infinity is going. I really hope that this series keeps my interest, (I stopped reading AoU after a few issues) because I think Hickman and team are going to give us something really special! Pick it up!

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Infinity #4

Oct 11, 2013

When this event was first announced, I've said multiple times that I almost didn't read it. I'm glad I changed my mind. Hickman is a writer that's built to write stories as epic as Infinity. It would be easy for him to phone it in because the book would sell regardless, but it's obvious that this story has been carefully crafted. The time and effort to do so has paid off, as this is one of the best comic book events in recent memory!

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Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #1

Apr 10, 2014

I really wish we'd been given more in terms of what's going on in the plot of this story, but this gives me just enough to stick around for an issue or two if no other reason than to get a bit of background on the character. I'm a big fan of the kung-fu genre, and if you're reading this review it would be my guess than you are too. This book has plenty of great action even if it's a bit light on story so you should definitely give it a look! It's not perfect but it has a ton of potential!

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Justice League 3000 #1

Dec 12, 2013

After issue #1 I still want to see where this series is going and what it's going to be. I also think that it will read a lot better in one big chunk; either by collecting each issue or just buying the trade when it comes out. I just feel like we're thrown in the middle of a story that's already happening, but we're not being given many answers to what's going on. I felt slightly less lost towards the end, but still lost nonetheless. I'm going to stick with it in good faith that J.M. DeMatteis will guide this series into the upper echelon of the great titles DC is putting out. For that, I give this issue:

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Justice League 3000 #3

Feb 13, 2014

It's nice to see a book that I was so excited for when it was announced become everything I was expecting it to be. There are still a TON of questions to be answered but I trust this creative team to continue to entertain the hell out of me with this series. There are some great little reveals in this issue, like what planet Takron-Galtos really is, but I expect much bigger things to come because we still haven't been given a whole lot in the form of what's really going on in the plot. Anyone who loves these characters but would like to see them in a totally new setting should check out this series, because it's a heck of a lot of fun!

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Justice League 3000 #4

Mar 15, 2014

This series has J.M. DeMatteis's unique brand of humor and a story that you don't want to miss. If you think you know the Justice League, trust me, you don't. This story could go absolutely anywhere and that's exactly what makes it so much fun. There's a ton of action, you don't know who's going to live and who's going to die, and the story has plenty of intrigue laced throughout. It's only four issues in, so it will be easy enough to catch up guys! You don't want to miss this!

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Justice League Dark #23

Aug 22, 2013

We're almost to the end of DC's first big event of the New 52 and I've loved it so far. It's been awesome seeing the fissures driven between some of the most prominent Justice Leaguers, and seeing how fragile those relationships were in the first place. The events in this issue are sure to send ripples throughout the entire DCU, and there's a big reveal at the end! (No spoilers, but you really need to read this!)

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Justice League Dark #26

Jan 3, 2014

Read this book! The Forever Evil tie-ins are absolutely wonderful. Just because I started it because I saw Swamp Thing on the cover doesn't mean you need a similar excuse. This series is spectacular and has carved a special place in the mystical corner of the DCU. J.M. DeMatteis really deserves credit for putting such a unique spin on the Forever Evil event and I don't see the magic (pun intended) stopping any time soon, even after the event is over. Justice League Dark is a look into a part of the universe that blurs the lines between good and evil that you don't want to miss!

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Justice League Dark #27

Feb 1, 2014

This is a book I picked up because of the tie in, but I'll continue with it for as long as this creative team does. Just based on the few issues from Forever Evil alone this book has crept into my top 3 favorites from DC. It's a look at the other side of the coin as far as heroes go. While Bats and Supes are saving the world from the threats we see, the JLD is saving us from the things we don't, and you can bet your ass I'll be there reading and enjoying every last bit of it!5 out of 5 nerds

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Justice League Dark #29

Mar 27, 2014

With Forever Evil nearing its end I can't help but love how it's helped other DC books really hit their stride. No titles have benefitted more than the Justice League books and this one is no exception. While I'm sure this book was terrific before Forever Evil, it was the event that drew me in and it was J.M. DeMatteis's incredible ability to tell a great story that's going to keep me around once the event is finished. I really hope Mikel Janin is coming back, I haven't seen any news about a shift in the creative team, but the combination of DeMatteis and Janin were doing some really incredible things before this issue!

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Justice League of America (2013) #7

Aug 15, 2013

I love this event. It's full of edge of your seat suspense and all the action you could ask for. With real human emotion sprinkled in, you have a classic story being told. I can't wait to see how this ends and what it does to the DCU! (Am I the only one praying that The Question gets his own book out of all of this?) If you're not reading this event for some reason, I'd highly suggest catching up so you can be a part of something special that's happening over at DC right now!

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Letter 44 #1

Oct 17, 2013

Letter 44 is going to be something really special. Not often is something so out of this world so grounded in reality. The first print of this issue sold out, so those of you who prefer physical copies should go to your store NOW and order the second. If you don't mind digital, it's on Comixology for a mere .99 cents and it's worth every penny. Hop on to this great, new series from one of the best up and coming writers in the industry!

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Little Nemo: Return to Slumberland #3

Jan 24, 2015

You should be reading this series. If you're an adult or kid, everyone can find something to love in this wonderful world that Rodriguez and Shanower have crafted together. These two have brought me back to a place I loved a long time ago and have done so in a manner that feels like I never left. When my daughter is old enough this is the type of series I hope to introduce her to in hopes she'll find as much enjoyment from it as I have. These are the types of stories that won't only spark a new generation of comic book readers, but they will also spark a new wave of ideas spawned from the imaginations of those lucky enough to have visited the magical world of Slumberland.

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Mighty Avengers (2013) #1

Sep 13, 2013

Though I'm still not sold on yet another Avengers book, I'll stick with this one for a couple more issues. Ewing has the fun aspect nailed down; it'll be interesting to me to see how he'll handle the more serious material. Even if I don't get my wish, at least I'll get a couple of fun, new Luke Cage stories!

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Ms. Marvel (2014) #2

Mar 20, 2014

G. Willow Wilson is quickly climbing my list of favorite writers. She had a humongous task in front of her in writing Ms. Marvel and she's hit the ground running! Kamala turning into Ms. Marvel is a great metaphor for any teenager trying to find their way in the world. It's hard for most people to fit in, whether you're a superhero or not, and Kamala's journey is something that literally anyone can relate to. The first issue has gone to a second printing and the second issue came out this week, it's the perfect opportunity to jump on to a series that demands your attention! This book has something for people of all ages, sizes, and creeds. It's funny, adventurous, and is a terrific coming-of-age story that's going to be remembered in the upper-echelons of comic lore for many, many years to come. Read this book!

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New Avengers (2013) #8

Jul 26, 2013

This is definitely what I deem a ‘set-up' issue. It builds towards this huge event Marvel is doing, but does it in a way that doesn't make me feel like I just wasted $4 on a filler issue. It's a terrific series that's pretty light on action, but high on conflict and emotion. I'd definitely recommend it for someone that's looking for a different kind of Avengers title!

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New Avengers (2013) #13.INH

Jan 2, 2014

New Avengers is one of, if not the most important book being put out at Marvel right now; for that reason alone you should be reading it. If not for the importance of it, you should be reading it for the insanely high quality it is month in and month out. It was so much fun seeing how ideas planted in this series fleshed out in Infinity and now that it's over, it's your chance to experience that feeling for yourself with whatever Hickman is planning now! 4.5 out of 5 nerds

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Night of the Living Deadpool #4

Mar 7, 2014

Cullen Bunn has made a fan for life out of me. I get the sense that he really gets to the core of every character he writes and then evolves the book into something that compliments that. This series is packed with action, but the real star of the book is the humor. I laughed at almost every page and it's not often I can say that about anything I read comics or otherwise. Not only is this book hilarious, it's also a terrific spin on a heavily saturated zombie market. I dare you to sit down and find a zombie book that's like this; I bet you'll fail. It feels original, but stays very true to what's come before it in the genre!5 out of 5 nerds

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Nightcrawler (2014) #1

Apr 11, 2014

This book is a big milestone for Marvel with all of their new books and re-launches. To have one of the all-time greats back to writing a character that seems like he's getting a push into the spotlight like Nightcrawler is. A Nightcrawler book should have a sense of fun and adventure engrained into it's very core and I think that's exactly what Claremont and Nauck are going to deliver to us!

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Rat Queens #5

Feb 26, 2014

You should be reading this series if you haven't already started it! Think of the best game of D & D that's ever been played, then think of playing it totally drunk and that's the tone Rat Queens has set for itself. While it's still early in the run, Wiebe and Upchurch have established themselves as one of the top creative teams in comics that, by the end of the year (bold prediction time!), will be mentioned alongside teams like Snyder and Capullo or Fraction and Zdarsky! This book is just a damn good time!5 out of 5 nerds

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Saga #13

Aug 15, 2013

I REALLY want to give this 5 out of 5 because of total bias, but I don't give 5′s out for set up issues! I could've used a bit more action or a bit more advancement of the story, but that's just me nitpicking! All I can say is, read this series and thank the stars that Saga is back!!

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Saga #14

Sep 27, 2013

Brian K. Vaughn is weaving a beautiful tapestry of comic book storytelling with this series. I have yet to suggest it to someone that hasn't ended up loving it and it's for a good reason. Simply put, Saga is the best story in comics right now and if you're not reading it you should be! Pick up a trade and catch up because we're witnessing something special here. Stories like Saga transcend comics because this isn't just a great comic book series, this is classic literature!

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Saga #16

Nov 28, 2013

I could go on and on and on about how much I love this series. If every book I loved came out in the same week, it would be a toss-up between this and Batman for which I'd read first. (Luckily that doesn't happen, my head might explode!) If you haven't been reading it, crawl out from under the rock you've been living under and pick up the first trade! I promise you'll fall in love with it just like me and countless other people have.

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Saga #18

Jan 30, 2014

If you're reading this review you're probably already reading Saga so you don't need me to tell you how great it is. When it's all said and done this book will be put up on a mantle with other classic comic titles. It gets a ton of praise but I have a hard time believing anyone that tries to make a case for it being overhyped. I will say though, I enjoyed reading the TPB's more than I did collecting single issues month to month. Having to wait for something like this almost seems like it takes a bit of the wind out of the sails from a momentum standpoint, especially in an arc that was so laced with tension and cliffhanger moments like this one! As a whole the arc would get a 5 out of 5 from me easily, especially considering that they managed to take the series in a whole new direction at the very end of it. This issue standing alone though seems to leave me with more questions than answers.

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Saga #20

Jul 1, 2014

Saga is a book that demands the attention of our entire medium. Even if you don't enjoy the modern day epic Vaughn and Staples are giving us you can't help but appreciate what it's done for the independent comic book market. This series has a bit of everything. Comedy, romance, heartbreak, politics, war, action, and it has it all while making each and every one of the characters grounded and relatable. This is something that you can give to your non-comic reading friends if you're trying to pull them into the medium and I can speak 100% from experience that they'll get hooked.

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Scum of the Earth #1

Jan 3, 2014

This book is a lot of fun, but it's something I definitely have to be in the mood for to read. It's hyper-violent (it even says so on the cover), so you definitely shouldn't give it to someone underage to read! Other than that, it's something that isn't meant to be taken too seriously from a certain standpoint. It's violent fun in the same way Grand Theft Auto is. (A series I absolutely love by the way!) If you're in to that sort of thing, Scum of the Earth is something you definitely need to check out!

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Sex Criminals #3

Nov 22, 2013

This is a title worth reading! (For anyone that's age appropriate that is!) Anyone that's a fan of dialogue packed to the brim with fun, witty dialogue and a totally original story won't be even remotely disappointed with this book. If that weren't enough, the art is absolutely gorgeous to look at. While there are indeed some risqu parts of it, at no time did I feel like I was looking at or reading something other than a great, fun-filled, and totally original story. Fraction drew me in with Hawkeye, but he's made me a reader for life with Sex Criminals!

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Silver Surfer (2014) #1

Mar 27, 2014

This book exceeded my every expectation. It seems like it's been forever since it got announced and after reading this issue I can say it was well worth the wait. Both of these characters have a long road ahead of them to achieve bigger and better things and I wasn't really expecting for the Surfer to end up having a companion on his journey, but I can already tell that their tale will be an epic one. The big payoff will be seeing how these two opposites will come together to face the trials and tribulations of their many adventures to come!

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Silver Surfer (2014) #3

Jun 22, 2014

This was only issue #3, so if you haven't been reading Silver Surfer"shame on you! This book has something for everyone and is easily my favorite book over at Marvel right now. The story is both epic and entertaining, but this book's sense of humor and fun are what truly shine. This creative team has already hit their stride only 3 issues in to the book and it's something you won't want to miss!

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Silver Surfer (2014) #4

Jul 17, 2014

I love this series and you should definitely be reading it. This issue is somewhat of a jumping on point if you missed the first arc (the first arc is referenced but not in a way that would confuse new readers) and it might be one of the funniest issues of any comic that's been released this year. Slott and the Allreds have already hit their stride just four issues in and the work they're doing absolutely demands your attention.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #17

Sep 6, 2013

The creative team on SS is firing on all cylinders. With Mr. Slott at the helm of things I'll continue to read Spider-Man of any version until he decides to stop writing the character. With pressures mounting and a Spidey vs Spidey showdown imminent, this series is an absolute MUST READ!

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #18

Sep 20, 2013

This series just keeps getting better and shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. (Cliffhanger anyone?) Things appear to be getting worse before they get better and it's going to be a fun ride seeing how and when things catch up to Spidey-Ock. This is a MUST read for anyone in to superhero comics or anyone that enjoys smart storytelling that can blend action sequences, heavy emotional events, and sprinkle in a bit of fun into the mix!

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #19

Oct 17, 2013

Slott & co. have something big in the works for the Superior Spidey universe. Tying up most of the open side story lines is going to shift focus back onto what the series was originally based around and I couldn't be more thrilled to dive deeper into it. Hopefully Stegman steps it up to the standards of previous issues. As much as I love the story that's unfolding, I don't know if I can handle too much more of the slip-ups in the art department!

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #31

Apr 18, 2014

What can I say about SSM that hasn't already been said? Dan Slott faced a ton of criticism and threats of violence by "killing" off Peter Parker, but it was his plan to deliver this classic story all along. I think when it's all said and done this story will be held up on a pedestal with not only the all-time great Spider-Man stories, but some of the all-time great comic stories involving any character. It was THAT good!

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #1

Oct 10, 2013

This series started off with a BANG and I can't help but think we're just seeing the very tip of the iceberg. Soule does such a fantastic job adding kindling to the fire bit by bit until the big payoff. I was apprehensive at first, but after reading issue #1, this series is a must read!

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #2

Nov 14, 2013

This is a book that I can't wait to read more of. It's only 2 issues in, but with Charles Soule writing it, it's already one of the first things I read when it comes out. (If the art stays on par with what we're being shown, it's going to keep crawling up the pile!) If you were on the fence about whether or not to read this book, because like me, you weren't so sure about the romance between Supes and WW, take my word for it; READ THIS BOOK. It's packed with action, humorous banter, and gorgeous art. At only 2 issues in what do you have to lose?

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #3

Dec 12, 2013

This is a series that more people should be paying attention to. As I said before, it might be titled Superman/Wonder Woman, but their relationship feels like a secondary plotline as opposed to the book focusing most of the attention on the romance like I thought it would. Charles Soule and his amazing creative team showed me that my faith in them was well placed though! In a world of superheroes and gods, they've managed to make it seem more real than a lot of comics I've read because of their attention to detail when it comes to the great character moments happening everywhere. For that, I give this issue:

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Superman: Lois Lane #1

Mar 1, 2014

I said it before and I'll say it again"DC needs to give Marguerite Bennett her own title, preferably one centered on Lois Lane! I absolutely loved this issue and I wish this was an on-going series, but I enjoyed this issue for what it was: a self contained story that really shows off just how special Lois is as a character and Ms. Bennett and her crew couldn't have pulled it off more perfectly. We see literally every aspect of Lois as a character: a heroine, a role model, and while she put herself in a 'damsel in distress' situation, she made it perfectly clear that with someone as talented as Marguerite Bennett writing her, she's more than capable of taking care of herself.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #23

Aug 13, 2013

This book is at the top of my pile every single month. In a universe filled with determined heroes like Batman and Green Lantern, none of them hold the will to get the job done like Swamp Thing. The stories are woven with darkness and the pages are always filled with action! If you don't believe me, pick up a trade and find out why Swamp Thing has quietly become one of the best books of the New 52!

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Swamp Thing (2011) #23.1

Sep 19, 2013

I started reading this series because of Snyder, but Soule's work is the reason it's the first thing I read every month when it comes out! I can't wait to dive back into the Seeder storyline, but it was awesome to see just how twisted Anton Arcane is and has been for centuries. If you've been on the fence about whether or not to start this series, pick up this issue and see for yourself just how amazing the writing, the art, and the thrills of Swamp Thing are!

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Swamp Thing (2011) #24

Oct 3, 2013

Charles Soule has been etching his name into the Swamp Thing mythos and with the Seeder arc he's stamping it there permanently. With a storyline that's only building up to new heights and some really exciting things on the horizon, Swamp Thing continues to be one of my top 5 books month to month. Soule is a big reason why not only am I still pulling this; it's the first thing I read when it comes out. It's a must read!

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Swamp Thing (2011) #25

Nov 9, 2013

READ THIS SERIES! You only have to go back to the issues featuring Constantine to jump on and it will be worth every penny. I love a ton of things that I'm reading, Batman is something very near and dear to my heart, but Swamp Thing is probably my favorite comic being put out, and this issue is my favorite of the run so far. This issue is jam packed with action and the payoff Soule has been building up to and left a HUGE cliffhanger at the end!

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Swamp Thing (2011) #26

Dec 6, 2013

It looks like we're nearing a jump-on point for those of you who still aren't reading this series. (Even though I've told you guys tons of times that you should be!) I really hope that Soule plans to stay on even though he's undertaking two new titles for All-New Marvel Now, because I'm afraid that whoever takes it over from him won't do the character I've grown to love so much justice. While this wasn't my favorite issue of Soule's run, it gave us a great back story to an amazing villain and that makes the slower pace of the issue totally worth it for me.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #27

Jan 14, 2014

Swamp Thing is one of the most consistently amazing titles month after month. The end of this book left my mouth hanging open a bit and I mean that in the best way. This series just keeps getting better and better largely in part to Soule's work writing it. With the twist at the end it will be really interesting to see what he has planned next for everyone's favorite Avatar; I just hope the wait doesn't feel as long as this one did! Either way, this series continues to deliver and justify why it's at the very top of my read pile every month it's released. It's filled to the brim with action, horror, and raw emotion that's rarely seen in a book; especially when that book has almost NO human characters in it!

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Swamp Thing (2011) #29

Mar 8, 2014

This creative team continues to put out top-notch content and somehow figure out a way to set the bar even higher for the series with every arc. I'm really excited to see where they're going to go with this new cultish story because I think we're in store for something we haven't seen from Swamp Thing in any adaptation yet. The adventures of Alec Holland will continue to remain at the top of my reading pile for the foreseeable future!

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Swamp Thing (2011) Annual #2

Nov 1, 2013

If you haven't been reading this series, you most definitely should be. With DC being dominated by Bat and Justice League titles, Swamp Thing has quietly become the only series in DC that's on par with Snyder's Batman series. (Anyone who knows me knows how big of a Bat-freak I am, I consider that seriously high praise!) Everything about this book is incredible, but don't just take my word for it! Go out and start reading Swamp Thing for yourself!

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The Dream Merchant #3

Jul 26, 2013

I don't think we've gotten all of the pieces to this puzzle and for that very reason I'm sticking with this series. There's a ton of intrigue to this story and it's just the right amount to keep me interested. You won't read an adventure like this in another book, so check it out! Image continues its amazing hot streak with The Dream Merchant!

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The Movement #4

Aug 13, 2013

With what seemed like a self-contained book with little to no affect on the DCU, by introducing Amanda Waller into the mix I'm intrigued about what the bigger plan is for The Movement. Gail Simone has done a superb job on Batgirl and that momentum has carried over and gained speed with The Movement. Pick it up and see for yourselves!

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The Movement #7

Dec 7, 2013

I'm going to step back on to my soapbox and say that if you aren't reading this series, you definitely should be. It has something for every fan of comics. It has touching moments, humor, character development, and more action than you could ever need in a book. It would be a shame if something this special could possibly go away and I'm not ready to see it end yet. Simply put?

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The Movement #8

Jan 12, 2014

I've said before that everyone should read this series and I still mean it. The Movement is DC's version of Fearless Defenders. It's a special book that I'm afraid people will overlook until it's gone and by then it will be too late to save it. If you love top notch writing and art from some of the best in the business, The Movement is something you need to jump in to! Do it now!5 out of 5 nerds

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The Movement #9

Feb 8, 2014

This is a series that deserves to be mentioned with the rest of the top series in comics but rarely ever gets its shine. In each and every issue there continues to be something for all fans of comics. There's great action, raw human emotion, and a great sense of humor in almost every page of the book; usually you only get one of those things out of a series. That's how special The Movement really is.

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The Movement #12

May 8, 2014

If you can't tell, I'm not ready for this to be the end. Not only does DC need a book like this in publication, but the medium in general needs it as well. This issue as the end is satisfying in that it wraps up all of the open storylines well, but I would love to see more of this team. Hopefully they'll pop up again in another book with Gail at the helm!

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The Wake #4

Sep 27, 2013

While I could definitely read this as a novel, I'm so glad these two teamed up to make this a comic series. Scott Snyder continues to deliver in every series of his that I read to the point that he has a lifelong reader in me as long as he continues to write comics. The Wake is on par with some of Stephen King's best work, and it's only getting better and bigger!

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The Wake #6

Feb 28, 2014

When I first picked this up at my LCS I thought the cover was Leeward holding a biker helmet for some reason. Much to my surprise when I got home to read it, she's actually holding a bloody mer-head. It's not often the cover sets the tone for a book as well as this one did, because this issue is badass from start to finish. Scott Snyder has crafted a tale of horror, adventure, and intrigue that we don't often see in our medium; it's something you won't want to miss because when he finishes the story after its 10 issue run, everyone will be talking about it. I've heard grumblings of this story being way too clich as far as horror stories go, but Snyder has definitely raised the stakes with the start of this second volume!

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The Wake #7

Mar 28, 2014

This creative team is firing on all cylinders and I'd love to see them continue to work together after The Wake wraps up its last three issues. With the introduction of the character in Leeward, there's a real sense of adventure to this book that you don't often see in the horror genre, comics or otherwise. I really love this title and I think everyone should give it a shot because it's a book that epitomizes the resurgence of Vertigo as a comic book powerhouse!

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The Walking Dead #136

Jan 19, 2015

If there's one man I trust to take us on this rollercoaster ride, it's Robert Kirkman. Strap in folks, things are about to get messy.

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Thor: The Crown of Fools #1

Nov 1, 2013

I'll probably stick with this for at least another issue because I really do see a lot if potential in this series. Hopefully the qualms I had here were just first issue jitters or the creative team setting up something more as what we were given really just seemed like a swing and a miss to me!2.5 out of 5 nerds

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Trillium #4

Nov 9, 2013

I did a Creator's Month piece on Lemire for a good reason. Every original series he does is something VERY special that people should pay attention to and Trillium is no exception. This was my favorite issue in the series so far and I can't wait to get my hands on the next to get some answers! What's so special about the Trillium plants? Are Nika and William going to survive the blast? What's going to happen with the natives? Lemire has woven a beautiful web of questions and I can't wait to see the beautiful tapestry that is Trillium when it's finished!

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Turok: Dinosaur Hunter #2

Mar 8, 2014

This is definitely something you should be reading. Greg Pak is a guy that's gotten a lot of critical acclamation lately and for very good reason. While Turok isn't a name that carries the same wait as Superman or Batman, Pak has turned him into a force to be reckoned with. This series may not be for everyone, and it's not perfect, but I can promise you that if you give this team an issue or two more to really hit their stride, this is going to be a book that you'll wish you had been reading all along; it's that special. I absolutely love it and can't wait until next month so I can dig into more of Turok's adventure!

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Winter Soldier (2012) #1

Feb 14, 2014

This is one of the new Marvel titles that I was most looking forward to because of all the hype surrounding this title before it stopped last year and I'm proud to say I wasn't at all disappointed. After just one issue I already find myself totally engaged in the story because of not only Rick Remender's terrific writing, but all of the subtle nuances the art team uses to make this story feel more nostalgic. I'm definitely on board with this title for the foreseeable future and give Winter Soldier #1"4.5 out of 5 nerds

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Reviews for the Week of...


