Ross Hutchinson's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Watch Reviews: 233
9.2Avg. Review Rating

Agent of Worlde #1 is a staggeringly superb effort from the entire creative team involved that takes ideas like time travel, alien invasion, artificial intelligence, James Bond-like spies with amazing abilities, and chaos theory then dips it into a vat of LSD and splashes it across thirty-five pages of one of the most original, wild and marvelously executed comics I have ever read in my entire life. This comic is spectacular.

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Aliens vs. Avengers #1 is one of those rare perfect gems where the comic book format, combined with a clever writer and an uber talented artistic team take a patently ludicrous idea and pull it off with perfect aplomb. This comic is a reminder of how comics can do things in a way that no other media can. A perfect blend of Xenomorph terror and superhero melodrama. Never mind the perfect organism. This is a perfect comic. Get a copy, go NOW!

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All Against All #1 is an incredibly well thought out, beautifully rendered sci-fi debut that takes an alternative view of humanity through Alien eyes while smartly commenting on very human themes, spinning a hardcore gritty, grisly sci-fi thriller brought to life with a distinctively punk-flavored art style that is as irresistible to the eye as a stacked pile of candy to a child.

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A masterful script from Ram V combined with the singularly unique talents of Ward on art for a series opener that captures the ocean's vast openness, mystery, and depth and why it's thrilled and captured the human imagination. With immediately resonant character writing and gorgeous visuals, AQUAMAN ANDROMEDA #1 is a superb psychological mystery of the ocean wrapped in a sci-fi and human drama setting with depths like the ocean itself.

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Behold, Behemoth is a tense, tragedy-laced end of days horror that connects two damaged characters in the wake of an impending apocalypse through an exceptionally well written script and magnificent art by everyone involved. It's an incredible debut that sinks its claws deeply into your psyche from start to finish.

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Blood Stained Teeth #4 is a flawlessly executed chapter in the series that not only takes you on an amazing psychedelic visual journey but also continues to spin out one of the most intelligent and original takes on modern vampires you will ever read. Simply put this issue is perfect.

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BRIAR #1 is a pitch perfect opening that smartly twists the traditional fairytale we are familiar with into something much darker but deeply intriguing. Excellent character writing and beautiful stylized art wonderfully suited to the story being told elevate this first issue to the highest level possible. Its conceits are original and exciting and sink their hooks into you from the opening line. A genuinely fantastic first issue.

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This is a perfect issue. It has everything from beautiful drawn and colored art on every page to an exciting and engaging story that balances action and mystery with an absolutely amazing cross-section of human emotion... it's modern comics at its absolute finest. Bravo!!!

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7 Days issue #7 is a thrilling conclusion to a series that has been flawlessly executed on fronts. It's a superb example of a comic and series where every aspect of the creative process matches the other in its excellence. It perfectly balances the excitement of a classic style, high stakes superhero action yarn with positive inclusive storytelling that examines the best and worst of the human condition and I highly recommend it to everyone.

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Domino continues to be the fun ride I hoped it would be in every respect. As a fan of the character, it fills me with joy to watch a great writer and superb artistic team add to Domino's history in the best way possible!!

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This comic continues to outdo itself week after week! #TeamDomino deliver a book full of action, drama, humor, and fun with character development in an amazingly written, beautifully drawn, colored and lettered package that continues to surpass every expectation a fan of Domino like myself could have for a solo title. In other words perfection!

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ECHOLANDS #1 is not just a comic. It's a well-written, perfectly rendered spectacle that squeezes every ounce out of the landscape format it's presented in through beautiful, eye-popping, and detailed art. The brilliant use of paneling is conscious at all times of the format but also works in perfect symbiosis with the images themselves. It's a brilliant first installment that has cleverly twisted several fantasy and mythology tropes into something unique and darkly alluring... it's a perfect opening act.

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Echolands #4 is another perfectly executed chapter in a wildly entertaining journey that mixes so many different genre ideas together that if it were paint you would expect to end up with a grey mess but instead you end up with something that is all the colors of the genre rainbow at once and its beautiful! Enchanting from start to finish as it plays on your psyche with it's brilliantly executed visuals on both a conscious and unconscious level, still telling a very well paced story packed with all the action and melodrama you could ask for. Quite simply put Echolands continues to be brilliantly flawless and an absolute must read.

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EVERFROST #1 is a remarkably well executed debut issue that serves up a perfect blend of dystopian fantasy Sci-Fi with a heavy dollop of human drama threaded through it's center laced in the tragedy of a world in turmoil and decline. Highly recommended to fans of esoteric Sci-Fi

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GHOST CAGE #2 continues to be a perfect marriage of deeply black humor, scathing social commentary, and a monster filled action adventure brimming with over the top melodrama! this combined with wild and deeply arresting visuals makes for an incredibly fun to read even as it scratches at your psyche.

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Ghost Cage #3 wraps on an explosive, emotionally charged, wonderfully positive note as it explores and comments on multiple socially relevant themes in a wildly dramatic and over the top sci-fi setting with a razor sharp script and brilliant art that perfectly balances heart with wild action moments !

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Little Monsters #1 is a perfect opening issue that seamlessly marries Lemire's smart, sharp, and to the point script with Nguyen's moody choices in look and feel for a brilliant establishing shot of an apocalyptic world where immortal children play endlessly in the moonlit ruins of a fallen society night after night waiting for the return of the one that made them. Compelling in the ideas it posits and the questions that it will raise on the horizon, Little Monsters #1 is a perfect first issue.

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This is a beautiful, cleverly written and illustrated window into not only the birth of the Marvel Age but also a brilliantly nuanced story of the emotional journey of one of the X-Men's most iconic characters that I cannot recommend highly enough. It's a must read for X-Men and comic fans alike! Nuff Said!

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Minor Threats #1 boasts a truly excellent script that feels like a perfect love letter to the fun and silliness of classic costumed caper comics as well as the classic underdog trope. Yet it also manages to marry in great three-dimensional and believable character writing that brings its central character to life beautifully as you follow her journey. All of this is brought to life by an art style that flawlessly captures the colorful nature of the genre after rolling it around in the grime to show the viewpoint of the C-list villain. An outstanding first issue from the classic corner box art on the cover to the last page spread that speaks to the fun everyone involved had making it.

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Minor Threats #2 continues to prove it's a major comic with this second issue. Blum and Oswalt's superb script focuses on a singular member of the crew for each issue while still furthering the storyline in a meaningful way is elevated by gloriously colorful, detailed, and stylized art that captures the nature of cape comics perfectly as it explores the viewpoint of the C-class villains it's about.

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Minor Threats #3 continues to be an absolutely enthralling installment in the series. With writing that digs into its characters and makes them resonate with you to an art team that takes the wild superhero world ideas and brings them to life in sumptuously detailed, multi-hued glory for a non-stop thrill ride from cover to cover! This is a series everyone should be reading.

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Planet-Sized X-Men #1 is an issue that delivers on it's namesake in all departments, be it writing, drawing, colors, or letters. In years to come when we as fans are talking about defining issues of the current era. This book will be one of those books we talk about. This is an essential installment if you are following the Krakoan era.

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PRIMORDIAL #2 is one of those rare second issues that manages to outshine it's excellent debut issue as the creative team sucks you in with a brilliantly laid out yarn in both word and form that injects a massive layer of emotional investment into this sci-fi/noir thriller and takes you on a journey with its characters and plays up the mystery at the same time in a thrilling journey leaving you clambering to know more by its end.

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Primordial #3 continues what is so far an absolutely flawless, brilliantly constructed must-read sci-fi noir series that packs an incredible emotional punch through a combination of superb writing and out-of-this-world art. It is without a doubt one of the best comics on the shelves right now!

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S.W.O.R.D #1 is a perfect balance of ambitious, exceptionally crafted sci-fi ideas and superb interpersonal moments that callback to the past but cleverly reframes things with an eye on a bold and exciting future that fits perfectly into the concept and ambition of this new era!

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An absolutely flawless start to the anthology series which mixes clever, varied storytelling themes around the central character of Vader with an eclectic but absolutely stellar art selection. STAR WARS DARTH VADER BLACK, WHITE & RED #1 is perfect Star Wars comics from everyone involved

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Issue two of this series is violent, bloody and disturbing on several levels as the creative teams continue to explore the darker aspects of Vader from his ability to control the force, his complete lack of mercy and his dark influence of an impressionable young mind through his mere presence. The art is and minimalist color palette set the mood perfectly in all three stories as this second installment proves itself to be as excellent as the previous one.

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STARHENGE BOOK ONE: DRAGON AND THE BOAR is a masterfully crafted set up piece with astounding art that beautifully marries Arthurian legend with harder sci-fi elements to create something worthy of the term EPIC which Sharp smartly ties together through relatable narration for an opener that reflects the passion of it's creator on every single page.

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Issue #2 is a excellent follow installment up that moves steadily down its narrative seamlessly combining documented historical fact, fable, excellent character writing, relatable narration and wonderfully detailed jaw dropping art for a flawless issue that you just can't put down.

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Issue #4 is an absolutely flawless affair from Sharp. A perfect mix of retro line art and Sharp's painted style combines with several story surprises, some incredible old school but delightfully meta comic book action even as it cleverly retells a familiar Arthurian legend. It's a riveting chapter in word and form that serves as a reminder of the amazing things a talented creator can do with the comic medium.

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What Sharp has achieved here with this first arc is a testament to the power of his talent and the blood sweat and tears that goes into being an artist/writer and the absolutely dizzying heights that can be reached when talent and passion for storytelling about a subject come together in an absolutely flawless synergy of word and beautifully rendered image. Simply put this comic sweeps you away to beautiful, barbaric and dangerous places in through magnificent art and storytelling. It is an absolute must read.

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Department Of Truth #3 tackles an exceptionally tragic real-world topic through the lens of fiction in a deeply disturbing but very compelling and brilliantly executed manner, employing both writing and art to tell the story and make commentary.

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Issue #5 of DEPARTMENT OF TRUTH continues to brilliantly trade on mixing very real-world researched conspiracy theory with a tense and atmospheric fictional narrative brilliantly brought to life by Simmonds art and Bidikars lettering that explores the idea of the truth as a malleable entity that bends shapes reality itself to whatever the majority of humankind believes and in this issue Tynion IV adds the additional layer of twisting the main character's beliefs too as he blurs the lines between "Good" and "Bad."

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DEPARTMENT OF TRUTH #10 is a pitch-perfect marriage of brilliant writing from Tynion IV that expands the idea of Truth and Belief as physically manifesting forces with stunning artistic collaboration between Simmonds and Bidikar for an issue that is at once menacingly intriguing but also threaded with a deep sense of tragedy that reminds us of the cost of believing in the unbelievable...

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The Forged is 64 pages cover to cover of a creative team firing on all cylinders. The result is a sexy adult, action packed, space opera romp filled with interesting characters, six packs, eyeball popping visuals and glorious science fiction on a marvelously grandiose scale that is elevated by every aspect of it's construction. Strap yourselves in folks and get ready for a hell of a ride!

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The Forged #2 is a perfect space soldier action comic. In every aspect of it's execution, from superbly well written character dialogue to huge bombastic action scenes on a hostile alien world, the creative team does an incredible job of immersing you as the reader in the adventure on the page. There is a unparalleled level of commitment made into fleshing out and universe building on display here. It's, to put simply, a perfect second issue.

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Issue 3 closes off the opening act of this series perfectly. It's a truly admirable balance of storyline, dialogue and incredibly well executed visuals that is everything a lover of the sci-fi action genre could possibly ask for. It's action packed, filled with amazing tech, weird aliens and cool characters that has a depth to it thanks to an extremelty well written script. It's perfect science fiction space opera that leaves you breathless and wanting more!

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One couldn't have askedfor a better or more engaging start to the series which I think will go on to be a success not only as a comic book but also on other media platforms too. Bring on issue 2!

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The first issue of volume #4 is a gut punch delivered in a beautiful silk glove that is the art by the creative team that superbly brings Millar's no holds barred script to life. It is wild, filled with magic, shocking betrayals and terrible choices. It's simpy the best adult magic series you'll read right now

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We learned a lot about certain characters motivations this issue, At this stage, the main villain is for me the biggest curiosity" How did she leave the order and why does she wear that full leather head mask? I have a feeling we will learn soon enough"Can I get a time eater to eat the time between now an the next issue?

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Millar and the art team don't let up for a second in an absolutely PACKED halfway issue that is everything one could have wanted from this sequel series! Filled with everything from a history lesson, dark plans revealed, incredible magic, creatures and all the drama one could ask for, The Magic Order 2 #3 is a perfect comic in every aspect of it's execution with superb writing and breathtaking art. Unmissable!

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It's a week since I read it for the first time and I am still going back to it to stare in amazement at what these guys have accomplished here. This is a comic every comic fan should be reading.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter in the series and cannot wait for the next.

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Millar and the team drop an absolute bombshell of a penultimate issue with a revelation that sets up what could be the most exciting finale of the entire Magic Order series to date! Brilliant art from an absolutely flawless art team brings all the drama to life page after page.

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A shockingly good fifth installment with a twist and reveal worthy of the greatest stage magicians makes this the best issue yet from a story point of view as Millar leaves us with a cliffhanger going into the final issue. This issue twisted my guts inside out! Pure magic!

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Millar and the art team push the accelerator flat this issue and that means we are gifted with a comic that has everything a adult magic centered story should have. Incredible visuals bring to life wild magic spells and insane magical creatures, violent endings, dramatic reveals and a storyline that moves forward at a superb pace. Perfect comics plain and simple.

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The final issue of this series isn't here to tuck you comfortably into bed and end things neatly. No, Millar and co drop a bombshell of a final issue that digs a deep deep deep hole for the order and specifically the Moonstone family themselves with horrific revelations that set up the next series. The fact that the art is absolutely flawless in its execution makes the gut punches the script delivers hit home that much harder. a superb way to finish and set up the next series.

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The Seasons Have Teeth #1 is a brilliant examination of several themes including the necessary arrogant nature of youth, the violent clawing nature of rebirth and the effects of loss on the human spirit brought remarkably to life through a central conceit that overlays a fantasy nature to a storyline that uses it's intended metaphors to brilliant effect. A superb effort from all involved.

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The Variants #1: A Jessica Jones mystery is a glowing example of how engaging a story can be when the creative team understand the character, the characters history and that characters place in her own universe PERFECTLY. Exceptional character writing complimented by artistic nuance make for a thoroughly engaging opening installment to what promises top be a fascinating next chapter in one of Marvel's most believable characters.

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Undiscovered Country #2 continues to be as impressive as the hype leading up to it promised. It's a very good example of a perfect balance between well-crafted character writing and storytelling using American symbolism, allegorical concepts, with straight-up dystopian sci-fi to tell a deeply engaging story. I highly recommend it!

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WOLVERINE #7 is a stand out issue this week as Duggan and Percy put Logan through the wringer and throw several curveballs the reader's way while Joshua Cassara and Guru-eFX deliver what may be the best drawn and colored issue of the event so far.

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X-MEN 92: HOUSE OF XCII #1 accomplishes what perhaps a handful of comic "adaptions" have ever done. It manages to perfectly marry the ideas of two eras together while being weighed down by neither. It's a superb accomplishment by the entire creative team with something for every single kind of X Fan and I cannot recommend it highly enough.

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X-MEN'92: House Of XCII continues to prove that it is possible to take the complex, highly regarded, loved and hated ideas of the current era and adapt them into a fun, exciting version that is still thoroughly engaging while enjoying the nostalgia of a bygone era. This comic isn't here to change your life, its here to give you 24 pages of FUN and as far as I'm concerned it succeeds PERFECTLY!

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X-Men 92: House Of XCII #5 cleverly wraps up the series with a flawless combination of beautifully colored art and a script that wonderfully marries the two eras together. The writing and art both show off an attention to detail, passion, commitment, and knowledge of the material by all involved. it's a wonderful nostalgia-laced affair that manages to balance the best things about both eras marvelously,

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The final chapter wraps things up with gorgeous art and a superbly layered script that adheres to the superheroic required but does what the best comics do and gives us a nuanced, beautifully layered examination of guilt, loss, trauma, fears, and human nature itself in magnificently rendered world beneath the waves where something waits to make your dreams or your fears come true.

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This creative team has really put together a fun and exciting start. Their enthusiasm for the subject matter and what they are doing emanates straight out of the pages as you read them and is infectious. I am looking forward to more!

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This issue Millar show's off how good he is at playing with the pieces of the puzzle he's been laying out since the beginning of volume 3 as well as right back to volume 1. Excellent callbacks to several plotlines and ideas are made clearer, while the art team beautifully brings the drama on page to life with shocking, sometimes gross, but always beautiful artwork in a series that has never had a single page of bad art in it.

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The story of Atticus Sloane ends here, in the neon-drenched dawn of a new day, with a final issue that, in the end, gets to the core of its central characters through a fang-sharp script and bloody, beautifully colored art from an incredibly talented team of creators. Not to be missed by anyone who calls themselves a vampire genre fan.

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Issue #9 is a clever issue telling two complete stories at the same time. On one hand, it's a history lesson and on the other, it's a clear demonstration of just how far people like Connor Hawk will go to control the prevailing truth... as always it's disturbing and plays on the psyche with things we know and identify from the real world in new and interesting ways.

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Issue #1 of this series is a near flawless affair that clearly shows Millar's mastery over this secret world of magic he has created. It is in my opinion his best work with an excellent attention to detail and magnificent art on every single page from Cavenago and the art team that continues to be a hallmark of this series three volumes in. A must for fans of the series and anyone that wants to see visual mastery if the comic medium on display

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This issue's strength is in how Millar smartly ties what's happening now back to the previous two series adding context we never had and reshaping those moments even as he barrels forward with the current storyline. Every wild idea and magical conceit is brought to life through gorgeous stylistic art and coloring.

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Like a clever origami puzzle, issue #2 continues to slowly unfold what is happening to Jessica Jones and the mystery of these variants . Simone shows off her incredible ability for character voice and digging into the emotional core of characters she writes. This is brought to life through glorious art loaded with emotional nuance from Noto to match the excellent script. It's a slower paced but emotionally taut affair that deepens the mystery while digging deep into its main characters core. This is Jessica Jones storytelling at it's finest.

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Undiscovered Country #6 is a superb action-filled next installment in a story that speaks very much to the world today but at the same time is so well crafted that it never gets hung up on the cleverness of the symbols and iconography it references at the cost of the story or pacing. Beautifully crafted in word and image, it's an almost flawless next chapter in this strange land that the creative team is building.

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Wildcards: The Drawing Of The Cards #1 is a wonderfully faithful opening chapter that establishes the universe of the Wildcards with an adaption that sticks very close to the original source material brought to life by a absolutely stellar art team that is both accessible to new readers and readers familiar with the source material. It takes it's time and in doing so gets everything right in the process.

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Wolverine Black White & Blood #1 is long on violence and blood with Wolverine doing what he does best but at the same time manages to keep the thread of Logan's humanity there amongst it's beautifully rendered and blood-spattered pages. While its impact on canon is negligible, the care put into the execution makes it a must-have for any fan of old Canucklehead and anyone else wanting to see artists and writers at the top of their game.

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X Lives of Wolverine #4 masterfully expands Wolverines past canon in a cleverly scripted, brilliantly illustrated issue using clever reference points from past stories and existing canon for a thoroughly entertaining and drama-filled romp through Logan's past before the creative team drags us back into the present for a cliffhanger ending that'll make you exhale and say, Damn, Bub!

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X-MEN: X OF SWORDS - CREATION #1 is a gloriously well-constructed opening chapter to such a large-scale event that really showcases the talent on the book with a setup piece and an exceptionally large cast that has everything from jaw-dropping large-scale action to positively Shakespearean drama that will shock, surprise and take your breath away!

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Catalyst Prime: 7 days issue three continues to be a fantastically written and drawn outing from Lionforge, Simone and the rest of the creative team. It's an excellent example of what inclusive comic storytelling should be while not feeling like one giant cliche. This is a comic I recommend to EVERYBODY who loves the superhero scratch that. I recommend this comic to EVERYONE who loves great comics!!

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HEART EYES #1 is a journey into a deeply intriguing Lovecraftian monster apocalypse brought to life with beautifully detailed and colored art that hums with just the right balance of human emotion, supernatural drama and mystery surrounding it's rather oddball central character, to sink it's hooks into you and make you want more!

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The new arc begins with more questions and the introduction of a compelling new character as Tynion IV continues to twist reality with the help of brilliantly psychologically jarring and impactful art from Simmonds.

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A clever switch in focus, solid character voice, and absolutely breathtaking art make this issue a compelling read that is elevated to another level by Cavanago and Napolitano. Millar's ability to come up with wild compelling scenarios involving his characters and magic continues to make this series a must-read issue after issue.

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Undiscovered Country #1 is a beautifully illustrated and colored cinematic first issue that draws you in and wraps around your psyche from the opening scene and does not let go till the last page with tight perfectly pitched narrative and highly believable world-building.

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This is an issue that could stand on its written component alone but combined with absolutely stellar art succeeds on all fronts as an engaging and in fact thrilling halfway point in this crossover. Action lovers may not gravitate toward the issue but fans of tarot, the lore of Otherworld and Arakko will find plenty to engage them on every page!

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X-Force #15 does a dance with several plot points, furthering some from previous issues while setting up things for future storylines for issues to come with a mix of excellent interpersonal dialogue, internal narration, and some wild menacing action.

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Issue two is a tale of terror deep beneath the sea, as the situation deteriorates for the Andromeda crew with Ram V adding additional elements into the script to heighten tension on several levels. The physical threat and psychological terror are held in perfect balance here. aA the same time, Ward's art flawlessly brings that tension to life with beautiful line work and the use of color that plucks masterfully on your subconscious.

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Blood Stained Teeth #3 is a pursuit story, one is the physical pursuit of the sip he made but the other is the pursuit of Atticus's own conscience for answers to questions of conscience even while being acutely aware of the need to save his own skin which he does with violent vigor. Flawlessly executed on all fronts, issue 3 pushes the story forward in smart, action-packed, blood-spattered, neon-dipped style in a series that continues to impress every single issue.

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Issue two of Little Monsters does everything it needs to. It expands the mythos the team is building with a look into the past but also pushes the story forward with the introduction of several new characters and enough clever story twists and revelations to make it a perfect second installment in the series. Much like Billy's first proper taste of human blood, it's an intoxicating combination of excellent writing and striking art that leaves you wanting more.

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Little Monsters #4 is a perfect example of how a great script can pull you in and attach you to characters through dialogue and art and then rip the rug from right out underneath you when you least expect it. Brilliant black and white shadow play amplify the mood tremendously in series that continues to show why Lemire, Nguyen and the rest of the team have made something as irresistible as the blood that calls to these little monsters!

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LITTLE MONSTERS #5: Moves the story along narratively through exceptionally well captured and emotive interaction, from both the script and the art, between characters as it continues to examine the upheaval of change that the discovery of humans has brought to the children of the night after 300 years of being alone. Remarkable character writing combined with exceptional art continue to make this series a must read.

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Little Monsters #7 kicks off the new arc strongly with a tense but intriguing issue that has several revelations about the history of the children including the character of Romie and the Elders whom the children believe have abandoned them.

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ORIGINS #1 is a hauntingly beautiful debut issue that oozes atmosphere from every page and explores several interesting themes of mankind and our place in the world as both the architects of our own destruction and (possibly) our own redemption through a sci-fi lens.

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Primordial #1 is a superbly constructed opener from start to finish playing on the cold war erathriller angle on one hand while Sorrentino's mindbendingly constructed space journey pagesdeftly play on the psyche heightening the tension and driving home the alternative sci-fielements very reminiscent of Kubrick's visuals in 2001 A Space Odyessy on the other.

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Issue two has the feeling of the entire creative team loosening up and having some fun. While it doesn't rapidly advance the central story line of the mission, it does take it's time to dig into it's namesake couple's relationship, their issues and the things that make them so good together as a couple while nodding to things in the past. That combined with a little bit of bar room brawl action make it an enjoyable easy to read second installment that's got me completely sold thanks to stronger characterization and colorful dynamic art from all concerned.

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Issue #3 manages to to drive multiple story lines along by using a single characters journey as the focal point and at the same time doesn't let us forget that it is tied to a larger event in the Marvel universe. If Manifold wasn't on your radar he is now in an issue that proves that having multiple a strong multiple artist team on book can be a very good thing!

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Seven Sons #1 is disturbing, fascinating, repellent and attractive to read all at once. An apocalypse tale with the perfect choice of artist to bring the story to life that takes the idea of the Seven Sons and builds a world around it doing so with a strong script and powerful imagery. It's a fascinating piece of speculative fiction that wont be for everyone but those who enjoy fictional takes on religious ideologies will.

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Star Wars: Empire Ascendant #1 is a gloriously well constructed comic book that cleverly points the way forward for the entire STAR WARS comics line while paying respect to what has come before with excellently written and beautifully drawn drawn emotionally impactful short stories that capture the best of Star Wars comics in an old fan and new reader friendly package!

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Issue 1 is off to a superb start, in this second outing in the Minor Threats world, as the creative team riffs off the weird B-list here trope to superb effect with a script that presents gloriously three dimensional characters, relatable characters brought to life by wonderfully stylish art and an excellent script that maintains the standard set by the first volume of the series.

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This issue brilliantly brings the various variants into sharper focus, defining them individually by bouncing them off the central version of Jessica whose world they find themselves in. The excellent script is supported by subtle yet deeply expressive art that gets the subtlety of what's been explored between the characters as well as their defined differences.

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The Variants #4 continues to raise the bar in a series that has done so in everysingle issue so far. Filled with perfect character voice and an exceptional deep dive into itsmain character's complex psyche, it's a comic where the script and superlative art work together to bring the strong emotional core at the center of this mystery to life.

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WOLVERINE: PATCH #2 is a master class from every aspect in how to tell a classic style Logan story. It has everything a fan of the characters exploits could want to see: pace, violence, a intriguing twist and beautiful art on every front. It's a comic every fan of Logan read.

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X-Force kicks the Law & Order procedural feel, Percy promised leading into the run, into high gear as the characters involved go looking for answers in a dark tension noir-like book with art that feels perfectly complementary to the writing and the story being told. It grabs you tightly in its sharp-clawed hands and doesn't let go not even for a second.

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Benjamin Percy and company continue to make X-Force a nuanced and subtle affair with stories that examine the cracks in this new mutant status quo through strong character writing while also delivering gut-wrenching x style gritty action... the sense of unease that runs through this book is palpable and intoxicating all at once! Do not miss it!

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X-Men #2 is a little slow to advance its overall plot, but continues to intrigue with a very solid script and absolutely perfect art execution that makes every page a visual feast. Pepe Larraz and Marte Gracia continue to define the Krakoan era with absolutely iconic art page after page.

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X-MEN #3 continues to prove why this is one of the funnest, most well-crafted books Marvel is publishing today!

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BLOOD STAINED TEETH #1 is a slick, smart, bloody production blending recognizable elements of both the crime and vampire genres into something modern and fresh feeling with a very engaging central character and intriguing storyline all bathed in wonderfully neon-lit visuals. Issue one certainly succeeds in sinking its teeth into you!

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Blood Stained Teeth #5 is packed with drama, violence, poetic justice and a stunning revelation to set up what comes next as the creative team pulls out all the stops for a perfect finish to the opening arc of the series.

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Issue 6 of this series is a perfect stopgap between the first volume and where the creative team is taking us next. The shift of focus to another character uses the opportunity to its fullest extent and fleshes out the character of Stephanie Phelps, clarifying her motivations, how she got to where she is and exactly what her intentions are.

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The main story in Dark X-Men lives up to it's namesake by being very dark but at the same time very X-Men. Violent and taking no prisoners with a brilliant combination of atmospheric line art and coloring that elevate the excellent script and deliver a disturbing but thoroughly enthralling opener that tells you more than enough to hook you in while keeping it dark and mysterious while the second part allows the creative team to be more tongue in cheek but still additive to the overall story.

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An excellent character driven script from Eve Ewing combined with beautiful, vibrantly colored and superbly lettered art from Carnero, Woodward and Sabino make EXCEPTIONAL X-MEN #1 an exceptional debut issue that continue to explore various facets of the fall of Krakoa and it's effects on fan favorites asd they struggle find their way in a world that hates and fears them more than ever.

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Indigo Children is a near perfect first issue that successfully takes a fairly common trope of the sci-fi gifted child and invigorates it by taking some interesting risks with how much it shows the reader while the art team execute an absolutely flawlessly paced cinematic comic that sucks you in and doesn't let go till the last page. A very strong and promising debut issue from everyone involved.

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Issue 6 brings the opening arc of the series to a close with a cliff hanger ending that raises several interesting questions and has you clambering for more. A brilliantly expressive and organic character driven script by Lemire and Nguyen's incredible use of contrast and the absolute minimum of color work to striking visual effect. It's beautifully written and visually evocative comics plain and simple.

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ORIGINS #6 is a superbly written and hauntingly beautifully illustrated conclusion to series that examines humanity's greatest failings and its greatest achievements through a science fiction lens.

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Primordial #6 is a smart, beautifully executed, emotionally charged conclusion to a story that is masterfully told by the entire team on all levels in an open-ended manner. We are presented with an ending that could be the ultimate ending or a beginning depending on one interpretation of the events presented on the final pages. It's brilliant emotion-laden Sci-fi that makes you think which is in my opinion the best kind.

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S.W.O.R.D. #6 is about payoffs both literally and figuratively in a beautifully drawn book that does an exceptional job of acknowledging plotlines from before not only in the mutant storylines but also the entire marvel universe as a whole as Ewing shows just how adept he is in weaving the threads of what has come before and cracking the door open to show us a glimpse of what is to come... because this IS what comes next!

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SiKtC #9's brilliance is in its marvelously natural and organic dialogue between characters brought to life and emphasized remarkably well through the art. This book is an example of the creative team being perfectly in sync and the execution reflectsthis on all fronts.

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Sharp continues to narrow the gap between the past, the present, and the future in an issue that brilliantly utilizes things like Celtic mythology in marvelous ways as he slowly brings everything together. Visually grandiose and an absolute feast for the eye. Starhenge continues to be an accomplishment from Sharp that truly deserves the title of Epic.

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Issue 1 is a well crafted, seductive opening chapter that uses a strong sense of mystery to lure you in with a heady mix of melancholy character writing and beautifully drawn and colored art, where pale, deadly, bright eyed beings are waiting in the summer shadows to draw you into their darkness. Anyone that loves a good vampire noir story should definitely be reading this.

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This is a dark, unhappy but compelling installment in the series so far. It's a bleak but involving look at the character of Edgar Seemus balanced against the otherworldly fantasy world Cordelia and Francis King find themselves in. Millar cleverly uses the issue to stitch a near complete view of past events involving Edgar while keeping the central narrative moving forward and playing with concepts introduced before. Every visual aspect of the story is pulled off with masterful aplomb and this series remains one of the most visually stunning series currently running.

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This series continues to show off the creative teams marvelous talent at adapting serious events and concepts from the current X-Men Krakoan era and turning them to something fun , original, often hilarious, while being deeply dipped in a heavy dose of nostalgia from the e92 era. Delightful fun is a perfect description for it!

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I highly recommend the series to anyone looking for a beautifully drawn, superbly written action series with a great dose of humor and heart.

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Simply another outstanding chapter in the story of Domino and her Posse. Gail Simone gets it spot on with both guns blazing as the entire #teamdomino brings their A game to this issue which finds the right balance between action and emotion ... perfection

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Domino Hotshots #5 is a fantastic finish to a series that has balanced absolutely crazy cosmic action and the very human story of one Neena Thurman aka Domino and the exceptional woman that have made up this team. I give it my highest recommendation.

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S.W.O.R.D #7 continues to expand on mutantkind's interests well beyond earth and Krakoa itself as Ewing takes us deeper in to the action of The Last Annihilation while dabbling in some superb character interaction and political maneuvering from several of its main characters. The art on this book continues to be nothing short of incredible as Caselli, Fer Sufuentes-Sujo and Maher combine like a mutant circuit and elevate Ewing's already superb writing to the next level!

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THE DEPARTMENT OF TRUTH#1 and #2 form a superbly crafted debut providing an entry point into a world of secrets and conspiracies whose central premise is cleverly illustrated through a series of twists of real world ideas and events, where up is down and down is up...a future classic in my opinion

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Department of Truth #4 continues to be a series that cleverly trades on ideas and theories on the fringe of society in real life, cleverly twisting them through the genre of fiction to make for a riveting thrill ride every issue.

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Ultramega #1 is sixty-eight pages of absolutely superb art that takes a trope that will be familiar to many, injects it with deeply flawed characters and a very healthy dose of body horror then turns it inside out for an exceptionally engaging opening chapter that starts in a familiar place but ends in an unfamiliar one and that's it's brilliance it takes your expectations and turns them on their head.

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X OF SWORDS: DESTRUCTION #1 is a fitting final chapter filled with the spectacle of any great finale from start to finish but never loses sight of what the story has ultimately been about: Family.

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X-Force #17 takes the opportunity to narrow it's focus onto a single character and in doing so opens up and broadens the development of Quentin Quire in the best possible way as it fleshes the character out in a positive and additive manner while

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X-Men #1 is a smartly balanced opening setup piece with magnificent art that quickly establishes the direction that the book will be heading in as Duggan and the team explore the consequences of the big moves mutantkind has made recently and the very menacing results that come from those big moves while at the same time infusing the story with the action and entertaining bravado of a superhero team comic.

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FOX AND HARE #1 is a marvelously authentic feeling and super slick production from the entire team that balances all the elements for a successful opener. This is the kind of modern looking, well crafted, non-problematic cyberpunk storytelling we need more of.

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Ewing and the team continue to throw surprises to thrill and astound in what is in my mind one of the best written and certainly best-drawn books in the X line. This issue juxtaposes Cortez's attempt to try to bend the rules in his favor with the S.W.O.R.D. team using highly questionable tactics of their own to solve issues. It's smart storytelling combined with superbly made art that is a pleasure to read from start to finish.

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The strongest installment in a really well written and superbly executed series Black Widow #3 is everything a fan of the character and the genre could possibly hope for: an action and mystery packed romp with perfectly pitched dialogue balanced against believable emotionally written characters. Thrilling!

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Wolverine #9 is a solidly written issue by Percy that expands on the history of the main character in Team X, moves the current story forward a few steps that's elevated to a much higher level by absolutely masterclass art, paneling, and coloring by the creative team.

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Wolverine #10 continues to be one of the best examinations of the impact of the Krakoan era on the 616 universe and its occupants that never forgets it's a Wolverine comic offering as much action as it does introspection on the impact of the mutant status quo on the world, agencies in that world and individuals touched by it. It's the smartest use of the Wolverine title I've seen to date in my opinion

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The creative team on this book continues to find the perfect balance of action, emotion, and humor that have characterized this series so far making it a reader favorite and X-Force issue five is no exception. Highly, highly recommended!

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This issue is a fun undersea romp that captures the atmosphere of a "terror from the deep" themed storyline perfectly through brilliantly drawn and colored art while making sure to pay attention to character voice and dialogue accuracy through the writing. X-Force continues to be a consistently well written and illustrated comic that knows exactly what it is and has fun doing it.

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Issue #2 is a slower paced but cleverly balanced affair with Ward, Reynolds and company balancing a more introspective examination of our main character with some gut wrenching violence on the page all bathed in glorious modern neon colors. It's creator owned comics at it's finest.

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Issue #4 of this CATALYST PRIME: & DAYS is a packed bag of revelations, strong emotional character writing and action that is an absolute masterclass in inclusive storytelling that engages you from the first to the last page.

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This issue is entertaining from start to finish as #teamDomino continues to romp through fun, action-packed and engaging stories that are a pleasure to read, provide laughs and butt-kicking action galore with a healthy dose of my favorite ingredient: Heart

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Once again, the Domino Hotshots team delivers a gloriously packed book with all the right ingredients to make for a fun and engaging read which ticks every box imaginable from superb action and laugh out loud humor to heart filled dialogue and interaction between the characters that succeeds on all fronts.

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Dune Blood Of the Sardauker #1 is a straightforward but very well executed alternative perspective story which sticks very accurately to the ideas and themes of the original material. It explores the idea of honor among men who serve men without honor and how a debt of honor unknown is repaid in a small act of (unknown) defiance that ultimately can be argued has huge long-term consequences for readers familiar with the canon of the novels.

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EVERFROST #2 continues it's main characters quest to abandon her dying world by brilliantly exploring Van's apartness from the conflict she steps back into. It does so through superb writing, fantastic art, honest believable character interactions, inner monologue and very adult violence. It's smart adult science fiction imbued with a fantastic sense of mystery one cannot help but be drawn in by.

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FOX AND HARE #2 steps off the gas action wise but maintains interest with marvelous world building of Mazu Bay around it's central characters as well as excellent character work buoyed by beautifully clean art, that captures and expresses it's characters feelings and emotions wonderfully. This book is a credit to the modern cyberpunk genre.

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ORDINARY GODS #1 is a stellar first issue that balances intriguing fantasy/ sci-fi elements with well-grounded real word character work from Higgins that's elevated further by strong, bold art from Watanabe and the art team in an opener that puts an original spin on the concept of the immortal soul and reincarnation as an idea.

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This is a great issue. Pak is on top form and that combined with excellent art and coloring from Laming and Menon make it a fun easy read as Marvel continues to deliver excellent Star Wars comics in this series. Highest possible recommendation.

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In conclusion, this series ends on a high point as Hallum produces another perfect nugget vignette complimented by really strong and well-executed art from the whole art team from cover to the last panel, in a series that has really managed to truly capture the unforgiving menace of the Star War's universe's most famous Dark Lord and truly lives up to the promise of its title with these dark visions...

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This is a strong compelling opening salvo of an issue that brilliantly uses the sci-fi pulp superhero idea as a gateway to tell the very real story of someone that has to deal with the consequences of a horrible tragedy in real life in an exceptionally unique way. If you like brilliant art and clever storytelling this is one to pick up.

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Magic Order 2 #4 steps back from the wild frenetic pace of the previous issue but draws you in with well-structured character writing and build up to what promises to be an absolutely spectacular final confrontation as Millar and the team show how they can shift down several gears but still keep you very much interested. This series continues to be in my opinion Millar's best work and the art team backs that writing up with pure excellence on every page.

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The penultimate issue of this series belongs very much to the villains of the piece as Millar pours on the tragedy and desperation, raising the stakes higher and higher while making the situation more and more desperate. It's not a happy time for the heroes but it is a masterfully crafted issue with superb art that brilliantly brings the drama of Millar's script to life.

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it's a double feature with an issue one that showcases exactly why Benjamin Percy is the writer to take us onward into the next era of stories about Marvel's most popular Canadian mutant. Percy obviously loves the character and that comes through in the writing. This combined with top-notch art from Kubert, Bogdanovic and the art teams make it a very solid and promising start to the series that really makes you feel like you got your moneys worth for this oversized issue.

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Wolverine #2 drags Logan even further down into darkness as Percy balances the hardcore violence of the title with mystery and strong emotional interactions between characters and commentary on the current mutant status quo played out on a canvas of absolutely top quality art.

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X-Force #7 is a brilliant balance of James Bondesque shenanigans and emotional introspection and continues to be the best book in the line in my opinion.

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X-Men #21 seems to be once again a broad outline from Hickman hinting at things to come through interactions and data pages while at the same time being a really beautifully executed issue from an art point of view

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Gatchaman #1 is a bombastic, beautifully illustrated, solidly written, easy to follow, first installment packed with nostalgia for long time fans of the franchise as well as a great, easy to follow jumping on point for new readers too. SCIENCE NINJA TEAM FLY!

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Primordial #5 is both beautifully heartwarming and tragic as Lemire and the team perfectly contrast the pure innocence of the returning animals base natures with that of human beings all the while pushing the narrative journey to a definitive climax and filling in the large gap in time with clever imagery and dialogue which tells you the story without having to implicitly explain anything at all and that's the mark great visual storytelling.

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S.W.O.R.D #4 is once again a very good example of how to tie a line-wide event into a franchise but still use the book to further the main characters' development as well as tie in several ongoing plot points established in other books in the Reign of X line. Throw in exceptional art from a superb team and there really is nothing to do but sit back and enjoy a thoroughly enjoyable read that ticks all the boxes.

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Overall Issue #2 is a slower affair as it takes the time to flesh out the history of the Jesi and the Church of The Seven Sons in a installment where the art and script cleverly trade places in driving the story forward before coming together for a strong and violent ending to the issue.

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Issue 5 continues to pull us along on this journey through this bizarre but fascinating sci-fi romp of a world we barely recognize and yet is steeped in the trappings and symbols of a world we are familiar with. Soule and Snyder continue to write an original spin on the dystopian trope while playing with symbols of Americana and hardcore sci-fi elements like time travel in a near-future setting in a fascinating and thoroughly engaging way.

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WE ONLY FIND THEM WHEN THEY DEAD #7 is short on action and moving the plot significantly forward but Ewing makes up for this with a brilliantly emotionally rich and insightful history lesson about a central character which is infused with a strong tension on every page accentuated brilliantly by the art from the entire team.

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So about those two wolves... Wolverine #8 is a cleverly crafted 36-page setup piece that will not feed the standard '90s nostalgia wolf inside a lot of Wolverine fans (of a certain age lol) in the way that you think it will. This isn't some claws slashing, guns blazing mindless throwdown action piece, but a cleverly crafted thriller of a story that adroitly uses multiple past storylines, new ideas AND nostalgia to set up a smart, well thought out modern Wolverine action mystery that is always conscious of the past, as well as the new status quo and that's the wolf this story feeds. Read it twice.

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X-Force #1 fits perfectly into the new Dawn Of X line up by establishing itself as the most serious of the books in the line up so far. It is tension-filled, gritty, brutal, does not shy away from violence and is an excellent start to this new chapter in X-Force's history!

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X-Force #14 focuses very much on the challenges the competitors face with less interpersonal moments between characters than in previous issues making for slightly lighter reading but is no less entertaining with brilliant art to keep you engaged page after page.

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BEYOND THE BREACH #1 is an intriguing opening issue brilliantly capturing the emotional gamut that it's main character goes through with both the art and writing as it introduces us to the strange and deadly creatures from the even called The Breach.

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Black Widow #1 is slick, beautifully-crafted first issue that plunges us into the latest mystery that Natasha Romanov finds herself in. It's a beautiful package that leaves us wanting to know more...

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Catalyst Prime: 7 days #1 is a prime (haha) example of the excellence that can be achieved by any publisher if you have the right creative team on a book. It's this type of solid opening issue that every comic book event series should aspire to be. Well written, superbly executed in all parts of the art from lines to lettering (lettering IS an art for the people at the back) and carries weight and gravitas that sucks you in and leaves you wanting more. Highley recommended!

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Domino #2 continues to be a fantastic read with excellent art from Baldon and Aburtov and exceptional writing from Gail Simone. This is a creative team who clearly loves the characters and are having immense fun with this book and that comes right off every page. Domino #2 does well to maintain the high standard coming from the majority of mutant-related books coming from Marvel at the moment

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Overall a solid action and humor-filled romp from team Domino who deliver quality comic entertainment month after month. This title continues to be one of my favorite from the X character stable and I really think it is the best Domino has ever been written.

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One couldn't ask for a better start to this mini series. From writing to art this Domino: Hot Shots #1 is on point as we get an action-packed but funromp. Getting to see Natasha and Neena together in a comic is personally a massive thrill but even more thrilling is the premise of this comic. There is huge potential for an ongoing Marvel action comic featuring an all-female team here and this is how you do it! It's just pure fun comics nonsense of the best kind and I am all in!

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Great writing balancing both humor and pathos with tension and action in a beautifully drawn and colored book. What's not to love about this book... nothing as far as I am concerned.

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This is a stylishly told tale of woe that captures another facet of an iconic moment in thestory of Dune from a new perspective. Marvelously emotionally impactful art elevates thewriting which combines to deliver a vignette that is melancholy, tragic and to expand the canonin a small yet moving way.

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8 Billion Genies #1 takes a concept we are all familiar with, puts it on steroids and gives it a case of red bull and this is the a good way! It balances a well written character centric script with humor and the over the top fantasy element. The art is vivid, detailed and engaging across the board and it does exactly enough to want you to know what happens next!

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If I have any criticism at all it relates to the actual cover of the book. The cover art by Art Adams is awesome but the spacing of the text and informational trade dressing feels cluttered. That being said, it's a minor gripe and I thoroughly enjoyed this first issue. If the rest of the issues are as strong as this one readers are in for a treat!

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The Old Guard: Tales Through Time #1 gets the formula right for an anthology book... It provides vignettes with heart and strong emotional resonance to the histories of it's central characters that are additive and meaningful using art that is both familiar and comfortable in one instance and beautifully stylish in another.

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Secret X-Men #1 could easily have been a throwaway issue but Tini Howard and the rest of the creative team have come up with a very well-written smart and thoroughly entertaining yarn that honors what's come before in the era with great character interaction and some fun action delivered by a stellar art team.

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SHADOW SERVICE #7 is a well balanced chapter that expands on several main characters history together but also moves the plot forward in the present, highlighted by excellent art on all fronts from the entire creative team with Howell's monster designs being true highlight

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Another great sliver of Star Wars entertainment from the whole team on this issue. All the boxes are ticked. Great writing from Hopeless combinedwith very cleverly paneled, well drawn, solidly colored and lettered pages make this second chapter in this anthology series a thoroughly entertaining and enjoyable read. Hopeless really seems to be on his absolute A game with these self-contained single issues so far. I highly recommend it.

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This is a great way to start a series with an issue that places everything on the board and sets up the players to lead us into the rest of the series with rock solid writing and excellent art. Strap in and get ready, the hunt has begun and I am here for it. Highly recommended!

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Great writing from Hopeless and superb art from the whole team get the opening chapter of this limited series off to a perfect start. A complete treat of a first issue that looks and feels just like a Star Wars comic should! Bravo!

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This issue comes at you hard and fast with new characters and a fair chunk of background information through interaction and dialogue. This is well balanced with Millar's signature shock tactics involving crazy, horrific magic, violence, and creatures as we are pulled deeper and deeper into the story brought to life by a highly skilled creative team that brings the magic to life. I wasn't sold on issue one Im 100 % sold with this issue. LET'S GO!

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Magic Order 2 #6 is a frenetic breakneck race of a last issue which twists and turns leaving you breathless at its conclusion as Millar and the team tie up all the loose ends and pull off a positively magical if somewhat mysterious final act in another excellent last installment of this series.

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A stunning and satisfying conclusion to an absolutely remarkable series that hit all the right notes in every single department. Millar once again showing how great a writer he really is in partnership with another absolute dream team of artistic talent to bring this story to the page. I have followed this series since it was first announced and recommend it wholeheartedly to anyone who wants to read an absolutely magnificently drawn, colored and lettered and superbly written tale of magic and family. Bring on volume two!

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This issue introduces to a completely new environment and further down the rabbit hole with familiar faces and some new as the companions continue their journey to an end goal that may be the reunification of this fractured land but the how is still very much shrouded in mystery.

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VANISH #1 is a slick callback to 90s grittiness that checks all the boxes from exceptional art to a cleverly thought out and concise script that paints a clear picture of where the creative team are headed as they take you on a dark violent journey into a world where Magic and the idea of costumed heroes merge violently. Fans of early Image titles like the original Spawn series, andThe Darkness will no doubt feel a sense of nostalgia while newer fans who missed that era will get to experience it through this opening chapter.

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This issue is an exemplary example of Ewing's ability to world-build with an entire universe, expand on the ideas of the first arc using an almost entirely new cast and interpersonal dialogue as the means of exposition and explanation to orient the reader. It's a superb example of science fiction storytelling combined with brilliant art with an absolutely killer hook on the last page.

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This issue continues the great writing and art that has characterized this series and leaves us on a cliff hanger of note as the enemy's face is finally revealed. I am sorry this is only a limited series.

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This final issue perfectly caps off a fantastic series that finely balances, action, and intrigue with genuine emotional growth for Natasha as a character. Superbly written, drawn, colored and lettered, it deserves its place alongside the best Black Widow stories ever told. I highly recommend it!

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Wolverine #3 is an excellently written and superbly illustrated issue that shows Percy's ability to make Wolverine a supremely interesting character beyond the stab and slash we know him for while the art team of Kubert, Martin, and Petit knock it out of the park in an issue with everything I want out of a modern Wolverine story.

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WOLVERINE: PATCH #3 continues to demonstrate Larry Hama's ability to spin a marvelously detailed action yarn with a great balance of the plausible and good old fashioned comic book nonsense that pays homage to the history of the character while giving us something new yet very comfortable and familiar in terms of a story about ol' canucklehead. Hama's script is superbly supported by an art team that pours 100 percent into every single line of every single page.

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X-Force #3 is another very strong installment in what is most definitely a personal favorite in the DOX line up. This issue balances the gritty noir of the procedural with a more philosophical tone this time that is both interesting and enjoyable!

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X-Force #11 is an action packed and revealing issue that continues a plot thread established earlier on in the run by Percy with rock-solid art and writing by the whole team as the Russian threat takes on a whole new meaning and we creep toward "X of Swords!"

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The Old Guard: Tales Through Time #3 continues to deliver cleverly original emotionally charged vignettes that examine the best and worst natures of the human race through the lens that is the lives of these near immortal men and woman. Well worth the cost of admission.

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Taskmaster #5 rounds off a superlative series from Jed MacKay, Vitti and the rest of the team that reminds us that Tony Masters is to be taken seriously and that if you need a bastard call Taskmaster!

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The Ward #1 is a solidly crafted medical drama with a fantasy twist that takes tropes we are familiar with and puts a supernatural spin on them in a medical drama setting. A sharp script and great character driven art make an engaging read from page one. It's Grey's Anatomy meets B.P.R.D. and it's done very well.

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X-Men #4 is another episode where Duggan can show off his familiarity with newer and older canon, the greater 616 continuity as well as his ability to thread moments together, issue by issue, in a Halloween holiday-themed installment that's brought to life by an absolutely stellar fill-in art team whose work elevates the issue on every front. Also if you a jean grey fan this is a must own issue plain and simple.

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Archangel 8 #2 is a violent, intriguing and even better executed second chapter in this supernatural noir tale with strong moody art and writing that balances some heavy, violent action with good character work and tension building storytelling from the team. It's well worth the read.

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DUNE: THE WATERS OF KANLY #1 is an excellent start to a series that focuses on one of the Dune Mythos's favorite and colorful characters Gurney Halleck. The issue is a well executed and engaging start on all fronts from writing to art and sets up what promises to be an exciting installment in the ever expanding mythos of Frank Herbert's DUNE.

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Heroes Reborn: Magneto and the Mutant Force #1 trades inventively on familiar themes for an engaging spin on the mutant metaphor in this alternative universe. A combination of solid writing and good art sells the darker concept of this world convincingly. Well worth checking out.

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Issue #2 of Ordinary Gods slows things down to focus on the main character and how they are dealing with the extraordinary situation they find themselves in. It's a slower paced affair but keeps your interest through cleverly juxtaposed past and present scenes and teasing us with more information about these characters' past and the secret world they come from.

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Issue #2 adds new charcters around the central one while giving us a further glimpse into the magical underworld that Gina Meyer finds herself embroiled in and further sets the stage for event to come.

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Wolverine #12 is a great example of a writer and art team bringing several elements back together to reinvigorate interest in a story arc that has arguably been stretched over too long a period for various reasons. Good writing from Percy and rock-solid art with a strong finish means another good installment in series that has been high quality from the get-go.

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DUNE: HOUSE ATREIDES #2 continues to prove itself to be a success in being a well-drawn and colored adaption whose pacing really works well in the comic format.

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Black Cat #4 cools down after the craziness of King In Black with a more intimate story about a young person needing to redefine their identity in their quest to be a better person through the lens of the fictional world of superheroes that taps into a solid emotional core with a theme that is highly relatable but still remains true to the concept of the main character.

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ULTRAMAN: RISE OF ULTRAMAN #1 is a clever three-pronged introduction into the Ultraman universe that fans of the original material can appreciate and newcomers to the franchise can also enjoy. While issue one may not have the kind of action some may be expecting, it still has thrills and mystery and combines that with great character work, superb art, and a clever format.

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Wolverine: Patch #1 is classic Hama Logan, well-executed by the entire team involved. The introduction of multiple players early on makes it intriguing from the get-go and Hama doesn't show his whole hand at once with a healthy balance of mystery and intrigue combined with some wild violent moments that have defined Logan's solo runs in the past. The balance of old and new from Hama is more than enough to make one want to come back for more.

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If the purpose of a comic is to elicit an emotional reaction, then X-Force #12 is a perfect comic because it does just that. The creative team has put together an issue that is certain to elicit exceptionally strong responses from the audience. It certainly did from me.

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Issue #6 chucks us headfirst into the new arc, is long on action but short on concrete answers as it cultivates an air of mystery around Black Widow and the White Widows' new mission. It's just the right blend of mystery and action to make you invest in this new storyline.

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Despite personal trepidation. DUNE: HOUSE ATRIEDES #1 is a solid and thoroughly engaging first issue exploring the history of the universe of DUNE with strong art and storytelling that feels more engaging than it did in novel format which bodes well for the rest of the series.

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X-Men Legend #7 is quite honestly my favorite issue in the series so far as Hama and the rest of the team capitalize on the nostagia of the era through great art from Tan and coloring from Sotomayer that captures the mood of the colorful 90s era to compliment Hama's no frills all thrills writing that makes for an entertaining piece of comics entertainment with more than enough hook in the story to make you want to know what happens next!

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Another solid installment in the story of Neena Thurman and the interesting characters that cross her path. Team Domino continues to give us fun stories with some of my favourite (Longshot is a favorite of mine, so is Morbius from the previous arc) characters that are great to see on the page as well as the full introduction of a new young female character into the Marvel comics universe which is always an exciting thing to see.

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Heroes Reborn: Hyperion & The Imperial Guard#1 is a great example of a trend in Marvel event comics that shows that creative teams like the ones involved here can deliver one-shots with strong emotional gravitas through good emotive writing, complemented by excellent art to deliver engaging and fun stories that can draw anyone in even those of us not emotionally attached to the characters the stories revolve around.

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S.W.O.R.D. #2 manages to negotiate the awkward position of having to be a Marvel line-wide tie in issue having only debuted one issue earlier by balancing a story that's relevant to the KING IN BLACK storyline as well as advancing the overall books separate narrative and character advancement.

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Shadow Service #6 kicks of off the second arc of the series with a great balance of solid supernatural action and keeps it fresh by switching the point of view to one of the other characters in the cast as we get pulled further and further into the power struggle between Mi-666 and the mysterious Lady Yastrik.

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Web Of Black Widow #1 is a strong opening from the creative team. This issue has no real flaws to speak of. The tight writing from Houser balanced with Mooney's perfectly suited art style along with excellent coloring and lettering make for a sleek action spy comic which acknowledges the history of the character and sets up a thrilling ride for long-time and new fans of the character alike.

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WIDOWMAKERS: RED GUARDIAN AND YELENA BOLOVA #1 isn't going to blow your mind with any amazing plot twists but at its heart, it's an excellent well-drawn character study of two interesting characters with long-standing ties to Black Widow.

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X-Men #3 is the best issue in the series so far being a nicely balanced mix of character interaction and situational exposition with some government agent headbashing thrown in for good measure. It's not Krakoa but what the creative team is doing is getting more and more interesting every issue and it feels like there's some real story momentum building with this issue.

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X-Force #19 wraps up a solid story of personal growth for the character of Quentin Quire which comes dressed up in the guise of a psychic horror tale. Probably worth reading this and the previous two chapters on a dark and stormy night if you into that sort of thing.

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Overall a sterling effort from Houser and the art team which ultimately ends up telling the kind of Wolverine story I like to read: one that looks at the tragedy of Logan as a character while examining the greedy selfish nature part of the human condition as the man known as the Wolverine continues in his long life to try to make up for the sins of his past.

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It's a solid opening salvo in the latest chapter of one of mutant kinds most famous couples which combines beautiful easy on the eye art with a well paced script and healthy dose of mystery, held back only slightly by some of the characterization. It's a fun first issue well worth checking out.

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X-Men #5 is a capable installment which splits itself between x-heroics and some character introspection, while pushing ongoing plotlines a few steps forward. It tries a little too hard to justify some past choices in my opinion but that doesnt stop it from being an entertaining yarn nonetheless.

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Ghost Cage #1 is a riveting first issue with a brilliantly cutting, at times darkly funny, self aware script that combines with superbly, dynamic, and brilliantly scaled art for an action packed kaiju style adventure that is also a damning indictment on the man's relationship with energy as well as corporate greed. It's a flawless series opener.

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The hunt is on and it will be interesting to see where Zub and the team take it next. I am looking forward to seeing more glimpses into the past and previously unseen moments between the lead characters and Logan as well as more of the Femme Fatales. Bring on issue #2!

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A really well written, beautifully drawn and colored one-shot highlighting some early history of the Black Widow in this canon and setting up things to come with the forthcoming game release. Definitely worth a read for people who are planning on buying the game but also a great read if you just want a good Black Widow yarn to read.

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Another excellent installment to go with the strong first issue as the mystery around Black Widows faceless opponent deepens. This creative team is delivering exactly the kind of story that I enjoy: Sexy action-packed entertainment executed with style!

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X-Force #13 is more in the moment focused as an issue than Wolverine #6 which was part one of this two-part story. It's an issue that again is a push along narratively to place Wolverine on the board for the contest. Percy and the art team make it interesting though by exploring the differences between Logan and Solem against a background that sees them work together while throwing in some hell-fueled action to boot.

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Overall a good start to the series. I am thrilled to have him back and hope that Soule keeps up the momentum and throws us some heavy curveball surprises through the full five issue arc to make it a memorable return that's more than just beautiful to look at with a story worth being called The Return of Wolverine.

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Issue three of MCP is a solid installment. The Captain America story is worth the price of admission alone but it's accompanied by a really interesting ongoing Wolverine story and a fun Spider-man piece which makes it a great read from start to finish.

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Wolverine: Revenge #1 is a near flawlessly illustrated first issue that certainly delivers on its promise of violence and beautiful art but doesn't offer anything new or exciting in the way of storyline from it's creative team. It's still worth picking up for the pedigree of the creative team involved and the visual quality of what it does deliver but if you're expecting something new and exciting beyond Wolverine style ultraviolence? Perhaps we will need to wait till the next issue for that.

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X-Force #6 pulls you deeper into the morally grey world of Krakoa's black bag operations team in a story that uses Beast as the focus to ultimately ask questions about the morality of what X-Force is doing... It really asks: is "a little evil" in the name of the "greater good" really how things need to be done? You decide.

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X-Force #8 is a solid issue that finds its strength in both the commonality and contrasting positions of its two main characters with a bit of detective work and action thrown in for good measure.

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It's a solid, well-written and decently-illustrated opener from Michael Moreci and company who manage to balance the gritty action elements with the supernatural ones to offer something engaging and interesting without falling too deeply into the pit of feeling like just some sort of supernatural Punisher knock off. It's worth checking out.

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This installment is a slower affair with a particular plot niggle that some may struggle to get past and fails to capture the character of Halleck in any way that feels meaningful. Still, the art elevates the rather pedestrian script enough to keep ones interest in what will happen next.

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Another impressive installment in the series. Anthology short stories can be very hit and miss and can often feel like throwaway pieces ie; story for the sake of the story but Marvel seems to have found the formula and all three chapters are engaging and well executed by the writers and artists involved. This issue provides three interesting chapters in this series and I am happy to recommend it.

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The next chapter in the construction of the Millarverse isn't quite as genius as it's namesake but it's a solid, well written first issue that ticks all the boxes. It is well executed by a talented art team and has just enough of a hook to make me want to read the next issue and see where we are headed with the storyline.

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Wolverine #4 is a grim and dark tale that serves as a bridging story between the first arc and the new one that explores several tropes we have seen before in Wolverine comics this issue does not offer anything revelatory in nature but is strong enough in its the overall execution to still be a solid read.

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The Magic Order vol. 2 #1 does a solid job of pulling us back into Millar's world of hidden, wonderous and often deadly magic as well as setting the stage for the story to come but falls short of stirring the same excitement, it did before in an opener that doesn't do anything exceptional out the gate even though it's extremely well put together by all involved.

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A basic piece of writing accompanied by eye-popping art make this one-shot a mixed bag of what is ultimately a throwaway piece of entertainment that people will probably read again for the art.

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A slower much more data driven issue than previous issues, Undiscovered Country #7 focuses very sharply on providing the reader with parsed out pieces of information to show you where the story is heading while not painting a straight line but leaving bread crumbs in the road. It's a solid engaging read especially for those of us who were not sure where the story was actually going.

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Marvel Comics Presents#5 is a mixed bag of good to great writing and some excellent to below average art in a series that continues to bring clever ideas and present them in short story form which sometimes works well and other times not.

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It's been a competently executed but overly protracted story arc with very little advancement till this issue which feels like a bit of a let down after all the build-up to Wolverine's return from the dead. I am hoping the last issue will bring something to change my mind but I have a feeling...

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Alls well that ends...Finally. This last issue is a beautifully rendered comic that ultimately fails to impress in the story department which netted us what we always knew we were going to get... a reincarnated Wolverine in the 616. I just am not convinced we needed 5 issues to do it.

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Not my favorite installment in the series, but still an admirable effort from Hallum and particularly the art team on this issue.

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The issue is actually titled Limbo and it is an apt name cause that'swhere I felt the issue left me. It drops at least two gears from the opening issue and ends up being a 26-page filler that only asks more questions, offers no solid answers, a decent fight scene thrown in for good measure and the introduction of the actual X-Men into the mix. I am hoping for much better from issue #3

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It's a mixed bag issue one with things to recommend it but also things that do not seem to fit. Overall a middling start to a series for a character who's previous two series I enjoyed immensely. I need to be sold a lot more on this creative team though and hopefully, the next issue will do that.

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