Stephen W Rhodes's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Rhodes Review Reviews: 79
9.0Avg. Review Rating

Dexter #1

Jul 14, 2013

Great story, great characters, great art, great everything! The foundation was there with the book series, all that they had to was make the transition to comic form. That's probably easier said than done, but they did a great job of it! The bottom line is that this is a comic series thatDexter fans of all facets of the series should enjoy! Also, if you've never read or watched Dexter before, I recommend giving any version (book, comic, and/or TV) a try.I'm really looking forward to the next issue!

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Dexter #2

Aug 22, 2013

Dexter #2 delivers a solid comic. It was a bit slow until the end, but there was good character development.I especially appreciated exploring the relationship between Debra and Dexter, as we didn't get much of that in the first issue.I'm not sure what I think about the antagonist right now, but I am definitely worried about how short the series is. The bottom line is that this is anotherDexter comic worth your time, I just wish the overall story wasn't already 2/5 over.

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Dexter #3

Sep 4, 2013

The bottom line for Dexter #3? The art in this issue is great. The characters are great and the plot is pretty good. I just wish it wasn't going to be wrapped up in two more issues.

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Dexter #4

Oct 28, 2013

It's like I already said, the plot inDexter #4 and the whole mini-series has been lacking. Dexter and Deborah make up for the weak plotline, to a point. Art is pretty good. It's a decent read, but I wouldn't call it a must read, even forDexter fans. Maybe my opinion will change if the last issue is better than I'm expecting.

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Dexter #5

Dec 29, 2013

I already mentioned the bottom line above: rushed. This series was rushed, predictable, and not enjoyable. There is a sequel mini-series called Dexter Down Under, but I don't plan on reading it. Basically, I wouldn't recommend this comic series, even to big Dexter fans.

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Ghosted (2013) #1

Jul 12, 2013

Ghosted #1 is a pretty good first installment for a new comic book series. I'm not sure about the characters that they've introduced yet, but the plot definitely has me interested. I wouldn't say that this a must-read series, but it is worth a read. It's got real potential to build up from this introductory issue and that's what I'm hoping to see when the next issue lands!

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Ghosted (2013) #2

Aug 14, 2013

I wasn't sure how much I likedGhosted after the first issue, but after this issue, I'm definitely enjoying it. There's an interesting story, interesting characters, good dialogue, good art. It's a solid issue and a solid series. I'll definitely be looking forward to reading the next issue, and that's the bottom line!

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Hedge Knight #1

Nov 11, 2013

The Hedge Knight is an exceptional graphic novel and a must read for all fans of theA Song of Ice and Fire series. It definitely measures up those books and fits right into the series. I loved it. Fans of the TV show will also thoroughly enjoyThe Hedge Knight. In fact, I think they'll enjoy itas much as fans of the books. The Hedge Knightoffers a good opportunity to read a story in the Game of Thronesmythology, with a much lighter investment of your time and/or patience. I think fans of fantasy comic books can also enjoy this graphic novel, but fans of the books and the show will definitely get more out of it. As I said above, I can't wait to check out the next chapter in theTales of Dunk and Egg!

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Krampus #1

Dec 24, 2013

Krampus #1 is an awesome to start to what looks to be an awesome dark comedy series. It delivers a deliciously devious and unique take on Christmas with a fun protagonist. Simply put, I loved it. I recommend that all comic fans check it out. The time of this writing is the perfect time (Christmas Eve) to read it too. I plan on continuing to read the series, but this first issue could be read as a one shot, if you aren't looking to invest in a new series. I wasn't planning on doing that, butKrampus has me hooked.

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Lazarus #1

Jul 14, 2013

As I just mentioned, I'm hooked after just one issue. That's the bottom line. I love everything aboutLazarus #1. From the art to the story, it's all great! I think this is the start of an epic comic book series!

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Lazarus #2

Jul 24, 2013

If I had any doubts about theLazarus series, they are all gone. There was no fall off from the first issue to the second issue. They're both epic, with no signs of slowing down. I really couldn't pinpoint one exact reason why I love this series so much, beyond the obvious reasons (awesome story, awesome art, etc.). I just do! The bottom line is that Lazarus #2is a must-read issue and Lazarus is a must-readseries.

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Lazarus #3

Aug 28, 2013

Lazarus #3 is another badass issue for this comic series.Once again the story, art, and everything are just fantastic.That's actually the bottom line. This is a fantastic issue and a must read.That's three straight 95's forLazarus. The series started off running, hooked me in, and hasn't slowed down since. I love this series and can't wait to see what happens after the cliffhanger that this issue left me with!

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Lazarus #4

Oct 2, 2013

I'm really enjoying theLazarus series so far and this issue may have been the best yet. Am I the only one who wants to see aLazarus TV show on cable? I think that would kick ass. The bottom line is that this is an awesome comic issue and comic series! I can't wait to see what happens in the next arc!

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Mass Effect: Foundation #1

Jul 25, 2013

Mass Effect: Foundation #1 really starts off the new comic series with a bang. I loved the story and the art. I already mentioned that Walters did a great job, but I also want to say that I'm really glad that they brought Omar Francia back to do the art forFoundation. He has done the art for most, if not all of theMass Effect comics so far, and he does a great job of it. I would love the style anyway, but what I especially love is that he captures the style of the game series perfectly. Some comic series based on games, take their own unique artistic style to the project. That's well and good, but I prefer Francia's take. It really feels likeFoundationis set in the same universe as the game series. It gives everything a nice feeling of continuity and cohesion. I love it. The bottom line is that this is a must-read forMass Effect fans. I can't wait to see what happens in the next issue!

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Mass Effect: Foundation #2

Aug 28, 2013

I thought that while this was another good issue,Mass Effect: Foundation #2 was a step down from#1. I already mentioned that there wasn't much of a plot to discuss, but the fun and action made up for it.My main complaint from this issue is the art. Most of it is really good, but Kai Leng and Rasa didn't really look like themselves. I especially noticed a difference in Rasa's look from the last issue and it really confused me at first. They switched artists on this issue for whatever reason, and I guess that's why there was a discrepancy. Overall, this is still a really good issue. The bottom line is that you should check this issue out, if for no other reason, because of Urdnot Wrex. He's hilarious and kicks ass, like always.

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Mass Effect: Foundation #3

Oct 1, 2013

I don't mean to be harsh, but the biggest thing holding this series back is the art style. I really miss the original artist, Omar Francia, fromMass Effect: Foundation #1. I thought that he really captured the likenesses of the characters perfectly. Actually, his style just seemed to capture theMass Effect universe better as a whole. The guy who took over, Tony Parker, is a good artist, I just don't think his style is right for the series, especially after starting with Francia. On the bright side, the overall story thatFoundation is telling is still really good. This was my least favorite issue so far, but it wasn't a bad one. My hopes are high that things will pick up next issue with Kaiden getting the spotlight.

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Mass Effect: Foundation #4

Oct 29, 2013

Mass Effect: Foundation #4 is a step back in the right direction for this maxi-series, sporting a stronger story and character than last issue. The one problem that continues to hold this series back since the change was made is still the artistic style. It doesn't hurt this issue as badly, because it features a younger Kaidan, but I still don't like it. The story being told supersedes this ongoing artistic setback, but it is still worth noting. This is still a good comic series so far, andMass Effect fans will especially like it.

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Mass Effect: Foundation #5

Jan 9, 2014

Mass Effect: Foundation #5 is another decent issue in this mini-series. I enjoyed the characters (Miranda and Jacob), the story was OK, and I still don't like the art. I really don't have much else to say beyond that.

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Mass Effect: Foundation #6

Jan 10, 2014

Mass Effect: Foundation #6 is a step in the wrong direction for the series. I thought the first issue was awesome, but since then this mini-series has been a rollercoaster ride for the art and the story.

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Mass Effect: Foundation #7

Jan 21, 2014

Mass Effect: Foundation #7 is one of my favorite issues of the mini-series so far. The plot isn't complex, but Jack and her action/biotic-packed sequences more than made up for it. My only real complaint is with the art. They changed artists again (for the 4th time) and I think it might be the worst change yet. I could get used to an art style that I'm not a fan of, but this inconsistency is pretty annoying.Foundation isn't even a long series. It's a 13-part mini-series. Would it be so hard to keep the same art team together for that long? Maybe this sort of thing happens all the time and I'm just too much of a comic newbie. I'm not really sure. Oh, well. This is still a good issue, despite the artistic inconsistencies.

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Mass Effect: Foundation #8

Mar 1, 2014

Mass Effect: Foundation #8 is probably the best issue so far in the Foundation mini-series. It was definitely my favorite plotline so far. Suspenseful and interesting. I only have two qualms. The first being that this is not a Thane issue and they make it seem like that. That's not a big deal, though. The big deal is still the art. Tony Parker is back doing the art again. The good news is that he's better than the last few guys, but the bad news is that he still can't capture theMass Effect essence, like original artist Omar Francia did. All that being said, this is still a really good issue. I hope that the last five issues will be just as good as this one!

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Mass Effect: Foundation #9

Apr 3, 2014

Mass Effect: Foundation #9was another step backwards in a rollercoaster mini-series. The last issue was great and focused on the main storyline, but this issue went back to the flashbacks. The inconsistencies in art and story forFoundation are very frustrating. The positive side of this issue? Mordin Solus in action. Besides that, this issue was one of the more disappointing issues in a disappointing mini-series.

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Mass Effect: Foundation #10

Apr 24, 2014

Mass Effect: Foundation #10 is another disappointment for me. It's a fairly interesting and tragic story focused on one of the more minor squadmates. The art is pretty good. I'm glad that they went back to Tony Parker and have stuck with him (though I still would have preferred the artist from the first issue). Where this issue particularly falls short is in it's overall scheme, which is a mess.Foundation is something different every issue and I don't meant thatin a good way. If you're a die hard fan ofMass Effect like me, I'm sure you'll want to read it, but you might want to wait for a sale. Hopefully the last three issues in the mini-series will be better.

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Mass Effect: Foundation #11

May 31, 2014

Mass Effect: Foundation #11 is OK. It's not the worst comic I've ever read, but it's not very good either. Maybe I'm holding this series to a higher standard as aMass Effect superfan, but isn't this series primarily for all of us anyway? I don't like the way they've structured this mini-series. It's been horribly inconsistent in plot and even in artistic styles. Even if you forgive them for the structure, the character flashback stories haven't been handled very well. I'm continually disappointed inFoundation and I don't have very high hopes that the last two issues will be any better.

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Mass Effect: Foundation #12

Jun 26, 2014

Mass Effect: Foundation #12 is one of the better issues in the series. It's hard to view this as a series, with it's lack of a consistent storyline and structure, but that's still what it is. Despite the series' flaws, they did a good job at telling most of Thane's life story here. I enjoyed this one. It'll be interesting to see how things wrap up in the finale. I would assume that it would feature Agent Rasa becoming Maya Brooks and freeing the Shepard Clone. I guess we'll see next month!

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Mass Effect: Foundation #13

Jul 23, 2014

Mass Effect: Foundation #13 is a disappointing end to a disappointing series. I really am glad that it's over. There wasn't a single shred of consistency through these 13 issues. The art was all over the place, with different artists, most of them bad. If that was the only problem, I could forgive it, but the storyline was a mess too. Sometimes it was all about telling the story of Agent Rasa/Maya Brooks and sometimes it would go off on tangents and spend the whole issuetelling random stories from the lives ofMass Effect characters. It's like one person wanted to tell her story and another person wanted to write the random character stories and so they compromised by mashing them together. Not a good result. At all. The bottom line for this issue and the series as a whole? I would only read these comics if you're aMass Effect superfan like me and you can get them on sale.

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Rat Queens #1

Sep 26, 2013

I love the characters and the plot ofRat Queens #1. What's more, I think they have a perfect artistic style to capture the fantasy feel of the series. It's just a great series all around and I bet it only gets better from here! All fantasy comic book fans need to checkRat Queens out!

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Rat Queens #2

Oct 29, 2013

I loveRat Queens. I love the story, the characters, and the art. Everything about it. If you're a fan of dark comedies and fantasy comics, then you'll love this series. It's a must read, in my opinion.

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Rat Queens #3

Jan 10, 2014

I'm still lovingRat Queens three issues in. These girls are fun, hilarious, and kick ass. I'm hooked. I like where the story has gone so far, but I still don't know what the big picture is going to be. It's got to be bigger than just people trying to kill them in Palisade. I think this is just the introduction and we'll find out where things are headed soon. I look forward to it! I didn't have best new comic series award in my 2013 Rhodes Awards, but if I did,Rat Queens would have been the winner!

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Rat Queens #4

Jan 17, 2014

Rat Queens #4 =So. Much. Win. I'm typing that with my best Captain Picard meme impression. This latest issue combined everything that I loved about the series so far and added some pretty epic battles in. Like I said before, this is exactly how I was hoping things would go. The bottom line is thatRat Queens #4 is my favorite issue yet and that's saying a lot. If you haven't jumped on the Rat Queens‘bandwagon yet, you're missing out!

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Rat Queens #5

Mar 5, 2014

The best way to describe Rat Queens #5 is with the old phrase, "Work Hard, Play Hard". The first half focuses on the Rat Queens working hard at eliminating the orc and troll threat to the city, while the second half focuses on the Rat Queens playing hard in celebration of their victory. Both halves are very enjoyable for different reasons: first cool action and then hilarity. There was one thing that I didn't get: the tagline. I didn't see anything about a sinking ship in the issue. I don't think I missed anything, so that's kind of confusing. Anyway, Rat Queens' first story arc is over, and I loved it from page one. I can't wait to see where Rat Queens goes in the next arc!

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Rat Queens #6

May 16, 2014

It's another solid outing forRat Queens. They step things up in the weird factor this time, especially with the last panel, but the rest of the equation (booze, blood, etc.) remains the same. Weird is a good thing, so don't misunderstand me. The weirder the better. The plot for this issue and the new arc is interesting, but this continues to be a character-driven series. Some of the best stories out there use that same formula and it works well. Keep the story simple and write good characters. That's whatRat Queens does. I don't think thatI've mentioned the art since the first review, but I love the art style. I just wanted to reiterate that. Great issue!

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Saga #13

Sep 22, 2013

This was another great issue from theSaga team. There was a great storyline that checked in with almost every one of our favorite characters. There was some action and lots of plot and character development. Things haven't slowed down since the start of the series and I love it! I can't wait to catch the next issue in a few days!

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Saga #14

Sep 25, 2013

The perfection continues inSaga #14. What else can I say? This is the best comic series going right now. That's the bottom line.

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Saga #15

Oct 30, 2013

The streak continues. 15 issues intoSaga and I've yet to give them anything less than perfect score.That's the bottom line. I don't believe I've ever given another comic a 100 score, but if I did, it was once or twice. This series stands out and apart from all other comic series. Sagais hilarious at times, touching at other times, and always awesome andbizarre.Sagareally is the best comic series out there and this issue is no different.

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Saga #16

Dec 29, 2013

Saga #16 is another fantastic issue in theSaga series. I liked that it spent a good amount on all three main storylines. There are hints of direction for the future, that I'm mostly looking forward to. In the short term,I can't wait until the next issue, especially since this issue catches us up to the Prince Robot IV visit. What happens next?!

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Saga #17

Jan 9, 2014

Yeah,Saga #17 is another 100. You might think that they would deserve something less by now, but I don't think so. It's sheer brilliance, issue after issue, and #17 is no different. A lot of big stuff happened in this issue, especially at the end. I have a feeling that some big changes are coming soon for these characters and I can't wait to see what they are!

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Saga #18

Jan 28, 2014

Saga #18 is another remarkable installment in this comic series. I continue to be astounded by the perfection thatSaga sustains, month after month. The story is exciting and captivating every single time. Even if there's plenty of action, like in this issue, they still find the balance to have character and plot development. It's perfection and the art is right there with the story.Brian K Vaughan and Fiona Staples truly are a comic dream team.I'm a bit disappointed that I have to wait for a while before the next issue, but apparently the two of them take the breaks between volumes to maintain quality. So, by all means, take the break, guys. It's worth the wait!

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Saga #19

May 21, 2014

Saga #19 is a strong start to a new story arc and a really good issue. There are some interesting moments, some fun moments, and some alarming dialogue with a cliffhanger at the end of the issue. I almost gave the issue less than a 100, but I realized that I would be doing that just because I'm afraid to give another 100. That's not a good reason. This is another 100 forSaga. The bottom line is thatSaga #19 is another sensational issue for the series and was well worth the wait!

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Secret #1

Jul 14, 2013

Secret #1 jumps around so much while introducing all the storylines, that I'm not sure if I like the overall story or not. I am intrigued enough to keep going. It has the potential to be really good. There is plenty of action, so don't worry about being bored. What I was more disappointed in was the coloring. I like the drawing style, but the coloring style just seemed random. I like originality, but the coloring shouldn't be distracting, like in this series. It doesn't ruin the comic, by any means. It just bothers me. The bottom line is that this is an interesting read, that could lead to bigger things in issues to come. I recommend that you check it out, especially because it is available for free (digital copy) at the link below.

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Secret #2

Jul 15, 2013

With some introductory problems out of the way, the story is much improved inSecret #2. My main problem with the series continues to be the coloring. It changes page to page and even panel to panel. Different shading for seemingly no reason. I just don't get it and it bugs me. Maybe that's just a personal preference? Like I said in the last review, it's not enough to stop me from reading, but I definitely don't like it. I hope they change it, but I think I'll just have to live with it! The bottom line is that this issue is good and gives me a better feeling for the series going forward.

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Serenity: Leaves On The Wind #1

Jan 28, 2014

I enjoyed both the series and show and I'm excited to see it continue in comic form. I'm even more excited now, because it was done well so far. It has succeeded where it's predecessors did. It was never really about the setting or the plot that drew me in; though I do like the setting, and the episode and movie plots were mostly good. What I think made the series so great were the characters. You can't help but love the crew of Serenity. Those personalities were translated surprisingly well from TV and movies to the comic book page. That's why I liked this issue so much and why I look forward to the rest of the mini-series! I recommend Serenity: Leaves on the Wind to all of you "Browncoats" out there!

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Serenity: Leaves On The Wind #2

Mar 5, 2014

Serenity: Leaves on the Wind #2is just what I was hoping for after that first issue. As I mentioned, the first issue was a little slow, but it had to be. But with only six issues in this mini-series, this issue really had to put the plot into motion fast, and it did. It's filled with tons of action and great dialogue. Just like in the first issue, this issue's writing is true to the series. I love that. These are definitely the same characters that I loved in Firefly and Serenity. Like I said last time, all “Browncoats” should be reading this mini-series!

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Sheltered #1

Jul 12, 2013

As I mentioned,Sheltered #1has hooked me in! That's the bottom line. It's a great comic! Will they be able to continue to be great as the series goes on? That remains to be seen, but it definitely started things off right! I definitely recommend checkingSheltered out now and getting in from the start like me!

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Sheltered #2

Aug 8, 2013

I'm really liking theSheltered series so far. The plot is fascinating, yet disturbing. The characters are still being developed, but I'm definitely looking forward to seeing more of Victoria and Lucas and learning more about them. The art style is great and fitting for the series. I especially like the cover art, for some reason. My biggest question is where is the plot going? Is the apocalypse actually going to happen? Is a bigger world going to open up to these kids? Is it all going to be about a struggle for power in Safe Haven? I guess we'll have to wait to find out. What's not a question is whether or not you should be reading this series.Sheltered #2 was a great issue!

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Sheltered #3

Sep 4, 2013

Sheltered #3 is probably the best issue yet, even though I don't have a huge sample size to take from. The story was great. It moved the plot forward, continued to develop the characters, and still had plenty of action. The art was good, but I don't love it as much as I did at the beginning of the series. They haven't changed the art style, it's just that I don't like it as much, the more that I've seen. That could just be personal preference, though. It's still good, though. Overall, it was another good issue for an interesting series!

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Tales Of Honor #1

Mar 5, 2014

I will definitely keep on reading this series, and I'm interested to see more about the game and the movie too. I couldn't say whether or not fans of the book series will like it. They might love it or they might hate it or even somewhere in-between. Since I've never read the books, I don't think it's for me to say. What I can say is that I think most sci-fi comic book fans will enjoy Tales of Honor.

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The Last of Us: American Dreams #1

Jun 11, 2013

I really liked how they started off the mini-series here.American Dreams #1 had a good story, great art, and left me wanting more. That's the bottom line: It wasn't the best comic I've ever read, but it left me wanting more. That's probably exactly what an introduction issue is supposed to do! I highly recommend The Last of Us: American Dreams #1and right now is a perfect time to read it with the game releasing on Friday!

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The Last of Us: American Dreams #2

Jun 12, 2013

If it wasn't clear already, I recommend this issue and this mini-series to my fellow Gamers out there!

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The Last of Us: American Dreams #3

Jul 30, 2013

The art, characters, story, and everything are just as good as the first two issues. What makesAmerican Dreams #3 the best one yet is that it's a thrillfest. I couldn't put this one down for a second and you're not going to be able to either. That's the bottom line. The bad news?The Last of Us: American Dreams #4 comes out tomorrow and it is the last in the mini-series. I can't wait to see how they wrap things up, but it will be bittersweet!

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The Last of Us: American Dreams #4

Jul 31, 2013

While I really enjoyed the story thatAmerican Dreams #4 and the mini-series overall told, this is one case where my favorite part about the comic was the art. Faith Erin Hicks has a very unique and beautiful style to her comics (she also co-wrote it) and I hope to see more from her in the future. The bottom line is thatAmerican Dreams is a must read forThe Last of Us fans. I'm sure that other comic fans would like it too, but you definitely get more out of it as a fan of the game.

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The Star Wars: Lucas Draft #0

Jan 12, 2014

The Star Wars #0 was an interesting addition to this series. I would have liked a bit more art included, but it was still a fair enough amount. My recommendation is that fans ofThe Star Wars check #0 out, but with a warning. You might want to wait until after the series is over to read it. If you already know the story from reading the script, or if you don't mind spoilers, there are no worries. If you don't like to be spoiled, then wait. Or at least don't read the pitch comic. Some of the story was spoiled for me by reading that. It's not a big deal, it's just something that I feel like I should mention. Possible spoilers aside, this is a good companion issue for the series!

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The Star Wars: Lucas Draft #1

Sep 4, 2013

This issue/series kick ass. From cover to cover. The art, the story, the spirit. It's just an awesome comic.The Star Wars is a must read series forStar Wars fans. Other comic readers may also enjoy it, because it is a quality comic, but I doubt that they would get as much out of it asStar Wars fans. I can't wait to see where the next issue (The Star Wars #2: The Empire Strikes) takes us!

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The Star Wars: Lucas Draft #2

Oct 2, 2013

We're 2/8 of the way throughThe Star Wars maxi-series, and it's been tremendous so far. I don't expect it to let up either. Once again, my favorite thing about this series is that despite it being an alternate universe and a comic series, it perfectly captures the spirit of the original trilogy of movies. You can sense vintage George Lucas at the core, but obviously it wasn't him that made it come to life. So, anyway, the story is amazing, the artistic style is perfect, and this issue is just awesome. I recommend all Star Wars fans check this issue and this series out!

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The Star Wars: Lucas Draft #3

Nov 9, 2013

The Star Wars #3 is an awesome continuation of this maxi-series. It's a fun, wacky, and exciting issue (and series) filled with intrigue and action. Emphasis on the action. There have been some exciting scenes in the previous two issues, but #3 takes it up a notch. The whole second half of the issue is a race as the heroes try to escape the Empire's clutches. I've been waiting to see Luke kick some ass. I'm sure there's an even better battle coming if that Sith Knight ever catches up to him. Once again,The Star Wars delivers a great issue from art to story! I can't wait to see Alien Han Solo next time!

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The Star Wars: Lucas Draft #4

Jan 12, 2014

I really enjoyedThe Star Wars #4. It's another great and weird issue in a great and weird series. I spend half of the time thinking how awesome this story is and how glad I am to be seeing it as a comic, and the other half glad that it wasn't the draft that made it to the big screen. The bottom line continues to be this: allStar Wars fans should checkThe Star Wars out!

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The Star Wars: Lucas Draft #5

Feb 15, 2014

The Star Wars #5 is another solid outing for this epic mini-series. It's full of action, twists, intrigue, and even some romance now! The bottom line remains the same: allStar Wars fans should read this series!

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The Star Wars: Lucas Draft #6

Mar 14, 2014

The Star Wars #6is another thrilling chapter in this epic mini-series. I liked the classic twists, space battle, character development, and especially liked the Wookies. I also liked the cameo from a fan favorite. I don't think I've mentioned the art in a while, but I continue to love Mike Mayhew's depiction of this alternateStar Wars universe. All in all another great issue and I'm looking forward to seeing how things wrap up in the last two issues!

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The Star Wars: Lucas Draft #7

Apr 16, 2014

The Star Wars #7, the penultimate issue of this mini-series, is another pretty good issue. On the negative side, the issue feels very rushed, but so has the whole mini-series. On the positive side of things, if you look past the rushed feeling, there is a lot of fun and intense action in this issue. I've enjoyed seeing this original twist to the Star Wars universe andI'm looking forward to seeing how things wrap up in the last issue next month!

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The Star Wars: Lucas Draft #8

May 31, 2014

The Star Wars #8 is an awesome ending to an awesome mini-series. It's definitely been a weird story, but an awesome one. I know that it will never happen, but I would love to seeThe Star Warsget themovie treatment with this mini-series as a guide (art, dialogue, etc.). I don't prefer it to Star Wars, but I still thoroughly enjoyed it. But, like I said, that definitelywon't happen, so it makes this mini-series all the more special. I loved everything about it. The only thing that I wish they would have done is give the mini-series a couple more issues. It seemed like the storywas a bit rushed at times and that there was more to tell that wouldn't fit into eight issues. Nevertheless, it was a still great mini-series. I recommend this issue and this mini-series to all fans ofStar Wars. I think I'll probably even buy the TPB or HC edition ofThe Star Wars for my bookshelf!

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The Walking Dead #111

Jun 13, 2013

As I mentioned before,Issue #111took a while to get going, but once it did, it got much better. Even the slow half was good, though. Not exciting, but good. As I also mentioned before, the first half of the episode just felt like it was showing the calm before the storm. Mostly a setup issue. You have to have those. This was a good, solid issue. I liked it! Also, I have a feeling that the next episode is going to be insane. Here's the tagline:"Carl and Andrea are faced with the unthinkable." Um, that doesn't sound good. I can't wait for #112!

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The Walking Dead #112

Jul 12, 2013

While last issue was a little bit slow,The Walking Dead #112 is very exciting. The story is interesting and high-paced. It pushes the storyline forward and leaves us with a hell of a cliffhanger. The bottom line is that this was a great issue! I can't wait to see how they wrap up the latest volume next issue!

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The Walking Dead #113

Aug 15, 2013

The Walking Dead #113 is a thrill ride of an issue. While the plot wasn't exactly pushed forward in this issue, there is plenty of action and character interaction. Lots of great dialogue. All in all a great story and great story as usual.#113 isn't a perfect issue, but it is still another amazing chapter inThe Walking Dead story. It's a must-read, as always!

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The Walking Dead #114

Sep 15, 2013

While I'm glad that they're finally moving the story along again, you can't say that it hasn't been an action-packed storyline lately! The Walking Dead #114was definitely another solid issue with action and plot development. I was going to give it a 90, but the issue got bonus points for some awesome tiger action.

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The Walking Dead #115

Oct 26, 2013

I thought the prelude to all-out war was over, but that wasn't the case. This is most definitely a very good issue, especially because we have moved on from the situation at the Alexandria Safe Zone, but the war has not really started yet. I don't know that I would call that a complaint, but I guess I was just expecting more action in this issue, so I was a little disappointed. Despite that, #115 is still a really good issue revolving around that prelude. As I mentioned, the Rick and Andrea scenes and the scene at the end were my favorites. The bottom line is that this is another must read issue of The Walking Dead series, but I'm ready for the next issue and the start of the war already!

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The Walking Dead #116

Nov 13, 2013

Issues that focus on plot and character development are great, but sometimes you just want some action, especially when a war is promised. This issue starts delivering on that promise. It's basically non-stop action and I really liked it. More than anything, it has me excited for what comes next, and the next comes really soon. This time we only have to wait two weeks for the next issue! I'm expecting some epic things as all out war really starts to heat up.

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The Walking Dead #117

Dec 29, 2013

The Walking Dead #117 was a good, if slow issue. This is an issue that deals with aftermath and is another transitory issue. I guess that's why they're releasing two issues a month. They've got a lot of ground to cover and not every issue can be full of action-packed battles.#117 isn't my favorite issue, but it's still a good one. I'm looking forward to seeing Rick's war plans in action in the coming issues!

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The Walking Dead #118

Dec 29, 2013

The Walking Dead #118 was a little more exciting than the last issue, and I liked it more overall. I loved seeing Maggie back and fired up. I also enjoyed the sad story told by Ezekiel. It was a really good issue and I can't wait to see how the last 2/3 of the All Out War storyline turn out!

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The Walking Dead #119

Jan 28, 2014

The Walking Dead #119did a good job of balancing character and dialogue, while continuing to move the war plot forward with plenty of action. Emotion mixed with mayhem. I liked it. We're clearly in the middle of the war. I also liked that I didn't see things going this way. I thought that the war was going one way and they took it another way, for now at least. The best part may have come at the end. I did not see that coming either! I can't wait to see what happens in the next issue!

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The Walking Dead #120

Jan 28, 2014

The Walking Dead #120 is brutal and brilliant. There was non-stop action the entire issue and it made for an awesome comic book. This is the sort of warfare I was hoping for when the “all out war” was announced. It's horrible in a way, of course. It's war. But at the same time, it makes for good stories; especially because we know that this is the sort of stuff that would happen, if this was real. If this is only halfway through the war, I can't imagine what's left to come in the second half! I just hope that the war pays off, when all is said and done, and we get to see some peace for the good guys for a while. They're going to need it, if the first half of the war is any indication. This was definitely my favorite issue in the all out war storyline so far!

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The Walking Dead #121

Mar 5, 2014

The Walking Dead #121is a grim follow up to last issue's destructive events. I liked it, because I didn't like it. Make sense? Some of the best moments inThe Walking Dead are those sort of moments that you're not fond of. This issue isn't one of the more memorable bad moments; but it is a good, bad moment. The war was bound to have it's low points and right now it doesn't feel like it can get much lower. That being said, I sure do hope things start to turn around soon. I'm ready to see the good guys get some victories and I'm especially ready to see Negan to get his.

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The Walking Dead #122

Mar 10, 2014

The war sort of slows down inThe Walking Dead #122, but it's still going full speed at the same time. There isn't a battle in this issue, the good guys get to rest, but events are still very much moving forward. Bad guys never rest. They should know this by now. I wasn't bored with the plot, through the slower moments, but it sure did do a good job of making me feel ever the more anxious for the last four issues. I have got a BAD feeling about this.

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The Walking Dead #123

Mar 15, 2014

Just when I thought that things couldn't look more bleak in the All Out War,The Walking Dead #123 came along. With three issues left in the war, I really can't see how the “good guys” will win this one. I had hoped that the three groups would unite, The Saviors would rebel, and things would end without too much scorched earth. That was a dumb hope for me to have. It's called All Out War for a reason. This issue offers further proof of that. There were some nice moments before the attack, but I think that those won't pop up again until after the war has ended. The suspense continues to build up to colossal levels in The Walking Dead #123,and for the first time since I started reviewingThe Walking Deadlast summer,I literally can't wait for the next issue to come out. Not only that, but I have a feeling that this will be a repeated sentiment until the end of the war.

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The Walking Dead #124

Apr 17, 2014

The Walking Dead #124is the antepenultimate issue of the All-Out War storyline and it didn't quite feel like it. I felt that the first half of the issue was really strong, but then things seemed to stall out a bit. Still, it was a good issue. It probably won't seem like as much of a stall when viewed as just one part of the overall storyline. Maybe part of the reasoning for thisis to make the actual outcome ofthe war to be completely unknown until Part 12 of 12. If so, their reasoning is sound. I have no idea what is coming next! Besides the slight stall in the war, I thought this was a really good issue with some intense action scenes.

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The Walking Dead #125

Apr 17, 2014

The last issue didn't feel like the war was very close to ending, butThe Walking Dead #125 definitely feels like the penultimate issue of the All-Out War storyline. This is a dialogue-heavy issue and that is a GOOD thing. I already mentioned that there's a holy **** ending. What more can I say? Y'all need to read this issue now, if you haven't already! I can't wait to see how the war concludes next week!!

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The Walking Dead #126

Apr 24, 2014

The Walking Dead #126 is a fitting end to the all out war storyline and I recommend everyone rush out and get their copy of it. That's half of the bottom line. The other half is just to temper your expectations. I came into this issue expecting to have my mind blown and that just wasn't the case. I'll take some of the blame for that for building it up in my head, but I think that it was teased as such as well. Either way, #126 is a really good issue, and I can't wait for the next storyline to start!

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The Walking Dead #127

May 17, 2014

The Walking Dead #127 is back to basics, which is basically awesome. I didn't love the way the all out war ended, mainly because it felt like the war was drawn out with an anti-climatic ending. That doesn't matter, though. The war got us to a place where Rick and the living can get back to fighting the real enemy: the walkers. And with the walkers becoming public enemy #1 again, that means the horror, and everything that I loved about the series in the beginning is back to the forefront.

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The Walking Dead #128

Jun 17, 2014

The Walking Dead #128 is another compelling issue in the series. The action has been toned down for time being and I find that refreshing. There's a great deal of good dialogue and character development to keep the story going. I'm enjoying filling in the gaps from the fast forward in time, trying to analyze the new group, and wondering about what big event is going to happen next. The bottom line is that this issue isn't particularly a special one, but it's definitely another solid one.

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Tomb Raider #1

Feb 26, 2014

Tomb Raider #1 is a good start to the series.The story so far has a good dose of action and mystery. I figured that the writing would be good with Gail Simone at the helm. I'm not familiar with her work, but I've heard good things, all the same. Some familiar faces showed up in this issue, but there's only one we needed to see. I really enjoyed the artistic style. Nicolas Daniel Selma did a good job of capturing the new Lara's likeness.I definitely recommend this series to allTomb Raider fans. You won't need to have played the new game to enjoy this series, but if you're a big fan ofTomb Raider, I would think that you would have played that awesome game by now. You'll definitely enjoy it more and understand the plot and character context better if you have played the game. Still, it's not necessary. I have no idea where this comic series is going to take Lara, but I'm looking forward to finding out. I'm certain that it will be quite an adventure!

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