The Movement #1
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The Movement #1

Writer: Gail Simone Artist: Freddie E. Williams II Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 1, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 28 User Reviews: 5
6.9Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

We are faceless. We are limitless. We see all. And we do not forgive.
Who defends the powerless against the GREEDY and the CORRUPT? Who protects the homeless and poverty-stricken from those who would PREY upon them in the DARK OF NIGHT?
When those who are sworn to protect us abuse their power, when toxic government calls down super-human lackeys to force order upon the populace...finally, there is a force, a citizen's army, to push order BACK.
Let those who abuse the system know this as well: We have our OWN super humans now. They are not afraid of your badges or Leagues. And they will not be SILENCED.
We are your neig more

  • 10
    Heretical Jargon - Heretic May 1, 2013

    Simone is a master of creating characters we can immediately invest in. We've been trusting her for this long and sheseldomwrites anything that doesn't get your blood pumping. Taking the theme of cop brutality andcorruptionand bringing in a team of young heroes daring enough to put stop to it is a much needed topic to be addressed. Now we'll see how far the corruption goes and if the Movement can do anything about it. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Spectrum - Al Sparrow Jun 5, 2013

    A year or so ago we saw the Occupy Movement stage mass sit-ins across the nation to send a message to our government and our corporate leaders. Rest assured, this Movement appears to be willing to do a lot more than sit to get its message across. I enjoy stories about anti-heroes, and this book looks like its going to deliver the goods. Its also refreshing to see DC take a chance on some completely new heroes. Hopefully readers will be willing to take that same chance. Its a book with a lot of potential, and totally worth your time to read. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Read Comic Books - Tommy Lutz May 1, 2013

    The Movement #1 is a great opening chapter. It answers all of the questions we had going into it and established exactly what kind of story we would be reading. The only thing it didn't really do is establish a definitive enemy. We know the protagonists are fighting an unjust judicial system, but there isn't much of a story arc setup just yet. Introduction to the premise? Yes. Establishing a plot? Not quite yet, but the story is so intriguing and dark that it has this reviewer wanting more. It is a fresh new concept for the DC Comics Universe, and creativity and boldness in superhero comics should be supported. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Matt Santori May 1, 2013

    Perfect for readers who have been craving new characters, ideas and a more complex look at the conditions of power in the DC Universe, The Movement could prove to fill the gap that Secret Six left behind nearly two years ago. Long in the making, this title is a welcome addition to a line striving for diversity, and Im already eagerly in queue for next months issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker May 1, 2013

    The Movement #1 is instantly fascinating, and with a trusted voice like Simone at the helm, there's little chance it will squander its potential. I look forward to seeing just how broken these characters are when we really get into their heads. It's hard to drop a new book with a cast of all new characters and get us interested in investing in them from the get-go, but Simone's got the moxie to pull it off. To some, I imagine it may come off as heavy-handed, but what is any superhero book if not a heavy hand smacking down the jerks du jour? It's not going to remain as simple as it may seem on the surface " of that, I'm quite sure. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Melissa Grey May 1, 2013

    Williams' art has some quality issues, particularly when it comes to anatomical consistency. His pencils do add a bit of grittiness that feels at home with Simone's setting. The book's colors, provided by Chris Sotomayor, are so rich and saturated that you can almost feel the grime of Coral City's sleazy underbelly. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Stash My Comics - Leo Johnson May 2, 2013

    It's a great first issue in a new series and one that is sure to please many readers. It does a good job of setting up some serious conflict. While we still know basically nothing about our characters, the concept and presentation is strong enough to warrant picking up the second issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Jen 'MissJ' Aprahamian May 1, 2013

    Gail Simone a ragtag team of supers a message larger than the story on the page = power combo. The Occupy movement and the workings of Anonymous are clear inspirations for the book's context, but the stories in THE MOVEMENT are very much their own. Simone walks us through this issue while setting up all of the pieces of the next one, and it's clear that we're about to see some amazing character-driven storytelling. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Aaron Duran May 3, 2013

    For all its message of equality, what intrigues me the most about The Movement is the opportunity it provides two talented creators to truly stretch their talents. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Den Of Geek! - Marc Buxton May 4, 2013

    There is a sense that the characters are outsiders with a purpose, misfits who will drag their city kicking and screaming from the corrupt shadows and it will be interesting to see what connections these characters have with the DC Universe. The book starts as an exploitation of the "Occupy" style iconography and core beliefs, but it evolves into a very effective modern super-hero tale, and for possibly the first time, there's something really NEW in the New 52. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - Jordan Richards May 2, 2013

    This comic feels incredibly unique in DC's stable of comics with its premise and style. However, will people actually respond to that positively, along with the fact that these are all pretty new characters? Hopefully they do and hopefully this comic continues to get better as more issues come out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    CHUD - Jeb Delia May 3, 2013

    But of course, the politics are inextricably bound up with the nature of this book, and exactly what Simone chooses to say with it will have a massive impact on its quality, regardless of how entertaining it remains on every other level. Right now, this comic is walking a razor's edge, and it could fall off with the very next issue. For now, though, this is the first really interesting comic DC's published since The New 52 broke, and a possible glimmer of hope that we might get more superhero comics with something to say. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Jen 'Miss J' Aprahamian May 1, 2013

    Gail Simone a ragtag team of supers a message larger than the story on the page = power combo. The Occupy movement and the workings of Anonymous are clear inspirations for the book's context, but the stories in THE MOVEMENT are very much their own. Simone walks us through this issue while setting up all of the pieces of the next one, and it's clear that we're about to see some amazing character-driven storytelling. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Therapy - MrComicBook May 5, 2013

    The Movement is off to a great start, and fans that love books like Gotham Central should buy this series. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Graphic Policy - Brett Schenker May 2, 2013

    While the first issue didn't blow me away, it was interesting enough for me to check out the next one to see what Simone has in store for us. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Geeks Unleashed - Chris Romero May 2, 2013

    This book contains enough action and depth to its plot, cleverly setting up the conflict and providing us with enough details about the characters to make us want to know more about them. Artists Freddie Williams II and Chris Sotomayor showcase their talent well with enough explosions and facial expressions to drive the story forward. The downside to this book? Well, the character known as Mouse, aka the Price of Rats, seems a little cheesy"he's like an evil Mighty Mouse"but we've see very little of him to make a good judgment call. The Movement's debut issue is worth the three bills, so check it out. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Blue Raven Comics - Chris Kinder May 14, 2013

    Overall the book was okay. It is a good idea that could turn out to be something very intriguing and entertaining. The majority of the book is well written and the pacing is good. Gail Simone gets you intrigued with the idea of the movement and what they stand and fight for, but the characters so far are just not very interesting, however they easily could be. The art was average at best and at times felt more like earlier drafts that got into the book by mistake. Honestly, this book is entirely forgettable but I have some hope that this could turn out to be something enjoyable to read. Though I'll continue trying with it, it wasn't fantastic enough for me to disagree if you never buy it. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray May 1, 2013

    The Movement is a bold experiment for mainstream comics, and is something that would be more at ease with the (admittedly disintegrating) Vertigo or even over at the rival Image Comics. Yet perhaps DC, Simone and Williams should simply be praised for pushing the concept of what a DC Comic can be, and building something entirely new. Whether this is a book for the 99% or 1% is yet to be seen. Read Full Review

  • 6.6
    Multiversity Comics - Zach Wilkerson May 2, 2013

    In a way, “The Movement” reads like one extended preview for a series, rather than a debut issue. While Simone throws out a lot of ideas, only some of them stick, and there's hardly enough space to contain those that do. This and a few other misteps, such as the cliched dirty cops and the Movement's questionable motives, keep “The Movement” from achieving “must read” status out of the gate. However, the intriguing new heroes,the strong first impression of Coral City, and William's dynamic and engaging art, make this a book that stands out among the New 52′s standard brand of doom and gloom. If you're going to do a book about how grim the world is, this is a fine way to start. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    The Comic Book Revue - Jay Mattson May 1, 2013

    I want to stress that I'm going to stick with The Movement. Per my interest in Young Avengers on the Marvel side of things, I enjoy teenaged superheroes sticking it to the man, and that's basically what's going on in this series. It's just unfortunate that The Movement #1 is so frazzled. I feel like it's going to be an excellent series going forward because Gail Simone writes incredible team books, and her experience on Batgirl gives The Movement a darkness that's befitting to the theme. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Vanessa Gabriel May 2, 2013

    The Movement is about the people that society doesn't care about and what society's ill-treatment can create. They are angry, self-righteous, indignant and tired of being ignored. It's what you'd expect, but they've got super-powered "justice" on their side and more characters to be revealed. The Movement #1 is a slow burn, but it has potential. It could be the kind of story that we haven't had the privilege of before. Mainstream comics is ready for this. Mainstream comics needs this. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Crux - Cal Cleary May 1, 2013

    Its a killer premise. The Movement #1 is a rare, cant-miss book, the kind of ambitious, realistic storytelling you almost never see from Marvel or DC. Now, it just needs to become a good one, too. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen May 3, 2013

    An adequate opening to an unusual series, severely hampered by cartoony art which cannot possibly do justice to Simone's attempts at seriousness. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    A Comic Book Blog - Daniel Cole May 9, 2013

    The Movementmaybe a title that has a lot of potential, but the execution is off. As a first issue it does what it needs to do, but it isn't engaging enough to entice new readers. Simone is a solid writer and hopefully the book will improve in the coming months. However Williams' art does drag the title down. At the moment The Movementdoesn't do enough to entertain. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli May 4, 2013

    I wasn't sure what this book was going to be about. I assumed it would be more similar to the Occupy movement from a couple of years ago but this seems to be just another super hero team with no worthy adversary. Simone knows how to make characters interesting and I think those seeds are here. Unfortunately there isn't much else. It's going to be hard to stick with this book much beyond an issue or two regardless of the name on the cover. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza May 2, 2013

    As first issues go this just feels like a loosely connected collection of notions, which together compile an incomplete and not particularly compelling story. None of the characters really wow me. The art ranges from decent to confusingly disappointing, and the overall story is simply lackluster. I'm still not quite sure how to process "The Movement" #1, nor do I have a strong grasp of what DC is trying to say with this book, but I know it doesn't move me enough to warrant more than an occasional check in. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Grant McLaughlin May 5, 2013

    There are some interesting ideas at play here - probably a few too many, to be honest - but none of them get anything near enough space to properly develop into something more than ideas. The end result is a confusing story that doesn't really add up to anything. It also doesn't help that the book is aesthetically took dark for its own good. Considering the creators at work here, The Movement could very well improve, but there simply isn't enough to warrant sticking around to find out. Read Full Review

  • 1.0
    Comics: The Gathering - TylerM May 3, 2013

    I never thought I would be rooting for the rich kids, but I was more excited about The Movement's sister book, The Green Team, when this was announced. Now I don't see how Green Team can't be better. Read Full Review

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