The Rocketeer: Hollywood Horror #1
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The Rocketeer: Hollywood Horror #1

Writer: Roger Langridge Artist: J. Bone Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: February 27, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 11
7.6Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

You wanted more Rocketeer... and you've got it! Missing scientists! Plucky girl reporters! Betty and Cliff on the rocks! The mysterious Church of Cosmicism! And who is the sinister Otto Rune? Pulp thrills the way you like them as the Rocketeer comes up against a brand-new adversary in... "The Hollywood Horror!"

  • 10
    Read Comic Books - Nick Rowe Mar 12, 2013

    Bone's cartoony art style definitely adds an element to The Rocketeer that is a welcome addition and fantastic compliment to the animated cast of characters. He nails fashion of the time, every page has fully drawn backgrounds (seriously, this is huge!), and even took the time to hide little nuances in those backgrounds. With a great pair of creators Hollywood Horror will without a doubt be some of the most fun you'll find on the shelf for its entire duration. Do yourself a favor and give Rocketeer a chance, you won't regret it. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Therapy - Cody Feb 26, 2013

    Hollywood Horror is sure to be a hit. Langridge and J. Bone present another great entry into IDW's already impressive Rocketeer series. If you liked Cargo of Doom, I guarantee you'll dig this story 5/5 Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Feb 27, 2013

    J. Bone does some fantastic cartooning in this issue, delivering a classic, borderline-newspaper-strip feel that reads wonderfully. His version of Betty is among my all-time favorites, as he really shows off her sexiness, spunk, and fiery personality. Jordie Bellaire colors this issue like a dream, adding a rich layer of hues and tones that bring the page to life. The only real hiccup here is the lettering, which does some funky stuff through out the issue, like switching fonts mid-sentence when a simple bolding would do the trick. It's a small blemish on an otherwise brilliant issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Feb 26, 2013

    That all said, that complaint seems to be one targeted at The Rocketeer as a concept, rather than solely for Hollywood Horror. Yet this book does feel quite substantial, quite thrilling and quite exciting. Even if you expected some turbulence without Waid and Samnee, feel free to loosen your grip on your seatbelts " Langridge and J. Bone provide some smooth sailing with this latest iteration of The Rocketeer. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Mar 2, 2013

    All in all, there's a lot to love here, in an issue that's packed with details, plot and cameos, and a nice cliff-hanger (no pun intended) to round it all off. Langridge revels in the Rocketeer's world, and Bone's art (while not at all what I expected) is pretty wonderful throughout the book. The Rocketeer - Hollywood Horror #1 has me ready to sign up for a full run by these creators, excelling on both the art and story front, and delivering on the fun that the Rocketeer is meant to entail, earning 4.5 out of 5 stars overall. I didn't make it all the way through the previous miniseries, 'Cargo of Doom', for reasons related more to time than to quality, but I won't be missing any issues this time around... Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Booked - Tony Calandra Feb 26, 2013

    The Rocketeer: Hollywood Horror #1 comes out tomorrow February 27, 2013. Check out your local comic book shop for this and other great comic books. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Edward Feb 27, 2013

    Overall, this is definitely a great start to a new Rocketeer. Whilst it seems to tread the typical themes of “something happens, Betty gets annoyed, insert random monster”, it none the less does it in a fast paced and well written manner. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Den Of Geek! - Jarrett Kruse Mar 3, 2013

    I've always loved The Rocketeer and the era in which it takes place. Langridge and J. Bone are able to capture that swingin' feeling of 1939 with ease and they don't take themselves too seriously. It reads like an Archie comic but with a superhero as the centerpiece who's really just a cool guy with a sweet jetpack and a badass helmet. After all, what comic book reader doesn't want to fly? Believe me when the first jetpacks are released, I assure you it will be at a comic con. Pick this one up for yourself or for the little geeks. The Rocketeer is as fun as it always was. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Grant McLaughlin Feb 27, 2013

    There's a lot to like about Rocketeer: Hollywood Horror #1, but unlike the series' titular hero, the story doesn't quite soar. There's a bit of sputtering and stumbling that keeps the comic grounded. That being said, things may yet turn around and this book could still reach new heights. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Crux - Tatiana Christian May 10, 2013

    But if you're looking for originality or even just female characters taking charge - you won't find it in Rocketeer: Hollywood Horror #1. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Feb 27, 2013

    There's a question going through my mind, over and over again: "Will Rocketeer fans like this?" My opinion is one thing, but will the fanbase this is geared toward enjoy this? I read a lot of Doctor Who comics and a few of them are pretty bad. However, Whovians will like them. It's just the general public that won't. With ROCKETEER: HOLLYWOOD HORROR, I really don't think Rocketeer fans will like this.This book is too weird and out there. Sure, J Bone does some nice work on the book, but that's going to save this book.Overall, I do not recommend this issue. Read Full Review

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