Airboy #4

Writer: James Robinson Artist: Greg Hinkle Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: November 11, 2015 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 7
8.6Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

The twisted, drug-fueled finale!  

Is this a dream, reality, or somewhere in between? All JAMES ROBINSON and GREG HINKLE know is that now that they're in Airboy's world and not the bars of San Francisco, they have to put down the bottle, put away the drugs, zip up their flies-and actually act like heroes. Except they don't know how to be heroes. And if they die, will they just wake up...or really perish?  

  • 10
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Nov 11, 2015

    So, was any of it true? It was all true in some ways, Im sure. Did Airboy just manifest as a shaming device? Did James really come crashing down in a heap of his own self-pity, only to come out the other side ready to do it all over again? Was Gregs penis ever really that large? Or was it all imagination? Does it matter? Read Full Review

  • 10
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Nov 12, 2015

    I have been a fan of the new Airboy series from issue #1. Greg and James create this series so perfectly, while in direct coordination with one another. The series brings back the old story of Airboy, while the creative team puts a modern and semi-autobiographical spin on it. This is definitely worth a read (for anyone over 18). I don’t care what genre you’re into or what you’ve heard about Airboy; I recommend it to each and every one of you, with the highest of regards. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Crusaders - Alan Nov 12, 2015

    Airboy #4 is a proper ending to one of the best comic stories I've read this year. In the span of four issues, James Robinson and Greg Hinkle found a creative way to reinvent a classic character and tell a story that revolves around an extremely intimate look into Robinson's life. Robinson's storytelling was engaging and funny, while Hinkle's artwork never missed a step through the series. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Infinite Comix - Jay Mattson Nov 13, 2015

    Airboy is not meant to inspire pity for James Robinson; in fact, the opposite is true. This series is a gem in Robinson's portfolio, but it's hardly the only one. Airboy is therapy as a comic book without the presumption, self-indulgent narrative that makes sense in context, and Chekhovian storytelling through a superhero lens. James Robinson and Greg Hinkle have crafted one of the finest comic books of 2015, and the only shame about Airboy #4 is that it's the final issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Doom Rocket - Scott Southard Nov 13, 2015

    On a grander scale, the context provided by Airboy gives all of Robinson's catalog a deeper tinge of meaning (go back and read some Starman and tell me that Jack Knight isn't a sexier version of Robinson) and insight into what he's been trying to figure out over the past few decades. However, there's still a sense that the majority of his past work has led up to this. It's not his ultimatecomic nor his greatest work, but there's something finalabout it, as if it were the culmination of a long stretch of both professional and personal labor. Upon review (of this review), I've realised that it reflects James Robinson as an author and a character much more than it analyzes the comic he wrote. But after all's said and done, isn't that how he'd want it? Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Big Comic Page - Andrew McGlinn Nov 10, 2015

    Airboy number 4 is a great conclusion to the mini-series. The end may be a rehash of a tried and tested conclusion, but James has engineered it in a manner that has enough sparks of originality that you dont feel let down. There isnt as much of the balls-to-the-wall crazy humour to this issue, but there are several really clever little jokes throughout that I found very, very funny. I also found it quite a poignant climax that, for all the raucous drug taking, sex, and debauchery from the start of the run to the penultimate act, the conclusion itself is quite innocent and raw. In the end Airboy does manage to save James from himself, and there is something quite beautiful about the payoff that I was not expecting. Robinson, throughout Airboy, has been highly critical of the past work he has done but, James, as a comic book reader and fan I think you can be proud of this. I loved it. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Geeked Out Nation - Grant Raycroft Nov 15, 2015

    Trying to define Airboy is difficult. There's nothing quite like it coming out of the major publishers. It's one of those books that blurs the line between fiction in non-fiction as it stars its own writer and artist and focuses on James and James Robinsons' inner demons and fear of fading stardom. It's beyond refreshing to have a book where big name comics creative use their medium to look in on themselves and I'd like to think that draws the medium closer to the artistic and academic respect it's long deserved. While Airboy isn't for everyone, especially given the controversial second issue, it's one of the most unique books of the year. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - Nick Nafpliotis Nov 11, 2015

    The fictional versions of Robinson/Hinkle may be hard to like, but by the end of the series, you feel okay rooting for them. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Graphic Policy - Karcossa Nov 15, 2015

    Airboy is a comic about James Robinson hitting rock bottom, both professionally and personally, just as much as it is about the character of Airboy himself. If you're not reading the series because of the contents of issue #2, I'm not going to try and dissuade you from your decision. What I will say, however, is don't judgeRobinson's future work on an acknowledged mistake. Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    Multiversity Comics - Kevin McConnell Nov 16, 2015

    An excellent conclusion to one of the best mini-series of 2015. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Dan Leicht Nov 12, 2015

    Robinson and Hinkle end their Airboy series on a high note as both humor and heart are prominent throughout. Hinkle delivers on the actions sequences as he depicts the war efforts against the Nazis. Robinson ties up his story of self-loathing and perseverance in a fitting way to the flow of the story. Now, let's get off the couch and get some writing done. Or stay on the couch. Just make sure you're writing. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Nov 12, 2015

    Ultimately, this series ends with ambiguity, but I think that's fair - Airboy seems more raw and autobiographical than I think anyone would expect, and that's what makes it such a compelling read. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Steven E. Paugh Nov 11, 2015

    Still, not much happens in this, the end of the Airboy experiment, other than a small bout of action, a lackluster sense of "spiritual growth" and some great art, making it less the entertainingly caustic experience it started out as being, and more an obligatory bout of apologetic hand-wringing. Read Full Review

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