All-New Ghost Rider #3

Writer: Felipe Smith Artist: Tradd Moore Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 14, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 15 User Reviews: 11
7.9Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

•  Ronnie meets the mysterious entity behind his possession
•  Is the all-new GHOST RIDER a hero or a villain?
•  MR. HYDE takes on the street gangs while a thug discovers the power of DR. ZABO'S pills.

  • 10
    Comic Booked - David Hinspeter May 24, 2014

    I could not be happier with this series. I'm looking forward to Eli's betrayal. It is coming, in my opinion, because Eli offered what Robbie wants most in the world, keeps telling Robbie to trust him, and the boy has asked nearly no questions before accepting that help. The new ability, being able to march through the shadows and become one with his vehicle is just incredible. With that ability, what else can he do with his favorite steed? It's hard to see where exactly this series is going because Robbie has just as much inclination to being a villain of vengeance as he does to be a virtuous victor. C'mon next month! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Nerds Unchained - Connor Frigon May 16, 2014

    Tradd Moore looks like hes always having a blast drawing each issue of All-New Ghost Rider. His work is gloriously excessive, yet it never clutters the page. He nails scenes of action, horror and comedy in a way few artists can. All-New Ghost Rider #3 is the big surprise of All-New Marvel Now, and I love it to death. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Coming Up Comics - David Melton May 14, 2014

    I'm not entirely sold on the story just yet, but this taste of where it's heading proves to be interesting and I hope that it only gets stronger in the fourth issue. As of right now, I will guarantee that, after the first arc, this story will be one of the best comics out there. Everyone working on it is too talented for it to not be. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    IGN - Tres Dean May 15, 2014

    All-New Ghost Rider is the weirdest superhero comic on the stands right now, and that's a good thing. In this issue alone, the reader is given gang violence, muscle cars, murder, body horror, great character work, and demons of vengeance. It's awesome. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    We The Nerdy - Henry Varona May 20, 2014

    Overall, All-New Ghost Rider is a flat out phenomenal book. It rivals Ms. Marvel for best new book from the All-New Marvel NOW! movement and it's clear that this book is going to keep going as fast and as hard as it can. Tradd Moore and Felipe Smith are creating a new icon for a new era and delivering one of the coolest new origins in years. Buy this book. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills May 17, 2014

    This is a fun, action-packed series with some great characters and great art. Moore's style is kind of insane, but it has definitely grown on me over these three issues. The angular, kinetic style in place when Ghost Rider beats up those thugs towards the end of the issue is Looney Tunes levels of wacky, but it is still pretty badass. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring May 14, 2014

    ALL NEW GHOST RIDER is still pretty new, but it really doesn't disappoint. While there is a question to where this book is headed, the writing and art are fantastic. There's a great sense of justice for Robbie Reyes here as the Rider gets his revenge on those than wronged Reyes. Tradd Moore's art truly continues to be the star of this show, and if you have room on your pull list, this is a book you need to add to it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - King Jan 23, 2015

    Moore and Smith continue to chronicle what has been one of my favorite Marvel NOW! Titles, as well as one of my favorite titles in a long time. This book is legitimate fun, and I'm on the edge of my seat just thinking about next issues developments, as well as if/when Robbie and Hyde are gonna have a go! This is the quality that I've been expecting from Marvel for too long now, and I hope they can maintain this momentum. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Meagan Damore May 19, 2014

    "All-New Ghost Rider" is pure eye-candy with a killer story. Smith and Moore prove to be a winning combination for this fresh take on the Ghost Rider mythos, spinning an engaging, breathtakingly beautiful book out of one of Marvel's more notorious properties. They took me completely by surprise with the story's raw and rough tone; with an intense cliffhanger and even fiercer developments, this book is one hell of a ride. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen May 21, 2014

    If you're in it for pure entertainment, this title works very well, but it's definitely not out to be intellectually and even emotionally stimulating in any significant way. Amicably Dropped. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas May 22, 2014

    In this issue, Robbie Reyes (Ghost Rider) has a conversation with the Ghost Rider spirit, while Mr. Hyde searches for the stolen contraband that had been taken in the first issue. These drugs give the user the ability to turn into an all powerful monster, which is making Ghost Rider's life a bit more complicated. As far as villains go, this one is a bit lacking, but it's still a fun read and allows writer Felipe Smith time to flesh out this new hero, rather than focusing his time on a villain. I'm so excited for the future of this series and if you haven't already done so, I'd encourage you to check it out. Moore's art, while definitely not “Marvel super-hero standard”, is something that deserves a look, and then a few more looks after that. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    AIPT - David Brooke May 14, 2014

    By and large a strong issue. There's some heavy handed exposition portions, but the opening and closing are high octane action that shouldn't be missed. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    Geeked Out Nation - Rob Thomas May 17, 2014

    As I mentioned before, despite this issue having plenty of action and a fair touch of exposition, it still feels like things don't progress all that far, story-wise. I'm sure the usual decompressed, “writing for the trade” pacing is partially to blame. And I really wouldn't want to see Moore forgo his big fat panels full of action and Val Staples' bright colors for a tighter, more compact presentation (which would require a more substantial script from Smith, to begin with). I suppose this is just that inevitable middle section of any six issue storyline where things shift into cruise control for a while. Damn it! I said I was going to lay off the car puns! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Marlene Bonnelly May 19, 2014

    Still, I want to have faith that these disjointed pieces will come together as Robbie embraces his new persona and tracks down those who have wronged him in true Ghost Rider form. There is a lot of potential for this book, especially since the main character’s loved ones are dropping left and right, providing plenty of fuel for his fiery vengeance. The initial shock of seeing such a different version of Ghost Rider has died down, leaving room for me to really admire the budding anti-hero who pulls bad guys up through car hoods and sets them ablaze. If Smith can narrow the focus of his story and continue to bridge the gap between Robbie’s story and the world around him more concretely, then this title could definitely shape up to be something incredible. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose May 15, 2014

    Moore's true believers will have every reason to stick around, but this relaunch of Ghost Rider is unlikely to win any new converts. Read Full Review

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