All-New Invaders #1
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All-New Invaders #1

Writer: James Robinson Artist: Steve Pugh Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 22, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 22 User Reviews: 6
6.7Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

•  Eisner Award winner James Robinson (STARMAN, EARTH 2) returns to MARVEL, uniting with Steve Pugh (ANIMAL MAN, HOTWIRE, GEN-X) to create a unique, modern day take on the INVADERS.
•  The KREE EMPIRE intends to conquer the universe using a weapon that will grant them an army of NORSE GODS.
•  It falls to four heroes united by their past-CAPTAIN AMERICA, NAMOR, THE ORIGINAL HUMAN TORCH and the WINTER SOLDIER-who must now face the future and wage war against the Kree to save Earth.

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jan 23, 2014

    So the good news is, for this issue at least, the old James Robinson is back! Here's hoping for more of the same. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Alison Berry Jan 23, 2014

    Overall, this issue was a strong start to a new series that was enjoyable, accessible, and a bit too short. The double cliffhanger ending was unexpected, but Im interested enough to stick around for the second issue. This story doesnt fit into any kind of box, and being genuinely surprised by a superhero comic is a hard thing to come by these days. Next time: more Cap! Because, America! Pretty please! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    We The Nerdy - Derek A. Adams Jan 27, 2014

    All in all this issue was pretty good save for some let downs that are only indicative of my personal feelings. I like where the story is going and hope that this doesn't tie into any other big Marvel books which it seems like all their books are want to do. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Imagination Centre - John McCubbin Jan 30, 2014

    All-New Invaders gets off to a great start, and despite needing a few more issues to see just how good the series will be, I for one look forward to what comes next. Highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - kanchilr1 Jan 22, 2014

    All-New Invaders #1 does one simple thing, it breaks the monotony of everyday life. It’s a concept that James Robinson seems fascinated with right now, and utilized by artist Steve Pugh in a very effective manner. This should be just enough to get old time fans of Marvel/Timely excited enough to go seek out the rest of this nostalgia infused tale. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Jan 22, 2014

    The Invaders are back and only James Robinson could have pulled it off. With Steve Pugh on art and Guru-eFX on colors, it's a good beginning for the new series. Robinson sets up the scenario for the characters to get back together. The threat bringing them together is not what you'd expect and that's what adds an interesting twist. We'll definitely be keeping an eye on this series to see what happens next. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    Multiversity Comics - James Johnston Jan 23, 2014

    Though it may be too early to say if this'll revitalize Marvel's Golden Age heroes in a way Robinson did with the JSA, or if that's even a mission statement here, it's fair to say that Robinson and Pugh deliver a great blockbuster that, in it's first issue, is only missing a bit more Namor. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Rhymes With Geek - Josh Reifler Jan 22, 2014

    Overall Invaders #1 is a fun first issue and a great alternative for fans a little sick of the expansive roster and exposition laden stories being told over in Hickman's corner of the Universe. It's also a nice treat to see Captain America and The Winter Solider together and kicking butt! This looks to be a traditional action-focused title with Robinson giving the characters a clear threat and purpose right from the start. I recommend it for fans looking for a digestible action series that can take the characters into new arenas without droning on like a space opera. 7.5 out of 10. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jan 22, 2014

    No, this isn't a flawless debut for the latest Invaders revival. But I can forgive this issue's storytelling missteps in light of the sheer ambition and fun already apparent in the story. Robinson and Pugh aren't simply dusting off an old team and coasting on a wave of nostalgia. They're trying to do something distinctly different with the Invaders, and that alone is enough to capture my interest. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Therapy - Kevin Finnigan Jan 23, 2014

    All-New Invaders #1 is not without some faults, but is still a lot of fun. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Marykate Jasper Jan 24, 2014

    None of the elements here are anything special on their own, but the issue overall doesn't feel mediocre. It's fast and sure of itself, with plenty of moving pieces and the confidence to put them into play. Read Full Review

  • 7.0 - Ben Silverio Jan 26, 2014

    Overall, this was an exciting start to a new title. Old school and new school fans alike have plenty to be pleased about in this series. I look forward to seeing where it all goes from here. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Jan 22, 2014

    This issue doesn't bring anything new to the Invaders we haven't seen before. I'd still give it an issue or two to flesh out the concept because we don't know enough, but this issue feels done before. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Jan 22, 2014

    All New Invaders #1 opens up some interesting doors for the long-standing team. Let’s just hope a more pronounced artist is handed the reigns. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Kliq Nation - Timdogg Jan 21, 2014

    Without having any interest inAll-New Invaderscoming into this comic, there is enough here to have me curious to keep reading. I want to see how the first story arc plays out. After that, I'll see if there's enough of a hook for future readings. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    PopMatters - shathley Q Jan 29, 2014

    The original Invaders stories were about unchecked aggression against a morally corrupt force that illegally occupied once free nations. It offered the moral complexity of noir, without needing to resort to any of the conventions of genre. Robinson's story doesn't get there just yet. And while I am hopeful that, because it's James Robinson of Starman and Justice Society fame, we will get a solid story, I'm still twisting on whether the story we will get will tread the same ground, morally, as the original Invaders. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    All-Comic - Nick Rowe Jan 24, 2014

    The verdict: All-New Invaders is pretty darn fun. Throwing a galactic conflict on a group more used to dealing with terrestrial threats is an excellent twist, especially if the villains are an echo of the groups past. This may be one of the first in the All-New Marvel Now lineup, but its already setting some high expectations. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Hugo Robberts Lariviere Jan 22, 2014

    The stiff dialogue and the rather questionable choice of killing certain characters is balanced with the nice art, decent action and the generally entertaining characterization of Jim Hammond. A nice read, if not a bit safe at times, that manage to be rather enjoyable despite its flaws. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Jan 25, 2014

    So far this was a Jim Hammond story. That'd be fine, but Hammond comes off as dull and the dialogue throughout the issue seems a bit overdramatic. I've liked what Robinson has done in the past so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and follow this series at least through the first storyline. This is a comic that seems to have fallen prey to “first issue syndrome” and will likely read better when collected into a trade paperback. As the rest of the Invaders take on a bigger role within the story in future issues, I'm hoping Robinson's writing lives up to my high expectations of this series. Read Full Review

  • 5.8
    Geeked Out Nation - Mark Pritchard Jan 22, 2014

    But for me personally this is just another disappointing Marvel comic book. Nothing about it says 2014. The character of Jim Hammond is a whiny bloke who has decided to hide away in a small town and stop engaging with the world around him. The villain is straight out of Fear Itself, both in terms of motivations and even the look, which is alien bad girl with big hammer. Will the aliens get their weapons, or will the good guys stop them? What do you reckon? As for me, frankly my dear Marvel, I really couldn't give a damn. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge, III Jan 22, 2014

    All-New Invaders is the worst kind of disappointment; one that offers the promise of something great from two talented creators, only squander that promise with less than stellar offerings. All-New Marvel NOW has given us pretty solid first issues since the start last month, so in the larger scale of things All-New Invaders isn't that large of a blow to the creative output as a whole, but as a fan of The Invaders, a superfan of Namor, and someone who was intensely excited about this book, it certainly is a let down. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Newsarama - Rob McMonigal Jan 24, 2014

    Jim Hammond may be the original Human Torch, but it's the reader who's burned in a story with far too many problems. Read Full Review

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