Bloodshot: Reborn #13

Writer: Jeff Lemire Artist: Lewis Larosa Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: May 25, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 9
8.6Critic Rating
8.7User Rating

"THE ANALOG MAN" slams into a wreckage-strewn showdown that will shatter Bloodshot's world...or what's left of it...

Los Angeles. Thirty years later. The new mystery at the center of America's post-apocalyptic future stands revealed when Bloodshot and Ninjak fi nally discover the identity of the Man in the White Tower. Who is he? Why does he ruthlessly rule over Los Angeles? And what is his connection to the silent army of X-O Manowar sentries that police this world, the strange Goo-tech that pervades it...and to even Bloodshot himself?

  • 10
    All-Comic - Jesse Izdepski May 24, 2016

    If you have not readBloodshot: Reborn #10 – 13, take the time to do so. It is well worth cover price, and the sort of story that only comes around everyfew years, if at all. This is a five-star experience that was created for the enjoyment of comic book fans! It belongs in your comic book library. Read Full Review

  • 10
    The Broken Infinite - Frank Rodriguez May 25, 2016

    NadaLemire, LaRosa, Gaudiano and Reber give us a magnificent ending to the Analog Man. It was captivating, cinematic, dramatic and suprising. LaRosa, Gaudiano and Reber's art was near perfection. There was plenty of wonderful color and dynamic panels that really grip hold of readers. Lemire pens an ending that is both full of tension, but makes sense. The shocking ending really, REALLY makes readers take note … making readers think back to the entire storyline and think how we got to this point. Secrets are revealed. This book is just amazing! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze May 25, 2016

    ‘The Analog Man' comes to an end with Bloodshot Reborn #13 and it was marvelous. Character driven, emotion driven, gave us more action than we deserved, and perfect execution throughout leading us straight into the next story being ‘Deathmate'. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Big Comic Page - Andrew McGlinn May 23, 2016

    Part four of The Analogue Man is a great conclusion to the arc, and definitely not what you are expecting. Jeff Lemire has been really clever here, there have been some clear clues all through the previous three parts, but they only become obvious to the reader on completion of the whole story. I couldnt help but give a wry smile at my reflection of these themes; the classiness of the writing really shines through here. It is such a fantastically self-contained and superbly executed adventure, and the outcome of this experience ebbs into the next arc with a transition as smooth as butter. I truly think The Analogue Man will be a fan favorite. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Jeff Lake May 26, 2016

    For as enjoyable as The Analog Man arc has been, there's always been the sense that things are too familiar, too easy to predict. That notion goes out the window here in issue #13 as Jeff Lemire and Lewis Larosa deliver a powerful and emotionally shattering finale. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    CourtOfNerds - Drew S. McCarthy May 24, 2016

    This book shows a ton of promise and sets Bloodshot off down a new road. Lemire clearly knows where he's going and as long as the art de-clutters a little bit, this book could be an absolute knock out in the future. A good table setter and a nice way to get into the world of Bloodshot. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge May 26, 2016

    Bloodshot Reborn #13 is not perfect, but what works work and we have a small idea of where its going. Here is hoping that "Bloodshot Island" can allow the title to recover after a lackluster arc finale. Read Full Review

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