Tony Stark Dupe's Profile

Joined: Oct 30, 2016

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Tony Stark Dupe reviewed Invincible Iron Man #1 Nov 10, 2016

I more or less agree with Tree Fingers Nov 9, 2016 comments. This would sincerely get at least a full mark higher if it wasn't launched under the IRON MAN title and instead was IRONHEART. It's that much of a turn off in spite of the decent premiere. Even considered giving a lower rating just in protest. The Letters Page excuse (read:explanation) for it is just a fail, IMO.

Invincible Iron Man #1

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Stefano Caselli
Released: Nov 9, 2016

From the violent streets of Chicago, a new armored hero rises! Clad in her very own Iron Man armor, Riri Williams is ready to show the Marvel Universe what she can do as the self-made hero of tomorrow. But is she ready for all the problems that come with stepping into Iron Man's jet boots? Where's a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist when yo...

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Tony Stark Dupe reviewed All-New X-Men #15 Nov 10, 2016

The very good art and overdue revisting of Goblin Queen almost deserves a higher rating. But the content of the battle and motivation of GQ just weren't satisfying enough. Should be 2.99 and not 3.99!

All-New X-Men #15

By: Dennis Hopeless, Mark Bagley
Released: Nov 9, 2016

    • The All-New X-Men have been keeping secrets from one another...
•  But when the GOBLIN QUEEN comes calling, they'll have to confront their demons...LITERALLY!
Rated T+

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Tony Stark Dupe reviewed Green Arrow #10 Nov 5, 2016

It's better than last issue. It was fast paced - a little too fast for the art to catch up with it. The homage to Murder on The Orient Express is fair - not sure how BC's cry didn't damage the train or the (intriguing) Trans-Pacific tube that would have been a lot more 'murders'. Odd that they both seemed to leave Diggle hanging too. It was a nice surprise to see Eddie back but discouraging that h more

Green Arrow #10

By: Ben Percy, Juan Ferreyra
Released: Nov 2, 2016

MURDER ON THE EMPIRE EXPRESS part one! Queen Industries new Trans-Pacific Railway is an undersea vehicle that symbolizes world peacewhich makes its maiden voyage the perfect place for the Ninth Circle to stage a high-profile assassination. Luckily, Green Arrow, Black Canary and John Diggle are on board as outlaw stowaways!

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Tony Stark Dupe reviewed Harley Quinn #7 Nov 4, 2016

A decent arc that ends "flatly" to quote R.Hemingway's review. Too much angularity to the art and too much of her newly pushed Brooklyn accent to process thru. Not enough witty superhero cosplay or Arkham injokes.

Harley Quinn #7

By: Jimmy Palmiotti, John Timms
Released: Nov 2, 2016

EAT TO THIS BEAT part 3! Harleys punk-rock epic concludes with her and her bandmates in way too deep on their undercover mission to take down a brutal gang of thieves and murderers!

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Tony Stark Dupe reviewed Scarlet Witch #12 Nov 4, 2016

This was a 20-page dialogue reiteration of recently revealed retcons to smooth out the Handbook magical history of Wanda - just short of "confirming" her inhuman vs mutant DNA.

Scarlet Witch #12

By: James Robinson, Annapaola Martello
Released: Nov 2, 2016

    • In the place where she was born, WANDA continues to unravel the tangled web of her past!
•  But there are those that lurk in the shadows that don't want her to find answers...
•  ...And they'll do anything to stop her!
Rated T+

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Tony Stark Dupe reviewed Moon Knight #8 Nov 4, 2016

My strong distaste for last issue has tainted my reception of this chapter somewhat.

Moon Knight #8

By: Jeff Lemire, Wilfredo Torres
Released: Nov 2, 2016

•  Jake Lockley is under arrest for MURDER?!
•  Is it a false accusation, or has Marc Spector lost control of one aspect of MOON KNIGHT?
•  His mind is reaching its limit!
Rated T+

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Tony Stark Dupe reviewed Vision #12 Nov 1, 2016

And 9.5 for the series.

Vision #12

By: Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Released: Oct 26, 2016

• A while ago, a robot created a family. And all was good. For a while. Then came the murders. The lies. The betrayals. The battles fought. The battles lost. The family lost.
•  And now, at the end, Vision stands alone. He must decide how he will go on, if he will go on, if he can go on. And that decision will shape the...

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Tony Stark Dupe reviewed Green Arrow #9 Nov 1, 2016

The cover is perfect but not so much inside. Considering how top grade and engaging the setup issues have been, this conclusion felt terribly messy. Rushed wrapup and weaker art than before.The only high was seeing it saying -if not so much showing- how much GA and BC are clicking together.

Green Arrow #9

By: Ben Percy, Stephen Byrne
Released: Oct 19, 2016

"ISLAND OF SCARS" part two! Lost and alone on a remote island, John Diggle finds a secret facility manufacturing illegal narcotics, and an eccentric drug king who'll stop at nothing to protect his empire. Where are Green Arrow and Black Canary, and will they reunite with Diggle before it's too late?

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Factoring in the precog powers of Heimdal to this event is a fine concept to factor into this related Event - but TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE. An ongoing gimmick cover, essentially a 20pg flashback of -ironically- different Avengers team, and a annoyingly forced Dr.Doom retcon all contributed to making this a sorry final issue.

All-New All-Different Avengers #15

By: Mark Waid, Adam Kubert
Released: Oct 26, 2016

•  In her short time wielding the hammer Mjolnir, Thor has witnessed cosmic chaos - but how does her human half process the consequences of the Iron Man/Captain Marvel struggle and what it does to the Avengers?
Rated T+

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