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Joined: Dec 31, 2017

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It's rare that I give such a low rating but this was a poor issue of ASM. The "humor" and story by Joe Kelly was all over the place. A lot of action scenes in which nothing really happened. The "Silicon Six" characters that have zero impact on the story or the reader. Bizarre "pee pee" jokes, again. That "love her like a sister" line at the end was just wrong on so many levels. And I hate to say i more

Amazing Spider-Man #20

By: Joe Kelly, Terry Dodson
Released: Feb 22, 2023

omeone tries to kill Spidey and Black Cat. You thought this would be easy for Peter? Nope! The special two-parter from superstar guests Joe Kelly and Terry Dodson concludes here!
Rated T

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Afre reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #20 Feb 22, 2023

Before I give my thoughts about this issue, I wanna talk about this series overall. It's currently heavily disliked by the vocal part of the ASM fanbase, and especially this issue's leaked panels just added fuel to the fire.

Wells' style is very BND-esque. And tbh, his stories would fit more with BND that happened ~15 years ago than now. Especially since we don't know what caused this " more

Amazing Spider-Man #20

By: Joe Kelly, Terry Dodson
Released: Feb 22, 2023

omeone tries to kill Spidey and Black Cat. You thought this would be easy for Peter? Nope! The special two-parter from superstar guests Joe Kelly and Terry Dodson concludes here!
Rated T

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Kalaoui reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #20 Feb 24, 2023

What a waste. There is no end to this cycle rinse and repeat. Dodsons were poor on art and gave a very rushed job. What a waste of time and money.

Amazing Spider-Man #20

By: Joe Kelly, Terry Dodson
Released: Feb 22, 2023

omeone tries to kill Spidey and Black Cat. You thought this would be easy for Peter? Nope! The special two-parter from superstar guests Joe Kelly and Terry Dodson concludes here!
Rated T

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ScottyM added R. M. Guera to their creator watch list Jan 26, 2018
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ScottyM added Tom King to their creator watch list Jan 25, 2018
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ScottyM dropped Kieron Gillen from their creator watch list Jan 25, 2018
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ScottyM added Kieron Gillen to their creator watch list Jan 9, 2018
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ScottyM added Jason Aaron to their creator watch list Dec 31, 2017
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ScottyM added Brian K. Vaughan to their creator watch list Dec 31, 2017
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ScottyM added Joshua Williamson to their creator watch list Dec 31, 2017
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