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Joined: Sep 12, 2018

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Angus reviewed Skyward #6 Sep 25, 2018

Would have liked the original idea to the story a little bit better.

Will see where it goes.

Was hoping to understand a little bit more about the motivation of the grounders (or people that chose to live with magnetic boots on the ground).

It also is confusing as it seems like the story shifted and is implying her father caused the gravity loss on earth. Maybe I m more

Skyward #6

By: Joe Henderson, Lee Garbett
Released: Sep 19, 2018

Now a fugitive thanks to her fight with Barrow, Willa's forced to flee Chicago. What does the rest of this low-G world look like? What terrifying surprises will she face?

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Angus rated X-Men: Gold #36 Sep 25, 2018

X-Men: Gold #36

By: Marc Guggenheim, Pere Perez
Released: Sep 19, 2018

• A special look into a day in the life of the headmistress of the Xavier Institute...
Rated T+

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Angus rated Damage #9 Sep 25, 2018

Damage #9

By: Robert Venditti, Aaron Lopresti
Released: Sep 19, 2018

Talk about a brave and bold team-up: Damage has joined forces with a mysterious top military operative, and now the two are on the run from Colonel Jonas and her black-ops team. With his powers back up and running, there's nothing to stop Damage from killing the woman who turned him into a monster-with the possible exception of one dark secret!

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Angus rated Pearl #2 Sep 25, 2018

Pearl #2

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Michael Gaydos
Released: Sep 19, 2018

From the Peabody Award-winning creators of Jessica Jones comes a brand-new creation...Pearl. She is a master tattoo artist and reluctant assassin for the Yakuza she was born into, with a very special gift taught to her by her late mother. But a secret she has kept from everyone may be her only chance at happiness beyond the world she was brought up...

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The Silencer Vol. 1: Code Of Silence

By: Dan Abnett, Viktor Bogdanovic

Super-strong, highly trained, armed with devastating and stealthy metahuman abilities, the Silencer is virtually invincible. Or at least she was. After decades as Leviathan's chief assassin, Honor Guest put in her time and managed to get out with her skin intact. Now she lives a normal life with a normal family in a normal house on a normal street....

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Super Sons Vol. 3: Parent Trap

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Carlo Barberi

In this new collection, Talia al Ghul returns for her son Damian, whom she trained from birth to be an assassin. With the evil in Robin's past finally revealed to Superboy, it might be too much for the Sons' partnership to survive...especially when the boys find out her next victim is one of the most important people in their lives! Collecting issu...

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DC Super Hero Girls: Search For Atlantis #6

By: Shea Fontana, Yancy Labat
Released: Sep 26, 2018

Mera is the new girl at Super Hero High, and when Wonder Woman takes Mera under her wing, Wonder Woman's best friend Bumblebee is overcome with jealousy. Despite her feelings, Bumblebee accompanies Mera and the Super Hero Girls on a field trip to Atlantis. But when they arrive, Atlantis is missing! Mera is horrified when they discover that Brainiac...

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Quinn reviewed Batman #55 Sep 20, 2018

What to say?

I get what King is trying to do. I just don't think he did it well.

We see Batman and Nightwing fight some mummy monsters. All during this Nightwing talks and talks and talks. He said Batman never liked his puns and then comes up with more puns.

Again, I get why. King is trying to show us that Richard is trying to cheer Bruce up. Good idea. The problem more

Batman #55

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Sep 19, 2018

The KGBeast lives! The Russian super-assassin is back-but under whose orders? Does he have a specific mission, or is this simply some leftover Cold War mayhem? Nyet, comrade-it has to do with Bruce Wayne's recent court case involving Mr. Freeze. Something is rotten in Gotham, and you can still smell it, even if it's on ice!

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myconius reviewed Batman #55 Sep 19, 2018

UHG! i thought this was the same Tom King that wrote the hit series 'Grayson'.
what happened??? did he completely forget how to write the character?

Nightwing's jokes were SO bad in this!
such painful dialog!!!
i was actually almost happy when he got *SPOILER WITHHELD* !
...also, Nightwing getting *SPOILER WITHHELD* in the *SPOILER WITHHELD* was very predictable. more

Batman #55

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Sep 19, 2018

The KGBeast lives! The Russian super-assassin is back-but under whose orders? Does he have a specific mission, or is this simply some leftover Cold War mayhem? Nyet, comrade-it has to do with Bruce Wayne's recent court case involving Mr. Freeze. Something is rotten in Gotham, and you can still smell it, even if it's on ice!

+ LikeComments (45)
Talon1load - Sep 23, 2018

That is the only thing he does and he doesn’t even do that very well.

myconius - Sep 23, 2018


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GhostlyL reviewed Batman #55 Sep 19, 2018

He makes a meta reference to readers' opinion on his stilted script with self-perceived humor 'cause he thinks that'll deflect legitimate criticism and warrant his repetition ad nauseam.

--Let's see if a later issue will include a line similar to the one above to fill the space that should be used to tell a good story, and thus create an oh-so-clever meta-ception.

Batman #55

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Sep 19, 2018

The KGBeast lives! The Russian super-assassin is back-but under whose orders? Does he have a specific mission, or is this simply some leftover Cold War mayhem? Nyet, comrade-it has to do with Bruce Wayne's recent court case involving Mr. Freeze. Something is rotten in Gotham, and you can still smell it, even if it's on ice!

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SomeDummy reviewed Batman #55 Sep 19, 2018

creatively bankrupt

Someone put Johns back in charge before every hero ends up some depressed ptsd addled pitiful self hating wispy frond of seaweed amnesiac with a weeping head wound.

Such fun to read, and all set to the soundtrack of stupid old sitcom jokes.

Batman #55

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Sep 19, 2018

The KGBeast lives! The Russian super-assassin is back-but under whose orders? Does he have a specific mission, or is this simply some leftover Cold War mayhem? Nyet, comrade-it has to do with Bruce Wayne's recent court case involving Mr. Freeze. Something is rotten in Gotham, and you can still smell it, even if it's on ice!

Angus reviewed Sideways #8 Sep 15, 2018

Justin Jordan and Dan Didio started with an interesting premise but lost it fast with the politics and pushing the justified hatred narrative that is the drug of the moron masses.

It is sad they had 4 solid issues and the last 4 have just been atrocious garbage.

Maybe one Dan will realize that the Dark Knight is one comic story, there can be others.

Maybe Justin Jo more

Sideways #8

By: Dan DiDio, Kenneth Rocafort
Released: Sep 12, 2018

When Sideways leads the Seven Soldiers into the Dark Multiverse to find the missing Manhattan Guardian, the whole trip goes sideways (zing!) when our hero gets separated from the group and becomes lost in this nightmarish realm. And just like any petulant teenager, Sideways won't stop and ask for directions, so now he's trapped in the land of Perru...

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Br'er Lapin AKA 20-Ish Ceiln - Sep 17, 2018

Can you explain what you mean about jusified hatred? Or the Dark Knight comparison, I really didn't see either of these things in this comic.

Angus - Sep 21, 2018

Dan Didio, he states in almost every interview he wants to go darker. His favorite comic is the Dark Knight or at least it is something referenced. The start of this comic was a hopeful kid with some quirky friends. Darkness here we come. Justified hatred is Justin Jordan's MO, since issue 4 he has to slip in who he hates from his twitter proselytizing. Either you agree so you don't see it or ignore it, enjoy the comic in that case. Wish it did not go there, enjoyed 1 thru 3.

Angus reviewed Supergirl #22 Sep 14, 2018

This series shows promise. Already checked out on the Bendis storyline for Superman/Action since he has proven already that he does not care for the character or continuity and will redesign and deconstruct it for his purposes.

However Super Girl is a surprise. Especially since this is written by Bendis' friend. The story is simple adventure/journey

There is unfortunately more

Supergirl #22

By: Marc Andreyko, Kevin Maguire
Released: Sep 12, 2018

Who murdered Krypton? Supergirl and Krypto rocket into space, en route to the Green Lantern world of Mogo, where she hopes to find clues about Rogol Zaar and his connection to the destruction of Krypton. Instead, she finds whispers and cover-ups. What are the GLs hiding? And will they go from Green to Red when they find out she's in possession of Z...

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Angus - Sep 17, 2018

I keep hoping Bendis will get caught up and perhaps not continue to pull apart the super marriage. Also I am not keen on how he wants to return Jon to the fray working political racial issues with Jon. That is straight from his podcast. It was really nice to have a hopefuly Superman, Super Sons and Action Comics for the past couple years. I have a large family and sadly live apart in another state, but we would meet up weekly to go over the Super Sons book, Super or Action when it was out.

Nihilist - Sep 17, 2018

I love Super Sons as well, incredibly fun series. I haven't heard his podcast, maybe it's for the better.

Angus reviewed Plastic Man #4 Sep 12, 2018

The writer's personal problems started to come out last issue and are back again. The first 2 issues showed that the writer is capable of writing a good entertaining issue while not directing vitriol at fans on the very pages which they paid for that are supposed to entertain them.

Perhaps one day the writer will try being professional again and just entertaining people. Or perhaps no more

Plastic Man #4

By: Gail Simone, Adriana Melo
Released: Sep 12, 2018

Plastic Man fondly remembers his days as a simple street thug, when people knew his name and respected his talents (even though no one ever respected him). But he's turning over a new leaf, mentoring the youth, saving old ladies from pick-pockets and younger ladies from kidnappers. Unfortunately, when he meets the kidnappers and realizes this entir...

+ LikeComments (13)
Comic Princess - Dec 21, 2018

U r right MJP, we don’t like conics

The-MJP - Dec 21, 2018

Comic princess, Tbh I was just parroting yellow flash and didn’t have any clue what I was saying When I take a step back I realized he’s not somebody I should parrot, especially when I realized I actually liked the comics he was bashing

Angus reviewed Titans #25 Sep 15, 2018

10 pts for being a large size issue. Well worth the price of admission.

You have 3 stories here.

Nightwing/Miss Martian - entering a literal TV. An odd story unfolds that I did not see coming as they did not seem to foreshadow this at all between the two.

Beast, Raven and She-Steel face a giant robot with Raven having troubles with her powers.

Wonder G more

Titans #25

By: Dan Abnett, Brandon Peterson
Released: Sep 12, 2018

The Titans split into three separate squads to combat the growing Source Wall Event threat in this anniversary issue! As Raven, Steel and Beast Boy contain an alien-robot outbreak, and Donna Troy tracks down the Blood Cult, who claim to have knowledge of why the Source Wall cracked, Nightwing and Miss Martian are fighting each other while also figh...

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Angus reviewed Flash #54 Sep 15, 2018

The art in this issue is top notch. The story is a continuation (but end of this arc) to the various forces affecting Central City.

You find out a little bit more about Iris and what she is holding back and what Barry is not telling her.

Sadly it loses a pt because of Didio wanting this constant gut punch darkness on the heroes. They can never be happy and now we know for s more

Flash #54

By: Joshua Williamson, Christian Duce
Released: Sep 12, 2018

The Flash is now the strongest man alive thanks to a jolt from one of the new forces! Turning his jacked-up sights to Trickster, the two duke it out inside Iron Heights for utter supremacy. Will anyone stop these two behemoths from beating the hell out of each other...or is this just what Warden Wolfe wants?

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Angus rated The Curse of Brimstone #6 Sep 15, 2018

The Curse of Brimstone #6

By: Justin Jordan, Philip Tan
Released: Sep 5, 2018

Nothing is creepier than possessed children. Wait, no, possessed dolls. Those are worse. Anyway, our heroes Joe and Annie find themselves under assault from a horde of possessed kids, all under the command of the mystical baddie Slackjaw. In reality, Slackjaw's a possessed child himself, so it might be time to call in Brimstone for an exorcism. Unf...

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Angus rated The Curse of Brimstone #5 Sep 15, 2018

The Curse of Brimstone #5

By: Justin Jordan, Philip Tan
Released: Aug 1, 2018

There's no child's play involved when the Salesman's ledger brings Joe and Annie to another mysterious town that he's destroyed, this time leaving it populated only by kids. So what happened to all the adults? You'd have to ask the town's leader, Slackjaw, but you're not gonna like the answer! Also, Annie might have made a love connection-with a se...

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Angus rated The Curse of Brimstone #4 Sep 15, 2018

The Curse of Brimstone #4

By: Justin Jordan, Philip Tan
Released: Jul 4, 2018

It's time to let off some steam with a classic "water vs. fire" showdown! The fiery Brimstone clashes with Detritus, a 10-foot-tall humanoid wall of Dark Water created by the same mysterious "Salesman" who gave Brimstone his powers! More secrets of the Brimstone curse are revealed as the Salesman's sinister campaign begins to be uncovered!

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Angus rated The Curse of Brimstone #3 Sep 15, 2018

The Curse of Brimstone #3

By: Justin Jordan, Philip Tan
Released: Jun 6, 2018

It's tragic enough that Brimstone's town was set on fire by his own hands, but now... his father?! Turning Joe into Brimstone was just for fun - the Salesman now holds Joe's father hostage as well! Brimstone must fight the Salesman's ice creaturess, the Hound, to save his father from her clutches. But without knowing exactly what his fiery powers w...

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Angus rated The Curse of Brimstone #2 Sep 15, 2018

The Curse of Brimstone #2

By: Justin Jordan, Philip Tan
Released: May 2, 2018

What do you do after you unknowingly make a deal with the devil that transforms you into Brimstone, and you can't stop the constant feeling of screaming, fiery pain burning from head to toe? Joe Chamberlain is determined to relieve himself of this curse by tracking the devil by his tail. That is, if the devil's Hound doesn't get to him first...

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Angus rated The Curse of Brimstone #1 Sep 15, 2018

The Curse of Brimstone #1

By: Justin Jordan, Philip Tan
Released: Apr 4, 2018

Joe Chamberlain would do anything to save his small, forgotten town-even make a deal with the devil. But things get worse, and Joe finds himself cursed with the power of BRIMSTONE. With the power of fire and destruction coursing through his hands, Joe must now track down and destroy the demon he made his deal with before the power he now wields des...

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Angus reviewed Sideways #2 Sep 15, 2018

A good start for Didio/Jordan. All the new villains seem to be large. Unfortunately the initial premise in this comic goes nowhere by 5th issue and is abandoned by the 8th.

Sideways #2

By: Dan DiDio, Kenneth Rocafort
Released: Mar 14, 2018

Wrestling with the perils of a lost phone and a death threat from an extraterrestrial keeper of time and space known as Tempus Fuginaut, Derek James discovers that the life of a hero can land you in the hospital, especially when things go sideways.

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Angus reviewed Sideways #3 Sep 15, 2018

A story about a younger hero that cares for his family and is not a Nihilist by Justin Jordan and Dan "the dark man" Didio?

Too good to be true but it is a good story and decent art. We know it wont continue.

Sideways #3

By: Dan DiDio, Kenneth Rocafort
Released: Apr 11, 2018

Life is moving pretty fast for Derek James...and unfortunately, things are about to get even faster as he is forced to fight a super-speedster hell-bent on destruction-all while wearing no pants! Can Sideways move through space and time quick enough to stop a new villain born out of the recent Speed Force Storm: Killspeed? Also, what better way to ...

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Angus reviewed Sideways #4 Sep 15, 2018

Unsatisfying ending to the initial arc.

You know what is going to happen in the next issue if you ever saw or read Spider Man.

Dan Didio, master of darkening comics.

Justin Jordan, writer of himself and his opinions onto every character.

Too bad, the first 3 issues were at least worth paying for. Past this, not worth the price of admission.

Sideways #4

By: Dan DiDio, Kenneth Rocafort
Released: May 9, 2018

It's not easy being a hero, especially when you don't know how. And when Sideways steps into the middle of a life-and-death battle between Hotspot and Replicant, he's unsure how to help... and guaranteed to make things worse. All this when he's already late for an internship interview? You better believe things are going to go Sideways!

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Angus reviewed Sideways #5 Sep 15, 2018

Justin Jordan and Dan Didio started with an interesting premise but lost it fast with the politics and pushing the justified hatred narrative that is the drug of the moron masses.

It is sad they had 4 solid issues and the this one is atrocious garbage.

Maybe one Dan will realize that the Dark Knight is one comic story, there can be others.

Maybe Justin Jordan will more

Sideways #5

By: Justin Jordan, Robert Gill
Released: Jun 13, 2018

After the devastating loss of one of the most important people in his life, Derek James tries to throw himself into being the hero Sideways to distract himself. Unfortunately, new villain the Showman has arrived to tear those wounds right back open.

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Angus reviewed Sideways #6 Sep 15, 2018

Justin Jordan and Dan Didio started with an interesting premise but lost it fast with the politics and pushing the justified hatred narrative that is the drug of the moron masses.

It is sad they had 4 solid issues and the last 2 have just been atrocious garbage.

Maybe one Dan will realize that the Dark Knight is one comic story, there can be others.

Maybe Justin Jo more

Sideways #6

By: Justin Jordan, Kenneth Rocafort
Released: Jul 11, 2018

Thanks to his dimension-hopping powers, Derek James is having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week. As life-changing secrets are revealed, one missed phone call will set in motion a tragedy so personal for Sideways that no one will see it coming (you've been warned). A can't-miss issue, as Sideways' life continues to go...well, you know.

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Angus reviewed Sideways #7 Sep 15, 2018

Justin Jordan and Dan Didio started with an interesting premise but lost it fast with the politics and pushing the justified hatred narrative that is the drug of the moron masses.

It is sad they had 4 solid issues and the last 3 have just been atrocious garbage.

Maybe one Dan will realize that the Dark Knight is one comic story, there can be others.

Maybe Justin Jo more

Sideways #7

By: Dan DiDio, Kenneth Rocafort
Released: Aug 8, 2018

Reeling from a great personal tragedy, Derek rejects his friends and family on an epic journey into the Dark Multiverse with the Seven Soldiers. With one member lost, the remaining Soldiers need Sideways to guide them into uncharted territory as they confront the deadly challenge of the Sheeda!

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Angus rated Ms. Marvel #27 Sep 15, 2018

Ms. Marvel #27

By: G. Willow Wilson, Nico Leon
Released: Feb 14, 2018

•  ZOE, MIKE, GABE and NAKIA are all-in!
•  The MS. MARVELS? The MS's? Whatever you call them, this group is holding up the legacy of Ms. Marvel and taking the fight to the INVENTOR!
•  But RED DAGGER is going to have his hands full if he wants to lead this ragtag bunch to victory!
Rated T+

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Angus rated Ms. Marvel #28 Sep 15, 2018

Ms. Marvel #28

By: G. Willow Wilson, Nico Leon
Released: Mar 21, 2018

•  MS. MARVEL's friends reach out for help...
•  ...and CAROL DANVERS (A.K.A. CAPTAIN MARVEL) answers the call!
•  But has the INVENTOR's scheme gone too far to be stopped?!
•  And yes: The Mystery of Kamala Khan REVEALED!
Rated T+

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