Kris_with_a_K_Okay's Profile

Joined: Oct 16, 2019

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Slay rated Batman #81 Oct 16, 2019

Batman #81

By: Tom King, John Romita Jr.
Released: Oct 16, 2019

It's time for the big showdown. Batman is calling Bane out. But is the Dark Knight Detective ready to take on the foe who broke him worse than any other that came before? And what else stands in Batman's way, to put an obstacle between him and his enemy? Tread lightly, Batman, because not only do the lives of your son and trusted friends hang in th...

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GMan97 rated Batman #81 Oct 16, 2019

Batman #81

By: Tom King, John Romita Jr.
Released: Oct 16, 2019

It's time for the big showdown. Batman is calling Bane out. But is the Dark Knight Detective ready to take on the foe who broke him worse than any other that came before? And what else stands in Batman's way, to put an obstacle between him and his enemy? Tread lightly, Batman, because not only do the lives of your son and trusted friends hang in th...

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Maniax rated Batman #81 Oct 15, 2019

Batman #81

By: Tom King, John Romita Jr.
Released: Oct 16, 2019

It's time for the big showdown. Batman is calling Bane out. But is the Dark Knight Detective ready to take on the foe who broke him worse than any other that came before? And what else stands in Batman's way, to put an obstacle between him and his enemy? Tread lightly, Batman, because not only do the lives of your son and trusted friends hang in th...

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myconius reviewed Batman #81 Oct 16, 2019

oh for pete's sake!!!
the painfully obvious back-peddaling that this issue starts with
just proves that Tom King had NO plan of what the heck he's doing.

King never bothered to read Flashpoint to learn that Thomas Wayne uses his guns
to make up for the fact that he lacks the years of training that Bruce had.
Tim Drake's lack of reflex skills was just LAUGHABLE!!! more

Batman #81

By: Tom King, John Romita Jr.
Released: Oct 16, 2019

It's time for the big showdown. Batman is calling Bane out. But is the Dark Knight Detective ready to take on the foe who broke him worse than any other that came before? And what else stands in Batman's way, to put an obstacle between him and his enemy? Tread lightly, Batman, because not only do the lives of your son and trusted friends hang in th...

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OracleJack reviewed Batman #81 Oct 16, 2019

The worst part of the book is that it got published. It feels rushed, the twist here is just incomprehensibly stupid and based on tons and tons of pure luck. But the worst part of it is that it clashes with the previous 20 or so issues.
It's hard to decide whether this or Heroes In Crisis is Tom King's lowest point.
What started as an interesting story ended up being filler after fille more

Batman #81

By: Tom King, John Romita Jr.
Released: Oct 16, 2019

It's time for the big showdown. Batman is calling Bane out. But is the Dark Knight Detective ready to take on the foe who broke him worse than any other that came before? And what else stands in Batman's way, to put an obstacle between him and his enemy? Tread lightly, Batman, because not only do the lives of your son and trusted friends hang in th...

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Superheroes for Hire - Oct 16, 2019

At this point, I cannot say Tom King is a talented writer. I never read Sheriff of Babylon, and I only read through issue 6 of Vision (I had no background with the character). But Omega Men was the only thing I've read of his that had a coherent story. Batman has been all over the place, but has trended to garbage. And Mister Miracle was garbage disguised as philosophy. There is no plot, no resolution, no continuity, no morality, no purpose. Just B.S. philosophy, a suicide, and an open ending.

CaptnAmerca - Oct 17, 2019

Miracle Man is the most over-praised, over-hyped book in the last forty years.

Kris_with_a_K_Okay liked this:
Big Brother reviewed Batman #81 Oct 16, 2019

Putting King on this book has been a blunder of epic proportions. It is clear that the man does not know what he's doing.

Batman #81

By: Tom King, John Romita Jr.
Released: Oct 16, 2019

It's time for the big showdown. Batman is calling Bane out. But is the Dark Knight Detective ready to take on the foe who broke him worse than any other that came before? And what else stands in Batman's way, to put an obstacle between him and his enemy? Tread lightly, Batman, because not only do the lives of your son and trusted friends hang in th...

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Superheroes for Hire - Oct 16, 2019

The problem was leaving him on this book. DC should have pulled him from the book 50 issues ago and let someone else pick up all the dangling plot lines. It's not like King is doing well with tying any of it together.

myconius - Oct 16, 2019

i'd go as far to say that he should have never been put on as high profile a book as Batman. he just never bother to do any real research into the characters nor did he set up some sort of plan what to to with this run. it's felt like he's been just making this SH%$ up as he goes, and digging himself a deeper and deeper hole. he's still never bother to answer many of the questions that were brought up early on. with the amount of filler in this run, it's obvious he has no answers. he's a hack.

Kris_with_a_K_Okay liked this:
Nihilist reviewed Batman #81 Oct 16, 2019

I'll be damned, I don't know what worse in this piece of filth of a comic - writing or art. It's bad on every considerable level, from the storytelling perspective, through dialogues, to sketches and inks. It's trash. Just trash.

Back when King started his Batman run, he created I Am Suicide arc - and as I said many times before, I like it, a lot in fact. The final plot twist, showing h more

Batman #81

By: Tom King, John Romita Jr.
Released: Oct 16, 2019

It's time for the big showdown. Batman is calling Bane out. But is the Dark Knight Detective ready to take on the foe who broke him worse than any other that came before? And what else stands in Batman's way, to put an obstacle between him and his enemy? Tread lightly, Batman, because not only do the lives of your son and trusted friends hang in th...

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myconius - Oct 22, 2019

Nihilist - excellent points made on all topics!

Darkseid24 - Oct 22, 2019

I like majority of Black Label titles, but apart from the cursing nothing is in it, that justifies Black Label. Doug Moench wrote good stories& he wrote Detective Comics& Batman both for a while. So I think writers can, if they actually are talented enough.

Kris_with_a_K_Okay liked this:
Afre reviewed Batman #81 Oct 16, 2019

I've always loved JR Jr and his art. Especially when he was on ASM. But now it just doesn't seem right. It seems like he is not focusing as much in this, as he did in ASM. A New Ways to Die, ASM #600 all had better art than this. Maybe his style just doesn't fit Batman as well as it does on Spidey.

As for the rest of the issue. It was bad. Just no. All this being Bruce's big plan that h more

Batman #81

By: Tom King, John Romita Jr.
Released: Oct 16, 2019

It's time for the big showdown. Batman is calling Bane out. But is the Dark Knight Detective ready to take on the foe who broke him worse than any other that came before? And what else stands in Batman's way, to put an obstacle between him and his enemy? Tread lightly, Batman, because not only do the lives of your son and trusted friends hang in th...

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myconius - Oct 16, 2019

if you think you cannot understand anything anymore, King never understood any of it. this mess of a run truly feels like he went into this completely blind with NO plan. ...he's been phoning it in and coasting along on all the praise he gets from the 'Perfect 10' shills.

Afre - Oct 16, 2019

"No plan until you realize you have to give DC something so you make up some crap that makes it seem like it was all part of the plan" seems like the routine King went with this.

Kris_with_a_K_Okay liked this:
Rascal4Hire reviewed Batman #81 Oct 16, 2019

Or minus 1
I've been very supportive of Tom King which was a mistake. I dropped Heroes In Crisis but kept buying his Batman. Supporting him. This is the issue where it's obvious that the writer doesn't care, the editor doesn't care, the artist doesn't care.
Nobody cares but they still ask for our money. Huge plot holes covered with cringy excuses and dialogue.
I get it that Tom Kin more

Batman #81

By: Tom King, John Romita Jr.
Released: Oct 16, 2019

It's time for the big showdown. Batman is calling Bane out. But is the Dark Knight Detective ready to take on the foe who broke him worse than any other that came before? And what else stands in Batman's way, to put an obstacle between him and his enemy? Tread lightly, Batman, because not only do the lives of your son and trusted friends hang in th...

Kris_with_a_K_Okay reviewed Batman #81 Oct 16, 2019

Is this a joke?

Batman #81

By: Tom King, John Romita Jr.
Released: Oct 16, 2019

It's time for the big showdown. Batman is calling Bane out. But is the Dark Knight Detective ready to take on the foe who broke him worse than any other that came before? And what else stands in Batman's way, to put an obstacle between him and his enemy? Tread lightly, Batman, because not only do the lives of your son and trusted friends hang in th...

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