Angus's Profile

Joined: Sep 12, 2018

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Damage (2018) #9 Sep 25, 2018
DC Super Hero Girls: Search For Atlantis #6 Sep 25, 2018
Pearl #2 Sep 25, 2018

Would have liked the original idea to the story a little bit better. Will see where it goes. Was hoping to understand a little bit more about the motivation of the grounders (or people that chose to live with magnetic boots on the ground). It also is confusing as it seems like the story shifted and is implying her father caused the gravity loss on earth. Maybe I missed it. Solid issue, looking forward to the next one.

Super Sons Vol. 3: Parent Trap Sep 25, 2018
The Silencer Vol. 1: Code Of Silence Sep 25, 2018
X-Men: Gold (2017) #36 Sep 25, 2018

The art in this issue is top notch. The story is a continuation (but end of this arc) to the various forces affecting Central City. You find out a little bit more about Iris and what she is holding back and what Barry is not telling her. Sadly it loses a pt because of Didio wanting this constant gut punch darkness on the heroes. They can never be happy and now we know for sure, Rebirth is abandoned. That story line that was connected to Doomsday Clock is gone. In any event, if you enjoy good art, a good story and a nice cliffhanger that makes you hit up google to find out more info then this one is for you.

Ms. Marvel (2015) #1 Sep 15, 2018
Ms. Marvel (2015) #27 Sep 15, 2018
Ms. Marvel (2015) #28 Sep 15, 2018
Ms. Marvel (2015) #29 Sep 15, 2018
Ms. Marvel (2015) #30 Sep 15, 2018
Ms. Marvel (2015) #31 Sep 15, 2018
Ms. Marvel (2015) #32 Sep 15, 2018
Ms. Marvel (2015) #33 Sep 15, 2018
Ms. Marvel (2015) #34 Sep 15, 2018

Perfect 10 for me. The art is top notch, the story hits on all cylinders. The story involves Dick Grayson and his family (no spoilers on who he ended up with) and how a new lay in the future affects super heros. Basically they found a way to suppress super hero powers and heavily regulate usage. The few super heroes they can't regulate and remove their powers they jail in the worst way possible. Nightwing/Grayson is forced to make a decision throughout all these 6 issues/tpb. Does he continue to to support the drastic system he designed or his friends and family. The outcome is a surprise in how they handle it. The series includes many characters from Batman, Superman, Teen/Titans and other comics. The only downside is that the story concluded. This would have been a perfect continuing story for the new DC Black label. If they were to restart it I am not sure where it would go but I would follow it.

Perfect 10 for me. The art is top notch, the story hits on all cylinders. The story involves Dick Grayson and his family (no spoilers on who he ended up with) and how a new lay in the future affects super heros. Basically they found a way to suppress super hero powers and heavily regulate usage. The few super heroes they can't regulate and remove their powers they jail in the worst way possible. Nightwing/Grayson is forced to make a decision throughout all these 6 issues/tpb. Does he continue to to support the drastic system he designed or his friends and family. The outcome is a surprise in how they handle it. The series includes many characters from Batman, Superman, Teen/Titans and other comics. The only downside is that the story concluded. This would have been a perfect continuing story for the new DC Black label. If they were to restart it I am not sure where it would go but I would follow it.

A good start for Didio/Jordan. All the new villains seem to be large. Unfortunately the initial premise in this comic goes nowhere by 5th issue and is abandoned by the 8th.

A story about a younger hero that cares for his family and is not a Nihilist by Justin Jordan and Dan "the dark man" Didio? Too good to be true but it is a good story and decent art. We know it wont continue.

Unsatisfying ending to the initial arc. You know what is going to happen in the next issue if you ever saw or read Spider Man. Dan Didio, master of darkening comics. Justin Jordan, writer of himself and his opinions onto every character. Too bad, the first 3 issues were at least worth paying for. Past this, not worth the price of admission.

Justin Jordan and Dan Didio started with an interesting premise but lost it fast with the politics and pushing the justified hatred narrative that is the drug of the moron masses. It is sad they had 4 solid issues and the this one is atrocious garbage. Maybe one Dan will realize that the Dark Knight is one comic story, there can be others. Maybe Justin Jordan will grow up one day and be a professional. Every story written by this guy changes characters to be a mirror of him. A writer who can't write characters that he would disagree with is at best a fan fiction writer who had enough connections and back room deals the get a job he does not deserve. At worst he is an activist who wants you to pay for propaganda. Coming from the middle east I can tell you, propaganda is free everywhere but the west. STOP paying for it and your entertainment will improve.

Justin Jordan and Dan Didio started with an interesting premise but lost it fast with the politics and pushing the justified hatred narrative that is the drug of the moron masses. It is sad they had 4 solid issues and the last 2 have just been atrocious garbage. Maybe one Dan will realize that the Dark Knight is one comic story, there can be others. Maybe Justin Jordan will grow up one day and be a professional.

Justin Jordan and Dan Didio started with an interesting premise but lost it fast with the politics and pushing the justified hatred narrative that is the drug of the moron masses. It is sad they had 4 solid issues and the last 3 have just been atrocious garbage. Maybe one Dan will realize that the Dark Knight is one comic story, there can be others. Maybe Justin Jordan will grow up one day and be a professional.

Justin Jordan and Dan Didio started with an interesting premise but lost it fast with the politics and pushing the justified hatred narrative that is the drug of the moron masses. It is sad they had 4 solid issues and the last 4 have just been atrocious garbage. Maybe one Dan will realize that the Dark Knight is one comic story, there can be others. Maybe Justin Jordan will grow up one day and be a professional.

The Curse of Brimstone #1 Sep 15, 2018
The Curse of Brimstone #2 Sep 15, 2018
The Curse of Brimstone #3 Sep 15, 2018
The Curse of Brimstone #4 Sep 15, 2018
The Curse of Brimstone #5 Sep 15, 2018
The Curse of Brimstone #6 Sep 15, 2018

10 pts for being a large size issue. Well worth the price of admission. You have 3 stories here. Nightwing/Miss Martian - entering a literal TV. An odd story unfolds that I did not see coming as they did not seem to foreshadow this at all between the two. Beast, Raven and She-Steel face a giant robot with Raven having troubles with her powers. Wonder Girl (Donna Troy for those not allowed to say Wonder Girl) makes some headway with the energy finding a journalist in a basement who has the ability to do high level quantum physics science on source-wall energy and has to protect him from the Blood Cultits. It is a good enough story, some headway is made with the source-wall energy. It seems they are going to be stuck to this one story line for as long as Snyder's Justice League is running. I dropped Teen Titans last week as it is just boring and the angst is set to 11 in most DC's books now. I am glad there is low ammounts of angst and cringe in Titans. Lets Hope Didio lets this team gets more than a few issues together before redesigning them again.

Ice Man (2018) #1 Sep 14, 2018
Star Wars: Darth Vader (2017) #21 Sep 14, 2018
Star Wars: The Last Jedi Adaptation #6 Sep 14, 2018

This series shows promise. Already checked out on the Bendis storyline for Superman/Action since he has proven already that he does not care for the character or continuity and will redesign and deconstruct it for his purposes. However Super Girl is a surprise. Especially since this is written by Bendis' friend. The story is simple adventure/journey There is unfortunately too much focus on Kara's self doubt and sometimes it goes into self-loathing. She is basically a walking powerhouse of a god where people line up to serve her. It would be nice to see a confident Super Girl but I guess that was just for the silver age. I will keep checking it out as long ass it continues to entertain. So far there are no glaring inaccuracies like Superman/Action that pull you out of the story.

Wonder Woman (2016) #54 Sep 14, 2018

No hope, no love, no compassion, only the same Bendis we have seen before when he is forced to write in continuity... Look at all Bendis own creations. Same main character in every one of his own creator books. He is incapable of writing anything actually diverse. He is activist first, many other things second and lastly a writer. Bendis in a podcast shows his typical non-caring for continuity and announces these things for people to ignore. Jon and Lois are gone but Jon will be brought back when Bendis needs a political nail to hammer home. Jon will be brought back to discuss racial issues (like we don't have enough of that in every form of entertainment on every product that comes out). Lois is gone but just came back or never left to write a tell all tale about Superman. Summary... * The villain is Doomsday who can talk and has unjustifiable fascist hatred of Kryptonians. We get enough of this BS from CNN and social media. * Super marriage/Lois Lane's marriage to Superman is in jeopardy no matter how many fans claim different. All the greatness of Rebirth is undone with this never-was hack Bendis. * Jon is gone to return as the same character you have read in every other Bendis story as a angsty hipster douche teen who is not even relatable to teens from California. Action Comics is now the Character Driven Story. Superman is now the Action Comics. Typical Bendis, everything is backwards. The Art is top notch, but that is Bendis connections. Somehow he has been kept barely afloat by artists bailing his boring copy/paste characters, dialogue and stories afloat. Tomasi and Jurgens were dragged off the books and speaking to one of them at a convention you get hints that the rug was pulled from under them. Multiple stories (some you will see in Adventures of Super Sons mini among) others were done but this mental reboot of Superman for Bendis to try to save his failing career is taking Superman in the wrong direction.

Best and sadly the last part of the Rebirth storyline from DC. Doomsday Clock is irrelevant now that Didio and Bendis are on track for boredom New52 style. So pick it up while you can and enjoy some goofy good fun. Also it is entertaining to teenagers. At least the 9 in my extended family.

Best and sadly the last part of the Rebirth storyline from DC. Doomsday Clock is irrelevant now that Didio and Bendis are on track for boredom New52 style. So pick it up while you can and enjoy some goofy good fun. Also it is entertaining to teenagers. At least the 9 in my extended family.

Eternity Girl #1 Sep 12, 2018
Eternity Girl #2 Sep 12, 2018
Eternity Girl #3 Sep 12, 2018
Eternity Girl #4 Sep 12, 2018
Eternity Girl #5 Sep 12, 2018
Eternity Girl #6 Sep 12, 2018

The art is well done, but the story takes too long to establish itself for a #1. Lately these new DC titles have been holding back in issues #1 through #4 and then they let the author go the way they want. I won't be around to see which way this writer goes as the bait on the hook is not enough. Perhaps Vertigo needs to try something new instead of the same rehashes we have had in all forms of entertainment lately.

A series that flops back to the Villain's perspective every once in a while to give the main team a break is not only a good idea, but in this series it works great.

I wish this issue's quality would have continued into later issues in this series but sadly, like a lot of comics, it is just a hook to get you in the door to pay for the boring latter issues. #1 and #2 are fun and entertaining then the same old story pops up in #3 and #4.

A solid issue, entertaining and well drawn.

The writer's personal problems started to come out last issue and are back again. The first 2 issues showed that the writer is capable of writing a good entertaining issue while not directing vitriol at fans on the very pages which they paid for that are supposed to entertain them. Perhaps one day the writer will try being professional again and just entertaining people. Or perhaps not. Pundits don't have to work, they milk people based on belief systems.

Sandman #16 Sep 12, 2018
Sandman #25 Sep 12, 2018
She Could Fly #1 Sep 12, 2018
She Could Fly #2 Sep 12, 2018
She Could Fly #3 Sep 12, 2018

No hope, no love, no compassion, only the same Bendis we have seen before when he is forced to write in continuity... Look at all Bendis own creations. Same main character in every one of his own creator books. He is incapable of writing anything actually diverse. He is activist first, many other things second and lastly a writer. Bendis in a podcast shows his typical non-caring for continuity and announces these things for people to ignore. Jon and Lois are gone but Jon will be brought back when Bendis needs a political nail to hammer home. Jon will be brought back to discuss racial issues (like we don't have enough of that in every form of entertainment on every product that comes out). Lois is gone but just came back or never left to write a tell all tale about Superman. Summary... * The villain is Doomsday who can talk and has unjustifiable fascist hatred of Kryptonians. We get enough of this BS from CNN and social media. * Super marriage/Lois Lane's marriage to Superman is in jeopardy no matter how many fans claim different. All the greatness of Rebirth is undone with this never-was hack Bendis. * Jon is gone to return as the same character you have read in every other Bendis story as a angsty hipster douche teen who is not even relatable to teens from California. Action Comics is now the Character Driven Story. Superman is now the Action Comics. Typical Bendis, everything is backwards. The Art is top notch, but that is Bendis connections. Somehow he has been kept barely afloat by artists bailing his boring copy/paste characters, dialogue and stories afloat. Tomasi and Jurgens were dragged off the books and speaking to one of them at a convention you get hints that the rug was pulled from under them. Multiple stories (some you will see in Adventures of Super Sons mini among) others were done but this mental reboot of Superman for Bendis to try to save his failing career is taking Superman in the wrong direction.

Superman (2018) #2 Sep 12, 2018
Superman (2018) #3 Sep 12, 2018

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