Gio's Profile

Joined: Nov 24, 2022

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Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #1

Nov 29, 2022

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #2

Nov 29, 2022

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #3

Nov 29, 2022

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #4

Nov 29, 2022

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #5

Nov 29, 2022

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #6

Nov 29, 2022

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #7

Nov 29, 2022

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #8

Nov 29, 2022

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #9

Nov 29, 2022

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #10

Nov 29, 2022

This was where ASM started losing me. Judgement Day Axe, totally lame, especially after the Tombstone arc which was really good. Even the issue that had the throwback to the robot from the old ASM issues was really good, alo the Vulture issue was cool!. The next few issues on ASM after this one were good, not great. Then I threw in the towel after issue #14 with the Dark Web crap. But this is where ASM 2022 started to decline for me.....

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #11

Nov 29, 2022

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #12

Nov 29, 2022

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #13

Nov 29, 2022

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #14

Nov 28, 2022

HOT GARBAGE! GOOD-BYE SPIDEY IT WAS NICE KNOWIN' YA! I think I'll check out Spider-man once they drop this Dark Web trash. As of now, I'm done with ASM. Collected up to this issue and I'm just sick of it, lackluster, no story at all. Sorry, it sucks. Better comics are out there that actually still have talented writers and care about story, so I'll put my hard earned money toward that. Total let down especially with the first 5 issues being much better (Though that is not saying much). This pile of dog poop is unreadable, forgettable gibberish, I did not even finish reading it. BORING. DULL. LAME. UNIMAGINATIVE. It all went down hill since the Axe Judgement day stuck it's nose in ASM and ruined the pace. Dark web not only ruins the pace, it pisses all over any enthusiasm one may have over Spider-man right now. Bye bye for now Spidey, but for now if I get a Spidey itch, I'll fare better reading the old ASM issues I have. This new rendition does Spider-man no justice at all!!!

Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #1

Nov 28, 2022

Very dark, gritty, and fast-paced comic. Wanted more after I finished it so quickly! Can't wait to see where this mini goes!

Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #2

Dec 23, 2022

The art is phenomenal. This second issue though lacks the intrigue I felt from the first issue. Nonetheless enjoying it very much and can't wait for #3!

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #10

Dec 23, 2022

Series is still going good, loving it still!

Batman: Gotham Knights - Gilded City (2022) #1

Nov 28, 2022

It's okay, feels a bit water-down. Cool that you get the code at the end of the comic to apply toward the game.

Batman: Gotham Knights - Gilded City (2022) #2

Nov 28, 2022

Improvement from the first issue. Story is starting to connect with the game world. *SPOILER* Court of Owls in the 1800s show up in this issue. Pretty cool so far, not anything mind blowing but consistent story.

DC vs. Vampires (2021) #10

Nov 29, 2022

Definitely the top issue of this series, plenty of great moments to absorb in #10! Still my only grief is, why Nightwing as the King of Vampires? This has not been answered, and just does not fit Nightwing's character to me. I don't like him as the villain, but I don't know that is me. Nonetheless great series for crazy vampire stuff!

DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War (2022) #1

Nov 29, 2022

I really liked the choice of characters for this series. Deathstroke, Midnighter, Azrael, and so many unique DC characters!

DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War (2022) #2

Nov 29, 2022

This is just really nice, it's the characters that make this so interesting, and how they adapt to the situations.

DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War (2022) #3

Nov 29, 2022

DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War (2022) #4

Nov 29, 2022

While the action was fast-paced and fun in this issue, the writing was a bit scattered. There were some plot-holes that kind of bothered e too, but nothing that killed the story for me.

DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War (2022) #5

Nov 29, 2022

Do A Powerbomb #1

Nov 28, 2022

This was the issue that got me back into reading comics again at age 25. Listening to Thinking Critical's Youtube channel, he recommended this comic for wrestling fans. I'm glad I listened, not only have I been loving this series and hope the artist decides to do more and expand one day on this, but I also am thankful for Do a Powerbomb for getting me back into a great hobby.

Do A Powerbomb #2

Nov 28, 2022

Do A Powerbomb #3

Nov 28, 2022

Do A Powerbomb #4

Nov 28, 2022

Do A Powerbomb #5

Nov 28, 2022

Words cannot describe how much I love this short series. Great art, great story, fantastic characters. Wrestling fans, rejoice!

Do A Powerbomb #6

Nov 28, 2022

Flash (2016) #787

Nov 28, 2022

Okay the writers definitely have been reading Do A Powerbomb and want to have some wrestling with the Flash. Does it work? YES! This issue was a lot of fun to read!!

Gold Goblin (2022) #1

Nov 24, 2022

I did not think I would enjoy this issue as much as I did! I have been underwhelmed lately with the Amazing Spider-man run that is going on right now. Nonetheless I wanted to give Gold Goblin a shot since it has a different creative team working on it. The writing is interesting, to the point, and strings you along the psychological ups and downs of Norman's new life as the Gold Goblin. Even with his past sins removed, his conscious is growing guilt, where his past evil deeds are whispering in his ear (literally). It' not only the writing that is a huge upgrade from the current Amazing Spider-man issues, it is the art as well! The art by Lan Medina hits it on the nail and enhances Christopher Cantwell's flow of writing. I know it is not right to compare this to the current ASM run, but I cannot help it as this new series is branching off from ASM into a main series for Norman. My hope is they can retain this quality for a long time, unlike ASM 2022 which was only good for the first five issues and then totally lost it's beat when they dropped Tombstone for the lame Dark Web or Axe Judgement day nonsense. Sorry that's just how I felt. Also to illustrate the superb flow of art and writing, Gold Goblin does a much better job when bringing in Gwen Stacy to show the reader Norman's guilt manifesting before our eyes. Compared to when ASM brought Gwen to talk to Peter and give him a "Thumbs Up" if I remember to say he is worthy or some baloney.The ASM version was totally devoid of any emotion, missing the mark big time. While Gold Goblin uses Gwen's horrific moment of death and the action of it to show Norman's inner torment. This is an unexpected great start to a new series, my only advice to the creative team: keep your focus on your story. Leave the "events" out, don't drop your story like ASM did to Tombstone to rush in Dark Web. Give Norman a brutal, "Goblin Odyssey" of Redemption and you will have a gem no one would have guessed!!!

Harley Quinn (2021) #22

Nov 24, 2022

Harley Quinn is going in a whole new direction and I am very happy with this issue! I caught up on my reading with this series, I took a little time off because I was underwhelmed with the previous issues of Harley. The previous issues aren't as bad as many make it out to be, I got some genuine laughs from them, but I was left with feeling that Harley deserves more and she can be better. And this is certainly a good step forward for one of my favorite characters. I must add that the new art is spot-on, beautiful, and lovely! The art on the previous issues were nice, mediocre at best, fit for a child's graphic novel. Harley should be grittier, with some light moments... The new look by Matteo Lolli is simply great and I pray that DC comics KEEPS MATTEO LOLLI FOR A LONG TIME ON HARLEY QUINN, this will be good for the series. So for those of you who are not sure about giving this series a shot, this is now the time to jump in. I believe it's about to really pick up now. And the next issue proved my instinct as issue #23 was even better than this! Can't wait to read issue #24!!!! I would like to say more but I will reserve those thoughts for my review on issue #23, and the big one I am looking forward to picking up #24 (with the cool 90's variant cover). I am not a critic, nor being payed for this review, or getting any freebies to write this. I am genuinely a Harley fan who has been sticking with Harley even in some rough cycles.

Harley Quinn (2021) #24

Nov 29, 2022

Sorry but I am enjoying this! As the last two issues really started picking up, issue #24 continues the rhythm and is really fun to read for me. I found the dialogue between Harley and Zsasz to work well, and was very funny when Harley forced him to help find out who her murderer was by dressing up as detectives. The comic is not the best comic ever, but it is still a good time in a quirky way. The reveal at the end is pretty cool and I hope issue #25 has a good fight sequence between Harley and her killer. Again the Art by Lolli fits this story, love the style now, and the pacing of the panels are a good beat.

Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #1

Nov 29, 2022

Started off a little slow but picks up!

Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #2

Nov 29, 2022

Great art, taking a bit to get to the point, but some of the dialogue is excellent! Really feels like the Joker at times!

Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #3

Dec 23, 2022

Ooooff! This issue jumped the shark! I enjoyed issue #1 and #2, but this issue turned me off completely. The Joker getting a bullet in the head, shot multiple times in the chest area (as he shows to the doctor he holds hostage to help him), falls in cold ocean water, then he gets the bullet removed from his head with no anesthesia. What is this Saw IV? I forgot which movie it was but I'm pretty sure Jigsaw had brain surgery the same way. I thought it was stupid then, the concept is still stupid now. I don't care if it's the Joker getting his head open, okay sure, he tore his face off once but it's just kind of redundant, it's just purely for shock value or absurdity. (Oh but it's the Joker it should be absurd), too a point. The only difference, Saw is just stupid. But your playing with "The Joker". Feel like he is being thrown around like a rag doll and treated like shit without any good purpose or narrative that is remotely satisfying. That's if this Joker is even the real Joker. Done with this comic, and after that lame WildC.A.T.s comic, I'm not going to be looking for any Matt Rosenburg comics for a long time or maybe ever again. Lastly, the art on these comics are okay at best nothing great. You would think for the Joker you would really try to do something great, but I'm not feelin' it Mr. Crabs.

Junkyard Joe (2022) #1

Nov 28, 2022

Geoff Johns does it again!

Junkyard Joe (2022) #2

Nov 30, 2022

Really good story, can't wait for the next issue! Geoff Johns does an excellent job giving the cartoonist Muddy a real-life feel. Then bringing Junkyard Joe back in makes it a unique tale for sure! This second issue took more time building up Muddy, what happened to him between now in his old retired life from his experience in Vietnam from issue #1. Without too much exposition or too many details, the story gets the right rhythm on getting the reader to relate to Muddy. Losing his buddies from Vietnam who still haunt him in his dreams, his wife who died from cancer, and the tole of life in general makes for an interesting character. Issue #3 is definitely going to get really sci-fi especially how it ended on this cliffhanger, plus Geoff Johns revealing the "Unnamed War" timeline. I highly recommend jumping into this series while it is fresh, it's gonna be a hell of a ride!

Minor Threats (2022) #1

Nov 30, 2022

Minor Threats (2022) #2

Nov 30, 2022

Minor Threats (2022) #3

Nov 30, 2022

This issue of Minor Threats felt like a faster read compared to the last two issues which were filled with plenty of writing. That is not a bad thing, this issue had more action. Which is weird to say because the last two had some great action too. We find out more about Scalpel and why she is the way she is. Some good stuff on her for sure! The funniest part of this issue was when they enter a time-warped part of the city and run all around in different dimensions being chased by different iterations of The Searcher. This was hilariously drawn and almost feels like a parody on "the multiverse" of comics we all know about. The characters are great, most of the attention was on Scalpel this time since she had to save Playtime from a bullet wound. Without saying more, Minor Threats continues to be a very imaginative, well-written, well-drawn, semi-spoof on comics. Yet at the same time is doing a good enough job where it is building up a universe of characters and world setting that is very likable and should be taken seriously! Can't wait to read issue #4!

Poison Ivy (2022) #1

Nov 28, 2022

At first I was not sure where this comic was going, but boy does it pick up!!

Poison Ivy (2022) #2

Nov 28, 2022

Not only is the story interesting, the art is very nice!

Poison Ivy (2022) #3

Nov 28, 2022

Fantastic, the writer really captures Posion Ivy. I like how the series illustrates how Ivy can justify her evil acts. Whether it's for mother nature, or what. But it never turns out the way she plans.

Poison Ivy (2022) #4

Nov 28, 2022

All in all, a very good series!

Punchline: The Gotham Game (2022) #1

Nov 30, 2022

Punchline: The Gotham Game (2022) #2

Nov 30, 2022

A very fun comic read, I really enjoyed some of the action sequences. Got a lot of 90's vibes from this issue which is a good thing for me.

WildC.A.T.S. (2022) #1

Dec 23, 2022

I liked DC vs Vampires and All-Out War, I have all the issues so I figured this should be good since Matthew Rosenburg wrote it. Nope, garbage, no idea what is going on here. Lame art, writing is atrocious. The next issue sucks just as much.

WildC.A.T.S. (2022) #2

Dec 23, 2022

Reviews for the Week of...


