@jwebbjwebb's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: GoCollect Reviews: 2
7.0Avg. Review Rating

Alex + Ada #1

Nov 12, 2013

Alex + Ada is a fun read from beginning to end. The art is simple but yet engrossing. Luna allows the emotions of his characters to speak through their eyes. A raised eyebrow here, a slanted eye there and you know what the character is thinking without the use of telepathic implants, which many of the characters employ. It may not be the most thrilling book but there is a hint that with more to come this world Luna and Vaughn have created could be downright scary. The best way to sum it up is you want to see how this all plays out. Who hasnt thought about the future and the technologies that will be available 5, 10, 20+ years down the road. As we embrace the future how do our relationships fit into this new society? Also, there are android sex slaves and who doesnt like android sex slaves!

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Superman Unchained #4

Nov 13, 2013

I will keep reading Superman Unchained for its talent alone. Snyder and Lee have started a Superman story that is intriguing. I like that we now have a character that is shrouded in government mystery and cover-up. The fact that Wraith is more powerful and older than Superman is a fascinating premise alone. Is he Kryptonian, a friend, a foe, or something else? We also have a new global threat that mirrors todays cyber warfare landscape. With Big Data and Cloud Computing on the rise the Ascension is a perfect villainous movement for todays world. The creative team may not be the best fit but its fun watching them mesh together.

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