About/Contact Comic Book Round-Up

ComicBookRoundup.com gathers critic reviews for comic books all in one place and gives an overall rating for each issue based on individual reviewer's scores. ComicBookRoundUp.com visitors can post their own ratings and/or reviews for comics which are taken into account when calculating an issue's overall user rating.

The aim is to give comic book fans one place to go to for reviews and to also find new sources of reviews that they may not have known about before. Every review snippet has a link to the full review on the website the review originated from. I hope having easy access to these sites will encourage visitors to click over to them so they can read the review in full and find new reviewers they would like to follow.

If you have any suggestions for the site or would like to see your reviews appear on ComicBookRoundup.com, please send an email to contact@comicbookroundup.com.

For review sites that would like to see their reviews included, please note that we only add reviews from sites that include a rating with each review.

Reviews for the Week of...



