@octii_pies's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: GoCollect Reviews: 13
8.1Avg. Review Rating

A Voice In The Dark #1

Nov 21, 2013

Excuse me as I clutch this issue to my bosom indefinitely whilst reminiscing about all the mistakes, hospitalization, shrinks, and changes between puberty and now. Oh, and full score on this issue.

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Coffin Hill #1

Nov 6, 2013

I definitely want more. There are so many questions, so many unknown events. What exactly is this family curse? What happened all that time ago that she sought a different path in life through law enforcement? What is next for her now that she has decided to face the family history she seemed to have tried to walk away from? The witch of Coffin Hill they called her ancestor. A rich family with a lot of land and a long bloodline. All of which are cursed and shrouded in fear. This will probably play out more as a battle between Eve and herself, as such self-discovery themes often are, but I wonder how bystanders are affected by the journey? How many get hurt? And what does that do to Eve?

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Coffin Hill #2

Nov 15, 2013

Brilliant job, team! Vertigo has a real winner here and, like last time, I look forward to learning more. The plot thickens both for our ex-cop and ourselves. What did Eve do exactly that caused so much harm? What is this entity she keeps vaguely referring to? What sorts of things is she capable of? What happened to her family? Her home? All exciting questions that leave me lingering rather than frustrated. Five outta five!

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Harley Quinn (2013) #0

Nov 21, 2013

While I know its mostly for quality and publishing reasons, I am really, really upset that this series is only going to be monthly. I want more already! I wanted more and started writing this piece when I got to the 3rd artist! Just like how Harley is 10 outta 10, this issue is a 5 outta 5.

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Imagine Agents #2

Nov 20, 2013

This story is a great mixture of familiar motifs and themes with unconventional circumstances. As an young adult, I enjoy seeing the interaction between the agents and their wards alongside the kids and adults because I can understand both sides so completely at this age. As an artist, I feel that the art style is just child-like enough to give that imaginary friend phase of whimsy without going over the top to the point of being shown right after Teletubbies. Not a story for your toddler, but a great starter comic for the mid to late grammar school kid (if only for the capability of literacy). Definitely reading #3.

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Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe #2

Nov 21, 2013

Funny, sarcastic, self-aware, yet full of traditional Marvel-style hero plots, twists and interdimensional/inter-universal travel included. Id like to see what else happens around our dear Longshot and if hell ever get that taco he so craves. Not so much looking forward to meeting every single other Marvel hero that has ever existed in issue 3, though. 3.5/5

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Nov 14, 2013

Youll probably like this series if you like boobs and skin tight outfits. You probably wont feel very fulfilled after reading this issue. The storyline feels more like a 2nd or 3rd draft rather than a final product. I might read the next issue out of curiosity and to actually see Miss Fury and Black Sparrow properly interact, but I wouldnt hold my breathe for the next issues release.

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Painkiller Jane: The Price Of Freedom #1

Nov 7, 2013

Painkiller Jane is worth your god damn time because she didnt go through all this shit to get ignored by some punks. Really though, she is inspiring in the way she moves on with life. She doesnt necessarily cut out her past, but she seems to mostly focus on the positive things in her life. Especially the relationship she still has that connects her to said past life. Im looking forward to the 2nd issue.

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Protocol: Orphans #1

Nov 14, 2013

Interesting premise, unique characters, and good ole childhood trauma. Really, though, the tweaks in an classic pattern of action agencies make this debut memorable and I really do want to know what is going on by reading the 2nd issue. I just wish I didnt feel like the 2nd issue would leave me with even more questions

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) Annual #1

Nov 21, 2013

Very interesting change of pace from the old Spider-man stories (formula: Peter messes up + bad luck = tragedy). Superior Spider-mans world is a lot more controlled and somehow also a lot more chaotic. Probably because Otto is freaking evil. I will probably pick up the other Superior Spider-man series when checking out the next issue of this one. Seeing Ghostrider and Dr. Strange referenced from Superior Spider-man: Team-Up really caught my attention. 4/5

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The Occultist #2

Nov 6, 2013

I might pick up this series again after a few more issues come out and I can gauge whether or not Rob goes, well, anywhere in anything. The supposed conflict at the end of issue 2 with lady troubles he pondered, no, pouted on earlier is boring and doesnt come to mind right away. I honestly picked up issue 2 expecting more scantily clad Catholic girls, so I guess the ending was close enough. I dont want to read this series for our Occultist at all. I want to know the stories of the his supporting cast instead. This imbalance, especially when so much attention and time are spent on him, makes it difficult to invest myself in the story. If Robs efforts in school and discovery as shown in the story are anything like what the writers are doing, then I wouldnt hold my breath.

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Umbral #1

Nov 14, 2013

While the illustrations can be tweaked a little, the environment and colors make up for it a bit. The writing is spot on to show the backgrounds and personalities of each character, minor or not. I want to continue to follow the plot- something about mysterious magical things plus unintended female protagonists make me latch on. Id definitely suggest you pick up this book if, at least, you like the fantasy genre in any media.

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Unity #1

Nov 14, 2013

Despite my lack of attachment to anyone in general or specifically, I do enjoy the story so far. I dont feel like I absolutely have to catch up on the X-O Manowar series to understand what is happening. This means that this issue successfully stood alone as its own unique piece of work. I know, I know. Unity and X-O are blasts from the past, technically, but this feels fresh. Definitely want to see what Unity has to bring to the table that Aric has so kindly flipped for them.

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