a long shot.'s Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Vine Reviews: 1
8.0Avg. Review Rating

Red Lanterns #23

Aug 28, 2013

This is still the best Red Lanterns has ever been, and this is what I always wanted from the book, so I find it hard to be TOO mad that it engaged in a bit of pattern holding. Soule is still writing some of the most interesting characters in the DCU and the art, despite being split between two pencil/inkers, is appropriate and fit the titles needs just fine. Theyre also JUST similar enough to be a smooth transition, though not a flawless one. If youre following Red Lanterns, this is definitely a must-buy, but for everyone else, Id recommend waiting for the trade (though you should DEFINITELY pick that up) and I personally cant wait until this story resumes in October.

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