Adam Barndt's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Infinite Comix Reviews: 2
7.5Avg. Review Rating

Green Lantern Corps (2011) #31

May 23, 2014

Green Lantern Corps #31 is a high energy trip getting back to the roots of the Green Lantern Corps and a nice break from the politics that have earmarked the most recent issues in both Green Lantern and Green Lantern Corps. Where it suffers is from lack of depth, and often times hectic pacing with few (if any) plot points to mention until the last pages of the issue. However, these themes fit the purpose of the book in a transition issue as part of a larger story.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #31

May 27, 2014

Green Lantern New Guardians #31 does an excellent job of blending heavy hitting action with esoteric musings and solid character development in an issue that deepens one of the most obscure and unique corners of the Green Lantern mythos – a tall order for a transitional piece which by and large features only two characters.

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