Alex Higgins's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Latest Pull Reviews: 4
7.0Avg. Review Rating

Aquaman And The Others: Futures End #1

Sep 26, 2014

From stilted expository dialogue, to randomly Liefeldian feet, and all the way to the lukewarm conclusion, this book was a dud. In the end, everything comes off feeling rushed. Hopefully, being a one-shot, this won't reflect too poorly on the main continuity going forward. Better luck next time guys.

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C.O.W.L. (2014) #5

Sep 28, 2014

By far the most intriguing revelation from the finale of C.O.W.L.'s first arc is that this has all been a prelude. We've just witnessed the buildup to that fateful moment when everything changes. Only at the end of the arc do we start to realize what this story is really about. This is a story about a man willing to do anything to protect his kingdom. This is a story about the slow corruption that seeps into our world and our institutions. This is a story about the fact that everything changes, and everything ends. The puzzle pieces have fallen into place and the larger picture has begun to emerge, and writ large are the words: to have heroes, you need villains.

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Cyclops (2014) #5

Sep 26, 2014

Now, I know some people are disappointed that Dauterman didn't finish out the run (especially since he and Rucka started this thing)"and I get that, but I can't be too bummed, because the current art team really knocks it out of the park. Congratulations guys, you went big and boy did it pay off. In conclusion, and I can't say it enough, this book is brimming with charm and fun.

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Flash (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 26, 2014

In the end, this might not be the best Futures End one-shot but it's certainly worth the read; doubly so if you're following the current run.

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