Arthur Thomas Jr.'s Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: DC Comics News Reviews: 4
9.5Avg. Review Rating

Earth 2 #12

May 27, 2013

Once again this issue is not one to be missed, and as the end of the Tower of Fate arch it plays a big part in the story so far. The next arch is rumored to be James Robinson's last and with it I am expecting great things. This is a shining gem in the New 52 and it is only getting better.

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Earth 2 #13

Jun 6, 2013

Earth 2 remains one of my favorite titles DC has ever put out. The art work is still fantastic and remains unwavering. Even with this series shotgun pace and over abundance of new characters, Earth 2 has so much to offer without ever getting confusing. So far all of the references being made seem to be on their way to fully developed characters. I am looking forward to getting back to Green lantern and Flash, though, as they do not make an appearance in this issue or the annual. It is nice to see Hawk-girl again and get a piece of that story, plus the cameo by the new Batman. Over all, this is again a must-read issue of a must-read series.

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Earth 2 Annual #1

May 31, 2013

I highly recommend this annual as it really is must-read material rather than a get it or don't story. That being said, its worth it. If you have been keeping up with Earth 2, this will fill in more of the dark areas on your map and perhaps change your view of the characters we know so far. I am very excited to find out just who this new Batman is and how he and the other additions will change the course of parallel history.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #20

May 27, 2013

I did really enjoy this issue and I feel like the set up at the end is a welcome one. I am looking forward to getting deeper into these characters, particularly Red Arrow. The relationship up to the fallout between Green Arrow and Red Arrow will be explored in the Annual. The other big question is, how will Jason change now that the defining moments of his life have been wiped from his mind? An excellent set up indeed.

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