CJPendragon's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: But Why Tho? Reviews: 3
8.7Avg. Review Rating

Cold Spots #1

Aug 17, 2018

Cold Spots #1 is a tale bound to capture your attention and your commitment. Beyond the thrilling fear is a foundation of family and finding oneself, and Bunn and Torres so a marvelous job at melding the themes together that engage them in a pull-and-tug dance of what rises to the forefront of the Cold Spots story, and isn't that what makes it real? The struggle of identity, belonging, coupled with fear and uncertainty? Dan's story has a bit more of a tangible threat to it, but at its core, Cold Spots seems to be aiming itself in a direction that is going to become increasingly human even as more supernatural elements are introduced.

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Long Lost Vol.2 #1

Oct 4, 2018

With tensions rising and secrets about their missing mother being revealed, Piper and Frances are no closer to finding the truth hidden in their past, or Piper's dog, Pockets. When a sudden twist of fate forces the girls to separate to stay alive, a bad situation gets worse. It becomes evident to Frances that Hazel Patch is in trouble and Piper comes face to face with her biggest fear.

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Long Lost Vol.2 #4

Nov 14, 2018

Long Lostremains one of the best horror comics of the current times, and one that would appeal to readers of any demographic. With strong female leads, family values, and mystery,Long Losttouches upon real issues in terrifying ways designed to get into your mind. The creative teamworks well together, playing on each other'sskills and abilities to heighten and push the story further than the previous issue.

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