Colin Ginter's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: On Comics Ground Reviews: 2
8.6Avg. Review Rating

Captain America (2017) #696

Dec 8, 2017

A new issue which clears up exactly WHY Captain America is riding cross-country, as well as properly introducing a 'Villain-of-the-Week' format. It shows Cap as a humble, down to earth hero who just wants a place to call home, but won't hesitate to protect his country. Swordsman offers little in the way of genuine threat but a grandiose plan provides plenty of heroics for our hero. Nothing spectacular but a solid issue from Waid nonetheless.

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WWE #1

Feb 16, 2017

All in all it was enjoyable read. As a fan of WWE it was both awesome but mildly frustrating. The awesomeness stems from the dynamic art style which effortlessly captures the intensity of a WWE match. As well as telling a story that goes beyond the ring yet still ties into real events. However the trouble with using history is that a few of the matches and moments we bear witness to are out of order or misused. I could chalk this up to a case of memory loss but some of it just seemed a tad off. But despite that minor complaint I wholeheartedly recommend BOOM Studios WWE to ANYONE who is a fan of the product on TV. This is an amazing debut and am only excited to see where this goes.

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