Corwin Crowl's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Comic Addiction Reviews: 1
6.0Avg. Review Rating

Blackest Night #4

Nov 2, 2009

I do give Johns credit for not stretching the power level collection through the whole series. Eight issues would be entirely too long to showcase the Black Lanterns who are already becoming a bit stale. Coincidentally they complete their job in this issue as they fill up a Black Central Power Battery to one hundred percent and then it suddenly teleports into the Cemetery owned by the Hand family. The whole suspense and reveal of the mastermind behind the Black Lanterns felt a bit neutered. DC spoiled the identity of said mastermind a few months back and even dedicated a cover of the Previews Catalogue to it. In a bizarre twist the main villain resurrects all the dead and buried people of Coast City and it makes me ponder a few things. Could the Guardians have known something about this Cemetary and/or Coast City which is why they did not want Hal to rebuild it after it was destroyed by Mongul (I) and Cyborg Superman? I am sure Johns has something else up his sleeve to blow our m

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