Daniel W.'s Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics Bulletin Reviews: 1
4.0Avg. Review Rating

Thefinal and perhaps mostcringeworthy chapter of this annualwas written bywrestler-turned-mma fighter-turned comic book writer Phil CM Punk Brooks. To keep it brief, it was garbage. A story dealing with what we would picture frat boy college dorm Thorpre-Mjolnir acquisition spending his nights In a tavern. Drinking his eyes out. It wouldnt be so bad except for the fact that itwas meant as a comedy/spoof that you might see on Adult Swim, where the punchline of all the characters would be them passing out and saying Whyyyyyy!?!? Yeah.Whyyyyyyy did I read this? Right because Im a devout Thor fan and Jason Aarons chapter is worth the price of admission alone.- Daniel W.

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