DJ Tanner's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Pop Culture Uncovered Reviews: 2
7.0Avg. Review Rating

Avengers & X-Men: Axis #7

Dec 11, 2014

In terms of the story itself, the plot is largely what Remender has been building up to all along, and for all the criticisms I have for the comic, when it gets to the plot threads Remender has been building to: like Deadpool and Evan it works really well. However, it's hard not to see the book as largely a launching pad for tie-ins, while it's understandable that would happen in an event designed to sell comics, when those tie-ins overwhelm the flow of the story, it's doing more harm than good.

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Southern Bastards #6

Dec 11, 2014

While it's easy to say that Jason Aaron has a few themes he likes to rehash (namely father/son relationships), he can write the hell out of people. And if you don't like people, well you can enjoy one of the best artists in comic with Jason Latour. For me that is quite frankly enough. Well" That and the amazing letters pages with the recipes.

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