EJ G.'s Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: ComicBuzz Reviews: 6
9.0Avg. Review Rating

Trinity (2016) #1

Nov 2, 2016

All in all this was a great issue and I'm excited to see what this brings to the Rebirth series. There wasn't much action but it didn't need to be, the pay off in future issues will be well worth it. Manapul delivers a strong performance as writer and artist and I hope he stays attached to the series for a while! I give it a 10/10, my first perfect score!

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Wonder Woman (2016) #3

Aug 26, 2016

Steve Trevor also makes an appearance in the issue in the same jungle as Wonder Woman. The two will finally meet again in present day. Wonder Woman #3, like its predecessors, has proven to be one of the best stories of the Rebirth series. Readers get a deeper look into Wonder Woman and Cheetah. Wonder Woman's compassion and love for her fellow woman shines through each page along with the tragic story that is Cheetah's backstory. The deep and rich texture of the artwork allows Wonder Woman's story to really stand out amongst the other characters' ongoing series, thanks to the work of Sharp and colorist Laura Martin. The use of traveling between past and present throughout issues really increases the anticipation of how everything plays out in both periods. I look forward to the follow up of this, as well as the next issue, which will cover the first meeting of Steve Trevor & Wonder Woman.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #12

Dec 15, 2016

I often find myself calling her Diana more than Wonder Woman these days solely due to the stories told in the rebirth series. Scott & co. took a goddess and toned her down to one of the most human and relatable characters I've seen in the superhero genre this year. What this issue and entire series taught me was that its not about how much action you can jam pack into a comic but that good story telling and writing coupled with spot on artwork and most importantly, being a fan of what you're doing are all what makes a successful comic book.

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Suicide Squad: Rebirth #1

Aug 26, 2016

Overall, Suicide Squad: Rebirth was a great read with a lot of promising material to be used in the near future. The bomb can play a very interesting part as this series continues seeing as how it could be a devastating weapon against the Justice League. The moments between characters were succinct and successful in their attempts to keep readers intrigued enough for upcoming stories. There were times when the dialogue came off as clich but it didn't damper the story. What has been your favorite Rebirth comic series so far? Comment below!

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The Belfry (One Shot) #1

Jan 27, 2017

The artwork is very dark and rugged, much like the story. There were even times where what's going on in the comic is a bit hard to follow but the writing swiftly comes in and keeps the reader honed in on the rough path through the island. The artwork isn't too far removed from what we've seen from him. It's still heavily inked, but Belfry is much darker and full of grit. Although I initially didn't take to the artwork, a shift from Hardmans usual style, it served a purpose and fully complemented the story like all great comic books.

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Justice League: Rebirth #1

Aug 15, 2016

Justice League: Rebirth #1 is a good read and can be the start of something truly epic and exciting for DC'sRebirthseries. Its easy to pick up on without having read the other solo titles and kept my interest in whats to come.

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