Eric Italiano's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comicsverse Reviews: 2
8.0Avg. Review Rating

Batman: Arkham Knight: Genesis #1

Sep 9, 2015

Arkham Knight Genesis #1 is without question a strong opening to what looks like it may be the new, defining story of Jason Todd. Highlighting his childhood and ascension to the cape of Robin, Genesis #1 adds depth and layers to the character that the video game it is based off of severely failed to do. Had the BATMAN: ARKHAM KNIGHT video game included this telling of Todd's upbringing, it would have added emotional layers to Todd that he truly needed in order to become a great villain. Aside from a couple of cliched one-liners, I thought this comic was wonderfully entertaining, and would highly recommend picking it up before the second issue is released.

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Batman: Arkham Knight: Genesis #2

Sep 22, 2015

While I found the first issue to be significantly more emotionally layered and plot driven, the second issue of BATMAN ARKHAM KNIGHT: GENESIS doesjustenough to keep me engaged with the story. I will definitely be picking up issue #3, as I expect it to find the right balance of retrospecting and advancing the plot forward. Ultimately, this series is focusing on the tragic relationship of Bruce Wayne and Jason Todd, which so far, they have nailed. Jason Todd's death is Batman's greatest defeat, and fleshing out the origins of the two is something I find to be remarkably compelling.

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