Eric Mesa's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Entertainment Fuse Reviews: 1
7.0Avg. Review Rating

Astonishing X-Men (2004) #52

Jul 25, 2012

I'm torn because I really enjoy what Marjorie Liu is doing with this book. I need to reduce the number of comics I collect per month so I wanted to trade wait on this book. And, as you can see from this review, Astonishing X-Men (at least this arc) would work better as a trade anyway. But if too many people trade wait, the sales drop and Marvel will either cancel the book or take Liu off. I think you should be reading this book - it's one of the most undersold X-Men books out there. But this is not exactly the best issue to jump on. See if you can grab the last few issues at your local comic book shop and see what you think.

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