Fred Sarra's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics Bulletin Reviews: 3
7.3Avg. Review Rating

Avengers (1998) #77

Feb 23, 2004

OK, lets face it, the book is 50 cents. We are not talking a huge investment here, and if any of you out there are like me, after the Nightcrawler arc of Uncanny it still seemed like a gamble to me at any price. However, after giving this first installment a fair read, I can honestly say this book would be a solid buy at the $2.99 price point. If you havent already picked it up, go grab one. It will be the best fifty cents youve spent in a long time.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #510

Feb 25, 2004

This isnt your raw, edgy title that we are seeing a lot of these days. This is still, and likely will remain so, Marvels mainstream family book. That being said, if you like stories about friendship, love, and loss, this book is most likely for you. If your tastes lean more towards a grittier, more realistic, cynical view of the world today, well then you probably werent reading the FF to begin with. While I respect and value the opinions of the other reviewers on the site, if I could only buy one comic book a month, this would be it.

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Silver Surfer (2003) #5

Feb 23, 2004

At this time I do not feel that this current Surfer title is living up to the potential that it displayed when it was launched. Certainly the change in artists gave it a new look, but also it feels that this first arc is being stretched. Could it be that they want to take this setup out to six issues to make it more trade friendly? If so I feel it is a grave mistake. As a big Surfer fan already, I knew that I would give this title as much chance as anybody, but I am just about out of patience.

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