JeffCook's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Fanboy Buzz Reviews: 2
7.0Avg. Review Rating

Starborn #1

Jan 23, 2011

Issue one sets up the drama to come, and I admit it has me interested. The characters are interesting and the set-up promises lots of action to come. I felt a little like this was a storyline I've seen played out before, but I hope the series goes beyond the journey-to-distant-stars-and-discover-your-destiny premise. Roberson and Randolph are careful not to tell too much up front, playing out the story at a good pace and setting the stage for us to follow hapless Benjamin as he sets out on a cosmic quest. I'm along for the ride, and hope the story takes me, and every other reader who grew up with Stan and really want to see these series' succeed, to places where we haven't been before.

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Starborn #2

Feb 21, 2011

The issue ends with a cliffhanger that leaves me eagerly awaiting the next chapter. Roberson and Randolph have kicked things up a notch and the result is quickly moving up my must-read list.

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