Jen 'MissJ' Aprahamian's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Vine Reviews: 4
8.0Avg. Review Rating

Morning Glories #26

Apr 24, 2013

Like a hydra, MORNING GLORIES sprouts two new questions for every answer that Spencer and Eisma deign to reveal. It's frustrating, but in a good way -- they're clearly playing the long game, and when the series comes to a close, finding out how all of the pieces fit together will be a very sweet payoff. In the meantime, it's a compelling puzzle, and Season Two is starting off with just as much intrigue as Season One.

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Polarity #2

May 1, 2013

POLARITY is still an interesting read, especially with the new twist that the story involves superpowers, but Issue #2 just doesn't bring it as strongly as Issue #1 did. Half the story awaits in the remaining two issues, and I'll be keeping up just to see how much of this was real and how much was the product of Tim's fluctuating brain chemistry. I'm hoping to see him truly step into the hero role he's been set to play; the payoff will be much stronger if he ditches the shallow stuff and do something of significance.

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Ten Grand #1

May 1, 2013

Ten Grand is one of those stories that hasn't been excessively hyped, so it might slip under your radar for the first issue. Don't let it. Joe (the Joe in the story, not to be confused with the author or the name of the imprint itself) is a complex and fascinating antihero, and the series calls to mind Constantine and Dante and every great revenge story I've ever encountered. TEN GRAND is mysterious and familiar at the same time, and the beautifully painted pages charge the narrative with emotion. I'm anxious to see where the story takes us, and curious how many times Joe will die before he reaches the end of his path -- and whether he'll get to truly be with Laura again.

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The Movement #1

May 1, 2013

Gail Simone a ragtag team of supers a message larger than the story on the page = power combo. The Occupy movement and the workings of Anonymous are clear inspirations for the book's context, but the stories in THE MOVEMENT are very much their own. Simone walks us through this issue while setting up all of the pieces of the next one, and it's clear that we're about to see some amazing character-driven storytelling.

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