Joe Pryde's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Project-Nerd Reviews: 2
7.5Avg. Review Rating

Red Sonja (2016) #1

Jan 18, 2016

Dynamite publishing has brought one of pop culture's favorite risqu, and brutal heroines into a familiar landscape with a new look. The first issue provided us with an in-depth look into Sonja's psyche, an underlying mystery, and enough action to keep any Red Sonja fans interested. However, going forward the series has to be careful and not exclude new readers. The first issue is a great jumping on point for newbies, but the following issues have to take Red Sonja in a fresh direction. Time will only tell if Red Sonja can follow in other heroine's footsteps with drawing in new readers.

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Seduction of the Innocent #1

Dec 5, 2015

Besides a few stumbles, Seduction of the Innocentstarts strong. The comic book follows all the typical beats of the crime genre. It features beautiful colors on top of some fairly crafted art. The story really ropes the reader in by the issue's end. Regardless of the art's shortcomings and lack of a hook, the first issue is definitely worth a read. Jennings and company don't know the mystery they're about to uncover, both about the mysterious vanishings and his haunted past. It's no doubt Andre Parks and Esteve Polls are taking readers on a ride that'll be both nostalgic and satisfying.

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