Jordan Glazer's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics Bulletin Reviews: 5
7.6Avg. Review Rating

All-New X-Men #30

Aug 19, 2014

The issue, while a nice break, feels like nothing more than treading water. It's got three uncompelling stories, decent to unbearable dialogue and the beautiful art is ruined by a mismatched colorist. It really does feel like the worst kind of filler, the kind that doesn't really do anything that couldn't be accomplished in other issues.

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Astro City (2013) #14

Sep 17, 2014

Astro City issues fourteen and fifteen is probably my favorite story since the relaunch of the title. It's not as grand as the Winged Victory story or as fun as the Gentlemen Bandit story, but it is Astro City doing what Astro City does best. It looks at a superhero universe in an interesting and unique way that many people probably haven't thought about.

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Gotham By Midnight #1

Dec 2, 2014

Batman books these days are a dime a dozen, if DC cancels one you can more then expect that another three will be just around the corner. So it takes a lot to get me really excited about a new book being added to the Batman universe, but Gotham By Midnight manages to do so in spades. It has a great writer who is well versed in things he is writing about and a artist that almost seems born to draw a book like this. Do not miss the chance to pick up this wonderfully different and unique addition to the Dark Knight's universe.

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Hulk (2014) #5

Aug 19, 2014

While the Hulks return to his own series does have a few bumps in terms of its pacing and content, it's still a good jumping on point for anyone interested in following The Hulk into his new status quo. The story does leave a lot of mystery and intrigue for new readers, and veteran Hulk fans will enjoy the Mr. Fixit-like change to the Hulk's character. I'm sure we will get back to the "HULK SMASH" version sooner or later, but for now this is an interesting curve ball in the Hulk's history.

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Lazarus #10

Aug 12, 2014

Lazarus in its short time on the stands has managed to become one of Image Comics' best ongoing series. This issue is a great sampling of everything that Lazarus has in store for fans and new readers alike. It's an interesting world with interesting characters and perfectly matched art. Image has been on a roll for the last year or so with great books like Sex Criminals, Saga and East of West. And I am happy to say that Lazarus is just as good or maybe even better then all three of those great series.

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