Justin Wright's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Bounding Into Comics Reviews: 4
6.8Avg. Review Rating

Back to the Future #1

Oct 22, 2015

Much like the films, Gale delivers a story that is fun for all ages in Back to the Future #1. But the antics and plot don't quite make for a fully formed narrative. It's quite likely that these stories may be fleshed out a little more over the five issue run of this miniseries. It doesn't quite hit 88 miles per hour, but lightning doesn't always strike the same clock tower, and it's just enough to get to spend time with these characters again. Hopefully we'll get some better development in the following issues. It's only a slightly rocky start, but where we're going we don't need roads. Happy reading!

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Faster than Light #3

Nov 11, 2015

Faster Than Light is worth checking out for the AR experience and art alone. But it has real potential to explore many of the same tropes of the sci-fi horror genre that makes us fear the unknown in the cold and the dark, and all the ways that we can die in space.

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Spider-Man 2099 (2015) #1

Oct 17, 2015

William Sliney is finally starting to get a hold out how to draw Miguel in action. He will still probably never fill the shoes of Rick Leonardi (variant cover above) though. In my opinion, his style for the character and ability to successfully express a full range of facial emotions is superb. The backgrounds look especially nice, and each change in setting starts after a page turn, which allows for a smooth flow of the story. All in all though, I liked it quite a bit. I will definitely be picking up the next issue. Then again, that wasn't really in question. till next time, happy reading!

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Unity #23

Oct 15, 2015

The art work is solid in this book. Diego Bernard doesn't phone in a single panel and I was not once confused by anything I was seeing. The story by James Asmus was tight and relatively easy to follow. But as a new reader of Unity, and Valiant in general, I don't know these characters. I don't know their backgrounds or stories, I'm not invested in this Armor Hunter's story, and this issue gave me no reason to care about or root for any of these characters. This isn't a book I'd recommend for a newcomer to this universe necessarily. But if you know and like reading these characters, you'll probably enjoy reading this issue and part 2, next month in issue #24.

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