Kandou Erik's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Book Revolution Reviews: 1
2.5Avg. Review Rating

Superman (2006) #713

Jul 19, 2011

The Superman franchise reboots after Superman#714 -- so the Grounded story arc is pretty much our goodbye to the Man of Steel. (At least this version of him). I really do not think I would have minded this story line being the swan song of the series, if only it has been allowed to continue successfully with what Chris Roberson was doing before DC sideswiped him. We are obviously going to get an ending to the story arc next issue - but it just feels like it has all been monumentally ruined because of the total screw up on DC's part last issue. Frankly, I am quite mad about that. This has been a flawed story arc from the beginning -- but the premise at its core was good, and despite the shaky start, Chris Roberson was managing to make the story better than I thought possible. DC just had to go and ruin everything.

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